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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. ((Everyone just assume that Deric and Shavian were walking over while Deric was talking to him. Yes, they are in this scene)) "What's he doing with his hands?" Leon asked Deric, eyebrows raised at Shavian's signed question as another bout of roaring came then died down in the distance. "What, is this some kind of spell or something...?" "He's asking how many there are," Deric said simply, adjusting the leather and wooden sheath at his side to sit at the front of his hip, poking out to the side a tad and lying diagonally across his upper thigh; a far better position to quick strike from as he'd learned over the years. "Which I can answer; There's two of them, one looking to be in control of Fire, and the other with dominion over Ice. To make it worse, they seemed to be able to work together when they attacked me..." "Ah, lovely then..." Leon said, his face darkening a little as he gazed out over the ruined architecture and lifeless streets still filled with soot and ash. "I guess that explains why the place is completely charred to nothing now. Two at once, I admit, it's been a very long time since I've had that type of Slaying..." He nodded back to the men with an unsettling confidence despite his words, a gleam in his eyes as a smirk broke through the stony expression he had been holding. "Remember, do as I say, and don't die. If it seems like things are getting too fierce, each and everyone of you is to run as fast as you can. And stay close, we're likely going to have to search for a while before we actually find their locations; but it shouldn't be too daunting a task with the fools roaring up a storm every five minutes." As if on cue another series of roars sounded far in the distance. Leon was heading the path to the large avenue down below, picking his way down the steep slope of glass by crushing foot holds with dents and hollows in it's smooth, sleek face using the butt of his spear shaft. Before anyone could even react to his last peice of advice, the Old Hero was already down on the fused Stone and Glass walkway. "I suggest you get moving," He called back up the slope, nodding to the Climbing points he had created during his graceful descent.
  2. Screw it, I'm honestly fed up at this point. We move on today with or without him since I've tried hailing him and gotten ignored.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. GotWala


      I was glad that Dobby started his RP, otherwise I wasn't sure when I'd be able to be a part of someone's creation, haha!

    3. GotWala


      @Hukuna: Yeh, that makes sense. If there was another way, it'd be great, but the show must go on, haha.

    4. Yash


      I am waiting for someone to start another RP.. I keep checking every hour.. I've started planning a RP just cause there isn't anything now.. But I understand Sensei's compulsion with world building.. Its amazing fun!!

  3. “All people dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind, wake in the morning to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous people, For they dream their dreams with open eyes, And make them come true.” ― D.H. Lawrence

    1. AuthorReborn


      I love this quote. I think about it daily.

    2. Sutoratosu


      IKR? so I guess this means I'm a dangerous person... *Ominous Smirk*

    3. Gyaradoskiller


      I'm a dreamer of the day, as it is hard for me to dream at night.

  4. That feel whenever someone dies during the plot of a Final Fantasy game and the whole party just sits there watching even though someone might know Resurrect or they might have some Pheonix Down on them...

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      I was always under the impression that fights in FF where all of nothing, IE if you got taken out, it would mean genuine death not just KO... at least that's what I've always thought.

    3. Sutoratosu


      And if it just wakes someone up... why name it after a mythical bird that rises from death anew?

    4. Sutoratosu


      And the Wiki even says it brings them back from death. look: http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Phoenix_Down

  5. Wait, what? Why? what could he have done that would warrant striping him of all authority? Or is this just a joke or something? ((Not very funny if it is, IMO))
  6. I did Tae kwon do for almost eight or so years, got my black belt after seven years and then didn't really progress further than that before I left. That was about two years ago I stopped, and I haven't really been practicing so I'm probably a bit rusty... and where I trained, you got most of the curriculum in as you progressed through the ranks rather than after getting black belt, so basically everything after black was pretty much just Weapons training and a few add ons to what you've already been taught.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GotWala


      Maybe, haha. I think it would be helpful to those who don't want to read through the RP to get the gist of it. Still, you have a talent for poetic description!

    3. Sutoratosu


      alright, I added some background info. and thanks.

    4. GotWala


      Hey, no problem! Thank you for taking my advice, haha!

  7. Well... guess it's time I get a story up. Where did I put that 'Sky Slaying' event...

  8. Maybe notus means that Kenny's about to be dead? I imagine pissing off Gestas is not very pleasant when it comes to the consequences... hence why Ethic is choosing to play nice for now and just be a grunt.
  9. So... even monsters get mercy.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Do Good or Evil really exist in the world? that's one of the major points of questioning that are a pillar in PSS's story. But I'm sure you already know all that, you helped me build it afterall. XD

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Graterras is Grey as hell man. ((like so much so I literally use the colour to interpret things.)) and yea I know more about PSS than the other players do, but that makes the ride interesting, cause I got an idea of what is going on.

