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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. one of the following: -Adaptability -Bullet Proof -Gale Wings -Lightning Rod -Magnet Pull -Motor Drive -Static -Volt Absorb -Teravolt
  2. "It's not real....it's just a Virt-Real..." Fayth thought in vain as she shielded her face reflexively with her hand and began to walk- rather haltingly- towards the ruins cresting the dune in the distance, though certain parts of her incessantly protested that no, this was very much real. She held her arm up before her face as she trekked, only partially succeeding in blocking the harsh desert sunlight overhead as she tried to guess the distance between here and the dune; The only thing she deduced for certain though, was that she'd have to do a nice bit of walking... "I wonder... is it possible to die from things like Dehydration or hunger here?"
  3. He's too damn lazy... guess I'll get the characters finished and this thing up in the air while he's away- out of payback for the bastard springing that surprise on me...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Oh, it's gonna get released, Commander, don't you worry... but Stratos just ain't gonna be the one to put the finishing touches on it and run it. I will.

    3. Flux


      Wait, what? Surge has returned?

    4. Sutoratosu


      Indeed I have, soldier. Stratos Pussied out.

  4. well, soldier, since Private Super has upped and gone AWOL at this point, guess I'll just have to take your word for it regarding the water types. Though the whole Psychic thing is vetoed. It might not make sense to current scientific laws, but if it has been observed and proven that they act in such a manner, than it must be logical in some manner- the logic we use so rigidly in regards to it is simply flawed. If it exists, there is a reason and a method behind it, even if we aren't smart enough to deduce said method and reason. That and having it be GNE simply because it's status of being both a partical and a wave is a bit far fetched in and off itself- remember, Psychic Affinty GAOs (Pronounced Gay-O, for future reference, soldier) posses intelect exceeding even the greatest of human geniuses, so simply because scientist like Ray have yet to figure out how the hell it works out like it does, doesn't necessarily mean that things like ol' Foxman haven't either. As for against itself, soldiers, I don't know why the hell Stratos didn't just make them immune to each other... honestly, if two Photics go at it, they're both just gonna end up harnessing and redirecting the light the other uses against them and it's gonna be a perpetual fight as they go back and forth, back and forth, one after the other... and damn cool fight to look at, but a perpetual fight nonetheless. Hell, fighting Chinese GAOWs ((Gay-Ow)) showed me first hand that two Photics are going to have a near impossible time killing each other with light alone- the only reason Fire or Electric even effect them at all is because of the heat factor for fire and Electricity's rather... shocking nature. The type chart as it stands: When Attacking Photic: Always Super Effective: - Dark Generally Super Effective: -None Generally Not Effective: -Fighting ((Bitch, please- how you gonna punch what you can't even see because you're blinded?)) Always Not Effective: -Fire ((Fire gives off a lot of light... which can be used to the enemies advantage...but there is still a heat factor to consider)) -Electric ((Same reasoning as fire... plus it's... shocking)) Immunities: -Photic ((Soldiers, I will tell you this from first hand experience, two Photics going at it are honestly just going to be sitting there going back and forth all day, firing off blasts and absorbing the one sent at them to redirect it into a counter attack, and we're gonna find ourselves in a virtually perpetual loop because even if one happens to be slow once and let a blast hit, the subconscious and base instinct of the creature is gonna kick in and redirect the energy to protect from harm... it would be pointless)) When Photic Attacks: Always Super Effective: -Dark ((Nuclear opposites)) Generally Super Effective: -Steel ((Strong enough light can be enough to burn matter...lasers, anyone?)) -Rock ((Same as above)) -Ice ((See top)) -Bug ((See top)) Generally Not Effective: -Grass ((Ever hear of photosynthesis? though, strong enough light can burn...)) -Fire ((Both fire and electric cast off quite a lot of heat and light...)) -Electric ((Same as above)) -Water Always Not Effective: -None Immune: -Photic ((See previous reasoning))
  5. Soldiers, I'm back. And the country formerly known as "China" no longer exists...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Nope, China is gonzo now because the Deer decided to fuck with the Eagle, and the Eagle called all it's buddies over and together they kick countless asses and took countless names.

    3. Sutoratosu


      In other words, soldiers, china fucked with america, and forgot that America actually had a ballsy Ex-General for a president in office who doesn't take shit...

    4. Sutoratosu


      Most of the time my squad was serving as support and preliminary forces for Marines, going in either before or alongside them and taking out the heaviest bouts of opposition through ambush and stealth coupled with GAO tactics... but there was one mission...

