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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. *Looks at hands, considers raw and untrained yet still highly decent drawing skills* Alriiiight... time to start generating a few ideas for Arya
  2. No one likes a grammer nazi... Well I've already looked it over three times since it's been posted and tried to take care of any errors and typos and whatnot. But honestly, is the grammar itself really as absolutely crucial to the piece's existence as what the words that have been penned convey, so long as one can still read and understand them? Because I personally can't spot anymore in there than I already have. And honestly no one in the world has perfect grammar all the time every time anymore...at least not in the English language I mean, if there's really still more/ the grammar is such an issue, I guess I can always go and ask a professional writer; have my Published AP English teacher look it over... Please, don't get me wrong here, not trying to be a snarky dick or anything. I know you're trying to help, but honestly... well I've already gone through it 3 times XD.((And caught a few more things I didn't the last time and fixed them.)) That and the fact that I don't know Grammar even to save my life....XD ((I'm legit serious, either I've forgotten all of those overly complex rules except for the most basic ones, or they simply just weren't taught to us at all as little shits when they should've been...)) And I'd also like to point out the fact that it was rather late at night when I even started writing it...hence why there were so many typos in the first place.
  3. "Get to ground level... a bit more eventful than I had hoped, but check." Faust made no hesitation once he'd gotten to the end of the stairs, striding out of the stairwell and across the front lobby of the place with some pseudo swagger that suggested he belonged here just as much as the white collars and the big shots. The moment he made it to the doors though he burst outside and onto the sidewalk, glancing around as he tried to pin point which direction the feeling from earlier was tugging at him the strongest now...
  4. Really? why? oh goodie... I can imagine a few more people who will probably have some reason to track him down too, aside from his mother (obviously) and perhaps Galen... I'm actually curious though, will it be for the forfeit itself, or the fact that one of his own team members pretty much just committed an act of betrayal and murder? (Because I'm legit counting this as Java "Dying" in a way...) Would kage have been able to know what exactly went on at the end though, just from sound alone? (Of course, I guess he could have something similar to the telepathy with lucas going on with his metang...) Either way, He better run fast though. The boy's only walking at the end there because he doesn't wanna make a scene... bit the moment he's out of the arena and out of the sight of cameras...
  5. Arya gave a quick snap of her wrists as she took a deep breath, extinguishing the tiny flare she'd spent so long centering herself with in a single, satisfying click. She could already feel the blood beginning to rush as she stood there, Mic gripped firmly in her hand as she stowed the Zippo in her pocket. "This is it..." She thought as the curtain began to rise. The initial roaring of the crowd and the spotlights were daunting, but she held her ground, taking another deep breath as she closed her eyes, blue and pure as a set of twin glaciers in the arctic. "I can do it, sis...I'll prove it!" "Applicant #102, Arya Rame!" The entire place quieted as the young songstress strode out of the darkness, the warmest smile she could muster on her face as the music began and the tempo was born. And Arya opened her mouth and did what she had thousands upon thousands of times before in the past. Did the one thing she knew how to do best, the one thing that was almost as much a part of her as fire was. "Are you ready? I'm a Lady! Let's begin! If we try, we can do it! Absolutely, we'll be number 1!" She let habit and practice take over the lyrics as she focused herself on the dance movements, soon allowing her body to fall into sync with her mouth as her form moved with just as much expression as the breathy, angelic voice reciting the lyrics from heart. Already, she had taken the song and made it her own, sung it with her own tone, her own soul. Already she had taken it and let it, just for a little while, to be apart of her. The words flowed like water from a spring, graceful, controlled, precious like life itself it seemed. "START, Today's concert stage! CHECK!! Mic, makeup, outfits, it's SHOW! TIME! TRY CHALLENGE! STARDOM, the shining shiny spotlight - It's dazzling sparkle leads to my DEBUT!" The Audience was still just as silent as when her name had been announced, eyes focused on the girl like moths drawn to the flickering of a flame. Every note, every word, seemed to have meaning, and they hung on them all, fearing that if they dared utter anything it would all come flying right by them and they'd lose it. Like desert wanderers, they listened on. Arya kept it up, beginning to gradually pump more energy into the song that she had turned into her namesake. "ENCORES don't ever happen in life; This is a one-time LIVE, so forward! No matter what, SHOW MUST GO ON!! 3! 