    4. Maelstrom


      "No one is a villain in their own eyes."

  10. Is this the threat then? Erick thought to himself as he knelt beside Cesealia's unconscious form, the poison having been driven out of his system and neutralized enough for him to actually move his fingers now. He gingerly removed the long dart protruding from the woman's shoulder, reaching into his bag and smearing a concoction of Grey Wood powder and Milk of Bloodroot in order to do the dual job of stop the bleeding from the wound and to antidote the toxin. The leather satchel had felt quite empty... likely because he hadn't gotten to stock up on anything before he had stormed out of the guild shop tonight. "I'll need to stop by somewhere to get more Medical Supplies," he said, raising from the Magistrate's side and wrapping the barb in a length of cloth. "My satchel was nearly empty when I left my post tonight; and I have the feeling that we're going to need a lot of Medical Aid in the foreseeable future." He finished wiping the blood off the Muinatt tip of the Bolt and held it up to the light, seeing a bit of tell tale dark red substance on the head still. Is he really so much of a threat after all...? he thought to himself, bringing his attention back to Rossephus and Trystane. He doesn't look like it anymore... bloody and basically half dead from the cold of that Spell we just witnessed. He looks a bit pathetic honestly, keeping up all this even despite his situation. Surely, he can't be that desperate to trap us that he would plot all of this out right down to almost being killed. Still... He took the barb in his other hand and held the point towards the Conqueror, his Sigil flashing on his palm as he called on his Reservoir, bringing up a certain spell in particular to his mind. I might as well give him a bit of Mercy to ease his death. It's my job in a way... and The pathetic man must be telling the truth if he's still keeping at this ridiculousness... too bad he's going to fall from his wounds anyway. The amount of blood on those bandages is quite the nasty sign... "Viento Libertad..." he said simply, releasing his grip on the thing as it slowly rose from his palm and arced through the air, nicking the man on the cheek before veering off course to avoid Trystane and lodging itself into a nearby Ice shard. "Look, how about this," Erick said, walking up to the hunter as Rosse fell over to the ground as the remnant Blood Root Toxin took effect, knocking him out cold... and freeing from the pain of his wounds for a while. "instead of going around as some massive group, Let's all split up, get what supplies we each need, then meet at the Northern Gates in two hours from now. they should be at the other side of this plaza, behind the Castle..." He pointed his finger in the direction that presumably north, right towards the castle as he looked at the entire group. "If you get lost, ask around for directions. Apparently people here will be more than willing to help us... and one last thing; Take your steed with you. I personally am still a bit skeptical about his words, but he's still persisting on and on about this even though he's clearly going to die from the injuries this Ice Attack left him with... so I'll just give the bastard the benefit of the doubt as a final gift before his death... but if anyone gets in a bad situation in this town, you'll need a way to get out quickly to the Gates. I don't know for sure where the hell we're going to go from here... but I have an idea of someplace we can take refuge while we... sort this out. Is this plan agreeable to you all?"
  11. Let's see... Five, I believe. And I think we're in the middle of the fifth one and that will come back sometime early next year to finish the season up. Is that about right, Zeph? And they have a wiki you can go check out... no need to go and cram all the seasons in. http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/Terminus There's the page for Terminus.
  12. I have just dropped a Walking Dead and a Hellboy Reference in the same post. XD feels good... feels good. and I kinda like being like Rick... makes things pretty interesting...
  13. "Wait, you fool!" Ethic called out after the younger teen. He had a sneaking suspicion of who the man who had attempted to sic this kid on him was... who else could it be than one Sir Murdersalot? Who else would honestly have a reason too? Quincy, maybe, considering everything that had happened... but this kid had explicitly stated that it was a man, not a rat man. "If you go back to this guy who told you to find me and kill me, and I'm not dead and you're not holding my bloody stump of a head in your hands to present to his Royal Assness, what do you think is gonna happen to you? I'll tell you what, that man is crazy, he'll tear you apart and leave the pieces strewn about the corridor like a rabid wolf would; it won't be a graceful or even an honorable way to go out." He sheathed his sword back into the scabbard as he walked off behind the boy to stay within conversational distance, walking right past Edward where he was near Kenn'y remains, more interested in trying to keep this coward here from getting himself killed than inquiring as to what the fuck the boy scout was doing touching dead guys. "Hey, you ever see walking dead?" Ethic called out behind the boy in the hoodie. "Think of it like this if you have; Me and my friends here? We're like Rick's Gang, we stick together and we get through shit like that. But this guy who sent you after me? He's like the Denizens of Terminus; he acts friendly and nice to lure you in, then when your guard is down, he will knock you out and butcher you like a pig, and the same goes for a few other people running around down here. Now tell me, you wanna end up being eaten by a Termite? Because that's basically what's gonna happen if you go back to whoever sent you."
  14. Let the record show... I have no formal training or instruction in Writing. It's all complete trial and error... with the occasional bit of help from Google.

