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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Just so long as she doesn't puke on Ethic or anything, soldier... Another new fatigue jacket in the same color Camo would be rather hard to find at this point without having to make another trade with a certain Lawyer... one whom he's far more likely to try to strangle when he sees him again rather than stand around and chit chat with. And you do all want me to edit Ethic's ability or anything at this point for a reference's sake, seeing as how they've changed a bit since everyone first entered hell?
  2. well bug was never really all that good to begin with...was probably the worst type to use even, so if no one else can think of another thing to try to balance it out, I'm fine accepting it as how it is now.
  3. I'll hold off till tomorrow with the update to give time to those who are "Missing" to try to make an update for their character first is that they can get back into the story.
  4. And there comes the voice of reason, reminding us all of one major factor we forgot. *Face Palm* Flux is absolutely right, soldiers... we all forgot about the heightened intellect the average pokemon has compared to the previous animals of the earth's biosphere. If it's capable of understanding a human language fluently and following commands, then it most likely also has the capacity to fear as well... Indeed, we were all talking about "Bugs" as they once were in the world, rather than as they are currently, in the form of certain species of GAOs
  5. Holy hell... I actually did it without even noticing...

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    2. Sutoratosu


      Oh...no... never mind soldiers, false alarm. I was looking in the wrong place on the G doc word count tool. It's only 11,556. ;-;

    3. Sutoratosu


      Damn it... I was feeling so proud for a minute there.

    4. GotWala


      It happens man, haha.