2! 1!!!" She wondered if any of them had noticed she had just been repeating the same four step dance maneuver she had been doing since the beginning. The answer she got was the sight of many a glow stick being held on high, creating a sea of tiny lights as the audience began to sway their out-held arms in rhythm with the beat. All those tiny flares of dancing, living orange glow... it reminded her of fire. And her smile grew all the warmer. With all this flare around, she couldn't help but think it was time to spice up the dance routine, even if none of them were focused on it. With the same, skilled flick of her risk she had used so many times to open and close her lighter, she sent the mic twirling high into the air like a baton, beginning the next verse just as the sound stick began it's lofty descent from the darkened heavens. "CHANGIN' MY WORLD!! Draw a new dream that will never change!" She held out her other hand, catching the device deftly with a slight twirl of her lithe body. And that was when the cheering finally began, like a dam breached by a tidal force, the excitement that had for so long been contained in awe finally filing every corner of the massive room, leaving an electrified atmosphere that Arya could feel propelling her onward farther and farther by the second like more and more wood being piled into an inferno. With so much fueling her, she could've kept going far longer at this rate if she had to, but she knew the end wasn't too far off now. "ALREADY! WE'RE ALL LADY! Dancing, let us dance~ step by step, meetings and partings, will become loving AMUSEMENT! ALREADY! WE'RE ALL LADY! I want us to begin! If we try, we'll become, more unique, absolutely! All of us, ONLY 1!" She let her energy wind down, dragging out the last few words and lowering the mic from her lips, gazing out over the audience as thunderous applause now joined the near deafening cheering people rising from the seats, chanting her name like some ancient spell just as the spot light overhead cut out, leaving her again in the pitch blackness from whence she had came. "I can't believe I actually just did it..." she thought to herself, despite the rush of euphoria flowing through her veins as she backed away in the darkness and left the stage. "But... they liked me... far better than I thought anyone would." As she joined the other candidates already in the lobby she couldn't help but think... even if she didn't make the cut, just the fact of knowing that that many people had enjoyed her voice... it would be enough for her.
  6. First dobby, and now even you sensai... this feels like a trap now... a trap I walked right into. Eh, fine, whatevs, I'ma stay though. I'm actually kinda invested in seeing where this (Slightly) pyromaniac version of Arya leads... I have but one question for you. do you also have dental? XD Ah, but in all seriousness, I will try to get something up within the next day or two.
  7. Lols... just listened to the song for the first time, and ya know what's funny? seems that despite as short as it was, ANKL apparently managed to desensitize me to this kind of stuff to the point where I no longer feel the need to shake my head and go "whyyyyyyyyy?" in an exasperated manner... now I just sit there and stare in dead silence... and feel nothing. Nothing. No, really though... I find that I can no longer genuinely feel the need to ask myself "Dafuq am I doing this?" Eh, go figure.
  8. Eh, Dobbs, just curious, is the Alvin interaction over at the moment? cause if so, I kinda got a nice bit of foreshadowing I wanna throw in for Mareek, considering the later events of the battle to come...
  9. Don't Worry, You're Ok, Dobbs... XD EDIT: And I'm not gonna lie... the temptation to just put down for her favorite genre of Dance: "Fire Performance" is too damn high I'ma do it... it just fits too damn well...
  10. Oh well.. join the club. I ask myself that question alot around here. don't worry. you get used to it after a while... a thing to note though, Strat is a name reserved for use by homies within the community. But something I will frown upon if a random individual I've never met calls me it on here. Basically if you've taken the time to talk with me at considerable length or on many occasions in the past, I'm fine with you using it. It's kinda like a whole "That's yes, sir, to you" thing I guess. That name, Stratos, it actually means something to me despite the... circumstances towards the events leading to the end of it's dominant usage. And I kinda such I want to treat it as such since I intend to take it up again someday, so... In a nutshell, US General MacArthur stated when he was ordered to retreat from the Philippines early in the pacific theatre of WWII "I shall return." The very name of Stratos is like my own version of that. It's a promise to myself and to others that I will not accept the failure directly related to it. It's a promise that the project I once started will someday rise again... It's a promise that "I shall return" But moving on back to relevant things, seriously, which country is this supposed to be set in, can anyone tell me real quick? It's not crucial or anything, but it would just be nice to know...
