The next 2 or 3 floors were the same story; Every Dungeon dweller was KO'd. It wasn't until they got a little higher when that all began to drastically change. Draidon stormed up the stair case to the sixth floor of the mountain... only to find himself completely surrounded by Natu and Parasect and Ariados and Shroomishes all around the room, seeming as if they had been waiting for him and the team...
"You get no further here, friend," one of them, a Parasect, hissed. "We've all been offered Donuts if we take you out here... and damn, are donuts awesome. So, nothing personal, aight? but yeah, you're going down." Ace and Roy and Vincent came up the stairs next, looking around at the opponents that had trapped them.
"Where's the Jolteon?" The Dragon demanded.
"He should be right behind us, I think..." Vincent answered. "But I honestly don't think we have a lot of time to wait for him, given...well, this." he motioned to the monster house with his paw.
"Agreed," Ace said, already taking aim for a Boomburst.
"Wait a minute!" Roy shouted, a bit late to the discussion. "You bastards were offered DONUTS by that b*tch!?"
The monster house members looked a little taken aback by the sudden shout, looking around at each other. Finally the same Parasect from before spooke up.
"That's right, but first we gotta get rid of you... so without further ado!" he had been preparing an attack of his own, but Roy caught him by surprise with a fury filled Superpower, sending the bug type flying over the crowd and into the far wall. He wasn't finished though... he began doing the same to the other crowd goers.
Draidon sighed, dragging his claws down the side of his face a few times, sharpening them. "I'm really beginning to hate that little idiot," he muttered before rushing off after Roy, hands taking on a Teal Glow. Meanwhile, seeing no way out of this now, Ace and Vincent stood back to back against the approaching mob members, the Tailow letting off a Boomburst and Vincent opting to use Noble Roar to try to intimidate a few of them...
The fight had begun ((You enter the floor to find Draidon and Roy in the midst of tearing apart the crowd with brute force and Vincent and Ace holding off those around them))
Snap Crackle Pop
"You're outside of Brine Cave," Kage answered, offering a hand to help the Axew up. Now that the dragon could a better view, he could see that the Gengar was carrying two knocked out individuals, a Marill and a Wartortle, under his arms. Next to him was a piplup, staring at Alistair as if sizing him up.
"How'd you get out here anyway?" Torrent spoke up "What, you run into trouble in the cave or something?"
Mira mulled it over for a few minutes, building up a sense of suspense in the room that even Mercury could feel. Then she finally looked at the travelers and spoke her decision. "Fine... You may speak, Oshawott, but if it has nothing to do with this castles income or the protection thereof..." as if on cue, Mercury bounced up high into the air and used tackle towards the ground, coming down with a loud slam as if he had used takedown or something, to get his Sister's point across...