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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. I've come to realize... that I much better at hosting a scifi RP than I am at hosting a fantasy one...

    1. Sutoratosu


      Makes sense in a way, I geuss... afterall, Scifi is where eveerything started for me, it's I used to exclusively do even if alot of it ended without fruition

    2. Sutoratosu


      So when it comes to it... I'm a fish in water.

      But fanatasy...one can easily tell from my hosting and pacing and what not that I've no idea what the hell I'm actually doing. :/

    3. Arkhi


      No plan, no problem. There's no rights nor wrongs in a fantasy RP, so go for whatever you're looking for!

  2. There is a reason why Agnes was crying when Esmerelda told her her story...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      you hint to aggressively good sir.

    3. Sutoratosu


      You know the funny thing though? not a single one of the PCs we have in PSS right now aside from Stratos Aaron and Deric even existed prior to me making them up on the spot for interactions in chapter 1...

    4. Sutoratosu


      *NPCs, i meant

  3. Surge Story: Please beware of the Americans; They have super powered Animals at their command and a President who is even more ballsy than Ronald Reagan.

    1. Sutoratosu


      IE, if you fuck with them... well, it was nice seeing your nation on a map while it lasted...

  4. Surge and Co. "Well, at least they aren't dead..." Surge muttered under his breath, clipping the device onto his belt. He gestured for Infantry to come to him silently, kneeling and beginning to stroke the K-9 creatures fur as he used the other half of his attention to check his mouse for any obvious injury. "But that in and of itself doesn't change the fact that now we're missing our only medic and another soldier..." he said, just before a sharp jolt rewarded the his search when his fingers brushed against the glands on the things cheek, the Staff Sergeant pulling the limb away on impulse and glaring at the tiny beast as it continued to lay unconscious on Infantry's back... Logan and Lars as the two lost squad members wondered their way through the sewers the scenery never changed much, always the same drab colored walls and crystal water flowing in the channel beside the barren cement walkway. A few metal grates here and there occasionally broke up the monotony of the scenery, a stark dark grey against the white of the brick walls and archways stretching above them, like a piece of charred wood sticking out against a snow covered field. Aside from that there was no way to tell where they had been or where they were going. But it seemed as though this damn place went on forever... which it did, considering the fact that had to cover miles upon square miles. The chances of either of the Spark Alphas finding their way back to Surge was absolutely dismal at best... Something caught Logan's eye as he and Lars continued walking though the quite literal bowels of the city. A flash of bright blue movement up ahead on the cement path, some strange, roundish animal lying in the Channel's water, struggling to hoist itself up onto the walkway. The helpless creature splashed water in every possible direction as it kept up it's struggle in pure vain, beginning to sink back down and get pulled into the current again, it's puny grip slipping from the slickness of it's paws... but not before Logan caught a good glimpse of it, and the condition of it's body. The obvious GAO was battered and bruised like it had gotten into a fight with something like McCarthy's Dragon or Enya's Serpent, cuts and scrapes leaking a bright red into it's otherwise sky blue coat, one of it's flippers looking mangled and bent. The seal cast a single look at him and Lars and Sleepy, fear there... fear of what they would do to it. And fear of having what was already done to it in the past repeated... and it was that fear which gave it the strength to bounce itself up out of the water and begining to form itself into a ball on the cement, trying to roll away as fast as it could. Unfortunately for it, it couldn't get too far... and it's efforts were made moot by the fact that it was leaving a slick trail of water mixed with blood where ever it made contact with the ground... Meanwhile, in Washington DC "So you mean to sit here and tell me that there's nothing we have that we can use to go to war against those bastards?" President Shokun demanded from his secretary of Defense as the two walked down the corridor of the whitehouse, heading away from the oval office and making way to the Green room. "No sir... I am afriad that there is not." the aging man replied, easily keeping pace with the former General turned US president as he increased his stride. It wouldn't do at all to have the dignitaries sent from the other NATO member states waitng... especially when he had been the one to request this meeting. "The only possible peices of evidence of their actions we have so far is the Attack on Fort Bexly three months ago... but as you already know sir, we can't resort to that without revealing our own hand. The other potential peices of evidence are the sinking of the USS Black Nexus yesterday, but-" "Yes, I know," The President said, cutting off the man. "That's how I convinced them this meeting was nessacary in the first place, afterall... once can be a coincidence, but twice? I know those Russians think they can fuck with American Service Members without impunity, but there's going to be hell to pay for Black Nexus... I don't even need an investigation to know it was all the doing of those Souless bastards..." "Yes sir," the secretary agreed simply. "But just because you're so certain doesn't mean that they'll be. We need an investigation and we need proof before we unleash Bexly's war potential, sir! otherwise the world will see this as an unprovoked attack from the greedy Americans." "The world can see this as whatever they damn well please!" Shokun shouted, stopping and doing an about face towards his cabinent member, fixing him with a glare hot enough to melt polar ice. And broguht up his finger, jabbing it roughly into the man's chest, as if to drive home his words. "Not even twenty four whole hours ago, US navymen were ambushed out of the blue and killed on the spot while sailing in waters which were supposed to be friendly! Someone is responsible for those Men and Women's deathes, someone is responsible for the launching of that attack! And I will not stop until I find those motherfuckers, you understand, Jace!? And I know it had to be the russians! they're the only other ones with that kind of power, and they're the only ones who have any reason to do what was done!" "Um, Mr. President, sir..." Jace asked, looking down at his watch as his boss ranted on vehemently... seems once a soldier always a soldier. "We need to hurry if we're going to make this meeting and maintain schedule." All Shokun did was glare at him again... then the battle hardened politician stalked off down the hall.
  5. who here knows how to install wine on a chromebook?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      and where can I find the first one? not having any luck searching...