  11. Who ever said she was using fire in her audition? Who ever said the pyromania fascination is something she's publicly open about? Even if I'm playing a lighter hearted PC, I'ma still get my bits of serious out of her here and there, just to round it all out It's wander now. I get bored from time to time... and probably have some sort of Identity issues that have been long repressed or whatever. Anyways, like I said, I'll get something up later on today. And... where is this story set exactly, like what country? ((Sorry if I missed this and it was already said)) And Commander, the best advice I can possibly give you here is to think of the whole sign ups thing as a literal writing competition of sorts (at least, that's how I interpreted it from what she said in the interest check thread). Pretty much, if you want in on this RP, I guess you have to prove your writing skills to be of a sufficient quality... And you must prove it by writing your PCs audition performance. Those who pass... get in, those who do not... anyways, That's just what I've gotten from the pieces so far. I could be wrong though... EDIT: @ Aquie: can you uh... put up some guidelines on here as to what criteria exactly we have to do for the audition? Is it supposed to be up to our own decision of how to preform the song (Ex, Singing or dancing, we could choose either one, or both if we wanted), or is it supposed to be a full-on dinner theater complete with song and dance? Basically, how much freedom do we have in deciding things on that front?
  12. Why you little... Eh, whatevs, fine... someday though. I will completely rewrite, remake, and revamp the whole damn world and plot of Project Sky Slayer if I must, just to see you play another serious PC...Watch me, I'ma do it, infact, I'm writting it down right now... there, made myself a memo. Someday. Anyways, guess I'll get something up for Arya later on when I can...see the dang music video XD. Think I'll throw in a tiny pinch of crazy this time around with her, just to (Literally) heat things up... (And of course I'm going to have some pretty serious, depressing reason for why there's that bit of craziness...) Fire is beautiful, isn't it? Just freaking magical...
  13. I am still searching for the seventeenth one.

    1. Sutoratosu


      Dormin... you fucking troll.

  14. Faust only nodded. He still had a few questions for this 'Kaneus' fellow, but he had the sneaking feeling he'd find his answers soon enough on his own. Without another word he stepped around the unconscious guard and took to the stairway, beginning a fast yet carefully paced descent down the concrete slabs, making sure to keep an eye out for anything all the while. Getting surprised by another guard wouldn't be very good for his infiltration... even if he did only intend to just pass through.
  15. Well, Golurks interesting as well. I'll consider it since the wound from [This section of the post was removed because of spoilers] will still be pretty fresh and won't really begin to ebb away enough until much later. Basically Nemo's replacement can only be obtained after [This one was removed too, go figure] out of respect... and a faint hope that [Jesus, I'm taking blacking this stuff out like it's a CIA report...] So only when that hope is... well, not shattered, but when Mareek knows Nemo has finally found his path in life and is sticking to it, even though said path isn't at Mareek's side... then he will finally let him go and allow for a new member to take the tenth slot Lols... like Dobby implied, ya'll ain't got no idea... and quagsire... eh well, since it;s a charity slot... I might let it in for the running. But again, the decision is very far away.
