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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Turn 2 Leon flashes over to Officer A for [13] damage! DT Beast Pack A encircle and pounce upon Liliya [16 vs 16] however the girl just barely manages to avoid their savage claws as they come centimeters away from exposed flesh, dashing away beyond their reach. Liliya attempts to shiv an entire battalion of heavy armed men in the back. She is fast enough to catch one of the men unawares, opening up a deep wound for [32] damage. He shouts something very foreign and probably very rude at her as he vainly swings his blade, striking nothing but air as she retreats. Walmond sets up a healing field, restoring [15] hp to himself, Soryn, Lexiel, and Magna. Lambda activates some type of defensive module, increasing her damage reduction for an obscene amount of turns. Empi stomps on the hearts of an entire battalion, though who knows how long the pain of rejection will actually last...? Soldier Battalion A recovers it what seems to be literally only two seconds however, again slashing the Fairy for her rebuttal, dealing [13] damage! fortunately for the lusty fae, Soryn's spell shields her from the assault, and in its collapse lashes out at the battalion for [5] Damage! Talk about insult to injury.... DT Warrior Battalion A intercepts Liliya as she flees the soldiers, Slashing into her side for [11] damage! Victoria fires rapidly [28,95] striking DT Warrior Bat A for [7] and [2] damage! DT Beast Pack B see a moving target scurrying across the battlefield, and like the dogs of war they are, chase after it. They pounce Lilliya like their brethren before them [14 vs 16] however once more, Lilliya just barely manages to evade their claws. Soldier Battalion B Slash at Lambda and Magna, dealing [6] and [10] damage. Officer B sends a spear of frigid ice soaring towards Lilliya, striking her for [8] damage and lowering her Init by 2! DT Archer Battalion Fires at Leon and Victoria, dealing [5] and [8] damage! Lexiel draws up some mana and summons a few goblins to guard her. Her Aura increases Liliya, Empi’s, and Victoria’s Init by 1. Her burn flares up for [7] damage. Soldier Battalion C sets off after the woman who shanked their comrade, returning the favor by slashing her back for [11] Damage! DT Warrior Battalion B compulsively attempts to consume the Goblins under Lexiel’s command [7 vs 20] they fail to pin down the little buggers however, chasing them round and round the killing field. Soryn uses some taboo blood magic to steal the life right out of Officer C, bleeding him dry for [14] damage and restoring it to Lexiel! Magna once more sics her pack of stolen constructs on Officer C. They bite into the poor mage’s flesh for [9], [8], and [16] Damage! The man, croaking one last breath as the skellingtons tear him apart, crumples to the ground, his body already cooling. Apparently dissatisfied with their performance however, Magna then reaves one of the beasts, destroying it to gain [10] hp. Officer A, looking on in horror as his friend is reduced to ruin flesh and battered armor, attempts to save him, Vainly casting a bolt of lightning at one of Magna’s beast. As he defiantly shouts a name Magna can’t quite make out, the bolt strikes for [19] damage, blasting one of the beasts apart, but it’s already too late for his fallen brother in arms... Mar once more mans the cannons, mercilessly taking aim at Officer A just as the futility of his previous act dawns on him. The Orc fires an acidic round at the man, bursting for [37] damage on impact and sending him to his knees. Stinking acid corrodes his Armor and chokes his lungs, lowering his Res by 5. Ant Drones go to work meanwhile, repairing [30] hp to the castle. The Siege Onager… sits idle, it’s crew (DT Warrior Bat B.) too occupied trying to gobble up the goblins... The Siege Crystal, with one of it’s crew dead and the other suffering acid burns, is manned by Officer B alone. He manages to get a charge into the crystal using his magic [36] and refrains from losing his lunch in the process. A thick, ungodly beam of fire and light blasts into the facade, dealing [24] damage. The entire structure of the crystal warps shortly afterward however, dealing [13] damage! Status
