He could see no one else present at the gates when he arrived- no one save a handful of guards on patrol... or rather they should've been patrolling, instead of getting drunk in the small shack just to the right of the gaping, massive wooden doors. The slabs of blackened mahogany stood open to the night, the higher peaks of the Range visible in the distance along with the north star, blazing bright in the heavens like some strange beacon. The guards and their drinking games could be hear loud and clear in the crisp night air; mostly bouts of cursing and laughter with slurred talk, the occasionally clang of their cups piercing through now and again.
It was something besides the intoxicated merriment and liquor driven dereliction of duty that drew his attention however. He thought it had been nothing more than a stray shadow in the light of the street lamps (Which themselves were filled with some strange magic rather than actual fire, tiny balls of flaring red and orange roiling within their glass prisons and casting flickering luminescence all around), but upon closer inspection he could see the clear outline of a man in the distance- what looked to be a spear stowed across his back, seeming to be holding something out in his hand and scanning the ground...
Nothing here as well... just as it had been the entire time; the Evochium was dark as death. At least that settled it, he could get back to the shop now, get what he needed and give the rock back to it's owner. Maximus couldn't help but wonder though; what exactly was Muinnat? He knew of what weapons made from it could supposedly do- everyone did, it was such a common urban myth: They cut through bone steel flesh and even some stones as if they were paper, withstand almost any blow or impact, held their edges and shape indefinitely, and from even a few accounts, were said to be able to strengthen or deflect magicks. He'd seen them a few times, hanging on the belts of an Arch Magistrate or two, swords red as fresh blood and glistening like it too, but yet, he had never figured out how one could possibly work a metal which could resist the strike of a thousand hammers, how one could try to shape and mold an ore that was so heat resistant that it could rest in a bonfire for an entire day and night and emerge without even a trace of warping.
That's when a rather strange thought came into his mind... What if they used some kind of magic to do it? Hell, he'd seen more and more of the stuff as the night had progressed, things that could not possibly be explained away as being the Spheres, first some demon-god-man being called forth at the resurrection, then the Sky Slayer's Immortality, untouched by the ravages of the lustful hands of time (Which he still felt a bit of thrill and pride from having actually seen proof of firsthand), then an entire city somehow being engulfed in Light that acted more like water and burned all that it touched like Fire... then the demon who had appeared afterwards and captured the only members of their group who even knew anything about what the ever loving hells was going on in the world... Nix somehow existing, steeds who could make a weeks long trips in mere minutes or hours with the power of darkness and shadows... ravens who could apparently make ice rain from the heavens...
It was actually a bit overwhelming now that he had thought about it, taken the time to really sit down and go over everything he'd seen, everything he'd experienced since entering the gates of that now dead city just hours ago. What did it all really mean? why had this... this seemingly jumbled and unearthly series of events just suddenly popped up left and right all over the place; turning all that was right on it's side and all that was left top-to-bottom? He'd been so ready to kill Rossephus, still was so ready for it; but he'd never actually stopped and asked... what the fuck is going on? Why did he need to kill the demon- because of how his lance had spoken out of nowhere and urged him to help the Sky Slayer? perhaps... but aside from that, aside from how he'd been presented the man as being some dire enemy from the very beginning... Maximus had to admit he honestly didn't know why death was seemingly the only way. And now he found himself standing there and questioning the one thing he'd refrained from; Why hadn't he himself thought about this? why had he so blindingly taken the words of others- while yes, in their honest defense, what they were saying to him at the time had been very much backed up by the appearance of certain circumstances. When you're told a man is a monster and afterwards see him send a piece of rubble tumbling to crush a crowd below and make another man choose whether to attack and kill him and save the people... would one not think they were speaking true? But then there was this whole business here... he'd seemed to be the complete and polar opposite of how he'd been before; the monster could've killed him and the others at any moment, could've taken them with daggers to their throats and ballistaes to their backs and had them at his mercy. And yet what had he done? He had not only returned those members he'd kidnapped, but... had also seemingly tried to genuinely warn them about something. He didn't know what the hell that something could be, but it definitely was a great and dark something.