  16. It's ok Dobbs. It's ok... All those heartless sons of bitches got what they deserved in the end...except for the head honcho, his demise could've been made a bit more satisfying than it was...fading into nothingness was too easy a way out. Anyways, guess I'll go look for a dragon to take the slot... or something with armor plating or whatever. I'd consider garchomp, but since it would be a second psuedo and all... maybe another charity case. No. not that. Mareek's emotionally just done with charity cases after this. EDIT: Op, wait. found ma ground/dragon type. Just remembered Flygon is a thing EDIT 2: No... no, not flygon. I have noticed something quite... disturbing here. No one has given Swampert the love the big lug deserves. Hence, in such troubling circumstances, I see I must take it upon myself to do so. *Holds his arms out wide before a swampert* Come here, bro, man hug. So much for no more charity cases though
  17. No, more of a complete persona change and absolute memory loss in regards to who he is, who mareek is, how they met, etc. It'll be like a total reset, except most of the data Java generated, like for team ideas, strategies, notes for classes he took to help mareek, passwords, etc, will all still be safe because he either stored them somewhere else as backup files of didn't keep the particular files in his head to begin with. Basically Nemo has literally beaten the personality out of Java's virtual skull. From the time this battle airs onward, Java will cease to be Java, and he will never revert to how he once was ever again. And his gender identity will be changed as well. Hence why I said his name will soon be Juno And @ Dobby, I can't see the video because of school wifi, but I choose the rendition I did because of the Techno element to it and the fact that... Java is a computer and all. Anyway, guess I'll listen to it when wifi allows it anyway and see if it's really "Better" for it. but yeah, there was a reason I choose what I choose
  18. And so it is that Nemo has gotten tired of being fucked over and forever being an underdog.... a bit of warning though, after this... Java will never be the same. All those strikes to the head...((Insert PC guilt trip here)) Oh... and uh, Nemo, he's gonna leave the team for this. I'm not gonna give any details about the circumstances of the coming Exile, but he's gonna be gone into the forest and he won't be coming back to Mareek. He will still appear in the story though thanks to the character arcs I have planned with Azelstan and Galen, he just so happens to meet the Empoleon before Galen does... So yeah, once the time for the battle to actually "Air" comes and it gets announced and finished in the actual IC and everything... I will remove any trace of the orphan from Mareek's roster and he'll only have a messed up Java (soon to be called "Juno"), Erce the Iron Angel, and a cripple on his team
  19. Mareek v Kage Java made no move even as his newest opponent began making preparations, simply hovering there, backing away towards Mareek's platform. There was no point acting like he even wanted to fight anymore. No point in pretending he even cared about the rest of this match. Mareek kept up the spiteful gaze he'd been fixing the disgraced strategist the entire time before turning his attention to Kage across the way, the mere tone of his voice enough to indicate a rage bubbling just under the surface, however thinly veiled it was by pointless nicetys... "Well Kage, you've put a far better fight than most :People I've gone up against in a while," He said in the least bitterest voice he could muster, consciously aware that there would be repercussions from blowing up on Java's case right now when it was all being televised to the world. "In fact, I'm honestly a bit dissapointed that we can't fight this out to the finish... but I'm afraid there Issues that need dealing with on my side, and I've got a certain pink floating duck that I need to have a few words with..." He began to withdraw the capsules for Java and Nemo both, "So... looks like I'm gonna have to fall here and give you the win for this. Good game..." He barely even noticed though, as the little fighter called Nemo slowly got up in the corner he'd slumped in, eyes like smoldering coals beneath his helm... NEMO Really? just... fucking really? He had given that order, made him go and intentionally get taken out... just to forfeit almost immediately afterwards? All his effort, all that pain out here, the sting of defeat... It was for nothing? No... no. Mareek wouldn't do such a thing on his own, he knew he wouldn't. his master wouldn't betray him like that, but the duck? The duck had lied to him already, had been lying to him nonstop since last night, told him his Thunderpunch was great and grand when... Nemo could tell just from looking at the pitiful sparks barely leaping from his hands, it was anything but. No. The damn porygon2 had something to do with this sudden call. He had to have. And Nemo had just taken the fool off of the list of his protectees. The chain of movement and events that came next were an absolute blur to Mareek as Nemo, still under the effects of the trick room over the field, rose to his feet, running on nothing but fumes and pure rage as he pounced in java's direction, twisting his small body in mid-air and hurtling his club towards his own trainer's hand, careful to restrain the force behind it just enough to avoid causing injury and watching as the peice of bone flew right in between the cage bars and smack against the hand that held his Capsule and Mareek curse under his breath as the sphere fell and rolled to the ground a few feet away. Then Nemo focused, took all the anger, the frustration and the hate in his tiny heart, and with a virtual war cry