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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Mareek stowed the dex once Java finished showing him the snippets of conversation and the roster page one more time. They sat in one of the small seating areas snuggled against one of the walls, having left the nurse's counter in order to prevent themselves holding up anyone who still genuinely needed the service. Mareek's sullied Jacket sat slung across the glass surface of the small, knee level table before him, still zipped inside out and bearing the contents of all it's pockets for the world to see. Java hovered above the ruined piece of clothing, looking at the boy expectantly. "Sooo... what?" Mareek asked. "Didn't we already get it established earlier that something was going on with the topic about the skarmory and everything? And what happened to you wanting me to "Stay out of it", because right now you're singing a whole different tune than the one you gave me before." Java rolled his eyes and shook his head, letting a glitched sound as he looked at the boy. "What I said earlier about not going to look for trouble still stands, but this situation is entirely different than what I meant- we didn't have to go looking, we just happened to be in the right place at the right time to catch something. Ergo... acting on the acquired information does not in any way violate my previous stance on the matter." He paused, adding "So long as you don't screw it up by pushing it too far, that is." "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" "You're compromised, Remember?" Java didn't bother waiting for an answer, glancing over at Reeves and back again. "Regardless, I know the best way to proceed to prevent any... mishaps" "Uh huh..." Mareek said, raising an eye brow. "Well, care to explain what this plan of yours is then?" He got no verbal response in his ear. The screen flicked back to the Student-run Database, though this time it was on a page other than Collin's. All he had to do was read the Team roster to know it was Slade. The information soon faded to nothing more than a blurred background as a line after line of thick times new roman began to scroll across the screen though. "Hell, I guess it could work... alright, lets go for it." The only confirmation he got was the page coming back into focus, and so the scouring of the database began. Anyone looking over would simply see the glow of the backlight on his face, apparently far too pre-occupied by whatever the device had to tell him to pay attention to his surroundings.
  2. Still nothing. *Picks up the Update Shotgun from where he left it last time and cocks it again* Alriiiiiighty then. I'll see what I can do about getting in an update today.
  3. alright, so core theory isn't quite ready yet (Though I am working on it and it's hostory), but I've made a change that needs to be addressed.) Regarding what I said about moves though Mons are going to be restricted to using moves of the same types as it (IE, STAB), both for Attacks and status moves. Normal Type moves however will be available to use since the vast majority of them are mundane things (Heh, get it, cause I renamed it mundane and... no? alright, I'll stop.) that pretty much the vast majority of mons would be able to be justified as being capable of. So basically, how it's set up now: Mons are not restricted to only four moves, but they are only allowed to use STAB moves, IE, moves which it would receive STAB bonus from if it dealt damage, except for the following exceptions: -If a Mon has had a move drive used on it -Normal Type moves will, more or less, be completely free game to use so long as they make sense with that mon being able to use it (IE, the charizard-Slash and Blastoise-Rapid Spin examples, but a Charizard can't be justified with using rapid spin without a move drive, and neither can a Blastoise with Slash), and falls within the base power restriction of each category In addition, I've another announcement: We will be taking all pokedex entries with a grain of salt in the re-write. In other words, I have final say on what credentials are used and what traits a species has, and on what is just pure and utter bull shit. Basically, I decide what within the pokedex is canon or not. In further addition: The following moves... -Roost -Slack Off -Synthesis -Recover -Softboiled -Moonlight -Milk Drink -Morning Sun -Heal Order Will take 4 Power Points to execute and are restricted to the Moderate CSS level. If anyone abuses recovery moves, I will issue only one warning, followed by killing the Pokemon in question if it continues to be an issue
  4. Fuck the pokedex...

    1. Azeria
    2. Sutoratosu


      I'm still convinced that Oak has the power of long range telepathy because of all those times... XD

      but anyways... let's see what happens when I crop almost everything in the dex in this story...

