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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. seriously though, we're moving a bit towards the whole Community Chatspeak rule now... and did you see the warning about Java's ability actually being used from now on? got edited in to the last post on here
  2. Please stop. I can feel my brain cells slowly dying one by one as my mind tries to process this. EDIT: also, while we're on the subject of Java... Azery, I'm gonna stop being as nice as I have and start actually using Java's ability of Analytic, starting as soon as the battle begins and going on from that point forward. To be honest though, the main reason I haven't used it like I should is because I've more or less just forgotten to include it during past fights. Kinda like how I started actually using Erce's technician during the battle with Lana- I had straight up forgotten about it for a while. But I ain't forgetting no more...
  3. Why, why ever would you want to do such a thing? XD Don't worry, he doesn't bite... he just blasts folks with a bit of telekinetic force when he feels they need it...
  4. the seeds of Java's cray-crayness are already present... Might just make this a second theme for him just for the hell of it
  5. Mareek and Co. Nemo's construct was all ready to go in his hands when the blonde boy stormed through the doors... Looks like this would be easy- the idiot looked like he was practically charging right for- Oh wait... nevermind. With a sigh, the young swordsman let his bonerush dissipate in his hands, ducking back under the nearest chair and hiding again as Claude passed. The boy's hair was not light enough and his Eyes and face were not that of the cocky bastard who spoke of tongues- whatever the hell that had meant... Besides- the one he was looking for was admitablly finely dressed... Joltara meanwhile perked up her ears, watching the blonde enter. But just as quick as they'd gone up, they relaxed. This wasn't the one she needed to impale... hair tone was wrong, so were the eyes and the face. And he wasn't dressed like a Blood either. No blacks or reds on his attire from what she could tell, no pressed and pompous-collared shirt... and to top it off, this boy had no rings she could see, nor any glasses... without a single noise, she returned her attention to the door. "Well, look who has entered..." Mareek heard in his ear drum. Java was gazing at the miffed coordinator as he came through the door. "Look Einstein- here's your chance to dish out the next round of apologies from earlier! I can always hand out more blows if you don't want though..." "What?" He followed the Normal Type's eyes. "Oh... eh, maybe we should wait- he doesn't exactly look like he's in the mood to hear it..." "Nonsense! don't pansy out of it- here, I'll even set the music..." Within an instant, some strange song from years and years ago began playing in the single earbud. Mareek didn't recognize it, whatever artist it was, which meant chances are Java had ripped it out of the interwebs... "Java, what the hell is this?" He tried taking the jack out, only to find his fingers snatched away and flung back to his side- like some pro wrestler irritated over someone playing with the radio. He held them tightly as yet another wave of familiar pain pulsed like a heart... "I don't know, but I very much like it. Now get talking... cause next time around, I'll be using Psybeams to get my point across, like I just did. keep stalling, and I will blast this at full volume over the monitors. That'll help with your cold feet in the matter, I'm sure." "Bird Jesus..." Mareek cursed under his breath before looking back at Claude, turning down the volume on his dex a bit. Eh, hell, now was probably as good a time as any to get it out of the way- and he did genuinely regret acting like that... so... might as well give it a shot. Chances are if he came in from nowhere he'd get snapped at, but he could always just use that to lead into it... Here goes nothing... "Hey... Claude," He called hesitantly from where he sat. "Something wrong?"
  6. Oh hey, Dobby- you gonna have Claude enter the waiting room where Mareek is? I wasn't too sure with you asking about it earlier. If not, I'll go ahead and have Kota find him and continue this little song and dance I got playing...
  7. Don't feel bad, trust me, I wouldn't be making such an effort if it weren't for the fact I got nothing else to do right now to be honest. Same thing with the movesets for the team. And my overall work that;s being poured into Mareek Boredom just happens to be a great motivator to do something... And that would be funny as hell if you named it Amethyst, Chim... funny as hell
  8. Hmmm... female Galvantula...? Hmmm... Galvana? Arachne (Greek god of spiders)? I'd say Anansi, but... Tsuchigumo? Ungoliant? Lols, that's all I got...
