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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. I was gonna have him suggest she call her afterall, but I refrained and ended up going with that reaction because I already knew that. EDIT: and sorry, but I'm not gonna be very nice here, so don't expect Java or Nemo or Erce to conveniently pop in and save you here XD
  2. This. Murdoc stated the average for a beginning Magi who's fresh from the frying pan is around that time span or so. Magi who have been at it for months like Faust or years like Vixen (And presumably Takeshi) can probably sustain it for a considerably longer time though, given the whole growth of power over time thing. EDIT: Also, Popo and a name change. Very fitting. Very fitting indeed (You can always tell I'm bored when I start doing shit like this XD)
  3. Let's start us a three front war- cause I'm not allying with Cows... shit never goes well around here when animals are involved

  4. Reborn and Animals simply don't mix. The Gator War and it's casualties taught us all that much. The foxes fell once, under the command of the one called Flux, and they can be felled again, even under this new lord of theirs. Join the Resistance.
  5. Real quick: does anyone know any good anime with a plot involving/ revolving around Yakazus?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      KHR has a bit too much elements of... just other stuff thrown in there for me to say it is a good one for that specifically. You could remove the Mafia parts of KHR and replace it with something else... and it would mostly be the same story. ((and I am using a character from it as my avatar XD)), so I love it. But I certainly wouldn't say it does the Mafia thing well just cause of all the magic stuff involved.

    3. Simon


      That's true yea. I just said it as I remembered it had that element in there. And huh, didn't even notice you were using Lal o.e My vision is the greatest.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Lal is probably one of... if not my favourite character of all time lol.

  6. Disregard that earlier status, my fellow rebels! The filthy Beasts managed to subdue me for a time and post that garbage in my name... but no longer...*Reloads Shotgun*

    1. Azeria


      Shall we begin,the extermination of the fox kind?

    2. Sutoratosu


      Nein! we do not commit genocide- we only kill enough to the point where they surrender and leave in peace.

    3. Oris



  7. Join the resistance! we CAN prevail!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Bowith NOT to the religion of these mongrels and Foxes! Heedith not their words of death and doom!

    3. Azeria


      End the evil reign of these Foxes!

    4. Azeria


      Drain Their supplies!!

