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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. I think I might be somewhat of an overall angry/ wrathful person. What do you all think?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Snap Crackle Pop

      Snap Crackle Pop

      I think you're a no-nonsense kind of guy; you get angry with reasonable things and when you are angry, you are angry. I wouldn't call you a hot head, nor a temperamental person, you just have low tolerance for sh!t.

    3. GotWala


      I agree with everyone above, given the little amount of time I've interacted with you, haha. If you truly consider your anger a problem, remember to take deep breaths and attempt to empty your mind of that which weighs you down.

    4. DarkLight


      I don't find you to be an angry person. Just because you get mad, it doesn't mean that that defines you. Like what everyone said above me, we all get annoyed sometimes, that's all.

  2. Tried is the key word. I said 'fuck it' after a few weeks because between here and School, which I procrastinate and do nothing in enough as it is, I didn't have the time to write over 1600 words everyday ON TOP of writing for all the RPs I'm in down here. I've taken my novel ideas and turned them into private projects; IE, if anyone EVER gives me a minimal word count number, or a certain amount of days to reach it, I will Zap them until they are nothing but a smoldering crisp on the ground. Yeah, I'm still quite pissed off about it, Soldiers...
  3. No she's not, the word count is nowhere near enough... I should know :/
  4. "Just a bit of random probability..." Mareek thought to himself as he watched the Togepi's Metronome transform into a powerful Aeroblast and hurtle off towards the Skrelp and Jacob look a bit astonished by it. "so don't go getting so excited, you just happened to get very lucky this time... it could've easily turned into something like Growl or Tailwhip instead of a counter that was actually useful in this situation; the move isn't reliable for things like this, and you're gonna end up getting burned eventually if you let yourself start thinking that it is..."
  5. "Oh, I'll be listening, Soldier," Stone's voice crackled in Kyahnna's Comm link, having heard that little remark over his own. "But out here there's all manners of animals that are more than capable of tearing us all apart. It's night fall, and the nastiest things in this forest are nocturnal. now, if you want to stay here and start explaining, all the while exposing every last one of us to more and more danger as the hour drags on, then be my guest, but if you want to be smart and run a lesser risk of dying, then keep it closed and save it for when we arrive back at base camp." with that said, the comm shut off.
  6. It could still be a nice little way to put out a fire over a large area in the future though...
  7. this is...actually going a lot easier than I thought.

    1. Sutoratosu


      hmm... getting a bit tougher. I'm gonna need to start busting out the Memes now.