  5. I think brains would honestly suit henry more than brute force from what I've seen... though I'm a bit interested to see to what uses outside of battle he might put an alakazam to. all the things that could be done with that.. scary... And I just noticed that at current planning, Mareek's team has three members who can mega evolve. Well... this is quite tricky. Logically it should be erce because she's known him the longest, but at the same time it could make for more interesting development to try to gradually wing him off of relying on her so much as the team grows and more members (And by extension, more options and more individuals he can easily trust and rely on, EX, what's currently going on with the start of a friendship between Mareek and Java), which would make it viable to maybe choose either Brienne or Hershell to carry the mega torch instead... but Erce could probably make better use with what I have planned for her to learn in the future in terms of final moves...since compared to either Brienne's or Hershell's, it kicks ass considering her ability. Guess it's another death match. who will win??? Yeah... there are certain things that are best not to ask google web search/ Google Image Search...XD
  6. Have I ever NOT kept my promises to you all here though? sure, I might be weighed down and delayed in my ability to follow through because of various circumstances requiring my attention at times, but I never forget, and eventually it does get done. When I say ya'll are getting an update, yous gonna get an update... it might not be on the date I gave because of shit popping up like it's whack-a-mole in my life, but you do get one in as timely a manner as I can make an effort towards. If Grass doesn't have anything up by 6 tonight, I'll go through and make a few mini updates to keep things going and let her handle anything larger she might have planned
  7. *Holds up cup of coffee and smirks* Like hell I am, kiddo. If grass can't get around to it herself within another day or two like she said, I'll try to get one up myself then.
  8. So like I said I was going to do, here is the set for Brienne since the nurse has returned her (though I mainly doing this so no one can say I'm pulling a fast one with the move set in the future). warning though, it;s changed with the planned role being redone and everything Riolu (F)- ??? ((nameless At the moment))
  9. long enough to determine in what manner to kill a PC if a player wants to get uppity and sarcastic in his tone around me. I have a life to tend to along with what I do on here, ya know? plus this is far from being my only creative work going on at the moment. I haven't forgotten about you guys though...
  10. Java The multitude of names and stats cascaded before his eyes like a waterfall as Raiza went about rousing the woman. Everything, name, age, partners and known movesets, all of it, right there at his virtual fingertips as he probed the Student-Built Database, searching, grasping through the mesh of cybernetic fodder as his target closed in faster and faster, rising like a swell of ocean in a storm. Roaring, surging like a lion as his protocols closed in for the kill, Taking no prisoners but a very select one, did not just stop at poking the bear... but outright slew it And it was right at the forefront of his data processors. The name and credentials of the boy he'd been attempting to locate since He'd overheard that little bit of conversation about a certain young man, now gone as an exchange student, having accidentally captured a blind and worthless bat. "Search Results terminated as expected." He chimed in his own mind. "Outcome as Expected- statement has no founding in verifiable fact. Dangerously high levels of Verbal Kuso detected. Note of Appraisal filed for Appropriate time. Conclusion..." "Well, young man, she's lucky to be... where is he?" The nurse paused at the counter, a bit of a scowl on her face as she glanced around but caught no sight of The Red Head. an Audino cleaning up the station behind her, a sweat glistening on the normal types brow and her breaths so labored Java could hear them even from where he stood. Luckily the boy had left the device sitting right where Java had tossed it. "He'll be back momentarily, mam." Scrolled in bold lettering across the small screen. "No need to fret over the sudden absence." The sound of the door opening and then shutting whence again was all it took to redirect her sights from the cyber-duck. Mareek "Ah, there you are," She handed off the capsule as Mareek approached the counter, pressing it into hands now free of any trace of the scarlet they had