  9. Interesting, but like I said, I might honestly just consider skipping Sebastian and thinking up of how to prove the transformation once I get Galen's role done. Basically, I'm decided to pull back and just go one step at a time here- not trying to jump forward 2 years into the stories time. I don't know what I'm gonna do with sebastian, maybe I'll recind his role of joining the team but have him take an interest in Galen and get into a conflict with Azelstan because it will help shed light on his backstory (Azelstan is not originally wild, by the way, hence he will know certain moves in those events that no empoleon should be able to without the aid of a trainer.) But yeah, I'm keeping Sebastian away from the boy as of now. He doesn't join the team and the contact between him and Mareek will be minimum... but Galen will probably have several more encounters with the stalker as time goes on since I already introed something with those two- culminating in the fight involving azelstan where he is driven away and does not show up anywhere again. Plus it would make perfect sense considering Seby makes his lodgings relatively near the lake, and Galen will be visiting from time to time anyway. I just need to figure out how to trigger something with Azelstan but yeah, baby steps, Faust... gotta take baby steps, put away your wing and walk...fly and you'll crash... So here's the new encounter roster for year 1: Brienne Acesco (will evo into Espeon) Kiyone (Jeor's replacement, will evo into Glaceon) Sebastian gets to have fun with Big Brother...
  10. Then we still have the issue of a socipath getting away with impunity and being free to just try it again until he runs out/ is killed himself through sebastian using his own Team Member as a weapon . And the message I'm talking about, the one he NEEDs to understand, is to not let his hatred and his anger dictate his judgement and his actions, EVER- which is what led to a certain death in the family years ago involving Galen and his old man. Hence why I compare it to star wars in a way- Galen's final effort in life is to turn the boy away from the path of a sith and onto one of a jedi (Holy shit, the star wars stuff is coming in again XD) alot like... Rham Kota and Galen Marek- Galen, both this one and SW, started out as siths in a way, but eventually through events, both turned their backs to the past and came to realize something that allowed them to leave the darkness behind and enter into light. For Galen Marek- this was the realization that: A: Vader didn't give two shits about him, at all. B: These are genuinely good people whom he has gathered, willing to stand for what they believe in C: This path is not what his father would've wanted D:Juno Eclipse is hot E: The empire does need to have it's ass taken out. F: That Kota and Juno and the other rebel founders are the only ones who actually give a damn about him, in comparison to his master who has only ever used him as a tool and a weapon to do his dirty work for him. G: All his life, since he was a boy, either directly or indirectly, the darkside has brought him nothing but suffering and loss and hardship For Galen Sisto, however, this realization is the fact that he can see his little brother slowly but surely beginning to spiral down the same way he stumbled at his age, and his conviction to save him from making the same mistakes is what ultimately drives him to do anything with his life at all, it is what drives him to turn into a "Jedi" so to speak... You know what, enough, let's just not talk about it for now, I need to figure this shit out. Cause now I've just confused myself- The whole thing with Galen has been planned in advance for a long time and is set in stone for those two, but I need to rethink what comes after, cause... this is not the appropiate outcome now that I think about it- too many contradictions, if he doesn't let his rage control him- why would he not show mercy? perhaps he kills him without malice, but how can he when the basic equivalent of his adopted son has been murdered? Just too much going on- I'm redrafting it all from the point of Galen's last act onwards... I need to think about whether or not Sebastian even exists or should exist...
  11. .... .... .... I don't even know. if anything, that slots gonna be closed off permanently out of respect for the fallen unless Mareek finds another charity case to take in... like he did with Nemo. Yeah. That;s honestly the only way I could he see him allowing someone else to come in and fill the vacancy. If they were in need or weak or helpless. Though, if we're gonna be quite honest here- it can be anyone on the team who gets offed, really... except Erce, cause it's gonna be absolute war if his closest friend in the world gets taken out, the push will go too far in that case. but yeah. Anyone is fair game here, from brienne to Ezio to Kiyone even. Nemo is just the one I used as an example because given his tendencies and behavior of trying to gather info on his lonesome, he is the most vulnerable to getting got. Neither am I, but I wouldn't even be planning any of this if I didn't genuinely need something to wrap up that bit of his character development around that time frame and couldn't think of any better way. I mean, after big bro and everything about setting him back on the right path and everything... he's going to need some incident to show that he HAS in fact taken Galen's words to heart and not let his death be in vain. You people think I enjoy pulling RR Martins? I don't... if you got something different that would work to the same effect, then please, say something. I'd rather not have to kill shit like this to get the proper direction of Character development for where I want to take the damn character, lols. Killing characters, especially pokes, is one thing I know, so it's what I default to... those whom have been in things I've hosted can probably attest to this. (IE, surge story.) if anyone has a better Idea, suggest it and I'll be happy to drop Sebastian and everything about him completely. EDIT: and no offense, but the way things look like they're gonna go, I think it more likely that mareek will ultimately veiw Henry either as a hindrance or an enemy, same thing for Java.
