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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. You up for it Corporal? tag team? (well, more like just me controlling Java and having it fight alongside you without needing any instruction from Mareek)
  2. New Avi.... well, sort of.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aurorix


      That just reminds me of this.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Soldier, you damn near killed me from laughter. Now I have to go get a Braviary...

    4. HolyKnight


      Lt! You should no feel shame on your uniform! How dare you!

  3. Indeed it will. "Hey guys, remember the time we all got split into two different groups and we had that massive death match against each other? That was awesome, wasn't it? we should really do that more often."
  4. Well, while I'm already beginning to form a surprisingly scathing anti theological argument against it despite being a member of the christian faith myself, this is neither the time nor even the proper place for it, soldier. So how about this? let's just drop it here and now and not divert the conversation of this OCC anymore than our little comments already have. Sound good? Good. moving on... who's gonna draw first blood in this little conflict? bank or slums? I'm getting a bit pumped for this...
  5. It's more about the fact that he helped to overthrow a Tyrant who had pretty much usurped the throne than the actual Wealth Gap that matters to me, soldier. I kinda figured that maybe one act would balance out the other somewhat.
  6. The sound of a Zippo Lighter being flicked open echoed from the ceiling as Ethic Lowered himself using the Batman Method, recalling his blade once he had gotten low enough and dropping down to the floor. He flicked his wrist to and throw in a manner meant to be intimidating, as if it were a Switchblade rather than a lighter. His other hand was in his pocket as he walked like a stereotypical mafioso and looked at the Killer and the... again, was that taylor? there was some basic semblance in the way the facial structure was... he had the same color eyes and all... just looked a hell of a lot younger. Whatever, if it wasn't him, then Ethic would just deal with the stranger later on. "You hear that, Mudersalot?" he chided, walking towards Rose and Enya but positioning himself to remain facing the Killer at all times. "Looks like we get to use the Buddy system for a while, sounds fun, doesn't it?" He stopped flicking the lighter's cap, the flame burning brightly. "But let's make one thing very fucking clear here and now; I heard you call us all 'comrades' just now with the banker guy. Yeah...no, absolutely not. I'm sorry, but after the shit you've pulled, there is no way in hell or heaven that I'm ever going to fight alongside you, all buddy-buddy like. But I don't have any choice in the matter, none of us do... you see this?" he nodded to the lighter and the flame. "You try something, anything at all that I think is suspicious, and I'll torch you, just like our first little bout." He put the thing away, smirking behind his Aviators. "But...I'm sure we won't have any issue with that, now will we? given that we've all been threatened with being locked in a vault for eternity if we kill each other right now..."
  7. Tempest When sparky arrived on the next floor, he saw much the same scene as the last, only with more defeated Dungeon dwellers lying unconscious. The others were looking around, taking in the carnage around them. Scorch marks blighted the walls and floors. Draidon wasted no time once he has seen that the Jolteon had finally gotten up the stairs. "Come on," he ordered the team, taking off down the corridor to the next room "She went this way!" Ace and Roy and Vincent followed right after him, following the black trail her Flame Wheel had left behind. Sparky would have pick up the pace if didn't want to be left behind. Seacrest "But he also has something else he would wish to speak to you about, lady mira," Mac said quickly after Otto Identified himself. "Don't you, Otto?" "Is it something that will up the Profit margins?" was the only thing Mira asked. Mac was a bit unsure of how to answer, then deciding to go on a gambit and tell her what she seemed to want to hear. "Um...yes, my lady... well, maybe?" "Close enough," The queen mused, turning her attention to Otto once more. "What is this additional matter you wish to speak to me of?"
  8. Java nodded at the flamboyant Trainer's question, looking around a moment later and scanning the area with a strange red circle, tracing it along the ground and through the smoke. it made a few passes, sweeping over Colere and Lance without slowing down before the strange circle finally found it's mark, whatever it was, through the smoky veil. The thing constricted once it had it's target, a red glow reminiscent of a giant turtle glowing for a few moments before fading away. The porygon looked over at Claude questioningly, as if to ask what was putting up this smokescreen.
  9. Well, look at that, no direct rivals for me... yet, at least. EDIT: wait, even Robind Hood is down there? must be a really tough policy against stealing, I guess...
  10. Java raised a little higher when Lance came at him blindly, moving out of the way. He resisted the urge to attack the bug type though, focusing on the voice nearby. Instead of a verbal answer, what Claude got was the sight of the Porygon staring at him and Colere through the smoke, still weary of where Lance was.
  11. It'll be during the trip then (since I had intended to catch the fourth member during it anyway) EDIT:... I don't really know what to do now with Java right now... so I'm just gonna wait for sergeant Chimchain's next update, Corporal.
  12. Well, things picked up a bit. Think I'll just wait for this scene outside (the altercation) to develop a little further before I post
  13. His next addition will be Dratini then. I'll just save Torchic for later like Eevee.
  14. If only they made Anime for Armored Core, soldiers...if only...