    3. Jelly


      oh you have to enable developer mode first too,,,

    4. Jelly


      it's probs best to find an article about it too

  6. Hmm... perhaps you're right... How does this sound for a fight theme then? This one's overall flow could tie in well with his Combat style just like the Zinnia one did. as for personal, I think I'll use Looker's sorrowful theme for situations when it would be relevant and have something different as his main...
  7. well guess what, I found an alternative because I needed a random choice picker for something in Surge Story: http://www.textfixer.com/tools/random-choice.php that site should suffice for the same job Wheeldecide would've You simply type in something, like say... for the move thunderbolt, has a ten percent chance to cause paralysis: Type in "Paralysis" once and something like "Safe" nine times after it, click random choice, and it's done
  8. Alright; Flux, the randomness has been decided. Your Ghastly is now officially "Alpha Status Confirmed" and has received a permanent 10% boost to all it's base stats. ((PS, this is what I used to decide it: http://www.textfixer.com/tools/random-choice.php)) EDIT: behold, chimchain! "Are you not entertained!?"
  9. Is the Wheeldecide thing broken for anyone else? it keeps saying the page is unavailable on my screen, so just wondering if I'm the only one who can't get it to work.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGkFy4F1zSo Ermagahd! Flux said the magic word folks! You win, my friend. The two accepted words I would've taken were Swagger, or, as you guessed, Rage Powder. big round of applause for Flux, soldiers. Indeed, the move was Rage Powder. I altered it's mechanics so that instead of becoming a center of attention, it throws the target in a uncontrollable state of anger and causes it to lash out indiscriminately. It's like confusion, but instead of hurting itself, it will kill anything that moves! one of Your team members will be rewarded your random promotion to Alpha status momentarily.
  11. Well, I knew this day was coming. Godspeed to you, my friend, and may your endeavors prove fruitful, wherever the winds of fate may decide to take you. It has been an honor interacting with you on here, good sir. your version of hell was far more interesting than what Dante ever could cook up. Speaking of which... what's going to happen on that front actually? is rose gonna fully take over in your stead?
  12. "Well, you two have fun," Ms.Sisto chimed, checking the time as she watched her son and his friend. It would be getting late before long, and she hadn't even found proper lodgings for her visit over here for the week. And she had no intention of staying out under the stars, despite her willingness to do it decades ago when she and Mars were on their own journey... "You're not gonna stay for the opening, mom?" Mareek asked, taking out the capsules for his team and aiming Nemo's... "Apparently it's going to be a big show or something put on by all the coordinators." in a flash of red the Cubone was called home to his ball, as was Erce a second later. Only the Co-strategist remained out in the open, eyeing the boy curiously before realizing why he hadn't been called back as well... "I'm afraid not, dear," she said, shaking her head. "I've still got to find somewhere to stay. I'll be back tomorrow just before the matches begin though, don't worry." she looked back and forth between him and Lana. "And I'm certainly expecting to see an interesting fight between your teams." Though I can tell the outcome already just from looking at this Lana girl here... she's no fighter. Hopefully Mareek will have enough sense to actually give her a decent shot and refrain from going in guns ablazing. The two are honestly rather cute together, be a shame if he messed up... "Alright, well have a good night, mom." Mareek said, seemingly a bit distracted though at her comment on the match tomorrow. All Alexandra did was nod. Then she and Mars headed off for the gates, the Bisharp pausing for a minute and giving the kid a mysterious look before turning back around to follow his aging trainer. "So, we about ready to head off?" Mareek asked Lana after the two had dissapeared. "We should probably hurry; chances are it'll only be a few minutes before it starts, and if we wanna find decent seats..." Java meanwhile rolled his eyes, just wanting to get over there and get it over with so that he could freaking evolve already... but was a virtue he guessed. Still, he wanted that Up-Grade...
  13. Keep: 3 Change: 1 And FYI for everyone: Just because we decide to keep it the same for now DOES NOT mean that it will not be a discussion which will be revisited in the future, it might or might not be changed someday, what it would mean if we decide to keep it for now though is just that right now simply might not be the time.
  14. That's basically exactly how it was working before and everything... I don't know, i just started looking at them and over time thought it kinda rediculous that things like the Charmander Line or Bulbasuar line or squirtle line actually need evolution to reach adulthood... whether or not Evolution stays or goes though depends on how everyone feels about the matter; However, we WILL be instituting live births over eggs for mammalian species So yeah, I suggest if you haven't already, you give a thumbs up or thumbs down to Evolution staying like it is. but if you give it a thumbs down, come prepared with the mechanics to replace it, because I've honestly got nothing... and you have to admit that we would have to go and rework it;s relation ship with levels and everything... (So my vote is actually thumbs up to it staying the same... at least it is for now.) Current tally ((These are the people who I know have expressed their thoughts on the matter)) Keep it the way it is: 2 Stratos (Presumably) Jory Chagne it: 1 Murdoc
  15. Hint #3: Think about anger. think of it's synonyms. then thing of bug types or think of Neo (yes, from these forums, that Neo)... specifically what Neo is a master of... on a side note, about evolution, if we're going to change up how it's gonna work, someone or a group of someones is gonna have to think of some new mechanics for the relationship between childhood and adult forms for species who it would make more sense to simply grow into ((IE, in terms of how it works with leveling and everything like that since the current system is going to be rendered moot with this change))
  16. The challenge is still going to stand until someone gives either of the correct answers. just by the way.