  6. well, yeah, thanks for that... you freaking cleaned me out almost completely.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      op, nevermind... Dobby just bought the good lieutenant a flight back home from china. expect to see him very soon, folks

    3. Shamitako
    4. Felicity


      Whaddya wanna bet I have more money to donate than you can steal?

  7. Behold! The power of Myer-Brigs!!!

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It is horrifying, how close that is. It isn't perfect for sure, but it is pretty close. ((it happens I am very close in some categories.))

  8. Do you see the power of Myer-Briggs now? I have a tendency to use it for characters because of it...
  9. the city of Esperanza shall rise again!!! under new management, that is...

  10. you too? btw, Let the record show that I am by no means at all a happy person or even an outgoing one- what with Being a complete INTJ who would rather watch characters go through some deep emotional struggle that ultimately leaves them far stronger a person than they ever were before instead of sitting around reading about them sitting around and talking on and on about their feelings for god freaking knows how many damn pages. "Happy-Go-Lucky" and "Upbeat" are simply two things which are not natural gears for me- ergo the majority of my characters will be serious and at least moderately driven and goal oriented; those are things I understand because I live them every single day, "Happy-Go-Lucky" is a foreign concept to me, and one that honestly conflicts a shit ton with who I am as a person at the end of the day. though.... everything Surge was, didn't come too naturally as traits for myself either, so... guess I'll just have to go get him put on another act for this...
  11. Goddamn it... Forum Name: Stratos Character Name: Arya Wraith Age: 16 Personality: A rather upbeat ISFJ, Arya is one who is always ready and willing to help someone else. Her patience is rather higher than most, and she can easily read other's emotions and be there to support them. Though she works hard no matter the task, her rather humble nature can at times lead her downplaying things even when the credit is more than due if she feels she could've done better. Ironically, while she's supportive to others she has a tendency to internalize her own feelings at times rather than express them. Appearance: A teenage girl standing at 5"5, with a slender build. complexion is relatively fair with a heart faced shape and a small, snub nose. Has short, raven-black hair and eyes of a dull mist-laden blue. She doesn't concern herself too much with fashion and as such her wardrobe and regular outfit is rather varied compared to some. A Triangular burn scar stretches across one of her cheeks, marring the skin. Line of Belief: Practicing Kallistle Modifier: Vine Element: Fire to burn down all the smug alpha bitches... ... ... ... There, I did it- you see? a lighter character...
  12. yeah, I'm a day late... get over it, soldiers. Photic ((Fairy, being renamed to be scientific)) The complete and utter opposites of dark types, the electro-magnetic fields they generate allow them to manipulate the waves of the light spectrum as they please just as those generated by Dark GAOs does. Unlike dark types, however, these organisms' fields seem to be more suited for harnessing light in various ways rather than simply disrupting it and other energy fields, an example of which being that many of them are more than capable of condensing light into a destructive burst, among other things... such as the generation of heat from focusing the energy into said burst and beams... When Attacking Photic: Always Super Effective: - Dark Generally Super Effective: -None Generally Not Effective: -Fighting ((Bitch, please- how you gonna punch what you can't even see because you're blinded?)) Always Not Effective: -Fire ((Fire gives off a lot of light... which can be used to the enemies advantage...)) -Electric ((Same reasoning as fire)) Immunities: -None When Photic Attacks: Always Super Effective: -Dark ((Nuclear opposites)) Generally Super Effective: -Steel ((Strong enough light can be enough to burn matter...lasers, anyone?)) -Rock ((Same as above)) -Ice ((See top/ same reasoning as water)) -Water ((See top- the main thing that gets them is the amount of heat generated from condensing light into lasers...)) -Bug ((See top)) Generally Not Effective: -Grass ((Ever hear of photosynthesis? though, strong enough light can burn...)) -Fire ((Both fire and electric cast off quite a lot of heat and light...)) -Electric ((Same as above)) Always Not Effective: -None Anyone got objections to this right here?
  13. Hmmm... should I, or shouldn't I... damn it, this is actually a difficult decision...never really had that much love for Magical Girls... not that I hate em or anything, I've just always been rather indifferent to them...
  14. and BTW, dobby, there's a reason for Lucian's... rather complete and utter heel turn face. And it's not what it was portrayed as being...

    1. Sutoratosu


      But you will see what I mean eventually.

  15. yeah... if they aren't back by March 15, I'm just gonna end their grace period and kill off their characters. It's already been nearly a month in a half since I've seen or heard of either from them.

