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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. You called hukuna... you...you... Ask not for whom the bell tolls, my friend... it tolls for thee. Also, regarding mega evolution, are we going to operate under the assumption that basically for all those that don't have official ones, and hence, don't have any standard artwork for them or anything, each member of a species has it's unique appearance when mega evolved? (So like, all charizards would either be able to mega evo to Charizard X or Y, and more or less have a standard appearance, but things like Tentacruel or Gandbull or Monferno, etc, would have slightly varying appearances. since this would be a lot easier than just say, making one standard appearance for all the mons that don't have one out of all the possible ones... you'd have to do it hundreds of times, and it's just a huge waste of time... in comparison to letting Players just go out on google and select the one they personally like best for individual use.) Also, even though stats don't really matter as much here as they're relagated to just more or less general feels for a speicies overall strength (Or at least that's what I've gotten so far), still, who decides which stats get boosted for, again, all those species which don't have anything? does it by defualt funnel all into the stats that species is naturally strongest in? (EX, flygon would get better physical strength and raw speed and minor boost to other stats, Pikachu would get speed and special attack, so on and so forth) Sorry If i'm starting to sound a bit nitpicky here or anything, just wanna make sure we have the rules for this down now so that it doesn't become an issue later... since already mega evolution is an option for some of those playing fully evolved mons/ mons with no evo line in the story.
  2. I've gone ahead and compiled the info on all my characters into my first post (Post number 39 on page 2) here and changed a few minor details. Will keep it updated as necessary from this point onward. Also, question: are we free right now to draft PCs belonging to the 2 new kingdoms, or do you intend to do some sort of formal introduction or something before you give us the go ahead?
  3. Oh... damn, that's right, forgot there was a Suicune in the picture... But he'd have to put it all out manually,,, cause no rain fall and all that lovely business with Airlock being able to suppress all weather. Anyways, I'll take this time while we're waiting to go and do a bit more work on backstory and such...especially work for Freya. And should probably flesh out a few things for Azauqyar's personality while I am it too... though I can see an obvious soft spot for children, underneath all the arrogance and the brutality and blood and fire...go figure.
  4. It's time to tackle PSS again. It has been a long while...but I am ready *cracks knuckles vehemently*

    1. Sutoratosu


      And by "Tackle" I mean set up an entirely new plot set as a modern fantasy and just rework and flesh out a bunch of old characters and transfer them over

    2. Sutoratosu


      It's been a long ass time since I've ventured into that OOC thread though...

  5. Machamp, calling it now... And indeed. that was fast as hell... so fast that there are a few players who actually never even posted once. And yeah, don't rush chapter 2, you two, be sure that everything's ready before you go ahead and put it up. Haste makes waste.
  6. Well damn... was just about to post how Azauqyar just started heading home while burning up the forest with Flamethrower as he went... annnnnnd got ninja'd. Oh well... next time... next time. And he got some intel on tactics out of it, so... guess it wasn't for nothing. That forest though... It gonna get burniated...
  7. Ha, lols... no one seems to have noticed the fact that Azauqyar is completely alone out there... Though, in all fairness, what sky has at the moment is one Pissed off Rayquaza with a full Mikado Organ and a vendetta to pursue, so... guess that could still do a number by itself in any situation... though I honestly don't what he'll do right now... My guess is it's a female Rayquaza. just off the top of my head
  8. hey, does the dark blast of energy give a seriously bad case of the feels, like the scales do when they're destroyed, or is it more sheer damage oriented than anything else?
  9. I don't think there's really any big issues or anything, just that there are kinda a lot of things that need tending to and addressing here, hence all the talk you've probably been seeing in this. All in all, I don't think it's anything really major as it's just development talk and not like there are any flames starting to fly.
  10. I'm so tempted to throw in an appearance of the Arcana of Death, just as coup de grace for it all... but I think I've done enough with the fore shadowing on the matter. Now I just have to remember to get around to editing some of the narration and character POVs in the battle to make them better fit with the past events.
  11. {Jacob and Mareek} "Yeah, well, I'll see about it, I guess..." Mareek said, still obviously preoccupied with the sense of foreboding about the whole thing he could feel even now. He tried to shake it off though, backing away and heading towards the counter. "Though... if you just ask after this whole thing with the cup is over, you'll probably get the fight you want. But I'm not doing it like this. Not in this type of setting and atmosphere. Anyways, I've got a cripple to tend to, so... see ya."
  12. Azauqyar "And that is most likely why they were assembled..." he sighed, just now noticing Water Kingdom forces had arrived to attempt a siege of the place. "There goes my justification... but I think I have a better plan now. Yes, a far better one." With a roar the platoon of Elder Wyrms each shot back up into the heavens and out of sight beyond the clouds, leaving the two opposing armies to lay waste to each other and the city... "Why not go for the path of least resistance, and route them all at once when they're bruised and bloodied from fighting each other first? Yes, fabulous, I can see this working well... Have at it, you dogs of war- kill each other like there's no tomorrow so I may kill all who yet live in the end!"
  13. This. Right here. This is fucking awesome.