once bathed in so vibrantly. "I thought you had run off for a moment there- Your Riolu is lucky to be alive, those injuries were by far the worse I've had to deal with in ten years..." Mareek shook his head his head at 'Your', sticking capsule in the recesses of his pocket. "Well to be honest, she's not mine. I didn't catch her, I just put her in a ball to stop her from bleeding out-" "It doesn't matter whether or not you intended to catch her, she's inside a capsule that was under your ownership; You may think it doesn't count because you only did it to save her life, but you're wrong, young man. You had no issue taking responsibility when you found her, so what's the issue doing it again now?" "Arceus,You make it sound like I was going to fucking side step things here and abandon her... I was just trying to say that I'm not keeping her after all this is over if she doesn't want to stay-" "What's her condition?" the red head asked next, pushing away the mental gripe before adding "...Mam." "I've stabilized the worst of her wounds but she'll still need a good month or so of rest- so no battling, no training. Try to keep her out of the capsule whenever you can, it'll speed up the healing process. I'd advise letting her sleep the nights outside of stasis if you find you can't manage it during the day. And lastly- don't allow her to overexert herself, things will only get worse if you do. Understood?" He nodded, turning away from the counter even as he did so "Yes mam...understood." and without another word he was collecting the bloodied white of his coat along with the pokedex. Java stared at the boys deft hands as they moved with purpose, ensuring everything was still in it's place in the multitude of pockets and concealed areas within the article's folds and innards. Purpose. It was something Java had recorded and witnessed in a vast amount from the boy since they'd met. Barely three or so months ago, if his calculations were correct; and they nearly always were. It all seemed like so much longer though for some reason- somewhere in the barren, cold heaps of data, in all the calculations and the logic, the programming and the protocols, he found that he could simply think of the boy as a mere stranger whom had happened to catch his eye out of boredom. Three months was no time at all to get to know another being, it simply was not logical... but yet Java felt as though he did despite the conclusion his own processes kept yielding on the matter. Perhaps it was the fact that he'd been studying the Trainer's behavior, his mannerisms, his attitude and outlook on the world like some caged bird under observation. Maybe it was the fact he found such a capable intellectual partner in him... "Stop." Blared on the dex in bold lettering just as Mareek slung the ruined jacket over his shoulder and went to pick it up. "I have something to discuss with you. Something rather interesting..." "What is it?" He took up the device and insert a single headbud in his ear. A barely audible clicked confirmed the jack was secure in it's port along the top as he slipped it into the same pocket as the Riolu's Capsule. "Do you recall the individual named "Collin"? The one you encountered in Cadmus' gardens prior to the trip?" The boy only had to think back for a moment or two before the wanna-be water specialist's face flashed in his memory. Java returned the nod he got, going on "Well, I beleive it's safe to say you weren't paying attention to the conversation going on when we first arrived, but... I heard something rather curious that I felt should be poked further..." That very instant the Student-run database blazed on the screen in vibrant resolution. There was only one tab open in the entire browser, scrolled down to a particular section... Collin Wave's Team as of his time of leaving for the exchange program.
  11. abilities more or less work the same. Pressure will cuase no issue and in fact as far as I can see, will only add to the high difficulty level you all will suffer will make things even more strategic. As for stats, I will explain that when I explain core theory, but you need to understand that right now, I do not have to time to get too in depth with it. As for Speed Boost, it will act like Huge Power does and double the Pokemon's base speed stat. And if any abilities become issues- then I have a simple solution. I will start banning shit mercilessly as needed.
  12. alright, well, guess I'll get something up tomorrow sometime...
  13. When you start learning from your own mistakes, you have stopped being a fool. When you start learning from the mistakes of others, you have become wise.