  12. Lols, who said anyone outside of Mareek's team will know about it? Heck, they're probably gonna bicker and argue and lament over it until they finally come to the decision of execution and tell their damn trainer what the hell is even going on- via Java interpretting in a very, very frightening manner. And you see how taciturn he is now? why the hell would he share something like that with just anyone? maybe people he's close to if anything was asked, but otherwise, it's gonna be something he'd try to handle within the team. He don't talk about shit- he boils over on the stove as it all stews slowly. No, he's gonna keep it to himself and try to sneak off first chance he gets to end that Astral Body thing... and every psychic type he's got is gonna in the party
  13. Oh bird jesus... reminds me of Julia and her BOOMs XD And Nemo dies as Sebastian's victim after the second Exile. He can't constantly go wandering off to investigate alone without suffering the consequences of not letting anyone know where he is forever. Erce gonna be... just beyond ballistic, Java's gonna be beyond all reasoning.... It just gives some genuine motivation to take the star gazer out without any mercy at that point if one of their own fell victim. It will be so bad that Even Hershel will be calling for the psycho's blood... and if you've seen Walking Dead, you know shit's real when even Hershel calls for blood.' Though... it might have the opposite logical effect on the character development... I'll have to use extreme caution setting the seeds and writing it out, bit by bit to let it build...and even more when it actually comes time... Now... I must think of a very clever and devious way for him to off him... like Achilles would utilize. *Goes and looks up all the ways Achilles de Flandres killed people*
  14. Hmmm... gravity also gives me another method to kill the bastard with- if applied in a focused enough area for a long enough time... he goes squash like a grape. nah, gotta be quick and painless- and the man who gives the sentence should be the same who swings the sword afterwards... And yes, Azery. Venomoth is an insectoid creature with a light purple body. It has bulbous, round eyes with large pupils and a small mandible. Its thorax is paler with several black, zigzagging stripes running across the horizontal length. It has six short legs and a three-point crest on its head. Its two pairs of wings are covered in dust-like, purple scales that vary in color depending on their toxic capability. Dark scales are poisonous, while lighter scales can cause paralysis. These scales are released when Venomoth flutters its wings. EDIT: alright, thanks for clearing everything up chim. EDIT2: I have the feeling that there might be some ROG grunts in the future who will use such moves...
  15. Hold on... let me go get mah man Hershel... he's good at keeping things... down to earth, shall we say? XD
  16. Dayum... dat eliminates the whole point of blowing shit back into our opponents faces if most of them will be immune XD... Also, Azery, that is freaking terrifying man. Imagine if that's how it was- Pedo would be able to hover right up out of the water and make a meal out of anyone it liked... we're gonna have us... a Sharpnado issue... I can see it now. swarms and swarms of the ferocious things, comin at you, hovering like Java... oh sweet arceus, help us all... and Heaven forbid a dragonite or something decides to use hurricane on them...
  17. Faust stayed right where he was throughout the entire little chat, only moving once to let the new guy and the cat through the doorway. It was funny though- to hear someone just now bring up the bolt after all this time. "I was actually starting to think it had been completely unnoticed by anyone but the beast..." He lifted his gaze away from the little coalition, attention gluing itself to the news as he finally managed to secure the proper papers and turn the little vagrant of a smudge away, freeing his glasses and putting them back on. "Not like I'm going to admit to anything though. I don't quite know about some of these- who they are, how they act, what they'll do... might as well maintain the element of surprise encase they decide to go crazy or stupid someday and cause issues for both the norms and the magic folk alike. Afterall, there's nothing quite as surprising as getting a hand shake and then instantly feeling your heart stop."
  18. Eh, he did alright I guess... but out of sheer force of habit, the One-Winged Guardian Angel does not like... revealing himself needlessly. For a similiar reason to why he worked to drop his German Accent. causes issues...
  19. wha? little ol' me? I'm just gonna sit back for a while longer, listen from my place in the door. No reason to let ya'll actually know what my power is- you're a bunch a crazies afterall from as far as I can tell...
  20. And I would have her add insult to injury by using vacuum wave/ sandstorm to blow the stun spore right back at doux before she went in for the punch...