    1. Felicity


      Of all the people to link me this, I did not expect it of you.

    2. Hexagoen


      this is beautiful

  14. I'm honestly so tempted to just have him and his copies sit there in the sky and be a tool of psychological warfare right now...
  15. Azauqyar "Seems I may be too late..." Azauqyar muttered, mouth still full with the chunks of the last meteorite he had harvested during his flight. The Land Capital stretched out in a vast urbanscape down below, as did a great many of it's outlying lands, easily visible from a perch so high up in the atmosphere. His keen, old eyes tracked two miniscule shapes fleeing from the place just as so many more began to gather at the gate of the castle. already he was beginning to descend for a better veiw "A Sableye and a... Hm, an espeon. The rumors I heard from the soldiers that she evolved in the fighting are true then." he directed his gaze to the soldiers at the castle "So a king has come for his queen...fitting, but there is still the matter of that force..." A Menacing grin stretched his maw as gouts of scarlet, devilish flames began surge about his lips and he chuckled. Realistically speaking, the two were already so far ahead that it was unlikely the force being amassed was to try to stop them, but... who's to say He could've known that upon arrival? "Men like these ones down below took your freedom, Absalom, my son... and since you can not come to the field and take it yourself, I shall be your sword in this war... I shall take your vengeance." His body glowed as just as he passed through the bottom of the Stratosphere a multitude of copies formed around him, at least a good two dozen, scattered across the air space as they flew downwards into the sight of all those below. "Kruga can not bitch or moan about it if I were to cut down a few of their forces... especially if I justified it as being needed to ensure the King Shidew and Queen Crystal were able to escape safely... tis what he ordered, afterall..." And so the Sky Lord had made his decision. If anyone bothered to look up into the heavens, they'd see a platoon made of nothing but Rayquaza's hovering high in the sky over the city, sitting there, apparently just waiting... each of them with fire and blood in their eyes. watching...
  16. Azauqyar Azauqyar made no response at the latest set of orders, still boiling over from what so many of the gathered soldiers had told him before the king's arrival. The Dragonites who hadn't gone off with him or one of the other commanders seemed to itch at the mere possibility of killing and Land Crawlers, the chance to avenge this grievous insult to their kind... "So once again, the Land Kingdom assails mere children in their thirst for land..." he thought, still hovering there even after Kruga had left. A rather large salamence sauntered up to him, a member of the God Corps, highest division a member of the Draken Guard could ascend to beside the rank of captain itself. "My lord, I understand that the standing order is for-" "I hereby grant you charge of this city in my abscence." Azauqyar said simply, not even having the report. "You and the other God Corps are to split command into platoons over those lesser members of the guard remaining in the city, each one of you serving as a commander over your own district until I return." "As you wish, my lord..." The giant of a Salamance bowed his head, honored by the authority suddenly vested in him. "I shall give you no reason to ever regret placing such command in me. As for your own mission, however?" "I take no men with me for this task. Doing so would only substract even further from the defense of this city and her people than my own absence already would. Besides, the power of a God is more than enough." He was already beginning to rise higher into the atmosphere, markings blazing an elegant gold, as did his eyes as he glowered down at the temporary warden. "Now stop your talking, Lieutenant... you've a city to safeguard." And just like that, he was rocketing off to the highest levels of the atmosphere and soaring at a speed that made his entire form indiscernable from that of a meteorite or a comet...making his way straight for the Land Capital... Freya "A comet streaking across the sky, high above the heads of mortals..." She turned her gaze down from the heavens, flying just beyond the outer gates of the city as Absalom stood waving with his personal guardsmen, all of them oblivious to the anomaly. "Something terrible must've happened if he's unleashing his full speed. Regardless though, he has his mission, and I have my own. I just pray whoever is on the business end of his rage had made their peace in this world..." She kept flying, the sound of her wings beating like that of a woman singing. And she already knew where she would stop first on her long journey... The Magic Kingdom.
