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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. I can see clearly now that I have fought the slow when in all honesty I should've done nothing more than go with it and then undermine it from within.. oh well, a late realization is better than none at all, as they say. I never needed to break their system, I simply needed to re-organize it to my own ends

    1. Sutoratosu


      *I meant "Flow", BTW*

    2. Sutoratosu


      Anyways, Surge Story V2.0- Coming to an RP forum near you soon.

  2. Oh yeah, and Egg Groups! oh glorious egg groups... yeah, no, there aren't gonna be any here- a mon will simply reproduce solely with others of it's kind, like how a true 'species' functions in actual biology. Also- Egg Moves. they don't matter here because of how I have the move and combat system set up for 2.0, as I've already explained a bit
  3. Hey, like I said, it developed over time XD Though we did do a shit ton of talking though... but it did keep up activity in the OOC... even if said activity was theoretical ideas and team building And in my defense- at least I now have somewhat of a final product of the roster, so it wasn't all just pointless talk- it actually went somewhere over time.' And @Exlink: I do beleive he is basically covering the entire field in hell fire in order to prevent any chance of evasion. Basically, he's going in for the kill. Spytfire has propelled itself up into the air via D-rage and unleashed a full force Incinerate down onto... pretty much everything.
  4. Eh, lols, guess you're right XD though in all fairness, the team has only been changed so much because of how much my perception and thoughts towards the trainer has... basically, it didn't come out complete on the first draft, but instead has had to be developed over time along with the character who will use it. Now, lets see... well, might have to redo something with Brienne then, since her role is preformed far better by Bronzong... nah, think I'll keep her like she is seeing as she can potentially be far more dangerous offensively in such a state... Plus... I can summon rain at will thanks to the thing's natural abilities... Yeah, sorry Zolivar, you would've been cool n all, but... he's got ya beat too hard.
  5. Well... way to go and just copy me then... :/ Eh whatever... but god damn you, Bronzong! having access to both those moves like Brienne does... and you freaking levitate, which helps with ground. Oh Zolivar, dear dear Zolivar the Jordanian Skarmory... I find that both your roles have been usurped now- Erce can serve as sufficient aerial transportation due to the training and work she'll receive, and... well so can Bronzong in an awkward type of way... and then there is the ground type check, Zolivar... yes, he can do your job on that even better... while being an absolute tank all the while. *Sigh* Zolivar, I'm sorry, but... Bell... thingy... You're hired.
  6. Oh yeah, and I forgot to tell ya'll- There will be no species clause in Surge Story 2.0 But since I'll be controlling alot of the encounters early on in the story as well as always controlling what lives in certain areas throughout the plot, this shouldn't result in an issue of everyone and everyones mothers having teams full of psuedo legendaries. Also, teams will not be limited at Six pokemon... at least not for major enemies. I don't know if I'm going to let Players go beyond six though... though maybe I should, considering the major bosses will all have mons probably a great deal stronger than you (EX, you fighting Upper-Moderate (like level 60) strength commanders when your entire teams are still Low Strength)... though, your three COs, of which the highest ranking and de facto leader of the squad will be "Surge" will all have mons about equal to that...and Surge will have something in the Upper High Strength scale level, so... I don't know, anyway, just stopping in to tell you guys about the species clause thing and how there won't be one.
  7. Now, I have also gone and replaced the Leveling system with something different. In 2.0, there will be no levels at all. Instead, a mon's strength will generally be judged via the Core Strength Scale (CSS), which will give a general placement for their power and abilities. In addition, due to certain... additions I will be making to human biology, humans will be able to gauge a mons placement on the CSS without the need of a device. In addition, to stop power playing before it can even be an issue since we'll be opening this up to the public again, and force a bit more development, Here is the scale, working in three tiers Low -Low on the CSS is more or less the equivalent of a mon being between levels 1-33. Those who place in this category can use moves up to a base power of 85. Moderate -Medium on the scale, equivalent to levels 34-66. Those who place here can use moves up 140 in base power. High -Top tier on the scale of power,equivalent to levels 67-100. those who place in this can use moves surpassing 140 base power. So yeah, there you have it, thats how we're gonna do it, And I've got sub classes for each tier as well that increase by ten levels each for further organization. Since there was confusion about levels here though- I will be the one controlling all things regarding levels in 2.0; the players themselves will have nothing to do with monitoring it. In addition, TMs will exist in the world of 2.0, but not in the form of disks or CDs, oh no... they will be small, flashdrive-like device in which are contained the energy of harvested cores from... harvested mons. upon use, These bits of energy contained in them will allow a mon to learn any single move regardless of type or whether or not it is illegal or not for it to learn it in the core games. However, after use, the energy contained is gonzo and you're left with the empty drive (Though they can be reloaded.) I will explain more later on when I get around to talking about Cores, but basically this means- Flying fucking magickarps. You might see them at some point. Charizards firing ice beams? it can actually happen. Cause see, the Core System trumps biology here- it dictates biology, ergo... But here's the catch- I control who finds Move Drives (Cuase that's what they're gonna be called), and what they contain, saying you found one or saying what it contains without prior authorization from myself either IC or OOC will result in...very nasty consequences, likely the death of a mon... or the player themselves, if it keeps being an issue