He was confused to be honest, vexed, conflicted. He'd simply gone with the flow, let the words of others guide where he point his spear for basically this entire night, he had barely given any deeper examination to things, even after leaving the plaza, but now... He simply didn't know what to think. On one hand, one could cite everything done in Cithalos as proof for one argument, while on the other; one could also cite the events of their visit to this city as proof for the other...
"Enough," He said, turning his back to the night and heading back towards the gates. All this business wasn't his fancy, he was a man of action, not silly ponderings, damn it... that was work for the sickly scholars and bookworms who couldn't hold a sword right even to save their lives; for fools like that little freak Aaron... "It makes no damn sense... just, enough. I've a stone to return."
For yet the second time tonight, she was met with a surprising message on the pages. And even it was even better than the first one; this time the scathing rebuttal was written in a language she couldn't even read. Just a bunch of glyphs and dots scattered on the yellowed surface of the parchment in shifting black ink like the earlier one.
"Figures..." She said dissapointedly as she closed the tomb and returned it to her bag with the locked book the Misanthropic excuse for an Angel had gifted her as well. Alright, yes, while some people would think it rather rude to go peeking in the man's private writings again, she had let her curiosity trump her sense of courtesy- she simply couldn't resist the nagging urge to take another gander... especially after hearing Zartanna call it a "Grimoire" whatever that was; It sounded like something that would be related to magic though, and while yes, she could've gone to Aaron or the man called Gilwyn and likely gotten an answer for them... well she was a bit vexed around Aaron, or Divinius or whatever the hell his real name is, to tell the truth. Things simply don't make sense when he's around; Demons break into homes and boil men alive and voluptuous women with wings black as night appear out of nowhere and hand young Apothecaries strange, mystically locked and previously stolen books along with cryptic warnings and plenty of insults to her kind. And Gilwyn... He was a high ranking member of the church, or had been rather, that much she knew, and apparently he'd had some type of past involving that highwayman who had helped her treat Eric's wounds... but aside from that, she was completely in the dark about the man. And something about him seemed... otherworldly to her, not quite the same way Divinius and the strange happenings did, but more in a... transecdent way. A dangerous way. Like the man knew so much more than he ever gives any sign of, like he sees things, hears things he should not... almost like he holds some power that could destroy any of them if he so wished to apply it to that end. And he intimidated her a bit for that very reason, the fear of the possibility of death, the fear that makes children cling to their mothers skirts instinctively at the slightest bump in the night, the fear that harries old men and women in their deathbeds and makes their hearts cry in grief in their final moments, the fear that can either drive or break soldiers in the field, the fear...
"Young lady, are you alright?" said a concerned, dirosi accented voice. She looked left and right, only to realize it's owner was behind him. Rodriguez raised an eyebrow as she turned, a leather satchel filled with donated supplies slung across his chest and hanging at his right side. "You seemed to be have swaying on your feet for a moment- it looked like you were going to collapse in the street..."
"What? Oh, oh no, I'm fine..." She said, not even realizing how far her thoughts had taken her down the rabbit hole of her own mind. "T-thank you for the concern though, really..." She trailed off though, realizing she'd actually been walking while trying to make sense of Eric's glyphs. This part of the city looked nothing like the surroundings she'd been in just a good half hour ago... instead of stone houses and narrow streets it was all on some broad avenue with a massive domed building dominating it all, columns and pillars holding up the impressive outer edifice and massive doors barring the way to countless goods from all over Rajom- and possibly from lands even beyond the continents shores...
"Um... where?"
"From what I have been told," Rodriguez said, not bothering to let her finish the obvious question. "This is the emporium as the city dwellers call it. Supposedly it has merchants and individuals from all across the land holding dealings within it's halls." He took his eyes of the grand building and returned his sight to the girl. "And you look rather familiar... were you not one of those in the company of Maximus?"
((Murdoc, they're basically right outside the emporium's entrance. You're free to walk out into the scene if you want; Eric and Gilwyn would be helping carry the saddles and bags outside to put the stuff on Elimus's back and let him carry it to the gates))