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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Oh, and another thing. just to make it clear once and for all and secede us from the binds of a traditional "Children's Game": This ain't pokemon, soldiers. Pokemon is a fantasy, Surge Story is a Science Fiction set in the 2060s and onward. Pokemon... is prettied up, tailored for the likings of young children, Surge Story is most DEFIANTLY not. Things in Surge Story are not sugar coated, they are not prettied up or censored, but instead raw and real, uncut and sometimes even surprisingly harsh at times. This... my friends, is NOT Pokemon anymore. Oh no, what we have here, lying before us, is instead Pokemon Reimagined, revisualized, taken from the realms of the fantastical to those of logic and hard reason. It is pokemon as it might be, if it were to ever exist in our world. But Surge Story is also a tale of war, the story of an American Military Officer, and the Squadron who served under him during the war to end all foreseeable wars... the war that would make America and it's allies the most powerful nations on the earth... the war that would decide who would go on to rule the global stage. The story of NATO, and it's final, heated battle... and it is also the story of the strange, mutated organisms who fought alongside these soldiers and their commanding officer, just as much as it is about them. The stage is set, the clock ticking, tensions rising... Kommaru Rising. The world's a powder keg... and the fuse is lit. That, Soldiers... is what this is. WE aren't pokemon anymore. we may share things in common, most notably the existence of strange creatures capable of far more destruction than any other weapon known to man. But we are done. There will be some events in this world, that of Surge and his men, far in the future that will hold some basic semblance to those described in Pokemon's games... but they will be heavily edited, altered, rationalized. they will be made real. You will find no 10 year old children running around taking on mobsters(Rocket) here, or Animal Rights terrorists (Plasma), or Eco Terrorists(Magma/Aqua)... oh no, such ridiculousness will not stand in this world. Things will be revised, reexamined, and won't be accepted until they actually make sense. The boy known as Red will not be a child, but instead perhaps a JDF agent under code name... and perhaps the boy known as "Black" will not be a teenager, but instead a young HS agent... who knows? All that matters is that this is our story now. not Gamefreak's, But our's, soldiers, and Our's alone. we will mold events as we shall see fit. And perhaps when we're finally done, we'll have something... worth being proud of. I hereby officially secede us from the traditional binds of Pokemon, that we may establish a more perfect system and story. If you agree to this, soldiers... then, sign your Forum handle below. Surge
  2. "Precisely what I thought about it," Lucille lied, stopping and turning back slowly. "Just a silly theory from people a little paranoid, right?" she let the question hang there, trying to think of her next move here... She done what she'd come for, find out what they wanted, see if they were really the one's spreading the Hatred against Gifted. She felt the woman's complete denial of it to be a lie, having the evidence from her brother himself; he didn't just start spontaneously hating Gifted overnight, in fact, before...this whole mess, he had never had any hatred for them at all... it was only after the all his Swords talk began. But again, she wasn't here to accuse. Contesting Elizabeth's answer wouldn't do anything to help. But still... she was honestly at a loss of what to do. She could leave, end it right now... but what if there was more this woman was willing to tell her? And on another hand, what if it was just more propaganda?
  3. If america conquers the middle east somehow, we'd have access to all those resources hidden under the dessert... Oil, Minerals, everything. No one would be able to compete in the markets, we'd rule the world... but would it really be worth it? that's the question a certain HS instructor brought up today...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. GotWala


      I find this articular lesson rather interesting, seeing as it is quite the counter argument to my friend, John, and his views on Imperialism. Sadly, he would be one of those people to eliminate lesser countries for the sake of efficiency. This is definitely a case of the "easy" solution not always being the best solution, haha.

    3. Magus


      But America doesn't want to conquer the middle east, we just can't drill in Alaska because of all the damn environment laws.

    4. Sutoratosu


      eh, this too...