    1. Sutoratosu


      But that won't stop me from being the very best, like no one ever was.

    2. Sutoratosu


      Ambition is a double-edged sword though... :/

    3. GotWala


      Haha, that's entirely fine, man! Keep that drive going, and I'm sure your efforts won't be for naught, haha.

  15. The name is Stratos, got it memorized?. you might or might not know me from a few antics or interesting shenanigans here and there, but I'm one of the ghosts who usually lurk around the Roleplaying forums here. I actually began my first bouts of writing back in the seventh grade a few years ago when my English teacher forced our class to participate in a county wide writing competition in order to get a grade that could quite literally sink you if you didn't get it down (it was a BIG percentage of our grade that semester) I wrote something called... damn, I can't even remember the name, but the basic gist was: Man working at Lucas Arts manages to develop fully functional light saber. Man accidently murders co worker with said light saber. Man goes away for twenty years but comes back out of hiding to prevent psychopath whose hell bent on taking out the government. (Naturally, I was like, only twelve or so when I wrote that story, so it was more or less quite shitty compared to what I'm capable of now.) I didn't win the competition (Fictions never do for some reason...it's always non fiction or some deep philosophical crap or a poem or something...) and have not honestly participated in it since then (Because they have a limit of four pages for a submission. Yeah, no, I was not going to try to cram something into four pages, I was dead set on using as many pages and words as the story needed to reach it's conclusion) but the competition is where it all started for me ((So uh... thanks, Mr.Piper of Providence Middle School... guess I really owe you for forcing us all to do that. XD)), it's where my interest in the craft of story drafting was first peaked. A good while went by and I continued to try my hand at short stories here and there, mostly with me ending up scrapping them because I felt they weren't good enough to continue getting developed. My most recent attempt at one was two years or so ago... I scraped it after a few months of hashing out things and getting no where. I don't even want to waste the breath describing the plot; there wasn't one, really. And this is when Ambition really started to burn within my soul; the ambition to become better, to write stories that would last throughout the ages and become classics in their own rights. I developed the ambition to learn, to improve myself and to someday surpass all others in the field of fiction. And so I searched... then Ambition went cold and I forgot my mission and one thing chained to another in the great stream of time and happen stance, and eventually I found myself as a new member of this community. Not long after I joined, I ventured into the RP forums... and then ambition and curiosity struck simultaneously. I saw an opportunity; I would use these forums in order to master the craft of writting, however long it may take. And the rest, they say, is pretty much ongoing history. I've learned a lot from the Eight or so months I've been RPing here, far more than I think I could've learned in such a time on my own endeavor. the people there helped me, pointed out mistakes and No-No's in writing to me, helped me improve myself and my skills, and over time I've come to really respect a lot of folks there, Especially ol' Sensai Hukuna here. So, as you can see, most of my writing experience that's been even moderately successful has come from the RolePlaying forums over the last few months. As for my greatest strength... I honestly don't know myself what it is. I think that would be something best left up to outside people who view my work to determine, since I honestly look at it, and see the same thing I did when I typed it up; A way of learning. As for my greatest weakness? Lady Ambition's fires burn very hot; sometimes she ends up burning me when I listen to her. An example of which is the end of Chapter 1 in an RP of mine on here: Project Sly slayer. I got so utterly filled with ambition and determination to write a great novel to rival the authors I've read so much from that I lost sight of what RPing was about and kinda made a fiasco of things (I'm still trying to completely fix that by the way...). Another one is when I recently joined in NaNoWriMo this year, arrogantly thinking that because I a;ready write every single day on the RP forums, I'd be able to handle the Word count per day estimate no problemo... failed epically as I got miffed and just dropped out of it to develop the book at my own pace (which has unfortunately been cancelled because I simply wanted to rework the Magic system to be more like what I intend to use in PSS). So yeah... Guess I have the same problem Icarus did, flying too close to the sun too soon. I also have like, no formal classes or anything in writing besides the basics of what is taught in english... which ain't much in terms of being useful for stories, so I'm basically just winging things and have to learn from trial and error. If you'd like to view some work of mine, well head over to the RP forums here. the pieces I have there are the only ones I'm honestly proud enough to have anyone see at all, cause they're the only ones that went somewhere after I started them instead of just crashing and burning. I have three stories under my creation there: Exodus:Beyond Eden, Project Sky Slayer: The Legend of the