afterwards. In Addition- The move system itself. We will be retaining the trait that there are no "Known Movesets" here, as we have in this story. However, this one is going to be under stricter controls by myself in that: Mons will be more inclined to use moves of their matching types (IE, STAB moves) then they will of moves of other types- meaning, that while yes, there will be no movesets, your mon should be relying more readily and heavily on moves of it's matching type than it should on moves not of it's type. However, if it can be justified that a mon would know a certain move, like a charizard knowing slash (Which it even gets as a level up move in the games,) then you can use that so long as the justification is solid. I will be watching though. So to summarize the last part- In surge story 2.0 there will be no level learn sets because their will be no levels. Instead, mons will be mainly using any move of their type (So long as it falls into the base power restriction mentioned above with the CSS), but they can also use moves in which there is sound justification for them to be able to naturally preform, like a Blastoise using Rapid Spin or a Charaizard using Slash. Illegal moves, IE, moves that make no sense for a mon to know how to do naturally, can only be used if a mon has had it's core embued with the information of that move via a Move Drive being used on it. Now- is ANYONE lost on any of this so far? (You really shouldn't be though... this is as simple as I can possibly make it and still have things actually be functional) EDIT: Also, we will very heavily be departing from the games with this reboot. The Surge you all will be commanded by will be a man known literally only as "Surge" no surname, no first name or middle name, just the word "Surge", and chances are he will be the close ancestor of the notable "Lt. Surge" (Probably by 1 or 2 generations) Eh... think of it... like the belmonts from castlevania, yeah, that's it.
  8. Don't know, I haven't seen him... well, quite frankly, anywhere outside of his own RP for quite a while now; even before he got it up, IIRC EDIT: well, I've seen him on- what I mean is; I just haven't seen much of anything posted by him for a long while outside of his own OOC and IC threads
  9. Eh screw it, I've been the one playing those characters for the majority of their screen time, and I don't think it so outlandish that they would react like I think they would... so screw it, let's move on and I'll apologize later if needed (Eh, sometimes it's just better to ask forgiveness than permission... but very few times.) Expect something soon. probably by tomorrow sometime.
  10. Oh yeah, and I kinda went through a while back and gave Mareek new character Themes: The Main one: The Second One (for all those times when he just wants to set fire to the damn rain...). I like to refer to it as Lone Wolf's Resolve, feel that it's pretty aptly named... And yes, the first one is japanese for a reason. The second one will likely be pulling double duty as a fight theme, both for pokemon battles and fisticuffs/ Himself directly VS another human being (if it ever comes down to it) EDIT: also edited the backstory a little and did some maintenance on the character sheet. Did some work on the team profile too, I've decided I'm only going to post in depth details for those members who are actually on the team at this point in time. EDIT 2: and Brienne's move set has changed again- I'll put up the official one once she actually is given back from the nurse and joins the party.
  11. Alright, so I got an announcement Legendaries will be making cameos as bosses in Surge Story 2.0. However, they will be different than they were in the current system- I'm just going to have legendaries be species of mon that are far more powerful than usual ones, but that there are multiples of- they are just extremely rare/ crafty and hard to track compared to others, as well as far harder to tame, hence, almost no one but certain characters will have one under their belt. They will also be a bit smaller than say... Articuno was, just as a general rule of thumb because this version requires me to consider how the environment would be able to sustain giant beast for long periods without giving out from depletion of resources... so yeah. Now, this way would make it not so outlandish for people eventually having opportunities to aquire legendaries as it would in the current form where their... basically like all fifty freaking feet tall and weapons created by governments and given out only to generals and top soldiers... and since Surge is only a lt, and none of the pcs would even be on the team if they were beyond his own rank... which they realistically would need to be in order to even be considered... So yeah, that;s the deal with legends.
  12. Oh lols man, you got no idea what I'm even talking about. It's an inside joke of sorts, I guess... You'd have to have participated in Surge Story to understand it though XD...
  13. there are 48 electric type mons. Next time, the blast will be proceeded by a water type attack. you have been warned. And another funny thing- Surge has 2 more weapons of mass destruction- really, there right here on the counter... *Picks them up expectantly...* as for Mareek, he's not getting a onesie either, because that makes even less than the Snood. plus it would kinda be impractical for movement, so yeah, no sense... why you gonna impede yourself by wearing something ridiculous?
  14. Why...? Eh screw it, I don't even know- never cared about fashion or any of that weird stuff... XD
  15. God damn it azery... interesting little thing I found- Surge had a genetic weapon of mass destruction you know... from the war... I think it's time I show you. *Sics Zekrom on Azery* Seriously though, all joking aside, no snood. cause of wikipedia told and showed me about it being some type of female head gear or hair net or whatever... And because I'm pretty sure that was a subtle shot at him from Dobby when he suggested that (You subtle bro, but I can still see it XD) like he's a freaking lunch lady or a meat packer or something... Though of course, I could be wrong... but even if it wasn't meant as a jab, it's still a huge no, cause Mareek doesn't do hats and all that, He just doesn't. So it wouldn't really make any sense anyway
  16. ... *Googles, is not pleased by the results* oh, screw you then, good sir... gonna fire shots when he ain't do nothing much to you XD. Yeah, he was being a dick earlier, but he DID apologize for it and actually mean it. but no, no Snoods... just... no. hell no.