  6. You would lose that bet, soldier. Early termination is not an option. The Mission can no longer be Aborted at this point.
  7. Technically I'm not even Army anymore, soldier. I'm in the Genomic Weapons Corps...
  8. Name: Lucille Blood Gender: Female Age: 21 Race: Caucasian Appearance: 5"6, dark blond hair and cold, slate grey eyes Personality: Lucille is a kind and generally calm young woman with a strong respect for those willing to stand by their word. Her temper is quite slow to build, but burning right to the core when it's finally ignited. Call it either Optimism or Naivety, but She believes that most individuals are genuinely good at the core of their beings, and is more than willing to give second chances, even at times when people may not deserve it. Do not be fooled, however, if one scorns her trust and proves her wrong about them one too many times, even she'll give up on them. Despite all her optimism in other people, she often worries about what may be beginning to happen to her older brother, Leon, a Staunch Supporter for the Swords Party who virtually preaches on and on about the validity and virtue of it's conquest oriented ideology whenever he can get a willing audience. She honestly doesn't see her blindness as much of a personal weakness. Gift: Lucille is a Beast Whisperer, capable of controlling animals in her vicinity, "Convincing" them to obey her orders/ requests, whether they be verbal or mental, and is capable of reaching out with her mind and connecting with animals, sometimes being able to hear through their ears, smell through their nostrils, or even see through their eyes, as well as calm them if needed. Her ability requires a degree of focus that raises in direct proportion to the size of the animal she's controlling or trying to calm, as well as whether or not it is a carnivorous species. The more she attempts to exert influence over, the harder and harder it becomes to devote focus on any one in particular and instruct it. Currently she can only handle one animal at a time, and has a slightly easier time controlling Herbivores and Omnivores than she does with Carnivores. Backstory: Grew up in the Merchant District and born to a Pair of Affluent Fur Traders independent from the Merchant Guild. Lucille began to lose her Eyesight early on in her childhood going completely blind by the age of seven, something both her father and mother dreaded; not because they feared it would diminish the quality of life their daughter would ultimately be able to have, but simply because of the very idea that they could've conceived a defective child in the first place. Her parents weren't exactly kind to her very often, shunning her from time to time as a disgrace to their family, oft times not even referring to her by her own name, but instead merely "The broken girl". Her older brother, Leon, whom had no defects what so ever, shielded her from their parents ridiculous behavior and cruelty whenever he could (part of the reason why she is who she is today) often by lying to her and telling her "They don't mean it," or even the occasional "Don't think it about it, Lucy, you're not the real issue, they are." when it got particularly bad. On the inside though he seathed with a silent rage at them for their verbal abuse of his Little Sister, which eventually became obvious to Lucille when they died a few years ago and Leon didn't shed a single tear at their graves, but instead expressed an anger laced hope that they'd find the peace and love on the other side that they had so monstrously denied Lucy her whole life. On her birthday shortly afterward, Leon made his coup de grace of his vengeance and gave her a trained pet hawk as the final act to spite their parents, both of whom hated birds in their household. After her Parent's death, she came to trust her older brother more than anyone else in the world, helping him to take over the family business (which had been left entirely to him in the will, by the way...), learning under seemingly his clever and adaptive guidance the ways of the trade despite her sight handicap. Over time though, her brother became more and more interested in the Sword Party's doctrine, becoming somewhat of a darker and harsher person than he once was, claiming that if the city were to focus more on conquering the savages living in the lands around them, then it would surely open the way to expanding their business as new lands became available to acquire supply from. In truth though, it was never Leon's thoughtful instruction alone that allowed her to learn how to conduct the family business, but rather her ability as a Gifted (which the young man is completely unaware she even possesses), learning on accident one day how to connect with the Hawk she'd been given and see through it's eyes for short bursts of time, and slowly came to realize there may be something more than appears to be going on, her own curiosity into what exactly she could do leading her to try developing it and experimenting often. This eventual realization of her status as a gifted ,however, contributed to her growing fear of her brother, causing her to actively continue hiding it from him, as he'd expressed a surmounting hatred for Gifted multiple times in the past since jumping on the Sword Party's band wagon... Additional: She's completely blind, but learned how to echolocate and use sound interpenetration as a child. She tries to keep her handicap from being detected out of a desire not to draw pity because of it, as well as prefers not to be very showy with her gift. Good god... this was a lot, Soldier. I'm kinda tired now... let me know if anything needs editing or what not.
  9. Hell, I'm down with this, Corporal. Sounds legitimate to me. anyone else feel something should be edited for bug? if not, lets move on to the next point; go through every bug type species and examine them in order to come up with explainations)
  10. My mission has 4 critical points, soldier. 1. To hold down the fort in all RPs hosted by Stratos on the Reborn Role Playing Subforums and act in a administrative capacity for them, as he did, in order to keep the plot and things going smoothly in his stead. 2. To help provide for the defense and ultimate victory of Vermilion City and It's Alliance force, and Zap those who seek to destroy it or assault it into utter submission, which Stratos himself pledged to shortly before his departure. (The protecting part, soldier, not the zapping part) 3. To develop "Surge Story" as much as is possible before January 16. 4. To in general maintain a presence on the site for Stratos while he is away trying to hone his writing skills at an undisclosed location.
  11. Nope, just until January 16 of 2015 when the mission ends, Soldier.
  12. Why, I don't know what to say, soldier... but don't praise me, I'm just filling in for Stratos. It's all apart of the mission. Glad to see I'm fulfilling it well. But thank you anyway, really.
  13. alright. actually, I got a question for sergeant chim: so, should I just control the Tryunts myself and bring us back to the group or will Snap/ Jory take care of that? I'll just edit the latest post if it's the former.
