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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. I'll respond with Mareek volunteering for the Evan search party group tomorrow
  2. Feels good, having the magic.

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    1. Arkhi


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  3. Supernovae, Chimchain, Kenny This was the first time that Rosse's calm demeanor broke during this whole encounter. But it was anger, unlike what one might expect... instead the man simply grinned at Maximus, even going so far as to laugh silently. "Very, very good answer, Maximus," he said. "And precisely the same one you should give to anyone else who dare asks you it on your journey. But you should use your spear to do it in those cases, I fear that they'll be far more eager and ruthless to know the answer than I am." He then cast a glance over at Eric, looking right through the young apothecary. "And I advise you do the same, Eric," he said. The fact that he had singled out the man from everyone else just now said everything; He had already known which of them had the keys. So why ask if he already had the knowledge? that was left for the group to speculate, because things were over according to what Rossephus went on to say. "You lot will do fine, I'm sure of it. But I think we're done here. If you've more questions or want to know something further about any of this, consult the book that OCtavia over there has just been given... after you find someone capable of opening it, of course. I suggest that you take some time and gather a few supplies while you're here though. Tell any shop keepers that "the stars led you here" They'll understand what it means" and he was serious. The bastard even had the gull to turn and start walking towards the castle doors, moving right past Maximus and Rodriguez. What happened next however was entirely unexpected... Up on the Castle lookout... A shadowed individual stood atop the Castle Lookout area, high above the Travelers' heads, unnoticed and far too far away for them to hear him. But he could hear everything they said just perfectly due to the Bowl of Water he was Scrying in, sound and picture from what was going on far below coming in as loud and as clear as if the idiots were right here. "So he lied to me?" they asked, outraged. "The bastard... all this time, he'd been with Orphant! All this time i've spent serving him, WASTED! I've been a gullible fool, and he's gone and completely used me against my own Lord and Master! Damn it...he'll surely kill me for this. Should I even." "You can not escape my sight, even when veiled in shadows." A strange voice called out to the individual in the night air. "For I can always find you by the malice you hold in your heart. The darkness of your soul is like a shining beacon to the Delta, and it is like a roaring forest fire to myself." "M-my Lord!" the person immediately kneeled, bowing their head at the same time. "forgive me, sire... my faith was-" "You were contemplating abandoning this great cause of ours," the voice cut them off. "You feared my wrath upon your reporting of this." "Um... I would be a liar if I said otherwise. Sire, please, forgive me..." "Why would I have allowed you to do this in the first place if I did not know that precisely this would result?" "My Lord..." The person looked up to the heavens, not knowing where their master's voice came from. it seemed to be everywhere, and yet no where at the same time. "I-I do not understand your meaning." "Because you were loyal and believed he worked for myself and for our cause, you were able to get very close, were you not?" the voice replied rhetorically. "So close that you infact managed to get within his inner circle, right along with Orphant's pet, The pope, and his two armored buffoons who feign to call themselves commanders. You are in a very good position to strike and bring us a swift victory, my servant. That is why I did not stop you from forming a tie with the Conqueror. because now... now you shall be the spear that strikes him down!!" The servant's eyes lit up in complete realization, finally grasping the brilliance of his master. "Tis an honor, sire!" they bowed and prostrated even lower. "I know..." the master said. "Do not disappoint me." then the voice was gone. But the Servant was already going to work casting a fearsome Evocation... EVERYONE Strange things began to happen as Rossephus made his way towards the entry way of the keep. First the Snipers in the trees all faded away one by one, like they had never been there at all. Only two of them were still there, in fact. Both were in positions that could've easily fired on Eric and Cesealia earlier. Even stranger, if any of the travelers looked quick enough, they would have noticed that all of the snipers had sported identical faces to these two. The air began to chill considerably. A streaking screech filled the night. In the sky blazed a foggy light of deep blue, colder than winter in it's intensity. Glints of light could be seen. The sound was deafening as the first massive shard of Pure, glowing ice, made impact and sent stone and dirt flying all around, shaking the very earth as it plunged like a dagger. Then the next. and the next. and the next. and the next... one by one, in very quick succession, Shard after giant shard streaked down from somewhere high above and rained down atop where Rossephus had been last seen walking, forming a massive, jagged sculpture just at the base of the stairs leading up to the Castle Proper's doors. Everything was silent afterwards. The light had disappeared above. all that was heard... was the slow, steady crackling of the ice, like that of a mammoth glacier. Mist drifted in the air. The whole place was cold.