  17. RIP Mareek's Jacket 2014-2015 Your many pockets were very convenient for carrying shit and what not... You served your wearer well, and you will be remembered. now, enter the successor... the Shemagh Scarf... Oh wait... I gotta add that the metal coat and the wrapping is inside the pockets too, leh me go do that real quick EDIT: Done. and I'm tempted to do a cut away in one of my posts during the last day of the cup to the shop where Alexandra bought the M-coat and have the thing's actual owner (a Clerk working there) just absolutely losing his shit as he finally realizes he accidentally sold it to her with some merchandise... maybe...
  18. "Wait, blood?" Mareek asked, looking up as he pulled his hand back towards him at the advice. He thought about what the hell Raiza was going on about, catching a glimpse of his clothing for the first time since the... incident. "Ah shiiiiit... How did I not notice any of this?" Off the jacket came with a Scowl on his face, turning it over and folding the material inside out to reveal the white interior and the at least six or so inner pockets, each filled with something it seemed... though most seemed to be either Berries or empty, minimized capsules, the heads of three leather-bound journals could be seen hiding among the pockets confines as well...right along with a strange cylindrical object wrapped in cloth... "Arceus," He sighed while handing the ruined thing off to Java's waiting Psybeam. "Couldn't even realize how bad it was in the dark... the stuff is even all over my hands, not to mention the fact the Jacket's probably done for now, stuff's never gonna come out if it's been on as long as I think it probably has...but at least my shirt's still good..." He sighed, standing and offering the Chesto berry half to Raiza. "Here, you-" The berry held the gleam of blood as well. Most of it on his palms was still relatively fresh. He thought better of it and shoved the thing into his pocket, turning to Java "On second thought, never mind- Java, you give her the half that isn't... all bloody and everything, then stay here encase something happens... I gotta go wash up..." He was already walking out of the room before the sentence was even finished. Java nodded as his partner left, levitating the clean Chesto Half over to Raiza with psybeam, looking at the blue haired girl as if it should be obvious what she was to do with it.
  19. Mareek looked up from the Nurse's efforts, glancing about the space but seeing nothing...That's odd... what was that loud thud just now? Like someone dropped something..."Hey, Java, did you...hear something just now?" "Well, If that something is the sound of a grown woman collapsing to the floor..." Java turned, nodding to Mrs.Marson's unconscious form on the white tiles. "Then yes, indeed I did hear something just now." Ah shit... great, It's like some horror movie or something; first weird shit is going on in the forest with frozen explosions and weird noises and half-dead fighting types, and now people are falling out for no reason...He left the fate of his charge to the Nurses as he moved over and knelt at the woman's side, trying to gingerly shake her awake by the shoulder "Mam? Mam, are you alright...nothing, out cold... well Java," In his upheld hand sat a chesto berry produced from the ever convenient hiding places of his blood soaked jacket. Java only nodded, firing off a psybeam, stopping it after about a good two feet and honing the beam of telekinetic force to a razor edge before slicing through the berry and collecting the top half. Mareek held the remainder under Mrs.Marson's nasal passage, hoping it would work just like it had with Lana. "Mam?" he repeated. "Are you alright?"
  20. I sleep for many hours, and come back to not much...kinda surprised. I need to stop procrastinating from now on though, these damn All-nighters do require a certain price to pay afterwards... (Like crashing at 4pm and not getting up till 6:30 the next damn morning XD) Anyways, my team is pretty much done now, since... there honestly is a scarcity of Steel types to choose from and everything. the only thing I have left to decide is whether or not he'll be getting a Steelix or a Magnezone encase he stops hating Galen in the end without having to look after The Surge (Ezio) to do it and therefore won't need to be given it (So yeah, whether or not he gets the electivire depends on how things go and how much he ultimately still has animosity in his heart towards his brother by the time for it...) If he's already forgiven him without having to have the thunder ape in his company, that leaves a slot vacant (Since Azelstan is set in stone... and he's a steel type, wearing dat silver, man. so he automatically gets tenure yo) so... Yeah... might go for that Aegislash, since it would make a good little challenge for him and Java (Cause java's like the strategy/ move guru for the team) to figure out how to use effectively. Either that, or his grace, Lord Steelix, will be joining the peasant likes of him and Java, or a magnezone will take the slot. And I've rewritten Erce's, Nemo's, and Brienne's roles on the team. Erce is going to be a guardian angel both in a figurative and literal sense and will have a moveset to reflect it. She also will not have V-wave in her final set because of that, but since I can do the exact same defensive tactics with Tailwind with a bit of work, plus Tailwind allows her to fly even better than V-wave, yeah... she gonna get that Aerokinesis. As for Nemo and Brienne, Nemo is now the Jedi knight of sorts- he's kinda like anakin without the whole fall to darkness thing since his final set will be oriented around destroying the foe with dem lightsaber (Bonerush) skills and using force lightning (HP electric, finally figured that one out XD) amoung other shciz... and Brienne? She will be more of the Jedi Master of the team since she'll rely primarily on special attacks (And can actually use "The force" in a way thanks to psychic)... plus, Jedi works better for both of them because of what I have planned in their character arcs... cause what do jedi say is a no-no? aside from going to the darkside and leading clone troopers into the temple and slaughtering children?
  21. stayed up all last night writting a research paper that I put off... but my ass is safe now, so it was pretty good by the end in my oppinion and so it was worth it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      ^ Don't be Hukuna Sensei or Strat... we are idiots.