  17. This right here about the post size is something I'd also like to point out. While technically are no ground rules in this forum itself regarding the size that an IC post must be, as this is always left up to the host of the RP in question around here, it is still better to have a post with at least a bit of elaboration rather than just a single line of dialogue, as this helps to add substance to the post and possibly eliminate a bit of confusion. Now of course there are instances where a single line of dialogue might be better than a long winded type up, but the general rule of thumb in writting is: Show, don't tell. And the secret to show don't tell is this: Be more specific. here's a whole article about it for those curious: http://thewritepractice.com/show-dont-tell/ And if you want to read more, just type in "Show, Don't Tell" to Google or Bing or any search engine, and you'll get a crap ton of other online articles about it. I'm with yash 100% on this, if we can maybe cut down on such short post, one, it would help to slow down the pace a little and make it harder for people to get lost, as their are some players who haven't posted even once yet, and already we have like 10 pages of IC, and two, like Yash said, it would help enrich the overall RP and make it more enjoyable to readers
  18. {Mareek and Jacob- The Complicated Issue} He made no eye contact with the blonde boy, simply kept his gaze fixed on Erce, chuckling bitterly "Oh please... if fighting me is so important, you could do it anytime, regardless of it's before a bunch of cameras and media or not. Do you think Vegeta ever waited around for such things whenever he wanted to take a shot at Son Goku? Hell no, if he wanted to duke it out, he found him and duked it out right then and there, giving no damns about location or audience." He started walking forward, reaching his hand into his pocket and producing two capsules, tossing them out to the side and sending out Nemo and Java. Nemo instantly waltzed over to Erce and Arete. Java simply stayed where he was, making eye contact with no one... "I'll tell you why I'm dropping out of this though..." He continued, deftly catching both the capsules as they rebounded off the wall after sending out their occupants and crossing his arms behind his back. "A wise man told me many, many times in the past that Competition makes wise men into fools and clouds their judgement. He told me it makes them complacent, it makes them do and say stupid things because they become so absorbed that they do not even realize how far they have fallen." He stopped, doing a pivot on his heels and looking Jacob right in the eye with that same, lifeless type of stare. "I used to heed his words, back home... and I never got involved in heavy competitions because of that. But I forgot the reason why he kept telling me the same thing over and over again when I left. And you know what? Something that happened not long ago has forced me to wake up and see that fact. I let myself get dragged into this all because of someone else's vendetta..." He glared directly at none other than java. "A vendetta to get back for a loss which honestly did more good to us than it did harm, a lost that I've ordered them to get over time and time again, but they refuse to listen to reason because they're too damn arrogant." He turned back to Jacob. "I tried lying to myself at first, telling myself I didn't care about the cup, that I was just doing it to test my team and their capabilities, and it was a pathetic lie, to tell the truth. No... I have to accept the fact that I let myself get swept up right along with my smartest partner, my right hand man... or duck, I have to accept the fact that it's something incredibly petty that's driving any of us forward in this." Without a word of warning, Mareek recalled his team members except for Java, the strategist instinctively following his partner as he headed back towards Jacob. "This is a trap, Jacob, a trap I walked right into when I should've just said no and saved the BP entry fee. It's a freight train without a conductor that's headed for the end of the tracks, and if I don't get off that damn train, right here and now, forfeit the next match against Kage... some shit is definitely gonna go down, I can feel it, just from what I've been taught and from the warning signs from what's already happened between me and my team...it feels like I'm holding a time bomb up to my face, and it's about to blow...and so I'm doing what I should've done after the first round and getting out before it gets to that point, come whatever may." Java meanwhile, said absolutely nothing. But if Jacob paid close enough attention he might've caught the slightest of nods that even Mareek had missed...
  19. Jesus... wait a minute... we can use TMs here? I thought it was restricted to the level up move set and the typing...\ EDIT: nevermind... I'm just derping out big time here...