  2. Aurora-Goddess Mode10/42Con 1| Res (7)| Dex 6| Int 0| Str 4| Syn (13)|Buffs: Starsign: Cancer [-3 to Res, +3 to Syn. 1/3 duration]Immune to Poison; Regenerates 10% mHP at the end of her turns Aurora uses Starsign: Virgo on herself and Mitsu, restoring 1d4+(Syn((13))*1.25->16) health and curing 1 ailment on each
  3. Sully He was silent for a minute. He tried to play the file once... no dice. Again... same result. Third time, and finally, he gave up getting the damn thing to work and took a look at the encryption itself... "This..." he muttered "the lock he's put on this thing... these ain't the encryption patterns I coded him to use. Shit..." the notion was both a blessing, and a curse at the same time. On the one hand- it meant the AI was finally beginning to break out of the many, many extensive programmed parameters he'd set up for him, if he'd been able to go out of his way at some point to invent a sequence not even Sully recognized at a glance, and had judged that now was the time to use said sequence in order to keep the file safe. On the other hand, it also meant he himself was fucking locked out of the file until he could sit down and get to work picking it apart... which could honestly take hours. "I don't know what to tell ya, but I'm gonna need some time to break this thing open..." he finally told Lord "Whatever the hell happened though, it had to have spooked Asmo pretty bad to take measures like these. And Asmo wasn't designed to spook easy, if at all. Just what the hell is this Arcturus guy, anyway?"
  4. Turn 2 Melina Heals Halley for [12] HP, reducing the cooldown of her actions by 1 as well. Halley manages to deliver some light speed justice on DT Archer Bat A, Inflicting Paralysis on them. Their Str, Res, and Dex are lowered by [3] for the next 3 turns! Officer D lashes out at Enma with a quick stroke of his blade, dealing [17] Damage. He stares at Kino in defiance, shouting something at her in a foreign tongue as he raises his blade, pointed leveled at her throat from across the field... Tama uses Unleashes a furious storm of lightning and clouds, assaulting DT Archer Bat A with a vicious onslaught for [38] Damage! Another Archer crumbles into dust! Soldier Battalion B seems to respond to the Officer’s previous shouting. With a furious shout, they rush over and slash at Kino, dealing [10] damage! DT Warrior Battalion A swiftly strikes Morgan and Hiroki, dealing [1] damage to Hiroki! Morgan [20] Warps out of the way however, reappearing just behind the crowd to strike them for [5] damage! DT Warrior Battalion B follows up their comrades failed attempt, Slashing at Morgan and Tama. Morgan [100] is not fast enough to warp twice in such rapid succession, but blocks and only takes [3] Damage! Tama’s Phalanx meanwhile protects from [10] Damage! Enma again assaults DT Archer Bat A for [10] damage, once more cursing them! Another Archer Crumbles from the sheer Spookiness of the events! Kino likewise, follows up the opening, dealing [33] damage to the Archer Battalion, restoring [8] HP to herself! Another of the Archer’s Crumble, oh the humanity of this sheer terror! The accomplishment is short lived however, as her burn flares up for [2] damage! Soldier Battalion C, seeing the ghost girl and the woman accost their allies, slash at Kino for [10] damage! Hiroki melts Officer C with some hot, hot plasma, dealing [23] damage! DT Archer Battalion B fires wildly upon the crowd of attackers, striking Tama, Kino, and Hiroki for [0], [8], and [3] damage! DT Archer Battalion A also opens fire, striking the previous trio once more for [0], [2], and [0] Damage! Their attack seems rather weak with the paralysis hindering them however... Soldier Battalion A Slashes at Hiroki and Tama, dealing [8] and [1] damage! Officer B, seeing the rock elemental doing