  14. "Well just don't fleeing into the woods blindly," He warned, putting fingers up to his mouth a moment later and letting out a loud whistle. Erce stopped playing her game, resulting in the two Tyrunts finally catching her, the young hatchlings tired from all the chasing and work she'd put them through. She flew over to Mareek, followed closely behind by the Dual Rock/ Dragon types and the Cubone. "Hey you two," Mareek said, kneeling down to eye level with the Dragons. "Listen, we're kinda a bit further from everyone else than we should be out here. You think you could show us the way back?" He kept an eye on Claude as he spoke, ready to order Erce to go and stop him encase he suddenly panicked and ran off out of fear.
  15. I was debating whether or not to just have Mareek go ahead and call the Tyrunts over without bothering to think about Claude's possible reaction... but I decided to be a bit nice about the phobia.
  16. Mareek honestly didn't know what the guy was talking about, Rock types and the like being terrifying. He decided to just accept Claude's pegging of it as some type of phobia, and decided to steer the conversation back to the actual matter at hand. "Well, that aside, I honestly don't really know where Prof. Cadmus is. It looks like we're a bit away from the group and the others. But the Tyrunts will probably be able to find us the way back." He turned, about to call Erce and Cubone over along with their playmates in the distance. He paused before he could say anything though, glancing at claude. "Just out of curiosity though, You're not gonna... freak out like I saw you do a few moments ago if I call them over here to help us out, are you?"
  17. Mareek meant in terms of what they could potentially do, soldier Fire can burn you to death, Bug is... well, somewhat common phobia within the population, Ghost is simply because people often fear what they do not understand, Dark because, like bug and ghost, it is both a common phobia and because of fear of the unknown, and dragon because... Have you seen what those buggers can do? But Rock: "Ah, noooooo! It's going to crush me to death with a giant boulder!" Hmmm... on second thought, maybe it is kinda scary...
  18. Kinda a weird thing for someone to fear... Mareek thought to himself. "Oh, alright, I guess... Well if you're too afraid of the thing to release it.... Actually, mind me asking exactly how you got a fear of rock types? it just seems a bit... weird that of all the types a person could possibly fear, like fire or dark or ghost or bug or dragon, you're weary of rock. I've never really thought of it as being all that worth being afraid off in comparison with some others."
  19. "Look, calm down man," Mareek said. "Panicking about it isn't going to do you any good. Now, what did you 'accidentally catch'? Java here might be able to help in some way, though I'm not entirely sure... we've never tried to force a pokeball to permanently release it's occupant before, but I know for a fact that he can hack out of his own pretty easily."
  20. Mareek and Java watched nearby as Erce and his Cubone played with two Tyrunts, Erce playing a game of hide and seek like she used to do with Mareek, though given the surroundings, she unfortunately couldn't exactly make it Full City Edition and instead settled for dashing around from tree to tree, the Tyrunts and Cubone trying to find her. Their efforts were in vain most of the time though, as she tended to knock on the bark to draw them over, then leave behind a double team copy to fool them as she used agility to move to the next hiding spot. Admittedly it wasn't a very fair way to play. But she did keep the little Tyrunts occupied with it. "Even with her cheating as hard as she is, They still have it easy..." Mareek said, chuckling a little to himself. "I had to scour an entire metropolis to find her in every game." Java bumped him on the shoulder, breaking him out of his reminiscence. "What?" The porygon nodded to a scene in the distance. The trainer turned to find the boy he'd spoken to earlier running around panicked, highly contrasting how the other boy had seemed to be earlier. "um...something wrong?" Mareek called, vexed by whatever the hell was going on with the other student.
  21. Alright soldiers, in order to do this effectively, we need to have a plan as to how we go about it, I'm talking about an explicit agenda. Here it is: First we're going to do to tear apart the old mechanics and refurbish them in a better and more realistic implication, is to keep on doing what we're starting to now and go through all the types, In alphabetical order in order to keep it organized, and as we go through we will discuss and decide upon several things as follows: The new Effectiveness of that Type against other types, based on logic and common sense as we have all agreed. the Threat level that type poses in general (IE how dangerous they potentially are in the world) How it's even possible for that type to biologically exist in the first place (I'll be doing a lot of the work for this particular one Go through all the pokemon belonging to that type and determine how it is possible for them to even biologically exist in the first place, as well as assign secondary typings that it would make sense for a species to have, yet that it does not already. Sound good? Here's the list, in order: Bug Dark Dragon Electric Fairy Fighting Fire Flying Ghost Grass Ground Ice Normal Poison Psychic Rock Steel
  22. I have to admit, soldier... I'm somewhat interested from what I read when you first posted you story on this forum.
  23. alright, well I have the plans for all the groups, and it seems Grass is busy, so time for me to get up and man the helm of this ship once more. tomorrow I'm going to go through and try to move everyone along in the current scenes. But first I need to do roll call, Soldiers. Makes updating and getting things moving much easier if we know who's here. Here's the people I know who have dropped out: Arkhidon- Macmillian (Currently controled by me as a NPC) Chimchain- Scorpio (Became an NPC and left the Mystique party before they reentered the dungeon) Bibs (He told me in a PM that he was dropping out of all RPs)- Vincent (Will start being controlled by me for the time being) Now Here's the people Who seem to be missing, for a good while now, actually...:so long that I don't even know if they're still around in this RP. PWB Snap Crackle Pop Skullkin? Everyone else I know is still here, or am at least fairly certain they are. Did I miss anyone whose missing? or any dropouts? (Dobby, I'll control Roy until you return from Hiatus)
  24. Well look at this, you all conducting the discussion without me having to be here. Impressive, Soldiers. As for the charge that Luxio and Croagunk are on, I'll include it in the next update, Typhlosion. and the thing about Ghost types being able to be imvulnerable against most physical attacks sounds fair to me.
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