  20. Freya & Azauqyar Whilst the rest of the Sky Kingdoms authorities had begun scrambling for the issue of mobilization to intervene at the Dratini Meadow, Azauqyar had busied himself with his own instructions from the king... after all, if there was anyone fit to the task of finding Legends... it was another legend. He flew through the city with purpose, though the occasional sight of a guard member deviating from patrol and heading for the grounds, and the fact that it was only those members whom were Dragonites, could not help but catch his attention. "I must be sure to look into that after this is done..." He thought to himself just as his destination loomed down below. The sight of two green Drakes talking down below was all he needed... "Freya!" The young flygon looked up from the cripple before her, her eyes widening at a familiar yet unexpected sight. Her sibling did the same, stepping out of the way as the much larger dragon approached them. "F-Father...I... wasn't expected you to take time out of training like this," She stammered, knowing full well how seriously the Elder Wyrm took the matter... "I was just saying my last good-byes to absalom before I left." "Yes, yes, I know..." The Sky Lord's gaze drifted to the smaller Flygon, a male with tattered wings that honestly would've made flight impossible if it wasn't for the natural ability of his kind. His leg was permanently twisted though, resulting in the need of a cane, and behind one of the protective, scarlet lenses over his eyes there was naught but scar tissue. He would never be able to fight, Would never be able to walk without a heavy limp, would never be able to fly for extended periods without the help of others, would never be able to have proper depth perception... and Azauqyar still felt the trace of a magma hot, blazing hyper beam gathering in his throat whenever he recalled how the teen had gotten the way he was...could still feel the desire to kill and destroy and leave nothing in his wake. But like any good god, he restrained it, forcing his eyes back to his foster daughter. "His Grace has seen fit to entrust me with a new task however-" "No, he wouldn't!" Freya began in outrage before the elder could finish "That fool couldn't possibly be stupid enough to dismiss you as captain! His city will fall like a castle of sand in the wake of a morning tide!" "Calm yourself, girl," Azauqyar ordered. "It is not so, I have simply been given another task in addition to my current duties- He wishes for me to seek out intelligence about the locations of my wards and that of the elemental birds as well. Hence why I'm here now." The implication was easy for the young warrior to get. She nodded her head, making a mental note to make a few... extra stops on her journey to the Land Kingdom... "Good, good, now, I've other matters that need attending to." "Can't you sense Kyogre and Groudon though, father?" she called as he began to leave. "I mean, it is your charge to quell them if the need arises, is it not?" "Aye, it is, but only when the need arises. When they are on rampages, I can sense the disturbance in the balance regardless of how far away it is... but when they are merely slumbering or have no deep rage in their hearts, I am as blind to their location as anyone else..." He stopped and glanced back at her. "I have my own methods and ideas for how to find them however. You simply focus yourself on finding those squabbling bunch of squawkers and leave the true legends to me..." And with that said, he left Freya and Absalom standing there as he headed to the training grounds to see just what was all the commotion with his men...
  21. {Mareek & Jacob, Things ain't so peachy...} The scyther was hesitant at first when the much younger flying type wandered over, still obviously preoccupied. The fairy seemed rather persistent though; soon enough Erce was uttering a greeting to her, trying to forget about the whole ordeal with the irritating bug maniac. "Yeah, guess she does..." Mareek said. The faintest hint of a smile tugged at his lips seeing her cheer up, but... it was quickly quashed as he thought about the absolute clusterfuck that was his entire team dynamic at the moment. It all seemed hopeless at this rate, really. Java had proven himself over the past few days to be an obsessive, frequent liar who was more concerned with the pursuit of his own goals and vendettas than Mareek's, Nemo... the kid had guts, had spirit, but he lacked brains and he lacked strength. He followed Mareek blindly, like some lost puppy that had been rescued from the gutter and imprinted on the first thing with a pulse it had seen. He insisted on taking on stronger and stronger foes, on taking on type disadvantages Like Java always did with Ghost or Fighting and Erce with Fire...but he couldn't realize that his body lacked the power to stand up to the necessary damage and endurance training the older two member's could. Hell, even just this morning, the boy had made a request via Java to be sent out first in the match today, all because he had heard the Analyst say that Kage's team had a few moves that would give a ground type trouble... Mareek was going to say no, just because he was sick of it. He wasn't going to stand by and watch the kid get his ass handed to him, Nemo would just have to wait till he evolved before he could be like Java or Erce... but the orphan had started whipping out the thunder punch, that oh so pitiful excuse for what Java had taught him... and he knew it would only hurt his self-esteem if he got the red light in the matter... But he knew this whole situation with those two was just something waiting to blow up, right in his face. He could feel it. And then there was Erce. Out of all three of them, Erce was the one who had given the least issues, hell, she hadn't given any issues. She NEVER gave any issues. And quite frankly she was the only one who he could send onto the field without