something… odd? conjures a spear of Ice and hurls it at Gozer, dealing [6] damage and lowering the pairs init by 2! Not that it seems to matter very much... Morgan mends the soul of himself, Kino, and Dackly with some soothing soul music magic, healing [20] health on each! Officer A unsheathes his blade and strikes Gozer, dealing [6] damage to him. Soldier Battalion D stands their ground, putting up their guard. Officer C, still burned from his hot plasma bath, conjures an arc of thunder before blasting Hiroki, dealing [7] damage! DT Warrior Battalion C swiftly strikes Dackly and Gozer, dealing [12] and [5] damage! Dackly once more fires off a horrifying stare at DT Archer Bat A, inflicting 102 hate stacks on them! The Archers, already too weak to resist, are petrified Instantly! Gozer meanwhile continues to charge his bombs, adding [5] to them! The Forces of House Asterlux unleash another Volley to support the group. They strike DT Archer Bat. C for [35], Officer A,B,C for [16], and DT Warrior Bat. A for [25] damage! One of the Archers crumble, As well as one of the DR Warriors. Rattling can be heard over the hills…5 more DT Archers arrive on the battlefield! [DT Constructs defeated this turn: 11… the reinforcements stay on the battlefield!] STATUS
  5. ((Just so everyone knows: Murdoc got Samantha's HP wrong in the original posting of this latest turn, as was announced in the discord though, it's been fixed and uh.... rather than sitting at 30/60 something, she's at 56/63.... she's fine for now, other people, not so much)) Aurora-Goddess Mode 42/42 Con 1| Res (7)| Dex 6| Int 0| Str 4| Syn (13)| Buffs: Starsign: Cancer [-3 to Res, +3 to Syn. 2/3 duration] Immune to Poison; Regenerates 10% mHP at the end of her turns "The fool who's half dead after tossing about gravity bombs haphazardly... fine, I get why him." The spider responded, already charging another dosage of hot, purifying starfire and positive energy in the back of her eyes. They seemed to burn in the dim environment of the cavernous room, shining like panes of emerald stained-glass before the rising of the morning sun "but the girl who just burned away her own wounds and from what I can see is barely scratched up anymore? I don't think so, Talking Slab; I'm not going to waste a perfectly good mending to fix some ailment that isn't even hindering anything at the moment, when there are other flesh-bags in more immediate danger of keeling over before they get this job done..." Aurora uses Starsign: Virgo on Friendhold & Bridget, restoring 1d4+(Syn((13))*1.25->16) health and curing 1 ailment on each
  6. Sully "Asmo... ASMO! Da fuck man, answer me!" It was no use though, and he'd known it before he'd even tried. No matter where he probed, how far he scanned, the AI's presence was nowhere to be found. It was as if... he'd disconnect from him entirely. But why- he'd only included that Emergency Evac. option in the first place so that encase somehow he ended up biting the dust one day, the one thing he'd invested the most time and energy into over the years could live on... and it only could've activated if somehow his vitals had gone flat or there was a massive disruption of brain activity suggesting...wait. disruption of brain activity... the fucking memory wipe...maybe it was a bit of a stretch but... maybe it had triggered the disconnect accidentally. Maybe whatever the fuck this 'Arcturus' dude had tried to do to him, it was bad enough to make Asmo's base parameters think it was a case of either disconnect or go down with the ship. There was one thing however... a certain file, encrypted, hidden, likely left behind by the AI just before he bounced... Solomon could already guess what it contained. "Fuck..." The mechanic finally sighed. An Impulse later and his HUD dismissed its overlay of his vision, leaving nothing but physical reality in it's place. "Asmodious ain't responding, not even picking up his signature anywhere on the network...but he left a file before whatever happened. It's probably got the Meeting on there."