Primal Keys, and Surge Story. Project Sky slayer is my main story which I devote time and effort to despite it not actually being the first one I made. Like Hukuna already said, RPing is like making a story with other people helping out all along the way. The events of PSS take place during a more or less "Lost Era" of the world I created for it, with players take part in the story as a group of individuals turned world heroes whose names have been long since forgotten, but not their deeds, for those are immortalize in a tale of heroism and sacrifice; an old historical record known simply as "The Legend of the Primal Keys". Warning though, I started PSS early on in my time on the RP forum and it is still very much a work in progress on my part; I have a steep learning curve that I'm still trying to overcome since it's my first fantasy story (Before, even during my Short Story phase, I always wrote Sci-Fi stories), and as such it shows clearly in some places. As for Surge Story and Exodus Beyond Eden, they're both Sci Fis, so I was more or less a fish in water when I made those two. All three of them should be easy enough to find if you look around a bit. But I also have another side project currently in the planning stages; Called Sky Slayer Anthologies, which are basically going to be a collection of short stories taking place in the World I made up for Project Sky Slayer. I think this one will go alot better than my other attempts in the past have because of what I've learned here. Someday I hope to write a novel about the world of PSS taking place long after the events of the RP
  16. Well. guess he is similar in a way... :/ I never really noticed because I stopped following naruto a long time ago. In Galen's defense however, The death wasn't intentional on his part; and he does genuinely regret not intervening fast enough to stop the attack. He hated the man (for reason's I won't reveal until a long time from now), but he didn't go in there that day looking to kill him. it was a genuine accident.
  17. Damn it... Mareek thought to himself, looking at Lana with a defeated look in his eyes. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to talk about it... guess there's no point in trying to hide it since I keep coming back to think about it anyway. "It's a bit of both, I guess..." He sighed, resting the stick on his shoulder idely as Nemo sidled closer in concern, drawing the boy's attention. No... I'd rather he not have to hear this and be worried. And the same goes with Java. My problems aren't their burdens to bear... Without seemingly any warning he took out the Cubone's ball and recalled him in a flash of white, sending out Erce instead where the orphan had just been standing. Erce already knows everything there is to about it though... It won't be anything new to her. she'd already carried some of this for me. "I guess I honestly can't hide it then," he went on, leaning against the stick Nemo had fetched, actually a bit surprised by how sturdy the thing held up when he did so. "It was what Jacob was spouting on about during our battle... when I gave Java the order to use Discharge on the Ice Field. How he claimed that all I thought about was the offensive potential of the attack and not Java's safety... I still don't know what the fuck he was seeing at that moment, because the only reason I even gave such an order at all in that situation was because I knew Java's hovering around would keep him safe... after that, I honestly just stopped caring about the fight. I just wanted it to end, didn't care how or who won, I just wanted to stop fighting period. What he said, it... it got me thinking about something that happened when I was a kid..." Erce stood keeping a close watch of the confession, having backed up a little to keep things in perspective. Her eyes followed Mareek's body language, noting everything that was said as the old worry started creeping back up more and more. It was undeniable at this point; the kid was slipping back into it again, slipping back into what she had dragged him out of the first time. And the scariest thing to Erce was that this, this beginning stage she was witnessing, that she had seen and gone through with him already in the past, could be a far much harder fall than the original one had been... a fall that he might not get up from this time. "My dad died when I was about eight or so," Her trainer continued, eyes growing darker. "It was during a battle from what I was told; He had been Electrocuted by a Discharge attack from his opponent... and he was soaking wet from a misfire of a water type attack that had been launched earlier. They said his heart was completely fried instantly..." He cast a wayward glance at Jacob in the distance, his eyes holding some strange mixture of anger shame, spiked with a bit of old hurt as he watched the other boy chat it up with the Cottonee Trainer. His voice was far softer when he spoke up again, void of the unshakeable sense of cold confidence he usually had to his words and actions. It felt as though something was tearing away at him bit by bit; for some reason it felt as though he had failed some great task, some great task to be a better man than his brother, actually, no, not a better man, but just to be a better fucking human being than him. That was honestly all he'd been trying for, it was the only thing he had found that he could drive himself to do; be superior, be better. Not to everyone, just to the one guy who had wronged him most of all... to his brother. And if he had managed to fail in even that; If he was no