  8. FYI, if no one else posts anything IC by tomorrow, I'm going to just regard it as you all forfeiting your turns this rotation and go ahead and just update for Typhlosion.
  9. TFW It suddenly strikes me... that it would make far more sense to swap Azelstan and Brienne's roles. Since Azelstan is an old pirate, he'd be better suited to be... an Empoleon. And considering Brienne's personality from game of thrones and her overall character- she'd be better cast as a... Aggron. Lols, it amazes me that it took this long for me to realize that... well, might as well fix it. but at this rate it also means that Aggron will be swapped with Empoleon in the year one slots, so Galen will be befriending a Empoleon at the lake instead of a Aggron... which still works out because again, Azelstan is going to be a wanderer EDIT: Lols, just fucking lols, I can;t win with this, can I? XD Just looked at Aggron's line, and Aron doesn't evolve into Lairon... until fucking level 32, just like Gothita. *Sighes* Whatever, Guess there won't be anyone added anytime soon since the only one left to fall back on for this year's roster is Jeor... whom's going to be gotten from hatching an egg, so... I can't even use him XD Guess I'll just settle for introing team members for now and getting things set up, I guess... EDIT 2: Screw it- he;s just gonna catch Brienne as a Aron.
  10. Lols, guys... just lols... Faust would be glad he left when he did, y'all are a crazy bunch...
  11. Well shit... just realized that Gothita evolves at level 32... so Guess I'll have to either do the intro now and have an even longer wait time till he can actually catch it, or just say screw it and go ahead and postpone the introduction- which means Sebastian likely won't be the "first" to be added next, leaving brienne to take the place instead. Think I'll go with the latter... so that means Galen gets no section in that last response. ah well... And no, I refuse to even consider doing the scene with Sebastian as a Gothita. I simply would be able to take his character seriously when his appearance would be that... small and unassuming in nature. Plus I want him to have a good bit of age on him- not as old as Azelstan (who would probably be the equivalent of a man in his early fifties), but in terms of equivalency, at least a few years or two ahead of Mareek and probably older than Java. Speaking of which, do any of you actually have maturity ages in mind for your team members? like child, adolescent, adult, middle aged, elder? cause I've been doing it in my head for a while. Nemo is about somewhere in between the equivalent of a 9-11 year old Java- about 26 Erce- somewhere in the late twenties, probably 28, though upon evoing she'll probably jump up to age 40 or somewhere in the mid to late thirties (so basically ten years worth of maturity gained.) Just a weird little habit I've formed. I find it helps a little with characterization
  12. The feeling of another person's touch achieved what mere words could not. Mareek slowly but surely released the Kung Fu death grip, letting his arm drop to his side. His eyes softened from their harsh storm as he slowly came back to reality. For that... was the power of it. the power of the feeling that even now he could feel making his blood flush with heat. To so completely pluck one up from the world around them, to transfer them to somewhere outside of the here and now, a place... where action becomes one's reality, action and reaction... wrongs and retribution... He stopped his glowering, looking back and forth between the Nurse's expression of concern and Raiza's one of slight apprehension before letting his eyes drop back to the floor. "... I'm Sorry about that..." He sighed sheepishly, turning from the counter. "I was just... thinking about something from a long time ago. It's best I just leave it at that..." and he did, not saying another word. Just staring off at the monitor, oblivious to whatever Raiza had been intending to talk to him about earlier.
  13. Am I the only one here who doesn't get whatever reference of whatever this whole thing with Spyro being a fitting nick is founded on then?XD I never played the games, so... probably.
  14. Lols, I don't care to be honest, call him what you want so long as it's not a nationalist slur or some other form of hate speech- cause he'll have some serious issues with ya if you do. I can offer o guaruntees about whether or not Spyro, or any bestowed name for that matter, is going to start to mean anything over time to him- I intend to do what I'm doing in PA and just let my PC dance of his own accord and act however my instinct tells me he would naturally act given his background, personality, beleifs, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera...
  15. See? now Odin, that right there could work out too. since Thor does imply more of a... in your face approach to stuff. Or maybe he'll just have multiple lightning/ electrical related pseudonyms that he keeps on hand, cycling through them as needed...
  16. yeah... I'm not really seeing how exactly he could be one, but then again that's probably because I already had my personal ultimate interpretation of what his character is set in stone when I made him. but anyways, yeah... either Blitz or Strom will work better. And I don't like Spyro, just don't... even if he's a dragon... EDIT:don't get me wrong though, for the sake of story, You all can go ahead and have someone call him spyro if yall want, but he won't see any meaning or significance in the name and will never personally use it if you do
  17. Oh hell no. I'm sorry, but I must object good sir, you are not nicknaming me after some little shit of a dragon... :I doesn't even make that much sense to do it. I'll think of something more suiting... EDIT: if you're gonna call him anything other than his name, than at least call him "Blitz", or Perhaps "Strom" Cause Blitz/ Strom makes soooo much more damn sense than something like "Spyro"