  4. "Yeah, it does," Mareek said, having noticed the Snorlax's defeat the moment it had happened. He had to admit though, he was expecting for Professor Sylvia to actually go and capture it. "My name's Mareek, by the way," He continued, intentionally withholding his last name on some mental reflex, though he didn't know why it was there. "And this is Erce, and that's Nemo. Erce looked at Sissy and Miss for a few moments before looking back over at Claude and Henry's conversation that had started up. Nemo though was ironically more than willing to be sociable enough for the both of them, holding up his bone and giving a loud "Cube!" in greeting to the Trainer and her misdreavous. "He fought pretty well with Aggron, didn't he?" Mareek said, attention turned back to Claude. "I kinda expected him to freak out at some point though..."
  5. "That definitely explains it then," Lucille concluded after Elizabeth delivered her little speech. "It's the exact same dribble he's been spouting on and on about for so long. The prospect of potential gains for us and probably the snake charming of women like her were enough to throw Leon into a fanatical frenzy...well, I might as well get to the heart of the matter." "I see, thank you," she said. "But I'm also here for another reason. Recently someone...close to me, became a very...vocal advocate for this party, and there's one thing he's been talking about more and more often, something that's made me very worried over time..." she stepped back a little, acting as if she were a bit self conscious, toning her voice to match. "Please, forgive me for asking such a silly question, It's senseless, I'm sure, given that...well, given that your here right now. But... does the Sword party happen to advocate anything regarding...regarding the extermination of all gifted?" She gave a few moments of pause and silence for effect, then quickly sputtered in apology. "I'm sorry, forget I asked... Like I said, it was a stupid question." With that she turned and began walking away, careful to be mindful of her pace, keeping in mind how far it was between her and the boundaries of the ward... "Five, four, three, two..."
  6. Just winging it, Sergeant... just winging it. Which it looks like I'll get lot more practice with in the future, what with having to control a few more PCs for the time being...
  7. He kinda already stated that wasn't what he was intending to do, soldier... but anyway, even if he was intending to do it, yeah, no, Strictly prohibited by both the site rules and the rules of these subforums. EDIT: Well, nevermind... Who trained you people? They surely must have been a Master Ninja to produce such pupils...
  8. I kinda want to have Mareek say something to henry about being a bit of a dick right now... but I think I'll wait a little longer...
  9. Galen "Hmm... well, being a chef would make it a bit tougher to sneak off when necessary,what with someone always expecting you to be in a particular place." He took the brown envelope, looking through it and skimming the mission details quickly, then once again, making sure he had memorized the dispatch. He set it back down on the table, passing the envelope over to Teach's side. "Considering the required mission objectives, I'll take Gardner, Teach. It'll give me a lot more freedom of possible range for a longer amount of time."
  10. "Well that could explain Leon's madness..." Lucille thought upon hearing the seductive manner of the women's voice. Obviously the woman had a silver tongue... And Leon had never had that strong of a will around women who didn't know how to manipulate men as easily as one might bend a blade of grass. Oh how so, so easily Elizabeth here could've won him over. But no, Lucille wasn't here to accuse or to speculate, she was here to scout, and scout she would... though there was no way in hell she'd let this woman charm her like she probably had to most of the men who had been in line before her. "Thank you, Elizabeth," she began, able to see the representative through the sight of the mouse still hidden in her cloak. "I'm honestly here more out of curiosity than anything else. I've heard a lot about the Swords party from different people, but everything they say is always so conflicting, they want this, or, no, they want that... I was wondering if you could give me the truth of things." she feigned perfect innocence with her voice, as if she had laid out her motives bare on her very sleeves, being sure to keep weary of the woman all the while...
  11. "Well, it's a bit of a story..." Mareek said, glancing at the girl who had come up beside him. "That blimp you see fighting the Aggron and the Tyrunt, Snorlax? I guess it was sleeping near here earlier and it got hungry, which pretty much resulted in it going on a little rampage in camp. I tried to subdue it with paralysis since I didn't have anything that could put it back to sleep, but that plan kinda fell flat. After that one of the Faculty stepped in and challenged Snorlax to a battle, said if it won, it could eat all the food it wanted...it accepted the wager, but it wanted to fight with a Student ordering the Aggron you see out there instead of Tyron himself doing it. The boy right there," he pointed to Claude. "He took the offer and here we are... he's doing better than I expected though, his little phobia considered and all." he turned back to the student beside him, certain now that he had never seen her face around before, otherwise the name should've come right to him... and that reminded him, he didn't even now the name of the guy battling right now...nor the guy who had told him more about Cipher Yesterday... but everything in due time. "Mind if I ask who you are, by the way?"
  12. "But yet," Rossephus said, turning to face the alchemist as Trystane searched Cesealia. "I did not use the specific word 'Soldier' when I spoke to you all at the gates earlier, now did I, Ko'Luki? In fact, my exact words were: 'I stand before you all completely unarmed, as do all my men up on the wall, save for those guarding the fiend I was foolish enough to trust not to fall back into his old ways. None of us bare you any ill will or malice, I swear it. Now... will you enter?'. Ergo, your thoery is mute, my friend, I've still not broken any word I gave you there. And as I said before, we've all gotten off on the wrong foot this night, but only because it was necessary... though, if you're dead set on attacking and killing me in payback of merely giving you the fright of your life, while I stand here unarmed and without any armor whatsoever... then go on. Do it, Ko, I'll even order the Valkyrie Corps to hold all fire... but believe me, my friend, it will speak volumes to the type of man you are if you do." Meanwhile Trystane's search turned up something once he got to inspecting Cesealia's right arm. The Guantlet on her forearm had an irregular ridge on the inside of the curve, facing towards the body. Upon further inspection, The hunter could see a length of metal protruding from a strange channel in the piece of armor... which he quickly realized upon laying hands on it that it was a handle. With just a pull of his arm, there was a click, and the very knife Rossephus had described came out of the hidden sheath smooth as butter. He held it up to see better... it was seven inches, precisely as the Conqueror had just prophecized... and one would have no way of guessing it's length without seeing it out of the sheath, even if they did manage to spot it in it's stowing place before hand...
  13. I already asked and got no answer, so I just said "screw it," and assumed they were single person... to prevent a rather awkward moment between Mareek and Slade.
  14. move on to dark types, I'll take care with justifiying how each species exists myself.
  15. So...Gamefreak, Where's my Mega Raichu?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      and a Farfetch'd Evo.....basically in the lands of hell to the naw...