feeling some degree of dread or just damn shame, she was the only one who upheld not only the conduct standard, but the combat one as well. And yet here he had gone back there with the situation with Alvin, making her feel like shit... Oh, and there was also the cripple. The young, nameless cripple who when she wasn't sleeping was starring at him ceaselessly like he was something from an alien world. The cripple who had apparently been made mute by whatever happened to her, given that not even Java could divulge anything from her. The Cripple whom he honestly would've left there to die if he had allowed himself to listen to his logic rather than his emotions back in the forest. Even now he could here that incessant nagging in his head about how she was a drain on resources and cash and time which had no real return for what it consumed... the voice that told him he should take it back to the forest one night and just toss it like people used to do with lame infants back in primordial times... the voice that made him feel like more and more of a monster whenever, even if just for a second, he gave in and even considered it's advice due to just sheer stress and fatigue and frustration. "I'm not making it to the finals..." He said suddenly as he stood there with Jacob, watching the Mantis and the Fae interact with a vacant, listless stare that would've looked more in place on a dead man than a living one. "I'm not even making it past the next round. I'm just... just done... I can't do this anymore."
  22. And also, this is something I've been noticing a few times now... but can people maybe cut down a bit on the sudden Intel updates in the kingdoms. I mean, it honestly feels like it's all moving a bit too fast and conveniently to actually be realistic, I mean, come on... how close together can the capitols of each kingdom be to each other, let alone the territories and borders? It should at the very least take a whole post or two for scouts and such to be able to make it back with anything they find while out in the field, and that's assuming thier assignment was a relatively close one. So far though it's just been people knowing from conveniently timed scout arrivals telling them of the actions of other kingdoms without any real elaboration to it, and it's honestly starting to smell just a little bit like metagaming to me... Of course, I could be wrong here and the Kingdoms might all be closer together than they seem and it might not actually be an issue. Either way It's really up to Tyrant since he's the host. But still, I felt this was something that needed to be called out just to be sure.
  23. Azauqyar "Sometimes I think this fool of a mortal listens more to other fools than he does his own Guard Captain..." Azauqyar thought, not even a hint of his musings visible as he listened to his king go on with the plans. "Already, I have tried so many times to explain to him that the Draken Guard has no weaknesses to be exploited...have shown it numerous times, and yet still..." "As you wish, your Grace..." He said after the order to seek out both his fellow legends and the dreaded, bickering birds was made. "I know just the individual to sent as well... if she has not left yet." With that said he turned and took his leave from the chambers, stopping only briefly to order a stationed Guardsmen to seek out Lord Commander Eric and apprise him of the King's desire to speak. Without a word, the Dragonite Nodded his head and flew off to carry out the task as Azauqyar kept on about his way
  24. could we maybe get a bit more detail on the different types of Wanderers in the Original Post of this thread? Cause the variety of soldiers was elaborated on a little, but not so much for wanderers (Basically the thing is, one would not know one could make different types of wanderer without having to scroll way down past where it's introduced... just think it could make things a little neater and easier for people if their were some kind of listing/ description higher up, like Soldier varieties have)
  25. "It's fast!" Faust noted as the thing came at him, seeming to completely ignore the other Mage standing there. He was ready however; with a quick leap to the side he kicked his weight off the wall of the alley powefully and sent himself airborne just as the creature's claws slammed into the area where he had been just seconds ago. "Dont just stand there!" He shouted at Bark as his wing shot out in a blur of Dark, shimmering Blue. He pushed upwards into the narrow air space with a few flaps before bringing the appendage around to his front like a shield and focusing the adrenaline, and admittedly, the fear welling up in him... "I'm definitely going to have to transform to live through this..." He thought as many of the plumes straightened and stood bolt upright as the shimmering glow grew stronger around his wing, making him look a bit reminiscent to a hedgehog with it's quills deployed. In a literal flash, one by one they shot out in an arrow-like volley, heading right for the monster down below like streaks of lightning, crackling with thunder as they flew. "If we can get a feel for how tough the hide is though... this could be easier..."
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