    1. AeroWraith


      It really needs an anime. I want it to happen so badly

  15. I'd say "GG, Soldiers, we have a psycho killer on our side." But chances are we'll be dead just along with you all...
  16. The moment that Maximus had mentioned the others, the ground began to tremor violently, shaking the leaves off trees and threatening to send everyone to their feet. Thankfully no buildings in the city collapsed during the quake, though a few people who had been walking the streets were having to pick themselves up off the stones now. Up in the trees the Valkyrie Corps Snipers stayed put as if nothing had happened. "Don't worry about that tremor just now," Rossephus said, getting up himself now from where he'd been thrown to the earth. The bleeding behind his bandages had gotten noticeably worse. "It just means that the Seal has been secured once more... in fact, that was what your friends were all doing just now, holding back the tide of Nix while another Binding was being made." The doors opened once again as he spoke... and standing there was a man Maximus had thought to be dead... none other than Rodriguez. His shirt was torn, chest and face covered in cuts and scrapes. his body was battered and bruised, as if just in some intense battle that he'd barely walked away from. A Scitmar hung in his hand, the same that Maximus had seen the Bartender draw numerous times in Cithalos. It's blade and bone white hilt were tainted with black blood, slick as oil. His hair was a complete mess, scattered around his face and head and covered in sweat and the same black ichor that covered his sword. his eyes were wild and exhausted, glaring through the group and at the conqueror. "It's done, you beast," he snarled at Rossephus. "The seal is anew...but don't think this means I'll ever fight for you; I only did this to stop another Nix War from being fought..."
  17. "Alright... sounds straight forward enough," Ethic said, still staring down the barrel of the Machine Gun currently pointed in his face. "Listen, I don't speak for that man who's on the ground, but my friends, Rose and Kenny, and myself will help you out... Isn't that right, guys?" His tone of voice and emphasis on the last word had one clear message in it for the two: Don't fuck this situation up.
  18. "Where is Commander Bane, Soldier?" the voice demanded upon Jack's answer.
  19. Looks like this is gonna be a short chapter... because after you all get back to base camp and get a final breifing, I'm planning to start Ch.2
  20. There was pure radio silence for a minute. Then suddenly a stranger's voice rang out over the Comms in everyone's helms, and it was not very happy sounding. "Chimera 1," it said, crackling with static for a moment before clearing up. "Chimera 1, this is Commander Stone of the Esperanza Special Forces, respond. I repeat, this is Commander Stone of the Esperanza Special Forces, RESPOND." They were being hailed apparently... probably a good Idea to answer.
  21. Take your time, Sergeant. And speaking of teams, I've decided that the member next in line for Mareek to acquire is going to be Torchic. I'm going to save Eevee for now and just have him catch one in the academy forest later on in the story. EDIT: On second thought, don;t pay attention to what I said above, I got a question first: When would be the next opportunity one would be able to obtain Dratini if it isn't done during the trip?
  22. nope, that;s not it. I've got a crap ton more videos in the OPs for the OCCs of both PSS and Surge Story, and there's no issue about it there for some reason
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