    3. Chevaleresse


      i would honestly be so mad if raichu got a mega before so many things that should get one (TROPIUS)

    4. TurboAura


      Trust me, Mega Electivire is more likely... Where is it! I know I want what's already revealed, but Electivire it too good and powerful looking to be so looked over!

  16. Immediately after Big asked his question, a burst of static came through the comm system... followed by a very pissed sounding voice. It was heavily accented, but the Soldiers could identify it as Major Bane's, mainly because they'd already been scalded by him earlier that day... "Care to explain why the fuck this team is ten miles north of the mission objective, Garren?" he demanded. "Or perhaps you'd care to explain why, for the past three hours myself and Mister Quiet have been tracking your trail, every single one of the probably thirty hailing calls I sent were ignored completely by you?" Both him and Quiet were no where to be seen though, despite the Radar showing them right next to the squad. "Just answer the questions and don't Bull shit anything," Quiet's voice suddenly rang through Garen's comm. "He's beyond pissed right now from a bit of a monkey encounter we had earlier... and he's not quite sane because of it." Dobby The skies were empty one moment... then there it was, like a burst of thunder and lightning. A strange Animal that looked like a dragon combined with a bird burst out of the canopy, sending charred twigs and branches raining down on the transport. A harrowing screech filled the air as it pulled up and gained altitude, flattening out and cruising in the night air, flying in speedy circles around the rescue mission. "FIRE!" was the only bit of Commander Stone's voice that he heard before the comm links died, coming up in a bright red error message in Whit's helmet. and that wasn't all, the assisted Targeting system for his Sniper Rifle had also gone down... he'd no longer have the luxury of his Exo Suits computer doing the basic calculations and lining up the trajectory of the shot for him... which meant he'd have to go full manuel. It shouldn't be impossible, though... not if he paid any attention in Snipers School, that is...
  17. Seacrest Snap Crackle Pop Alistir found himself teleported back to the entrance of Brine Cave after the Escape orb shattered beneath him. Slowly, the world began to stop spinning from the beating he had taken. He found himself lying on the barren ground not far from the Cave's mouth. and if he focused hard enough, he could even hear a stranger's voice, as well as she a strange sillohuette as it blocked out the sun in his vision. It was a Gengar. "You alright there, kid?" Kage asked the Axew. Darklight & Kenny Mac was the last to make his way through, plunging head first through the waterfall and bursting into the otherside of the chamber not long after Artemis. He opened his eyes and shook off some of the water in his fur as he took a look around at the... kinda weird space. Lady Mira sat on a throne made of money... yes, money, lined with red, velvet cushions... but the most attention grabbing thing was the massive ice carving right behind where she sat, so perfectly resembling the queen that it must've been the work of a master. Soon after the three of them had crossed the fall, Mercury himself burst in, rolling along the ground a few times before coming to a stop, upright beside his sister. "Where do you think you are?" he said, jumping up a little in outrage. "You stand before the queen of Seacrest, kneel, peasants!" "Enough, Mercury," Lady Mira chimed. "I don't care if they kneel, so long as they bring profits. Now, I've heard one of you is looking to join Seacrest. Well, step forward, present yourself!" Tempest Ace made his way into the first floor of the dungeon alongside Vincent after the Arcanine dissapeared inside, finding Sparks and Roy standing by the staircase. "What's going on," Vincent asked the two. "Why are you guys just standing around; there's the staircase, so..." "Draidon is up on the next floors," Roy answered, looking fidgety like he was done waiting around. "He said he was gonna scope them out so that we could that flaming b*tch who stole my donuts..." "There not yours, Roy," Ace interupted, sighing. "Remember what the Kecleon brothers said?" "Quiet, you!" Roy roared passionately. "There mine, mine I say! and I'll fight anyone who wants to say otherwise!" "Guys, we really don't have time to sit here and go through this..." Vincent was ignored as Roy continued into a confusing rant about the lose of his donuts though... until finally Draiden's voice called down from the stair case. "Eh, stop bickering and get yeh asses up here!" he yelled angirly, annoyed by the Timbur in particular. "I just went through the next three floors, and she's completely cleaned the place out! It's probably gonna be the same story for most of the higher floors too!" Roy was charging at the stairs the moment Draidon even started talking, shoving past him into the second floor and looking around at the carnage in the room. Vincent and Ace followed, leaving Sparks as the only one still on the first floor. "You too, Sparky McGee!" Draidon shouted from the second floor. he was obviously pissed about something he had found... "Get up here, we got a thief to catch!"