  7. "Hang on..." Cheryn pulled up the HUD again, glancing at the document for a few moments.. "Yeh, there should be one in "Dry Foods", just across the hall. A bit weird that they'd have a teleporter in that room though... but whatever. It should be just down this way..." with that said, she headed out of the room, setting a path towards "Dry Foods"
  8. Turn 1 DT Beast Pack A flank around Leon, Sinking Their Fangs into his flesh for [12] Damage. Liliya dashes forward, Shiving Officer B for [11] Damage! Empi gives Walmond a... “lesson in affection” (and surprisingly, everyone’s clothes stay on). Walmond will gain +6 to Int if he performs Magic Burst, Electric Current, Healing Field! Soldier Battalion A Viciously Slash at Empi and Walmond, dealing [17] and [19] Damage! Walmond Electrifies Lambda, granting [+12] to her next strike! Lambda promptly proceeds to accost Officer A with her blades, dealing [15] Damage! DT Warrior Battalion A swiftly strikes Lexiel and Lambda, dealing [9] and [6] damage! Victoria fires a Draining Shot on Officer B, lowering his damage by [5] for 3 turns! DT Beast Pack B Sink their fangs into Liliya and Soryn, dealing [7] and [13] Damage! Soldier Battalion B ferociously slashes at Magna, nicking her bones for [10] Damage! Officer B conjures an electrical arc and hurls it at Victoria in retaliation for her interloping, dealing [10] damage! Leon takes a page from Sanic and Blitzes Officers A, B, and C, dealing [8] Damage to each! DT Archer Battalion fires into the crowd wildly, fletching Lexiel, Soryn, and Magna for [10], [9], and [8] damage. Lexiel fires a small electrified dart into one of the kinks of Officer A’s armor, causing him to convulse briefly for [8] Damage. He seems far from incapacitated though. More angered than anything else. Her aura grants +1 Init to Victoria, Walmond, and Liliya. Only Walmond seems to benefit terribly much from it however... Soldier Battalion C stands it’s ground, putting up its guard until next time. DT Warrior Battalion B comes to the aid of Officer A, slashing at Lexiel for [12] Damage. Soryn cast a sphere of blood over Empi, granting her a shield with [13] HP. Magna sics her 3 stolen beasts on Officer C, dealing [12], [15], and [12] Damage! But wait, there’s more! She reaves him for [6] damage! Officer A turns on Lexiel, a vehement chip on his shoulder. Conjuring a sphere of flames, he lobs the arcane fire at the angel, dealing [10] Damage and burning her for [7] damage for the next 3 turns! Officer C likewise, turns his sights on Magna, blasting the reaper with a spear of Ice for [7] damage, lowering her Init by 2! The Castle, with Mar manning the guns, fires a powerful burst of Gravity at the Siege Crystal, dealing [20] Damage! The mages seem not only distracted, but nauseous as well! The Siege Onager seems to have a shot readied. They unleash the tension, slinging a massive rock into the castle facade for [26] Damage! The crew immediately goes to work loading another boulder… The Siege Crystal sits idle, it’s crew trying to right the damage Mar dealt. Insult is added to injury as they take [14] damage from various warping. Status Notes
  9. Turn 1 Officer D ignites a small conflagration and fires it at Kino, dealing [10] damage and Burning her for [2] Damage for the next 3 turns. Ghost Summons Tama Vajra onto the field, sacrificing her own power to grant him 11 bonus HP, +5 Syn and +6 Res. Soldier Battalion B advances with unnerving discipline, slashing at Melina and Morgan for [7] and [15] Damage. DT Warrior Battalion A charges forward, Slashing Tama Vajra, Hiroki, and Morgan for [2], [8], and [7] damage. DT Warrior Battalion B swiftly Strikes Dackly and Gozer, dealing [12] and [5] Damage. Kino summons forth the spirit of her sister onto the killing field. Enma Promptly attacks the DT Archer Battalion A, dealing [7] damage and marking them with some sort of curse! Kino follows up with her own attack on the Archer Battalion, empowered by Enma’s Curse and her Staff’s power, dealing [28] Damage! One of the Archers crumbles into dust! So Spooky…but Kino's sick burn stings for [2] damage! Soldier Battalion C Slash at Halley, dealing [13] damage. Hiroki unleashes Curtain Fire, dealing [3] damage to Officers A,B,C,D, [5] to Soldier Battalion A,B,C,D, [6] to DT Warrior Bat A,B,C, and [9] to DT Archer Battalion A,B DT Archer Battalion B fires a volley of Arrows into the crowd, striking Gozer, Tama Vajra, Hiroki and Halley for [4], [0], [0], and [5] damage. Halley fires a Sparkling Suppressor at DT Archer Bat. A, B, and DT Warrior Bat. C dealing [1], [1], and [1] damage, suppressing them. They’re too fast for Halley to chain fire however... DT Archer Battalion A find themselves disabled by the shining energy just fired at them. Soldier Battalion A Holds their ground for the moment, putting up their Guard. Officer B freezes the moisture in the air, attempting to fire a thick spear of ice at Morgan. Morgan Warps out of the way long before the spike reaches him however, striking the officer for [5] pure damage in Retaliation! Morgan holds his ground as he Defends, reducing damage by 50% and increasing his Res by 5 against Magic attacks until next turn. Officer A weaves a strange light over DT Archer Bat. B, Curing their suppression. Soldier Battalion D flanks around the group, Slashing Melina and Gozer for [5] and [9] damage. Officer C weaves a strange light over DT Warrior Bat C, Curing their suppression. DT Warrior Battalion C turn on Halley and Hiroki, swiftly striking both of them for [7] and [0] Damage. Melina casts a protective Phalanx over Tama, granting him a shield with 21 HP and 4 Res that will block the first attack against him each turn! Dackly sends a harrowing gaze the way of the DT Archer Bat. A, inflicting them with [153] Hate Stacks! Gozer begins Charging Bombs of a Deleterious nature, adding [6] to their Charge! The Forces of House Asterlux ready themselves on the Fortress Ramparts. A Barrage of fire- both of the Arrow Variety and Literal kind -hails down upon the enemy, dealing [25] damage on Officers A, B, C, D, and [20] against DT Warrior Battalion A! Rattling can be heard over the hills… 5 Dragon Tooth Archers arrive on the Scene! Status
  10. One blade became two. Two became three, three became four, four to five, and so on, and so forth, each and every last of them layering atop each other, shifting in harmonious destruction, their cry drowning out all other noise on the battlefield. A merciless Spinning Saw of wind, great and fierce, stretching from floor to ceiling of the corridor, so thick that only now did it take visible form. Faster, faster, faster still it came, each blade adding all that more dogged speed to it's warpath. The grinding of metal, the crunch of bone, the tearing of flesh, the screams of the damned- the final moments of the knight filled with an ungodly cacophony as the massive construct met his armor and and the arcane forces passed through it as if it were mere tissue paper, vibrant, scarlet mist blooming in the air, his Axe dropping from his hand, before his hand was removed from it's arm, his arm from it's shoulder, and his shoulder torn out of his very torso. Each part of him, in the blink of an eye, consumed by the unrelenting force of the storm, already broken limbs snapping further as the violent force engulfed and shredded to mere pulp that bedecked the halls like some merry winter festival. And before long, something ejected from the chaotic maelstrom- something that slammed into the wall with a dull, slick noise before slidding down to the floor. Body shattered, every inch of his flesh shredded and flayed beyond recognition of even the closest of lovers, the scarlet mist still hanging over the area, but slowly beginning to settle into countless droplets along the floor and walls. The whole place reeked of Iron. And in the silence following the winds calming, The girl lowered her sword, turned her head towards the enemies awaiting further down the hall, and with a glint in her eye that would've made most mad men seem sane by comparison, gave one simple warning: "Well would ya look at that. I haven't begun to get started here, and this is how your knightly friend fared. It really makes me wonder what I might do to the rest of you sods, if you don't drop your weapons and surrender."