    1. Sutoratosu


      And "Rabid-Like" is actually a very big hint here... for one of them... maybe? no? alright, maybe not... but still keep it in mind.

    2. Yash


      challenge?? what challenge??

    3. Dr. Zexal

      Dr. Zexal

      I also want to know ?

  17. Well given that we're really not doing too much right now in the story compared to how fast and crazy things can get around here, I don't think it's really hurting a whole lot at the moment Tacos. And I've stumbled upon a rather interesting Fight theme... I think it oddly suits Mareek in a way. The music focuses on pacing and finesse rather than the raw drive or power of the beat, containing a level of complexity and loftiness cloaking a razor edge lying just beneath to cut down the weary and the foolish. It drives itself to a highpoint, a climax, then resets and repeats the cycle, all the while retaining this edge... it's alot like how Mareek and his team fight and the style and tactics they employ/ will. Seemingly more on the showy side, lofty even, yet in truth driven by pure purpose and strategy, every action, no matter how elaborate, meant to explicitly accomplish something; if the foe is confused by what's going on t's just an added bonus. prepared and willing to go from 0 to 60 if needed, yet at the same time also fully capable of building up to it slowly and methodically... and willing to slowly whittle away at the opposing side's very resolve to fight if needed yes... I do believe I have found his fight theme. feels right to me.
  18. Eagle, your on your own. We're on different sides anyway and if Ethic intervenes in this it'll be messing with direct orders and what not... That and he's got some 'Almighty' craziness or whatever to sort out with Enya's situation. so yeah, have fun with Kenny. (And did it ever cross your mind to just... drop the coins and walk away? just saying, you never know what might work in some situations... ) EDIT: and kenny, just occured to me that you're actually outnumbered three to oneand I'd back you up but that would be meta gaming and plus: yeah, he's kinda done with all this so bye bye for now.
  19. I think I kinda ninja'd ya there... oh well. so what is step 2 then, pray tell?
  20. we talking battle or personal themes? Cuase I've already found a personal theme for Mareek, Zeph here has already heard it: ((Yes, I straight up confiscated this from looker cause he can't do his damn job right.)) As for a battle theme... I'm still not entirely sure (Might be willing to take suggestions though...) EDIT: Found out the bastard was hiding another theme from me... so I had Surge go and take it in my stead. EDIT 2: Well damn, the sorrowful theme actually sounds better to me... maybe Ill use it instead of the mewmore one.
  21. "How cruelly ironic..." Maya muttered under her breath as she watched the goldification slowly eek it's way down the shaft of the projectile. "Years later when things like gold have become utterly irrelevant in my life... and I cross paths with someone who can make it with nothing more than a simple touch." She tucked the now mostly metal arrow back into the quiver with it's red feathered brethren, the thing sticking out among the batch of crimson plumes like a black sheep standing against a snow covered landscape. While true, she'd just wasted a shot by asking him to do that, the object could still have numerous other uses. "I see no reason to exclude you," she said simply, not much caring to pry into the history of her allies unlike some around her. "Though I have to admit, it definitely says something about you that you think to take precautions with what you can do and don't go using the gift foolishly and without restraint, like many likely would if they had your... talent."
  22. "All powerful? what is this?" "Did this 'all-powerful he' happen to have a name then?" Ethic asked, following the girl down the hall from where they had both come from. He made sure to keep the death link in his mind as he saw a fight brewing with force lightning and... damn are things getting even more ridiculous around here. he thought to himself simply, shaking his head and sighing. "I mean, it was ridiculous before, but now this is just getting old with the random ass super powers and everything else that's constantly going down... maybe I'm really the one whose high right now, and Dante is actually the sober one..."
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