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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Mareek walked away from the group as soon as the anouncement was over, without a single word to anyone. Once he had trekked a little into the woods he took out Erce's capsule and released the Mantis in a bright burst of light as Java watched from over his shoulder, taking a look around at the trees to find a suitable one for wood. His eyes fell on a desirable looking candidate and he nudged the Back of his trainer's head, using Lock-On to signify the one. "Hey, Erce," he said, glancing at the tall oak. "How do you feel about a bit of carving?" The Scyther perked up eagerly at the prospect, her eyes filled with excitement. She buzzed her wings once in approval. "Good then," Mareek said, turning back to Java. "Use Lock-On again; see if anythings living in the tree. I'd rather just keep looking than go disturbing anything." The porygon nodded and used another lock on, this time scanning the branches and upper levels of the tree to locate any nesting pokemon. After a few minutes and several sweeps, he stopped, turning back to Mareek and shaking his head. "Then let's get started," the boy said, pulling out his pokedex and powering it on, the screen going right to the bookmarked page Java had left earlier. The image of the pokemon in question popped up within an instant. "Hm...Interesting choice, Java," Mareek said. Majesty would always do just fine in place of beauty, afterall. He walked over to erce, whispering what he wanted into her ear and pointing up at one of the thicker branches high in the tree. She nodded when he finished and took off from the ground, flying into the canopy and disappearing for a moment in a blur of motion. just a second later the large branch he had pointed to came tumbling down and landing on the ground a few feet away from him, Erce descending shortly after it and landing beside him. "Psybeam," he ordered Java, not missing a beat. The Porygon did as told and held up the branch in the air with telekinetic force. Mareek only had to nod at Erce next to get the process started. She stepped forward and readied her scythes, going to work striping away all the bark from the branch...
  2. Eden just so happens to be in the hot zone of various Territory disputes between the predatory species of the area, Commander. It's more of just very crappy luck than anything else. That and the fact that these predators are somewhat more intelligent than those found on Earth. They'll notice a ruckus, come over to investigate, see a brawl going on between you and another predator species... and then they'll just sit there and wait in hiding so that they can come in and eat the winners since they'll be weakened from fighting. It happened with the moss wolves after the monochromes (You showed them not to mess with you all, though) and it's happening once more with this latest one that watched you fight the Moss Wolves in hiding. Bunch a crafty bastards, if you ask me... And actually, The monochromes and the Mossers technically weren't even out to hunt you, specifically. The Monos were pursuing other prey when you crossed into their sights, and the Mossers decided to take a crack at you when they saw you walking near their den. This thing is actually the only one that's explicitly set it's sights solely on you as a meal and actually stalked you. So...indeed, I'd call it crappy luck.
  3. alright, well change of plans. Dobbys coming with the search party to go get you guys... But you've got another Tango nearby, Soldiers... and this one is the boss of this Chapter. I'll give you a hint as to what it's capable of... You're equipment is starting to fail, right? what could possibly cause that? surely, this beast isn't emitting any... EMPs? No... that would simply be ludicrous, soldiers... just like that also being how the thing tracked you for the past four hours... ever since the Moss Wolf Encounter. It's been fucking with your gear while stalking you from the air, and leading you to it's den the whole time...
  4. The sun soon started to set overhead as Chimera 1 trekked along the beaten forest trail, various nocturnal bird species beginning to come out in the fading light to sing their mating calls, the notes mingling in the air and forming a beautiful orchestra of natural noise. All else was silent in the area as they walked, as if the other animals had gone quiet out of solemn respect for the melodies. The sky went to a soft orange in color, then magenta, and then a subtle, cold blue set in as the sun finally disappeared. Something was very wrong however. And the bird's symphonies did not hide that fact from Arietta, who had been monitering the GPS on her helmets HUD display the whole time... it had said they were heading north towards Eden for quite a while now... but she had gradually come to trust the thing less and less as her eyes had told her a very different story. In fact, it had become so obvious to her that she was surprised that Garren hadn't noticed or said anything. "Stop," she ordered angrily over the comms. "Everyone...just stop marching. It's obvious that something's been fucking around with the navigation in all of our Helmets for a while now. At first I thought that maybe either the Pilot of the ship or even Major Bane himself had made a mistake when he told us we were just a mile south, that maybe we'd been dropped far further... but this is ridiculous, even if he did so happen to get the information wrong. For the love of God, A days long walk to even get to base camp makes no sense considering the things running around this forest, a group is more likely to get picked off by the predatory wildlife than ever make it to the objective location. To make it even worse, it seems that the maps are all set up to reflect that '1 mile south' data point. Go on, check you HUDs... I can't be the only one whose map still says this right now..." Even as she spoke she turned on an infrared scan layered over a thermo in her Helmet, scanning the forest around them... so far all she could pick up in the results was the multitude of small birds singing up in the canopy. Her attention was drawn away, however, when the virtual compass point on her Map display stared spinning rapidly without warning, the thing