  18. If I recall correctly though, we don't necessarily have to wait till the exact level the mon would learn to move in the games for them to learn it here, so long as they wouldn't have perfect move sets upon being obtained ((basically my interpretation was that so long as their was some actual development in the move set over time instead of starting perfect, any level up move was fair game if not overdone)) Like for example, Java knew Dishcarge already when he met Mareek- yet Porygon gets Discharge at level 40 or so in the games and it's not possible to obtain it on it besides leveling- no egg move, no tm for it, and no move tutor for it.
  19. He had to admit, that whole sequence was rather...quick compared to what he'd been led to believe, what he'd been told and even seen first hand. Either this Man with the cape- or rather, scraggly looking teen, was a bit more advanced in abilities than the average bear... or this beast had really been nothing but Fodder on the spectrum of power. "Doesn't really matter in the end..." Faust said, a bit relieved after the breif encounter with the Preservers ended without any fireworks... The younger man had a point- chances are someone had called the cops by now from all the damn noise and they were probably speeding over here even now, and there honestly would not be many things worse than if a few Norms had unwittingly waltzed right into a scuffle between a couple of Magi. And he would be absolutely powerless to do anything if one had broken out... He was only one peacekeeper, afterall. "It's over now. Not much reason for me to bother staying if nothing's attacking and no one's threatening to rip each other's throats out..." He brought his wing around and presented the still glowing, razor sharp plume.Static crackled ever so slightly, the thing beginning to quiver and hum. Like a missile, it shot back home to it's brethren of steel, finding it's place easily among the hundreds upon hundreds of metallic azure heads. He turned, preparing to take one last leap to get to street level and get out of this place... though he spared a single glance back at the Foolish girl sprawled out cold on the asphalt. Honestly, not much pity flowed through him- She'd ignore his advice to get the hell out of the way, thankfully the thing had been dead around the time she went out like a light, but... there would probably be other situations down the road, seeing as how he himself had been sucked into this world of craziness so easily and adapted to the point where it was all the new normal to him... But then again... when he was still as new to it all as this kid obviously was, he hadn't been stupid. He had possessed the common sense to stay the fuck out of sight as best he possibly could whenever shit broke out, stay under the radar and tread lightly- this kid here though? She'd be chow before long if a bit of wising up wasn't done. "You can't save them all..." He sighed in german. "But at least I can say I did try. And she's got all of them down there, so... no real reason to get further involved, I suppose." That and the fact that he would like to be able to actually eat this week, and the store wasn't gonna stay open all damn night... Without a word he pushed off the roof, quiet as death as he glided down and landed a bit down the road from the little assembly. His wing spasmed, contracted, then all at once, the blue plumes shot back into his back like a bullet- leaving a clean slit in his shirt in their wake. "Hell, I should probably pick up thread and some cloth while I at it too..." Without a single word to any of them, the German tucked his hands into his pockets and began walking back the way he'd came...
  20. don't really know if we're allowed to leave this scene or not, but I figured since Faust honestly has no legit reason to stay- given that the beast is dead, everyone he can see/ knows is in the area is more or less alright, no one's threatening to kill each other or cause some other form of shit for normal authorities to unknowingly walk into and be put at risk, and the fact that he's probably gotten some sort of briefing or run down of how things work when he was found and joined up with the peacekeepers. And the fact he still needs food for the week... IT's basically like a cop who responds to a scene, gets out of his patrol car, and sees that nothings really wrong by the time he's gotten there.
  21. Lols, Nemo and Java aren't even main slot holders (Though java will always be in contact with Mareek regardless of being on the active team). once year two hits, they;re gonna start functioning more behind the scenes than in actual combat. ' I've already published the plan for his main team. Steel and Psychic specialist, all the other ones are just gonna occasionally be subbed in, but otherwise will be doing other things... Basically, the main team is like the main army, and the reserves are the special forces who do... special stuff and usually don't fight in the open.
  22. Lols, he probably won't be too fond of Nemo in the future, trust me... that little bastard is gonna get ruthless when he grows up, able to put up a facade of niceness, but when he needs to be, mercilessly, utterly ruthless. Kinda like Carol from TWD... a LOT like Carol
  23. I think I'm gonna have the next mon added to the team be... Sebastian, Gazer of Starry Skies, And a priest cloaked in Black ((Gothorita basically)). He'll make for something a bit more interesting than Brienne would right now, since I intend to have him... be well versed in the Dark side of the force I'll probably intro him watching a certain Man-Satan leave the forest in my next response later on today. Don't know exactly when he'll actually join up, but he's the next one to do so regardless. Oh, and... Expect some more starwars allusions XD.
  24. NEIN! for this hatred is for the dark lord giratina dressed in men's clothing and disguising himself as human! that's legit what he thinks of Galen of as nowadays though
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