  4. There was silence in the place for several seconds after Garren gave his situation report. No sound at all from anyone, not Bane, not Stone, not the Technician, no one. The only thing to break the drought of wordlessness was the soft, continuous hum of the multiple computer consoles set up in the tent. Things had gotten so awkward that Quiet went so far as to lean forward a bit, looking down the line at everyone else, unsure as to whether or not they had been turned to stone or something. Bane coughed... but it was obviously a fake one. The moment he brought up his arm to cover it, He moved his fingers with impressive fluidity in Sign Language, gesturing a quick message to Commander Stone. "Are the bastards gone yet?" Stone himself coughed somewhat expectantly, bringing his hand up in a fist to cover it... and signing in lightning quick sign language to respond. "I don't know..." He turned the gestures to the Technician. "Well...are they?" "Five...four...three... now," the Techy signed back immediately, though his movements were far more sloppy than either of the two ESFAs. "They just turned it off on their end. We're good." he said verbally. "and I just locked them out from tuning back to us." "Then maybe I'll let you live for that ridiculous bout of Incompetence earlier on," Stone said, cold as his namesake. "Now get out of my sight and return to your duties." A moment later, the tent was short one occupant, the flaps flapping behind him as he hurried off. Stone looked back to the Soldiers, scrutnizing each of them one by one. "How many bullets did you fire in total due to the... series of incidents today?" he demanded vaguely.
  5. More and more tables flipped as Anver began going faster, picking up the pace that he crouch-ran across the room. Before long he wasn't very far from the bar, using the Thermal Field to detect the Bartender nearby when he failed to place eyes on him behind the counter. "Now's our moment of truth..." he thought to himself, tossing a glance behind, expecting to see the Young Stranger with the glowing hands from moments ago following behind...
  6. Where the hell did this kid come from? Wait, did he say...? "Did you just say Barkeep?" Anver inquired cautiously, keeping an eye on the growing crowd as more poured in through the gates. "What exactly do you want with him?" Maybe this was part of the gift too, if this guy had also been sent to kill him...of course, it could be the other way around, but...Anver didn't care, things were too crazy right now. He'd simply have to take the chance and make a leap of faith. "Nevermind, just follow me and keep down if you don't want to risk them blowing your head off" with that said, he headed off towards where he detected the Bartenders heat signature, knocking over tables for cover as he went; either by kicking them down or using heat waves, not bothering to look behind him to see if Lux was following.
  7. Anver drew his glock and loaded one into the chamber after the explosion rattled the place, turning over a table preemptively and peaking over to see the man who had apparently caused it be taken down before he could get any actual details on the face. What, is Utopia behind this too? He questioned to himself, ducking behind the ample cover the circular table provided. No... Gotta think like Allan would right now; They probably aren't involved in this crowd, it wouldn't make any sense, why send in someone when you already planned on dispatching a whole strike force? And where's the Bartender? He quickly fired up a Thermal field in his mind, picking up the Target's heat sig and confirming him to have not gotten away when he wasn't looking. Maybe this was some type of sick blessing in disguise then, this crowd. Maybe it was God helping him out, answering his earlier prayers. Either way, it wasn't a gift he had any intention of squandering. The time was now, Clock was ticking, seconds wasting, Moonlight burning. A table fell over nearby as Anver held out his hand and the air suddenly rippled with heat waves just underneath the rim; that was the force that sent the piece of furniture toppling to it's side, the amount of hot air blowing upward at such a high speed. Without checking again or even thinking about it, Anver dashed out from the cover he currently held and dived behind that of the newly overturned surface, peeking out and trying to take count of the force pouring in. He didn't know if they were actually armed with weapons, but he wasn't going to even try making his way towards old Barkeep unless he knew for certain whether or not he'd have to do it while dodging a hail of bullets...
  8. Well I can't just leave right now, now can I, Sergeant? Things are getting good...
  9. Lols, five days, and still no response from those bastards, Soldiers...