going into static as if recieving some type of heavy interference... and the same exact thing was going on inside of everyone else's helmets. the Mapping system had gone completely down... and unbeknownst to all, the comms were the next thing about to go... and soon the shields would start malfunctioning as well. And then Arietta saw it... the shape descending from the dusk sky. All the Bird's singing stopped immediately as a fierce roar broke through the air. The hunger of the cry was palpable, as was the excitement... whatever this thing, unseen in the descending darkness of night, was... it seemed that it had been tracking them for quite a while. "Shit..." she said into the Comms. "We got another tango, flanking us from our 4!" all that anyone else heard however, was her voice coming in broken word fragments "Sh...Nother...From...4!" Then there was a burst of static and the entire comm system crashed, coming up in a bright red error message in all of their HUDs. Dobby... "Where is Major Bane and his men?" Lt. Stone demanded from the Technician monitoring the Suit Signatures on the monitor set up against the back wall of the large white canvas tent. His face and voice were obscured behind his black and white helmet, the insignia of the ESF corps emblazoned upon the chest of his suit, his blade sheathed in the specialized Scabbard at his side. His voice came over harsh and distorted into an authoritative growl by the masking unit in his helmets comm. "They're...well sir," The Technician stammered into the comm of his own Exo suit, intimidated by the other man. "From what we can tell... they're ten...ten miles due north of here." "How is it even possible they overshot by such a ridiculous distance?" He demanded. "The ship drop off point was only a mile way, with a two mile detour along a forest ridge that would rise in elevation and bring them to the top of the plateau... it was a simple trail to follow, every person here did just that last week when we ourselves were dropped off." he walked over to the thin monitor, taping his finger to the red dots on the topographical map display. "So why the hell are they not here by now, but instead ten miles north? That's an overshoot so large that it has to be either sabotage or intentional." "I...I'm trying to hail Major Bane now, sir..." "Bane isn't even with his squad, you fool." The technician looked up from his terminal at the screen, eyes wide when he saw Lt. Stone was correct. Bane's command signature was completely gone from the map... it had been on there hours ago though. "I...when...how?" "How long have you just been sitting here watching them all walk completely pass this base camp?" Stone had his hand resting on the hilt of his weapon, fingers tapping against the steel of it's grip. The Technician said nothing. "How long, Damn it!?" the Lieutenant roared. "Answer me!!" "I...sir... it had looked like they were heading here the entire time... in fact, from what I saw they had entered base camp hours ago... I thought that Bane had..." "You're going to sit here and tell me that what's on that fucking display, right now, wasn't up there the entire time?" Stones voice was filled with skepticism. "So what, did this new orientation just magically appear?" "Ye-Yes sir!" The Technician said adamantly. "At the very moment you walked in, infact!" "Four God damn hours..." Stone sighed. "I gave them four god damn hours, tried hailing him time and time again... maybe I should've come in here sooner..." He turned around, walking away from where the Techy sat, his anger visible in his stride. "Fuck it all," he said, glancing back at the other man as he left. "Get me that Map on my HUD, Civi, and do it now. I'm going out after Chimera 1..." With that he lifted the tent flaps and took his leave. Whit sat on a supply crate on the outskirts of the Base Camp just outside the Ruins that housed Eden, cleaning his rifle with high end gun oil and tweaking the scope, as he often had for the past week of being garrisoned here to help set up for the Mission. He stopped when he heard foot steps echoing towards him however. another Ranger approached, his assault rifle at the ready as he addressed the Sniper quickly. "Venerman!" he called. "It's Commander Stone; He's assembling a search party as we speak.. and he needs a sniper to cover them through the Forrest. Follow, and follow quickly, the transport leaves in just a few minutes!" With that he headed off towards the inner areas of the camp where various tents were set up, housing scientist and their complicated machinery. In the middle of all those assembled white canvas tents stood a large Troop Transport, hover model, capable of easily traversing the terrain. There was even a snipers den installed on the roof of the vehicle, right along with several firing platforms ringing the sides and back. Several Rangers in Exo-Suits were already filing in and taking positions, reaching up and grabbing the support bars hanging from the ceiling with one hand and hoisting their weapons up into the rotating stands to prepare themselves for when they got moving... seems things were going to get interesting around here.
  5. "You're right," Brian Scoffed. "I did say that this gig would be my biggest shot... but that was before someone fucked up tonight and the cops got wind of the operation and arrested us all. Do I have to mention the fact that we all were threatened with Felony Charges if we didn't agree to cooperate?" he moved a little closer to Zeke, standing shoulder to shoulder with him and whispering hoarsely. "Look, I know what I said back then, but right now my options are be loyal to RoG, who already fucked up big time from what I can see tonight, and go to jail for the next 30 years of my life, or cooperate and get off scott free so that I can try again some other way for my big shot. You know how hard it is in prison? Yeah, there's a legitimate reason why they always say 'Just don't get caught.' Now seriously, stop being a damn idiot and take the deal so that the three of us can all just walk out of here, man. They weren't lying when they gave the deal to me and Lia over there. You see either of us in cuffs right now?"
  6. Chapter 1... one of our heroes enters to find his mentor has been murdered... and the killer is waiting nearby...