    3. Commander


      Better than me. I do it two or three hours before it's due.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I did that a bit too much... not to mention when I did minor homework in the class it was due in that... that was interesting to say the least XD.

  22. Lols, doubt that would work out well, not even gonna try. Besides, he just saw some strange paranormal activity shit and whatnot... blood is (for now) the least of his worries. For example- trying to figure out what the hell could do that takes precedence over a ruined bit of clothing... especially given the fact he was gonna choke nemo out and wasn't even aware as he was moving in to do it. But yeah, RIP Jacket... you served your purpose well, reminding me of Squall leonhart and what not
  23. TFW has no Water Types yet and there are none in the vicinity that you know of XD Eh, oh well... or perhaps I could have him keep it... though that would probably come off as a bit creepy/ not quite right... eh screw it, scrap it. He's not a hoarder, goes more on the pragmatic side anyways... he needs a new trademark now though- perhaps a hoodie... or maybe a shemagh. That's what the huge cloth used to wrap up the Metal Coat is anyway, so...yeah, I'm liking the shemagh idea. Had another character who has the same thing, but... since It seems it's going to be a while until I can actually run her again...
  24. Well here, just for the sake of optimism ((Yes, for once Stratos is promoting Optimism- tis a sign of the end of days)) : Now... to get reading this.
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