    1. KingRyan


      then i am the wisest 17 year old in all of existence.

  14. This Avatar... he makes me feel powerful for some reason...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flux


      I get the same feel from mine... Though it might just be because I know who he is and he's one of my favorite characters of all time. :^)

    3. Sutoratosu


      Is he... Genesis from FF VII: Crisis Core?

    4. Flux



  15. Nope. OHKO takes all PP and Leaves the user at 1 HP (Yes, we will have HP here as well, but it will honestly be something more meant for me to keep an eye on players during combat) their accuracy, range, and area of effect are far greater... but in trade off... they leave the user themselves close to death. And all OHKOs are restricted to High CSS anyway, so it don't matter at the end of the day. Basically, your OHKOs are like nukes, or Dr. Devices... basically, they are the ultimate attacks... the last resort, best saved for when you know you're not coming home alive, but you still have allies who can make it if the tables are turned or enough time is bought for a retreat...
  16. Whoa now, slow down there... I have to go and look at a few things before I can decide on the Regen rate... I still have to actually decide whether to have higher power moves take more PP to prevent power playing later on, and how much more at that... At current though, here is what I'm thinking of: Moves with 85 base power and below, Moves whose Power Varies, and all Status Moves: Take 1 PP Moves with a base power in between 86 and 140: Take 2 PP Moves with a base power over 140: Take 4 PP This above, coupled with the following... Low CSS: have a maximum of 20PP Middle CSS: Have a Maximum of 40PP High CSS: Have a Maximum of 80PP Now, as anyone who knows basic math can plainly see, this configuration uses the formula of multiplying the max of the previous level by 2. And obviously, mons can use moves of a lower base power than the category of strength they currently fit into. I feel that this configuration, coupled with the fact that each type only gets so many moves around 140+ anyway ( and yes, I've looked, the majority only have a few moves that powerful.) can effectively keep shit under control. Coupled with the power of my merciless narration against those who choose to break my rules
  17. Moves whose power varies/ starts out small but increases with consecutive use in a short amount of time (IE, Fury Cutter) will be allowed even at a Low rating on the CSS. And like with any other moves, if people abuse them/ make up some BS, I will step into to the fight and there will be consequences handed out varying on the degree of the offense. EDIT: and Trump Card is useless here because PP does not exist within the system.... actually, wait... hold that thought: Would you all be interested in an MP system of sorts using the concept of PP for the re-write? Basically how it would work is, it's an RPG, Every Mon has a set amount of PP which can be determined later, and using any move takes up a single point. When all Power Points are used up, the mon is incapable of using anymore moves for the time being, thus forcing it to rely on basic actions such as Scratching, Stinging, Biting, IE, things that constitute what any ordinary animal would be able to do in order to defend itself, but not actual moves. I mean, if we did this, it would really go quite well with the other parts I've already finished. For example, we will be differentiating actual moves from actions such as an animal simply biting or scratching. Here's the notes I typed on my laptop for it during the ride from school today: So yeah... if we pair up the Move and Basic Action System with an Power Point system... we could maybe make things a bit more interesting, have you having to watch your Ammo (Sort to speak) instead of just sitting there wailing on an opponent. Make your shots and your moves count. Of course, basic moves would increase as the mon grows in power, obviously... I think I'll do it, (Screw it, I KNOW I'm doing it...I want to see how it well it will work) but still, just want some opinions if you have any. And that reminds me... I still have to explain core theory
  18. This. if two species are part of split evo paths dependent on Gender, then they;ll be compatible to breed since... that's literally just how the biology worked out- that the Males and Females of the species would mature to different forms. In a nutshell, for mons like Gallade and Gardevoir- I'm going to count them as technically being part of the same species. For things like Poliwrath and Poliwhirl, it can work similiarly. I will treat the Eeveelutions as if they are all just different breeds of dog. As for gender exclusive species... ever hear of Rabbits? :3 They reproduce at a much slower rate though, of course... Also- I'd advise more or less forgetting about the pokedex here going forward into 2.0. There's too many BS things in there and not enough time on my hands to go through and weed it all out, so... we're just gonna toss it out mostly
  19. No, this decision about egg groups is final. that was back when the biology of the world was like it once was, but now- that is no longer than case. Mons breed within their own species and their own individual species period. Besides, in all honesty, the vast majority of mons are so different from one another between species that honestly the argument of interbreeding makes no logical sense anymore. For example- a Charizard is in the dragon egg group. So is Seviper. in the official games, the two can breed because of that lone fact. But here? just going on logic, there are far too many differences biologically for a Charizard to ever produce stable/ living off spring with a Seviper, ergo, the two of them feel no urge to even try to reproduce. Here, Pokemon are like cats and dogs, not different breeds of canines- they will stick to their own species and not even bother with each other in terms of attempts at mating. EDIT: as a note going forward- I have decided to stop using so much heavy logic on this thing's development. The issue I had here in this RP was that I tried to hard to fight and rebel against Gamefreak's systems, when in reality, all I needed to do was take a step back and reorganize what they already had to my own ends and cropping whatever material I didn't need. So basically, I'm just going to treat this like I'm writing a fantasy in a way, since... in all honesty, Science Fiction is really just fantasy a bit more grounded in reality and wearing a blanket over it's head. At the end of the day, they still both rely on the suspension of disbelief, and really aren't that different at their most basic core elements. So yeah, I'm not really gonna classify this as any particular genre for the re-write. It will have heavy elements of Sci-Fi in it, but at the same time, these elements of Sci-fi could also be interpreted as elements of fantasy depending on the reader. in other words, I'm just going to create the systems of the world and leave it up to the player/ reader to decide for themselves what genre it should fall into.
  20. Would his data have been used for the cup website/ stat thing then? since he left right before and all... or was it just competitors? If so I can easily set Java up to pull Mareek's attention to it. Though I'm sure can still come up with something good if that's not the case.
  21. Alright, time to go dig for relevant details while I wait for Zeph... Real quick, when did Collin (I think that's the right name) Leave as an exchange student? I can't quite recall...
  22. OOOOOOHHHHH... It clicked. completely forgot about Notus's old character...lols, that was a good while ago. Sorry about missing the cue then, went completely over my head for a minute XD alright then... Mareek reallydidn't hear it though since- he wasn't paying too much attention... given the situation and everything Java though... looks like I have some use for him here. The pink little bastard is like the NSA sometimes...
  23. @Chim, just wanna clear up that I'm not trying to leave the scene or anything, me and Zeph are kinda... I don't know, guess it's us finishing up the scene from earlier in a way. Anyway, Mareek will be back from cleaning the blood off his hands after Zeph Posts, so... (though in all honesty, I'm just basically killing time while waiting for this conversation with Evan to pick up a bit or whatever you have planned XD) yeah, just wanted to clear that up since you put a question mark by my name in the update XD
  24. Spiral There ya go, great name, and something a kid would think of rather easily. Plus the trait which the name is based off of is kept regardless of the evolution
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