    1. Sutoratosu


      It is time for the blood to reawaken, Soldiers...The blood of a Magus.

    2. rustytengo


      crap what Fate thing are you going to be doing.

  7. I'm going to agree with Ark and Jericho on this Idea, Soldier. Even if it's ever considered and implemented, it probably won't be until the post game time of Reborn after the main story and episodes have all been finished and time will probably be freed up because the main development will be finished (Unless of course... Ame decides to give us all a sequel) It's an Interesting idea, don't get me wrong, but it's also no where near deserving of being made a priority at the moment.
  8. Holy hell, soldiers... This is quite a...strange Idea. Let's see what Commander Hukuna thinks about it...

  9. Wait a moment... Soldiers, I may have been misled... I don't do Flash Fiction...

  10. Rule 1 of Peaceful Travels: Don't go to a foreign part of the world and proclaim your way of life to be the "right" one, or thinking the indigenous persons present to be wrong in theirs. What quakes like a duck for person may screech like a hawk for others. Need examples of what no to do, Soldiers? go look at the age of European imperialism and exploration.

  11. just stopping by to say I might be getting into this once an OCC gets up, Soldiers
  12. "I suggest you learn to just accept that certain things in this world have been tampered with and manipulated," Leonidas said to the young knight as he looked off in the distance. "You'll have a much easier time if you do. and no, actually. we didn't quite get this far with our planning and string pulling, our plot ends right about... a few moments ago actually. from this point on, it's all up to fate and probability. And how hard you're all willing to fight." He turned his attention to Anansi. "If you'd do the honors and open us a way into the city," he requested. "I can feel a certain someone somewhere in it's vicinity..." "And so the war begins..." Anansi muttered to himself as he held out his palm and traced a circle in the air. It turned into a burst of light a moment later, creating a portal leading through into a Dessert landscape... oh yay! what fun, the Party was going to get to go back into the Freezing Cold and Blistering Wind!... or perhaps not. In the distance a series of scorched, ruined buildings clustered together...and there were far more where they came from. but it seemed like a bit of walking would be required to reach them from the portal's other end. Leonidas walked on through without another word, stepping out of the circle cut into the air and onto the sand. "Now...where is the old bastard..." he muttered, scanning the horizon.
  13. "Don't bother worrying about who I am," the boy said cryptically in response to Darius. "I'm honestly not important in the greater scheme of things. I'm nothing more than someone who decided to join the fray for a little while and didn't live very long afterwards... I'll say nothing more about it than that, so please, don't bother asking any further." it was so obvious he was hiding so much more information that it would take an absolute idiot not to see it. Leonidas spoke up, however. "Don't sell yourself so short, boy," he said, picking up His unconscious current body from the ground and slinging it over his shoulder like a ragdoll."You may prove to have some use yet." he looked to quartet now, ready to get going. "Now, are you going to stand here playing 20 questions with some random dead child, or are you all about ready to get this mission of ours started?"