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    2. Notus


      Jeez mate, that sucks... I still don't get what kind of trouble you're having. Have you downloaded Showdown or are you using it straight from the link?

    3. Sutoratosu


      I'm using it in browser. I've already pretty much explained what the issue is in older Status Updates and some of it is in the PM which we will not discuss out in the public space. ;)

    4. Sutoratosu


      Basically, the ladder refuses to acknowledge my existance, so I can't choose a name, and because of that, I can't do anything else either.

  10. I found this on Seventh Sanctum too... though, these are more suited for the host of the world, for finding Ideas for random NPCs, than it is to actual players http://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=charscramble A Generator which basically spits out Character Archtypes on demand. Can come up with pretty...interesting concepts from what I've seen from it. http://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=generalperson A generator which actually spits out various assembled character appearance descriptions. Kinda neat whether you're just screwing around or you actually are having a hard time deciding what a certain NPC looks like. http://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=quickchar The bread and butter for truly random NPCs whom you will have players meet once or maybe twice in the story, and after their role is played, never have them appear ever again. In other words, if you're looking for ideas about Toss-away NPCs, this right here might serve as some inspiration for ya. Again, I only recommend that people maybe take inspiration from these Generators, not actually use the ideas exactly as they're made. They are random, afterall. (But of course, if you want to just use the idea exactly as it is, do as you will.)
  11. Abaslom and Lucian quickly cuaght up to Leonidas and Sinbad as the two made way for the ruins. Gideon, Zoliver and Darius were the only ones still by the fire, save for Deric and Shavian "I take it you're a mute since you won't answer verbally," Deric observed as he handed the slip of paper back to the young shop keeper. "You wouldn't happen to know signs, would you? It would honestly make communicating a lot faster than writing everything down and showing it to us." Deric held up one hand and signed the very same question as he simultaneously asked it verbally, testing to see if Shavian understood the gestures and their meaning.
  12. Indeed... but the one I linked to above is honestly the only Character Name Generator on that site which I would suggest to anyone. The other one's regarding Characters aren't quite as serious.
  13. Oh, here's one of the generators I have on hand http://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=quickname It's a naming one. Generates a series of random names assembled base on consensus data from the US. Good for most RP Genre's probably, and even if the names it comes up with aren't quite fitting for a particular world someone will be playing in, they can still serve as inspiration.
  14. Mareek was somewhat reluctantly right behind Slade as the other Trainer made his way to tell Phoebe. His face had regained a little of it's color as he gradually strained to calm himself and steady the racing thoughts galloping through his mind faster than a stampeding herd of Wild Rapdiashes. He didn't say a word as Slade went on giving the summary of what happened to the instructor. Erce meanwhile, kept a closer eye on the boy than she usually did, convinced by his body language just now that something was indeed beginning to go wrong with him. Ever since yesterday after the Swellow incident, he'd been acting completely out of whack from time to time. And now here he had gone again, this time after Rocket was mentioned. The Scyther had a suspicion that whatever it was, it definitely had something to do with the Crime Syndicate and what Mareek went through a few years ago... and she had another one on top of it. One that all the work she had done to help him get back to a socially functionable state back then... was beginning to slowly unravel, bit by bit. She knew she had to do something to help him, try to find a way to stop it before it went too far to be repaired. But at the same time she was doubtful of her ability to do it alone again, like she had before...
  15. Oh, I know what it is... I was just trying to mess with ya a little bit there. :3
  16. While yeah, they've been roomates for a while and it would make sense if they could read each other to at least some degree by now, he honestly has a few issues conveying a lot of emotion to anyone he hasn't come to genuinely think of as a friend. So seeing as how we agreed earlier that an arm's length aquatance would be the most likely stage their at, Editing to make it More of Slade having a simple hunch that something about the situation is bothering him instead of knowing with as much certainty as he seems to right now would probably be better for both of their Character Development.
  17. Sure thing, I don't see why not Considering we would probably need to get an in depth thread regarding that up eventually, might as well do it now rather than later. Also, I might have a few generators lying around in my random toolbox...let me check for a minute...
  18. Hey Exlink, how exactly does Slade know with such apparent certainty that Mareek's fearful right now, soldier? Slade never really ever struck me as a "Perceptive" person, and Mareek never actually said anything to suggest he was scared of something. The only real outward indication that something may or may not be even bothering him right now is the sudden paleness. But guess I'm just a bit crazy then, huh?
  19. ....Speechless. That was what Mareek was at that moment. He honestly...honestly couldn't believe what he just heard. "Rockets? No...but...why? They... why the hell would they be trying to reform again now, all these years afterwards? Does Giovanni actually have an active hand in it this time, unlike with the Johto incident? Is the old mobster even still alive anymore? Is... is Galen here? is he...with them?" He shook the torrent of thoughts and questions from his mind in a flurry. No time to get swamped, he had to focus, find out more. It was obvious this was a situation which needed to be addressed by someone with actual authority, who was competent enough to actually use it effectively, which he'd make sure the problem was... after he got every detail he could out of his room mate. "T-they did disband..." Mareek began unsteadily. "And after the Johto Branch's failure, no one has had any idea where in the world Giovanni is... there were a few assumptions and rumors that he had heeded their signal they made from the Goldenrod Radio Tower for him to come back to lead them, but those were just that; rumors at best. And after everything fell apart for them again, none of those speculations meant anything anymore." He paused for a minute, producing his leather bound Bestiary of Terror from his Jacket and beginning to flip through his notes, searching and searching furiously for something. "But that's precisely why this doesn't make a lot of sense to me..." he continued. "Giovanni's dropped off the face of the earth for the most part; those idiots stragglers still out there have to realize that by now, Their Don is probably never going to come back to them, no matter what they try. The only way to explain them even giving things another go after their Fiasco in Johto... is if someone new is pulling the strings." Dear god... he thought to himself. Don't let it be him...it can be anyone else, but him. He absolutely dreaded the mere thought of his big, long estranged brother possibly having a direct hand in this apparent Rocket resurrection. So much so that it damn near made him sick to his stomach with anger and fear. Anger at what the bastard did all those years ago... and an equal amount of fear for the exact same reasons. He looked a bit paler than usual, clasping his Bestiary shut and returning it to his Jacket. The emotions turmoiling in his mind was so strong though that he lost a bit of his wits now, completely forgot about trying to get more information out of Slade. He couldn't focus himself. The only option he had was to say the most obvious thing. "Slade..." he said, still visibly pale, the blood having seemingly drained from his face. "You need to tell Professor Cadmus about it. Or Professor Silva or even Professor Arlyn... anyone. And you need to do it, NOW."
  20. That definitely got the boy's attention. Even Erce stopped hovering overhead and came down to land, curious as to what information the seemingly airheaded slade might have about this mess. "Well... who?" Mareek asked cautiously, not quite knowing what to expect for an answer. But in the name of Arceus, if Slade was kidding around about this...
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