  11. No relent, not even so much as a glance at the battered and broken corpses as the armored thugs fell. Seeing another one come up to try and take a swing at Rayne, immediately the winds at her beck and call began howling all over again. One lightning quick stroke, barely a flash of silver and green, and the air found itself culminating into a blade, so thin, so fine....barely even visible to the naked eye. The poor sod would never see it coming. C1, Execute Armor Knight 3 with Galesword
  12. Aurora-Goddess Mode 28/42 Con 1| Res (7)| Dex 6| Int 0| Str 4| Syn (13)| Buffs: Starsign: Cancer [-3 to Res, +3 to Syn. 3/3 duration] Immune to Poison; Regenerates 10% mHP at the end of her turns Aurora uses Starsign: Virgo on Isobel/LOTUS & Bridget, restoring 1d4+(Syn((13))*1.25->16) health and curing 1 ailment on each
  13. "..." there was nothing he wanted to say really, in light of all these... whiffed shots. First the archer who had goaded him into following his damn lead in the first place, and now the knight too? What, did he somehow jinx them both? Well... he guessed it wasn't beyond the realm of possibility that he'd woven a hex without even meaning to, but.... "Come on Erce, time for some clean up" Sighing, he shook his head once, and only once, before the great wyvern took to skies, and his halberd became a blinding streak of black iron as it descended towards the Soldier's neck... J28, Make the Soldier a head shorter, Canto to I28
  14. Ghost 45/45 Con 2 | Res 12 | Dex 3 | Int 3 | Str 5 | Syn 11 "Remeber, stay alive and divide and conquer!" Ghost had shouted just before the gates had risen and the chaos of war once again greeted her ears. After so many years spent hopping from killing field to killing field though, there was little response the bloodshed about to befall them brought out of her. Aside from the cold, tactiturn glint in her eyes as she examined each of the officers and soldiers who stood against them, looking for even the slightest sign of incompetence. "Stick together, watch your backs, and try to kill as many of them as you can! last thing we need is to be overwhelmed by numbers, or have some of them split off to harry the other groups." Ghost uses Blood of our Bond and Lend me your Voice, Reducing her mHP by 1/4 and draining her Synergy by it's maximum value of 11, respectively. When she next summons Tama Vajra onto the Field, she will add 11 points of health to his mHP, and will increase his Synergy by 5 while increasing his Resistance by 6. These Changes revert if Tama Vajra is either defeated in battle or dismissed by Ghost. Ghost then Enters a Hymn State, summoning forth Tama Vajra to take her place in the initiative. Tama Vajra 40/40 (+11/11)=51/51 Con 3 | Dex 0 | Int 0 | Res 7(+6)=13 | Str 0 | Syn 10(+5)= 15 Basic OOC TEAM PLAN
  15. On LOTUS' Radio... "Just do try not to die, please..." is the only thing LOTUS would hear in response from Ghost's end "if she's allowed to continue conjuring up those damn skeletons, there'll only be so much impact we can have back here, at the end of the day..." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Aurora-Goddess Mode 42/42 Con 1| Res 10| Dex 6| Int 0| Str 4| Syn 10| Immune to Poison; Regenerates 10% mHP at the end of her turns Seeing that just about every last one of their lot besides herself and the talking slab seemed nowhere near ready to take the damn initiative and strike first, the Goddess sighed as her shell began to glow. Soon however, as the Constellation of the Zodiac cancer blossomed across her carapace, the vibrancy and luminosity of her shell seemed to dim, even if the starlight glittering in her eyes was that much more intense now. She was probably going to need a bit more oomph than usual to make sure these fleshies could get the job done... but still best to play it safe for now, only take more as it was needed. Aurora uses Starsign: Cancer, draining [3] points from her Resistance and adding it to her Synergy, Bringing her current Res to 7 and her current Syn to 13. The Change reverts after 3 turns. Relevant Info
  16. "Hmmm, I suppose so..." the spider muttered. It was still quite strange though- a sea monster who could take on human form? Could she be a were? Not that she had ever heard of a sea-serpent shifter, but well... she also hadn't seen terribly many sea serpents to begin with. And Sylvi had always had much of the same situation going on after all, smelling so strongly like a wolf even in Human form. Even stranger though, was that that there wasn't a single tell she could find on the girl. Nothing to suggest her more beastial nature... so perhaps whatever it was that hid her true self was beyond the genetic-curse afflicting werefolk... something a bit stronger, better woven. "and just how do you shift in and out of this... human form?" she finally asked "It doesn't feel like there's any type of Glamour spell around you... so it has to be some sort of actual transformation..."