    1. Maelstrom


      Sounds like you could kill them off now and skip yet another month of waiting.

    2. Sutoratosu


      Yeah, I could... but I have a bad habit of being a bit overly generous with giving players time if I can't find out any information about what's going on. My normal limit before I either seize full control or just off them is actually about 45 days...

  16. Kenny Wind Tracer gave a few mumbles of dissatisfaction at Ko'Luki's pace, though reluctantly keeping in step behind the man as he moved slow as a hobbled midget. The figure before them stopped when the sound of clopping hooves reached his ears. Without a single word he directed his attention over to the alchemist, seemingly recognizing him. "You," Maximus began. "You were one of the ones at the Ceremony after that beast Rossephus ran away, weren't you?" Meanwhile the stone in his hand was beginning to glow, though it was faint. the Ekarder seemed not to even realize it as he scanned the man up and down, attempting to deduce if he'd mistaken him for another or not...
  17. I'm actually planning to have them all sacrifice themselves to end the outbreak as well as ensure that Jayce didn't have to himself in that particular fight, but instead survives in order to become the leader of the rebellion... cause in order to win that war against the rulers of the city, they'd need a guy whose the culmination of every great military leader who ever lived, and besides that, if the revolution fails... they would've died for nothing. put simply they refused to let Jace commit suicide by staying behind and holding off a last wave as they all escaped, and kinda... swapped places with him and then completely locked him out of the situation. It'll make more sense once there's more context provided from the prologue work. But anyways, yeah.... Garren and everyone else (Including Lance and Lee) is gonna become the martyrs of the rebel cause... kinda like how star killer was in force unleashed. so you're gonna need to roll a new character...
  18. Huh... never considered that. you have a lot of good points there. Alright then, guess I'll just keep the PCs on in the investigation team do a short story of sorts in order to lessen the sting of losing the work that's been put in by everyone.(will probably be more of just a lengthy "captain's journal/ recordings" of sorts made by Jace though simply because of various other work I have going on at the moment). Thanks for the suggestion there, Kurostone
  19. Oh, woops... well, flames tend to scare off folks when they burst in their face and whatnot... so it was only a reasonable reaction to be honest... but eh, you still got a bit of development going, didn't you? I honestly think this is more useful towards what you wanted than a calmer ending to this interaction would've yielded.
  20. Not much to be honest. The only real thing that gets cropped is well... the events that would've taken place in eden under your PCs influence. The team would be replaced by other individuals who serve the same role under Jace, and you all would be more or less new faces into the fray of the rebellion. so yeah, not much at all. some more things that are hidden about it will likely be revealed though.... like the fact that Eden is not the first of it's kind.
  21. Like we all already discussed with Dark types, Fairy types are going to be based on the manipulation of waves of the light spectrum and generation of electromagnetic fields and frequencies capable of such, just as Dark types are capable of the exact opposite (which works because alot of fairy type moves and attacks are more or less light based in some way.) I may even go so far as to remove the name fairy and redub it simply the "Photic" type to better illustrate the contrast with it's nuclear rival on the type chart. anyways, work on this will resume probably tommorow when I get a chart up for the Fairies. An update will likely be coming around the same time.
  22. But of course, my good man. though if anyone wants to simply reusue their character from here, it would be as simple as more or less wiping certain parts of the back-story (IE motivation to go to Eden, etc.) and then just re-configuring them a bit to fit the new RP if nessacary
  23. No, Exlink, I'm afraid you're missing my point entirely- this RP's ending either way at this point, Period. because I refuse to allow players to suffer the clusterfuck that will occur if I try writing anything more for this plot when my soul isn't putting forth full effort for it. what I want to know here is your opinion on the proposal. I've only lost interest in... well, just this story, but the world itself, the characters, the technology... I still feel something for all of it, and so if you all want, I can use those to draft something new- perhaps something that will go a bit better. So if you guys want to wipe the slate clean here and start over anew, then I'll be more happy to do that. Even if you don't want to though, it's your decision and that's fine as well, and this thing still dies. I just wanted to offer an alternative story and RP for you all to consider and play in rather than just flicking a match and walking away as it all goes up in flames.
  24. If you are participating in Exodus: Beyond Eden- I am officially done. I'm sorry, but I can't do it. I have an interesting proposal for you though... http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10018

    1. Sutoratosu


      my heart simply ain't in it anymore. And I refuse to let you all suffer the shotty and half-ass quality work which would follow as a result if we attempted to continue.

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