  18. "Well, so much for that idea... but it doesn't matter now," Mareek said upon seeing his plan fail epically and Tyron come out to handle the situation. He was a bit surprised to see the boy he'd talked to earlier step up to the teacher's offer, given his fear of rock types and all... well, you gotta conquer your fears somehow, right? "Cube!" he heard from beside him. Nemo was grabbing his pants leg, pointing at Slade and Danielle with his club. "So he finally stopped stalling and said it, eh?" Nemo nodded, almost pridefully. "Did you have something to do with it?" Nemo again nodded. "Well good job, you helped out... now, wheres Erce?" A nudge in the shoulder answered his question, along with one not so happy looking Mantis. Seems she was a bit mad they had left her out of the antics. Mareek didn't pay it any mind though, simply looking back and forth between the three of his team members. "Anyone want to take a rest?" He asked "It's been a long day and everything..." Java was the only one to take the offer, back inside his pokeball a few moments later. Erce and Nemo insisted that they weren't tired, but Mareek knew all too well that within an hour or two, Erce would be back in her capsule asleep as well. Nemo though seemed to still be full of energy. "If you two aren't going to go to sleep, then how about we watch the Snorlax battle?" both of them nodded, following behind their trainer as he found a spot where they could easily see the action between Claude and his Gargantuan opponent.
  19. "Take me to the Line for the Swords party," Lucille ordered Elemus once the Head master had introduced the representatives. "You really think they'd be interested in a blind girl's services?" The man scoffed, staying where he was. "Because I can tell you, chances are you'll get turned away the moment their representative figures out you've no sight. Are you truly stupid enough to believe that you can fool her without an animal familiar at your side for you to see through?" "Hold that thought for a moment, Elemus," Lucille said, not even bothering to face him as she spoke. She focused herself, reaching out with her gift and trying to find any animals that might be lurking around. It only took a few moments before she did, persuading it to come to her... "The hell is that squeaking sound?" The hunter asked, hearing the mouse before actually feeling it crawl up the outside of his pants leg and onto his shoulder. The thing looked up at him with it's beady eyes, sniffing the air before running down his arm and jumping up onto Lucille's shoulder instead. The moment it did, its black eyes turned to a murky, cold gray, the same color as hers. The thing turned around and looked at Elemus, everything it saw coming through into the eye of Lucille's mind, providing a near sighted view of the world that blurred out after a couple of feet in front of the rodent's face, but a view it was nonetheless. "And I'd like to correct you," She said, mouse still staring at the hunter though Lucille wasn't even facing him. "The goal is to find something out about what the Swords are really after, not to get chosen by them. I need only a few minutes to ask a question or two... And you can let go of me now." The mouse retreated from her shoulder and hid in the folds of her cloak once she finished speaking, not making any noise at all as it took cover. One wouldn't even know it was there at all. Elemus let go of her, gladly this time. Using the Mouse's shotty but adequate enough vision, she walked over and joined the line for the swords as if she could see perfectly fine, though in truth it was little more than a combination of echolocation coupled with the use of her gift. Elemus was left standing there, outside of any line. not that he much cared to join one though...he had come to realize long ago that this game of politics the rich and powerful liked to play meant absolutely nothing.
  20. IF the case is that we'd be controlling the Aggron ourselves, then Mareek would probably step up, if Dobby doesn't want claude to do it and no one else wants to go, that is. EDIT: Very impressive, sergeant. The ninjutsu is strong with you...
  21. OH, wait... you meant we'd be using Tyrone's Aggron? I thought the same thing as Dobbs...
  22. He might...though, his goal was to only subdue the thing, not actually fight it...
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