  17. The spider leaned out and sighed. So it seemed getting the answer to such a simple a question would be like pulling teeth... she largely disregarded the knightly sword on the girl's person at the moment- there were hundreds upon hundreds if not thousands of enchanted blades and such in her world, and even with the energy she sensed from it, this one did little to truly stand out to her. Honestly could've belonged to just about any pompous holy knight she'd slain in the past. And even if she'd been as rational then as she was now, she still would've lost count of how many those had been. "Ill- ith-id" the spider clarified "Squid people. A smart bunch, scheme and set traps, even against each other, fight with their minds rather than their bodies- could try to literally blow your mind into pieces with a mere thought if they wanted, and are about a hundred times more dangerous to a party of foolhardy adventurers because of it. Just like Mer are fish-folk: scalely, finned, not as smart as illithids by a long shot, generally shaped like humans but still living in the water instead of the land. You smell alot like both of those, like... a river or lake maybe a little like the sea itself.... but there's no way an ordinary human could have such a strong scent of those as what I'm getting from you. Even a fisherman still has the base stink of his race lingering off him after years spent on the water, covered up by the smell of the sea perhaps, but still stinking like the human he is in the end nonetheless... you though? You don't stink under it all. So where did you come from? How did you get here?"
  18. ((Trust a gordon's fisherman~ but yes. yes I do.)) Aurora looked at the girl- a girl who may have looked like just about any other human she'd seen over the centuries(?) but far more scantily clad and fishy smelling for her own good -for a few good seconds after she approached her. "What?" the goddess asked... in all honesty, she'd never been asked how someone could "help her" today, especially by one so heavily resembling a human... but she couldnt be human. No, no, this smell was far too... persistent? pervasive? No, no... powerful, thats what it was. As strong as if she were some aquatic entity who had spent their whole life, or the vast majority of it, in or around a body of water, like she was even apart of the water itself... a smell not much unlike that of a certain... illithid. An illithid capable of quite literally controlling the tides of any waters he came across as if they were an extension of himself... "What are you?" she asked, rather pointedly as she leaned in a little, examining the girls features a bit closer. She didn't see any scales or fins hidden... "you smell like you're a mer or illithid, or something else that lives in the water, but you look like just as much of an ordinary fleshbag as the rest of these lot do..."
  19. "Well how unfortunate..." ghost muttered "it could've been a trump card otherwise, if things had really come down to it. I suppose we'll just make do with what we have on hand- speaking of which" She looked back and forth between the void mage and the gorgon, and around to the other places in the courtyard. It really did seem like these two were the only ones in her squad who'd bothered to form up thus far. She also took note how most of the other groups were already ready and given the rundown... it was a good thing they were staying in the fort and hassling the invaders, otherwise... Well, hell, in all honesty, if it weren't for that fact Ghost wouldn't have been anywhere near as lenient to that failing "Can one of you two go and gather the others at this spot? Like I mentioned, I've got to get the exit methods ready. Our task is to stay in the fort and help end the siege anyway, so it won't hurt much if we wait for a full briefing. And I can't really come up with a solid plan when I've only met and heard what two of you can do, anyway. I didn't quite hear who exactly the tablet assigned earlier, but-" "oh for the love of..." the graveled voice of the old god rang out before she could finish, a sphere of static and storm clouds forming in-front of her. He addressed those gathered there with an almost bored undertone hanging off his every word as he recounted the roster: "A girl with the mech- whatever the hell a mech is. A sunglasses-blue-helmet robot, The girl who summons a ghost, someone called Wyvis, an ice mage, a a giant with a sword of ridiculous proportions" the sphere seemed to focus explicitly on Morgan as he recited the description "and finally, some healer who is apparently a friend to the affore mentioned man called 'Wyvis'." "Yes, all of them. If you don't know who some of them are, focus on finding the ones you do know first, and I'm sure they can help you get the others." With that said, she headed off, leaving the two to decide who would fullfill the request. It was time to tap the lines and get each of the individual spaces ready for deployment... Aurora Without much to say, the spider had looked about at the mild chaos of the courtyard as others mingled and finally formed into groups. Before long though, and with nothing else to really do by that point, the one who had apparently declared themselves the leader of the group- she had no idea how the hell it had happened, but to hell with it, it seemed like no one was trying to slit his throat over some form of usurpation, and she didn't really feel like dealing with the dysfunctional drama the Outworlders had already made themselves notorious for anyway -called out to them to form up. And so she did, moving towards where the others of the apparent Assassin's assassin squad- the irony of which for once was not lost on her given the slow but steady return of her rational self -were assembling.