better than the man, but exactly the same afterall, what did that make him? what had all his effort and determination over these last seven years been? He had just completely wasted the entire time trying to become something better than he was ever meant to be; at least, that was the conclusion he had kept coming back to, over and over again since the fight had ended not long ago. It had been the reason why he had gotten off the field as quickly as he had. The reason why he didn't want to talk at first when he came over here, then when Lana had said it was a brilliant idea, he'd tried shoving the thoughts away, tried distracting himself with talking. There was just one issue though... the damn thoughts kept coming back every time. "What he said about it being stupid to electrocute the pool..." he said, beginning to completely break up in composure as he felt the sting of the urge of tears in his throat, overcome by the crushing implications of the persistent ponderings that had been evoked. "It got me thinking: what if he was right about me? Java was completely safe, but still what if he is right on some level? what if I am like that, so reckless that I'd give such an order that was probably a lot like the one that killed my Dad? If he's wrong... then why the hell did the idea to do what I did even pop into my mind when Nemo went down?" the stick fell out from under his elbow as he sank to the ground in a sitting position, hiding his face from the girl as he felt the hot tang of tears on his face and their salt in his mouth, beginning to sob silently with his head held in his palms, his elbows on his knees. Erce had seen enough, far more than enough, walking over to his side and placing the flat of her scythe around his shoulder in support as she knelt down, casting a glance over at Jacob herself now, silently cursing the boy for unknowingly pulling the string that had just proved to bring down all the work she had done. But she didn't have time to let her feelings of wrath linger on the other student... right now she had the more important task of trying to figure out how to salvage all of this before things turned into a complete clusterfuck and she wouldn't be able to. Maybe it was time to see what this girl here could do to help; After all, he'd opened up a lot more to her than Erce had seen with anyone else ever... "What if I'm no better than the guy who killed him?" Mareek asked, barely audible now. The moment the scyther heard that, she shot a hot glance at the breeder, the fiercely protective glint and drive in her eyes coupled with her equally as fiery expression practically demanding that the girl say something and help her fix this official Charlie Foxtrot. Damn it, how she hated not being capable of human speech right now...
  18. "You probably will," Mareek nodded in agreement, rising from his spot and grabbing the stick. "And if you can top it all off by managing to calm the skarmory's excitement enough to use her in battle, You'll probably end up winning the whole thing if you play your cards and your strategies right. Who knows, maybe the two of us will end up facing each other?" His expression and mood dropped a little when he himself didn't feel the usual interest he should've at that last prospect. Nemo looked up at him questioningly, tapping his leg as if to ask what was wrong. The only response he got was Mareek shaking his head and pointing at a place on the ground with his stick. "Nevermind about that..." he sighed. "Nemo, take your place right there. First we're going to work on proper grip and stance, then it's on to Footwork and actual strikes." The cubone knew something was wrong from the sudden change of attitude, giving a single glance of concern at Lana. His eyes were asking the breeder to help him out here. His trainer had been like this a lot lately, and he wouldn't talk about whatever was wrong to him or the polygon thingy or even Erce... but maybe he would if she asked about it?
  19. Zero What the met the foolish and still injured Soldier when he entered the tent was a rather foreign sight; A large, strange white device stood in the middle of a small decontamination area. Just four white walls and the machine were the things to keep him company as a red lense scanned him from atop the apparatus' arch. The beam of light tingled on his skin as it hovered all around him, moving up and down his body before finally returning to the eye... and he felt a sharp pain in his rib cage the minute the light had passed over it. "Considerable Injury Detected," A woman's voice called to him from seemingly everywhere. "Consciousness detected as well. Please, stepp forward and if you are able to, hold your arms out to your sides and face forward. if you are wearing a helmet, do not remove it or any part of your exo suit until decontamination is complete. If you are not, close your eyes and mouth and do not inhale."
  20. Dafuq? and here I thought this guy was some full grown shady dude, yet he's just some scarred wimp who sounds like he's not much older than Kenny or Ixidor or even the random kid right here... in fact, It's beginning to seem as though it's mostly kids running around down here out of us live ones... "I'm Ethic," Ethic said, lowering his sword a bit at seeing the boy's fear. "What security man told you I was a robber? I'm one of the guys whose being forced to patrol the corridors and watch out for anything here..." He pulled out his radio and held it up for the teen to see "Did the man have one of these? What did he look like?"
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