well, soldier, since Private Super has upped and gone AWOL at this point, guess I'll just have to take your word for it regarding the water types.
Though the whole Psychic thing is vetoed. It might not make sense to current scientific laws, but if it has been observed and proven that they act in such a manner, than it must be logical in some manner- the logic we use so rigidly in regards to it is simply flawed. If it exists, there is a reason and a method behind it, even if we aren't smart enough to deduce said method and reason. That and having it be GNE simply because it's status of being both a partical and a wave is a bit far fetched in and off itself- remember, Psychic Affinty GAOs (Pronounced Gay-O, for future reference, soldier) posses intelect exceeding even the greatest of human geniuses, so simply because scientist like Ray have yet to figure out how the hell it works out like it does, doesn't necessarily mean that things like ol' Foxman haven't either.
As for against itself, soldiers, I don't know why the hell Stratos didn't just make them immune to each other... honestly, if two Photics go at it, they're both just gonna end up harnessing and redirecting the light the other uses against them and it's gonna be a perpetual fight as they go back and forth, back and forth, one after the other... and damn cool fight to look at, but a perpetual fight nonetheless. Hell, fighting Chinese GAOWs ((Gay-Ow)) showed me first hand that two Photics are going to have a near impossible time killing each other with light alone- the only reason Fire or Electric even effect them at all is because of the heat factor for fire and Electricity's rather... shocking nature.
The type chart as it stands:
When Attacking Photic:
Always Super Effective:
- Dark
Generally Super Effective:
Generally Not Effective:
-Fighting ((Bitch, please- how you gonna punch what you can't even see because you're blinded?))
Always Not Effective:
-Fire ((Fire gives off a lot of light... which can be used to the enemies advantage...but there is still a heat factor to consider))
-Electric ((Same reasoning as fire... plus it's... shocking))
-Photic ((Soldiers, I will tell you this from first hand experience, two Photics going at it are honestly just going to be sitting there going back and forth all day, firing off blasts and absorbing the one sent at them to redirect it into a counter attack, and we're gonna find ourselves in a virtually perpetual loop because even if one happens to be slow once and let a blast hit, the subconscious and base instinct of the creature is gonna kick in and redirect the energy to protect from harm... it would be pointless))
When Photic Attacks:
Always Super Effective:
-Dark ((Nuclear opposites))
Generally Super Effective:
-Steel ((Strong enough light can be enough to burn matter...lasers, anyone?))
-Rock ((Same as above))
-Ice ((See top))
-Bug ((See top))
Generally Not Effective:
-Grass ((Ever hear of photosynthesis? though, strong enough light can burn...))
-Fire ((Both fire and electric cast off quite a lot of heat and light...))
-Electric ((Same as above))
Always Not Effective:
-Photic ((See previous reasoning))