  21. This next entry is more or less a continuation of sorts on my thoughts on Death Crystals from yesterday. probably won't be terribly long. I imagine there could be many different ways for a Death Jewel to be present on a mage's person- Set into silver rings on their fingers, made in pendants, turned into Cane toppers, embedded in a piece of weaponry like a knife, bracelets, bracers, gloves, or even just holding the raw stone in their pocket by itself... why, it could even go so far as to be possible to create Magic textbooks which in and of themselves serve as the medium through which the mage's energy is released- all thanks to the Death Crystals which would be ground down to a fine powder and then mixed in with the ink used to pen the work. Hell, even a single page, torn out and lost from it's brothers, could do the job in such a case... which would probably mean it would be highly restricted who had access to such works at any given time. I guess the question most prominent though, is the actual size of the stone... does it matter? I don't honestly know, to tell the truth, but I don't think it would, in all honesty. Either way the life form still enters Death State, whether it's a massive boulder of the stuff or a mere sliver- the corruption is always completed regardless, and the law stops affecting them. I guess the only real variable would be to have it so that the size affects the efficiency of magic- IE, large stones allow for faster and greater discharges of energy for spell casting. But then again, the true cause of Magic, the thing that enables it, is honestly the Death State brought on by the contact with the dead energy- so long as a life form is in the state, they can disperse their power however they so please in how much quantity as they can do while still sustaining themselves. The Jewels themselves do not necessarily have to be the actual mediums through which the magic is cast. But what I could do is have the jewels act as a focusing point of sorts- like a medium to amplify the energy given off and make the magic stronger because of that amplification. But surely in the course of such a process, the energy latent in the stone itself would be compromised, and some would likely flow outwards with the very power it was channeling... Or another thing I can do possibly is have it so that Death Crystals decay over time- either via age or usage or a combination of the two. This way I can justify it all as a smaller death stone will decay at a much faster rate when used in comparison with a larger Death Stone. When alone and untouched, gardually, this pent up power sealed in a crystallized form begins to finally leak it's way out of it's solid mass and back into the cosmos where it belongs, to be recycled into the universe. In the wild, I don't know how long this could take- from a few years to perhaps decades or even centuries in large cases, before the crystals have completely diminished. During usage though... I imagine a fair sized stone the size of a ping-pong ball might last a very active mage about say... six months? that's assuming the mage is of a class that is required to engage in a great deal of magic on a daily basis, such as a soldier during times of war, an embuer, a Beast trainer... so on and so forth. This of course, would reinforce the idea of the stone itself being the actual medium through which a mage's energy is released... and in all honestly, for the sake of keeping true to the inspiration, I believe I shall stick to this being the case. Yes, I shall do this- The Crystal's themselves shall be the catalysts, for reasons already explained in depth, allowing a mage to project his energy into the world around him and initiate the process of magic. I will leave the prospect of potential decay, either in the wild or through usage for another time however- but even If I decide to do it, I imagine it would be quite possible to enchant the setting of the Stone in order to prevent such decay or "Freeze" it in a way. Another thing I should probably mention- it is utterly impossible to enchant a Death Crystal by itself- the reason being that because it is the catalyst, whatever effect is laid on it will surely be washed away by the tide of next feat of magic preformed with it. Hence, a wiser choice would be to focus on the material holding it in place- to form perhaps a bubble of sorts, a bubble of preservation... anyway, that is all for now. EDIT: and my... at this rate, I should probably create a glossary of sorts or a table of contents... I'll likely have to get around to it...
  22. the prospect of moves potentially being banned is precisely one of the reasons why I would rather wait for chimchain to be able to get a word in edge wise about issues like this (alongside the fact that it stops shit from escalating before it even has the chance to) instead of pushing the issue while he's not here... cause pushing the issue when the big cheese ain't around causes headaches, and...headaches cause issues and...issues cause shit to happen and... well, you see where I'm going with this... hence why I've kept my lips closed beyond a certain point and refrained from even bringing it up again. eh, screw it, I'm pretty much neutral on it all at this point- I'm always gonna have a move set and a combat stratagem to fall back on regardless. I just churn out the dang things like it's no one's business...
  23. Well I'll be damned... Kiyone can get both Heal Bell and Wish, just like Espeon... but no, think I'll have the roles stay the same- she's gotta hatch...
  24. Link to Journal: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13665#entry306688 So yeah, I decided I wanted to keep the other thread devoted solely to my musings, but still wanted some form of discussion or talk for those interested, so hence, I have made this thread to act as a discussion of sorts for those who may be intrigued or have questions about various CW notes and reflections I post in the journal. So yeah, if you got any questions, feel free to fire away in here. Keep in mind to keep it all on topic though- CWs are the reason we're here, specifically those I have... mourned or mused over. deviate from the overall topic, and you put this thread at risk of being moved to the Trainer's Journal subforum, where I am 100% certain it will be no where near as effective or appropriate for it's overall goal. I want to think of this thread more or less as a place for Q&A sessions with the author encase anyone wants to ever know more about something. I will likely alternate answers between directly on here, or on the journal thread itself if a certain question happens to spur a larger train of thought in my mind.
    1. Sutoratosu


      And yes, I'm 99% certain it can be justified being in the cw section instead of trainer's journal... because the main topic or discussion is Creative works.

    2. Sutoratosu


      And there's a separate thread for discussion, BTW

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