  14. Well said, Soldier. Stratos's opinion on the matter has already been shared, so here's mine: Power and Strength are indeed two different things. Power is something that is obtainable, the can be given and that can taken. It is something that can be given by an adoring crowd, or taken by soldiers on your doorstep. As Private Ryan above me already stated; It in and of itself is a force, a tool. Strength, however, is something that must be developed on one's own. it can not be given, it can not be taken and held. But it can be made greater, and can be made lesser. No one can ever just hand someone else "Strength", because real strength only comes from the person in question. other people and circumstances can serve as motivators to build strength, but can never give it. just as vica versa, they can act to serve as motivation or cause for one to lessen one's strength, but never take it. Private Ryan also hit this one on the head; It is a mindset, soldiers. it's psychological whereas Power is more of a physical thing. Think of it like this, Power is something that can either be given by the polls or taken at the point of a loaded gun/ any other weapon. Strength is conviction and resolve as to whether or not someone will try to use that power for good At least, that's what this old lieutenant believes, Soldiers...that's just what this old lieutenant believes...
    1. KingRyan


      I posted a uh...word to the wise, about power. anyone who sees this would be smart to go and read it :P

  15. Soldiers, recently I was discussing various things with Stratos, and over time our conversation digressed to this area: What does it mean to have power at the end of the day? what does it mean to be "The Strongest"? I've noticed that power seems to be, at the end of the day, the sole motivation Stratos has for any action he does, no matter what it may be. The man's obsessed with it, rigs his life with plans to try to pursue it and get it, not giving any acknowledgement to what he really wants to do with his life in the process. He's currently trying to pursue a career in the US government, specifically in the DHS or FBI/CIA, and he's even told me that he's aiming for the office of president one day. When I asked Him 'Why?' He told me this, soldiers: "Because I'm tired of seeing this world slowly devolve into an absolute shit hole where the elite and the few pull all the strings and don't give two flying fucks about the masses, Surge. I figured long ago that instead of just sitting around on my ass bitching and moaning like a little pansy, I'd actually set steps in motion so that someday I'd have the capacity to actually be the fucking change I'd like to see on this goddamn planet. It's about time someone steps up and fucking does something, and at this point it's damn obvious that it's going to have to be my generation who does it; The one currently running the show clearly aren't the way things are going. All the problems that the generation before them passed down, that they then perpetuated and added even more on top of, are going to be handed to all of us young adults in the world right now on a silver platter one day like a steaming pile of shit. I've already come to accept that simple fact, Surge... but I refuse to consider simply passing the buck on to the generation who will come after ours. The buck should stop here; It's time someone actually start working to try to fix the problems that are inherited by the world instead of just sweeping em under a rug to hide them as Last Will and Testament allocations for the kiddos. And you know what? I want to be one of the people making an effort to solve those issues. That's why I pursue power. I think that is the Capacity to be able to cause significant, tangible change. And I think that Strength doesn't mean anything at all If you're greedy and only use it for yourself instead of others as well. Power and Strength should be used to serve instead of Self-serve; to protect and defend rather than to conquer and to rule. All men must someday die, Lieutenant... but what determines whether or not a person worth remembering after their gone is their impact on the world during the time they got to live in it. At the end of the day, time's all we have, and it's ticking away even now. And I just want to use my own short amount of time here the best way I can think off. Here, Take a look at this video, and it'll pretty much sum up what I'm trying to get across here" I'm not going to lie, Soldiers, while that was beautiful and all, I think this man is crazy and possibly a danger to the public. Moving on to me point though: this whole thing got me thinking about how other people would respond to the same question. What does "Power" and "Strength" mean to you? Well, Cadet?
  16. Today was a Good day afterall, Soldiers...