that sounded more like a roar than something that should come out of the mouth of one so small, he willed it all into the palm of his hand, willed it all to burst outwards, to crackle and leap, to tear apart the air itself and make his pathetic Duck-like mentor pay for his deception and transgressions, and in the other hand he did the same, a bone rush materializing and blazing bright as the sun... Java had no time to react at all as a full power, hate-driven thunder punch collided into the side of his face, his limbs feeling as though they had turned to stone as the rest of Nemo came shortly after it, swinging around his other arm and grabbing hold with his electrified fist as the scent of burned ozone filled the place and the chirping of a thousand birds rang out as The same electricity he'd just struck the liar with now coursed along his attack in a flickering haze of blue. Still letting out his war cry, Nemo finished Java with the most violently brutal Bone Rush barrage he had ever used. Five Strikes, each and every last one of them driven like a freight train into Java's head, and his steel Typing left over from the conversion2 made each and everyone of them hit with double the power...and everyone of them struck the most critical point they could. Java fell to floor of the cage like a rock, giving no indication of life or motion whatsoever... though it wasn't like he had ever done so to begin with when he was conscious anyway. Nemo towered over him, the electrified projection of energy still clutched tight in his hand the moment the crimson beam hit him and he was recalled. Java got the same treatment afterwards. Mareek "And Of fucking course." Mareek sighed to himself as he recalled both fighters, both his hands held up, thumbs depressing the triggers. Without a single word to Kage, he rose from the dust of the ground, having dived to get Nemo's ball the moment he'd realized what was going on. "I tried. I tried getting out of it, I tried forfeiting... but obviously it was too little too late. the damn thing still ended up blowing up in my face...I'm just done..."
  20. Mareek vs Kage "And yet another light show...though looks like this one's a bit more special. Whatever." "Avenge Nemo's suffering for your failing..." Mareek said pointedly in a voice so low only Java could hear... well, nemo as well, given the orphan was beginning to just barely regain consciousness. Java The duck took his eyes off his opponent only to hear what he knew was coming since this morning. Of course the boy was going to forfeit before they ever got to the finals, of course he was going to deny Java any opportunity for vengence. The fate of his endeavor had been sealed since last night to be honest, but now... now it was real, and it stung. Even though he could've seen it coming with his own path of self-destruction, it still only burned now that it was in his face and in the present. But to be quite honest, floating here, looking at Nemo as he lay on the ground, weakly staring at him... Java found that burned took on a different feeling, for a different reason than it had been born. He didn't want vengeance. Not after it's pursuit had turned him into such a fool. Well... no... there was one bit of vengeance he still wanted, if nothing more than that the orphan's endeavor out here wouldn't have been in vain. Java Turned. Java Aimed. Three spheres formed before him, one of ice blue mist, one of thunder, one of flame, each made of the elements themselves rather than the usual mere colored lights. Without a word, he willed for them all to intertwine, each sphere forming it's stream as a helix formed... And the next moment, Java fired, sending the Tri Attack, the true form of tri attack, hurtling right towards the Newly Evolved Kirlia. This may have been the last shot he would fire in the tournament, he may not have gotten to use it on a smug, single-minded, foolish, flaming lizard... but even so, by no means was this last shot wasted. It wasn't wasted because at least this one... Java could fire without shame. Because this... was for Nemo.
  21. "Figures, not even five steps in..." Faust lifted his attention from the fallen guard to one actually standing, letting the few flares of electricity at his finger tips begin to die along with the glow of his sigil. "Him though... talk about bland, something's definitely off here...will probably get stranger the closer I get..." "Well, I'm grateful for your help then" The German said. "And don't worry about you're employers, chances are they aren't what I'm after here anyway... who are you though, if you don't mind me asking?"
  22. "Uncontrollable? Fuck you, Beetle..." "Hey alvin, you know about the Celadon Game corner....?" He paused, realizing from the look in the other boy's eyes it would be like talking to a brick wall. He would only be wasting his breath sitting here and trying to explain that Erce's disdain and aggresion in the matter wasn't a question of simple obedience or control, trying to explain all the complexities of what Rocket had done to ensure prize quality within their main front establishment and so on and so forth...and what effects it would've had on those Pokemon held captive for it. "On second thought, nevermind-" The boy turned and recalled Erce as he started walking away, stopping in the door on his way out. "Forget it, You've gotten what you wanted, right? Then we're done here." And without another word, Mareek headed off towards the medical center, figuring he might as well go get the Riolu checked out and get some advice... though quite honestly he was just glad to have just about any errand that would get him away from the Bug Maniac. "God help us all if he follows me though... God help us all."
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