  8. As the conversation continued, the Team began to hear the sounds of a Troop Transport drawing closer and closer. Soon the lights of the craft came into view off in the distance, the vehicle hovering out of the forest and setting down to land not far from the group. A single individual hopped off the ride, walking over to the group in a Monochromatic Exo Suit just like Jace's, carrying a curved blade in one of his hands. Off in the distance, something else emerged from the shadows of the forest as well... two silhouettes that looked to be about people height, their outlines vaguely resembling Exo suits... "There's going to be some serious explaining when we get back to base camp," Commander stone said into the comms. "Especially from you, Bane. The Capital has been asking a lot of questions as to what the fuck happened to it's main investigation force." "Indeed there will be, Commander Stone," Jace concurred. "But I think my team will be doing most of it, rather than myself..." Stone took his attention away from the two silhouettes, looking at the squadron again. "All of you, get yourselves on that transport, now." his voice was cold and commanding as steel, his tone suggesting that any protest would not be tolerated...
  9. Tempest The next 2 or 3 floors were the same story; Every Dungeon dweller was KO'd. It wasn't until they got a little higher when that all began to drastically change. Draidon stormed up the stair case to the sixth floor of the mountain... only to find himself completely surrounded by Natu and Parasect and Ariados and Shroomishes all around the room, seeming as if they had been waiting for him and the team... "You get no further here, friend," one of them, a Parasect, hissed. "We've all been offered Donuts if we take you out here... and damn, are donuts awesome. So, nothing personal, aight? but yeah, you're going down." Ace and Roy and Vincent came up the stairs next, looking around at the opponents that had trapped them. "Where's the Jolteon?" The Dragon demanded. "He should be right behind us, I think..." Vincent answered. "But I honestly don't think we have a lot of time to wait for him, given...well, this." he motioned to the monster house with his paw. "Agreed," Ace said, already taking aim for a Boomburst. "Wait a minute!" Roy shouted, a bit late to the discussion. "You bastards were offered DONUTS by that b*tch!?" The monster house members looked a little taken aback by the sudden shout, looking around at each other. Finally the same Parasect from before spooke up. "That's right, but first we gotta get rid of you... so without further ado!" he had been preparing an attack of his own, but Roy caught him by surprise with a fury filled Superpower, sending the bug type flying over the crowd and into the far wall. He wasn't finished though... he began doing the same to the other crowd goers. Draidon sighed, dragging his claws down the side of his face a few times, sharpening them. "I'm really beginning to hate that little idiot," he muttered before rushing off after Roy, hands taking on a Teal Glow. Meanwhile, seeing no way out of this now, Ace and Vincent stood back to back against the approaching mob members, the Tailow letting off a Boomburst and Vincent opting to use Noble Roar to try to intimidate a few of them... The fight had begun ((You enter the floor to find Draidon and Roy in the midst of tearing apart the crowd with brute force and Vincent and Ace holding off those around them)) Snap Crackle Pop "You're outside of Brine Cave," Kage answered, offering a hand to help the Axew up. Now that the dragon could a better view, he could see that the Gengar was carrying two knocked out individuals, a Marill and a Wartortle, under his arms. Next to him was a piplup, staring at Alistair as if sizing him up. "How'd you get out here anyway?" Torrent spoke up "What, you run into trouble in the cave or something?" Seacrest Mira mulled it over for a few minutes, building up a sense of suspense in the room that even Mercury could feel. Then she finally looked at the travelers and spoke her decision. "Fine... You may speak, Oshawott, but if it has nothing to do with this castles income or the protection thereof..." as if on cue, Mercury bounced up high into the air and used tackle towards the ground, coming down with a loud slam as if he had used takedown or something, to get his Sister's point across...
  10. "Really?" Mareek sighed as Erce flew back over and landed at his side. "Did you seriously just do what I saw you do?" The Mantis nodded mischievously. Her trainer gave out another sigh, looking over at Claude as the guy went crazy with laughter at the Goodra's embracing him. Looks like he and Erce had gotten the exact same idea a few moments ago; except she hadn't shot it down like he had... well, the guy seemed to be enjoying it, so no harm no foul, right? "That was cheating, you know..." Mareek said to her after looking on a little longer. Erce didn't seem to care that it was, her primary objective had been more than achieved; keep those gooey things away from her. Mareek's attention was taken away from the Scyther, however, when Jory spoke up and thanked him before being hit with a water pulse, getting into a battle with the Skrelp who had apparently fired it. Mareek and Erce said nothing as they watched the first few rounds... because all the while he was busy collecting intel on Jacob's Battle Style, noting how he had chosen Togepi for this brawl...
  11. The real question is, Is Slade ready to run with a bunch of Murderers and Mobsters? If one knows what a group really is, then one honestly can't call oneself any better than them if one still decides to join regardless of knowledge of their prior deeds, just as a general rule of thumb...
  12. Hmm... interesting question, what would the little wannabe Terrorist hunter do with that Intel, hmmm... I'll have to figure that out just encase it goes down that path now.
  13. And there's no way we're going to die as long I'm alive.
  14. *Coughs Expectantly* seriously though, I think I'm gonna just start going around networking in the room now...
  15. Oh really, Soldier? And no, it doesn't effect opponents using dig, at least not in the games.
  16. Golurks line still functions primarily off of an energy field, as it pretty much nothing more than a sentient energy field that animates a bunch of clay. So it would still be ASE because the Aphotic field could easily completely by pass the Animated Matter and disrupt the inner workings of the Ghost typed being in question
  17. fine then, Dark trumps both Ghost and Psychic.... When Attacking Dark: Always Super Effective: -Fairy (Because of their Photic Nature, the energy fields they generate will be able to counteract those of dark types, and also vica-versa. in a fight between the two, it'll be a complete powder keg.) -Ghost Generally Super Effective: -Fire (Fire always Generates a considerable amount of light, but it is going to need to be a high amount in order to overcome the aphotic field Dark Types Generate. IE, gonna need a lot of it.) -Electric (Same exact reasoning as Fire) Generally Not Effective: -Fighting (You can't easily hit what you can not first see/ locate with your eyes, now can you? but their will be some cases, like with a Lucario's aura sphere, in which this will be a very different story.) Always Not Effective: -Psychic -Ghost Immunities: -None When Dark Attacks: Always Super Effective: -Fairy (For reason stated above, they'll collide and both be highly destructive to the other.) -Psychic -Ghost Generally Super Effective: -Fighting (Again, fighting in the dark greatly hinders your combat ability if you can't find a way to see clearly, you're gonna have a very hard time hitting anything in pitch blackness, but again, there will be certain cases in which this will be overcome, like with an aura sphere.) Generally Not Effective: -Fire (Reason stated above) -Electric (Reason stated above) Always Not Effective: -None There.
  18. Um...ok... but let's see what you can come up with now, for this RP. (I'm sorry, but I don't really know the verse that these were made for, so it's rather hard for me to go and look at them with my past RPing experiences and not call them Sueish, even though in their particular verse they might be considered 'normal')
  19. Eh, non of that quiter talk, Soldier! you can do this, you need only try hard! tell you what, you PM me if you want help or advise on drafting up an New OC, I've been wanting to try out my Drill Sergeant mode for a while now.
  20. I meant that in a sentimental way, Soldier... and one does not have to 'procreate' to consider another their 'child'. the term can be used a multitude of ways for a multitude of scenarios and circumstances.
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