  20. "I see..." ghost said, taking note that the plant gorgon apparently knew about this "void" and it's effects already as well. Though given the sheer number of skills she'd apparently picked up somehow, Ghost just presumed it had something directly to do with that. "from the sounds of it-" aaaaaand then she was gone... just gone. One moment standing right there in front of morgan, the next nowhere to be seen or sensed. Not even a full second after, probably not even enough time for the three to really ponder on what the hell just happened however, she was back again, this time behind the mage, the gorgon, and the earth elemental as if she'd been standing there the entire time "-it seems that your 'void walking' accomplishes the same basic ends that my own ability does, just through different means.... albeit far, far more risky means nonetheless. Tell me though: just what would happen if you were to tear open say... a hole to this 'void', and the let the energies storming within it pour out into a world? Briefly, of course. Would there be any lasting damage, or would only those in the immediate vicinity of the tear suffer the consequences?"
  21. "Uh huh.... I see then, I'll just note you two as... jacks of all trades. Yes, that should do..." she sighed at the end of the lengthy, leeeeengthy explanation. She hadn't needed to know every last little thing they could do, just what their biggest strengths were and how they could contribute to the coming fight, but... whatever. It was both simpler and probably more accurate to list the two as jacks anyway, given the somewhat ridiculous expanse of their apparent skills. She turned back to morgan afterwards, looking at the mage expectantly "Now, about what you mentioned for your skills apparently causing 'madness, death, and fates beyond death'..."
  22. "I see..." that said, it seemed the plant-snake-thing was returning from whatever madness it had committed up on the wall. Ghost wanted to inquire a bit further as to the supposed 'madness, death, or various fates worse than death, but she bookmarked the idea for now "hang on for a moment." "How about you?" she called to dackly "what can you do, besides taunting our enemy from over the wall?"
  23. "What in the Oblivion's name is she doing?" Ghost sighed as the plant-... cyclops-snake thing slithered by announcing her little plan after the couriers had come and gone. Even worse, apparently she was on her team... of course, looks like she got someone who was a little bit off anyway. Her and Lexiel seemed to be in similar boats. She glanced back at the angel and Lotus "I'll leave you two to figure out what- or rather if -you want the noble to fight alongside whichever group..." and started off after the gorgon, only then Remembering the other member who'd come to introduce himself though. "Well at least that makes two of you who are accounted for..." she looked morgan up and down for a brief second, taking note of his attire "just what is that you do, by the way?"
  24. "....no... Lexiel is the one other there, on the other side of the girl and lotus. I don't why you specifically asked for me if-" Ghost tried to correcct, before the being began to go into some bombastic declaration, posed, and ran off to fulfill the request. Sighing and shaking her head, she turned back to the other two from the war room, Lexiel specifically "I don't know why she specifically asked for me as the "summoner woman" instead of you, given she already apparently knew your name, but... regardless, I guess she'll be going off to round up your team for you. Either way, I'm somewhat glad there's been an apparent switch though, there's something just abit... off with that one." She took the Radio headset she held and fixed the gear into place, turning her attention to LOTUS "Anyway... Let me know when the other teams are ready to move out. Until then, I suppose I'll be wrangling my group together myself."
  25. "Well shit..." Tamar muttered under her breath, before turning to Blink "Looks like I was right. They really are that stupid. This uh... just went from bad to worse though; The room right next to this one is labeled as "child bank", and it's big- like, easily three times the space of this room. Probably where they're keeping the kids who aren't being experimented on or something. Either way...this might get a bit dicey, they've probably got some type of security set up in there if that's where most of their stock is coming from. Hopefully he hasn't accidentally triggered anything already..."
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