    1. Sonikku



      (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

    2. Felicity
    3. HolyKnight


      good to hear lt

  17. Ethic (If that's even the guy's real name...) STATUS: -Alive and well with full stamina TRAVELLING WITH: -Enya (Currently he's carrying the child and she's unconscious.) INVENTORY: Within his Bag: Items in salmon are of a highly metaphysical/ Arcane nature (IE related directly to the keeper conflict) 1 pair of Aviators 1 Package of Migraine Medication- 30 pill count 2 plastic water bottles (1 full, 1 empty because he gave it to kenny to drink back in the 1st circle) 1 Zippo Lighter 3 rolls of 100mph tape (That's Duct Tape to you, Civilians) 3 6inch pocket knives 1 Pair of scissors 1 compass 1 pack of batteries (AA) 1 whistle 1 clip full of hollow point bullets (It's a very long story behind this...) 1 fully stocked first aid kid 200 dollars rolled up and stashed in the lining 1 Leather Bound journal 3 Pens, black ink 1 small umbrella 1 poncho 1 paracord bracelet 1 set of Binoculars 1 Whetstone 2 loose rags 1 can of WD40 1 Can of Olive oil spray (For lubricating the pocket knives, and, until recently, Man Without Honor) 1 very old manual for the Rider-Waite tarot deck 1 Book about D.B. Cooper (component of backstory) 1 Book explaining the theory of Templars reaching America before Colombus (Another Component of Backstory, more significant than the D.B. Cooper book) and bringing something with them... 2 Books bound in string that he lifted from the Library of the first circle 1 roll of string On his actual person: Wallet (Back pocket, currently no money held inside) Rider-Waite Tarot Deck inherited from his Mother (Inner Jacket Pocket) Flashlight (Outer pocket) Scott's Sword (Battle Trophy obtained first in the Gardens, was later given legitimate ownership to it by Scott's indifference upon seeing the weapon again in the dark area. Sheathed at his side Currently.) 1 Enya & Ace (Carrying her in his arms) 1 Mystery thing that resembles a small pocket knife but has a key or something that was mentioned very long ago... (I don't know what the hell I'm ever going to think of for it's use...) (Pants pocket) 1 Story Orb (Scott's) (Jacket pocket) MISCELLANEOUS 2 Ulterior motives...Hmmm... I do believe that's it.
  18. I know, Soldier. but this time, I'm simply stopping that potential conversation, and what it will most likely devolve into, before it even begins.
  19. Soldier, stop that train of thought right now, that is an order.
  20. Maybe instead of bitching and moaning people could actually try to get to know the kid. Of course, that might not be entirely possible for certain PCs who have already been royally pissed off by him in the past.
  21. I'm personally hoping a little that the old motherfucker Lying bastard will end up coming back wrinkled and still old...
  22. Soldier, recall that Ethic has legitimately trusted that old bastard since Circle 1, that's why he didn't think anything of it... but either way, this little transpiring here is going to make things a bit more interesting in the future... And Ethic knows his bible verses, Cadet, along with a few other religious texts from other faiths, including various mythologies.
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