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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. What do you think of the RP so far? Did you enjoy it? I think it's pretty darn good man, especially for you first time hosting. What about my writing? Where can I improve? I think it could definitely be far worse. You're doing alright... though, given that I myself am still trying to learn how, I really can't give you any pointers on how to improve... Which NPC’s feel real / which NPC’s need improvement? I rather like Evan and Lana so far... but can't help but feel that Evan's gonna go pulling a "Darth Vader" towards the end of this. For those that need some work, I'd say Alvin. Pretty much at this point, he's like the Aaron Nall of this RP, really annoying and hard to get along with without any real explanation why. I get that he spent a lot of his time as a kid with Bug Types and away from other children and all, but I'd just like to get a bit more of a glimpse as to what's going on in his head from time to time. In other words, maybe throughout the future chapters, maybe start revealing things from his past little by little to point to why he's the way he is. Who is your favorite NPC and why? Lana. For some reason I tend to side with the Introverts a little more Who is your least favorite NPC and why? Alvin, without the shadow of a doubt... I'm just waiting for the day when Mareek will have reason to haul off and eventually deck him. My dislike for him is already explained in one of the questions above. What do you think will happen plot-wise (first year)? A clash or two with RoG, some book learning, many time skips for convenience's sake (Not that that's a bad thing, per say), and a boat load of sticky situations brought on by some of the PC's inexperience. What do you think of me as a host? I'm not going to lie, you impress me very much, Chimchain. You're doing far better than I when I first started out... but, then again, it also seems you put a lot more time into the development of this world than I did with SS at first. But eh, doesn't matter, I'm still very impressed with your skill regardless. Is there anything you like to see as an event in this RP? Might be a bit selfish, but I want the opportunity for a massive showdown between Mareek and Galen at some point in the future. Brother Vs. Brother, know what I'm sayin'? Is there anything else I can improve upon? Well, my mind is currently blank... so I might have to get back to you on this one. EDIT: Oops... just noticed what you said about Evan not being an NPC... eh, well just think of what I said about him as friendly feed back, K?
  2. Sinbad popped up through the hole just in time to see the Spider rushing forward towards his companions, prepared to...oh my...never mind. Scrawl had leapt high into the air long before he reached Gideon and Darius, soaring right over their heads with more agility than even Stratos himself possesed. He landed with a CRASH!! behind the two men, kicking up copious amounts of dirt and stone upon landing and glaring right at the Naga. "Scrawl honor old agreement!" the arachnid shouted. He drew back his right front leg, preparing to jab it forward and impale one of the serpentine bastards before him... when he stopped. "Wait... if you here...why no people screaming? why no hysteria in streets like scrawl remember from all other times? Why people no in tizzy over evil snake men come to kill them?" Then he glanced around at the surrounding cityscape, lowering his barbed leg, though not that the Naga felt any safer because of it. "What happen to city?" Scrawl questioned. "Where people go? Why things look so dusty? What has happened to friends of Scrawl?" "They left long ago," Absalom answered. "These 'people' you were protecting vacated this place as soon as the surface was safe again. They were all cowards, trying to wait out the nix war while those few warriors left continued to fight above." Scrawl's face took on a confused look. "Leave? They...they leave? But..." He turned and looked back and forth between the boy and the Nagas. "But, if they leave...why old man ask for Scrawl's help to protect city? Why he do strange circle thing and shout at Scrawl and make him big?" "I'm afraid I can't answer that question for you," Absalom shook his head. "There's no written records here that I can find besides those documenting the reason this place's old inhabitants came here at all, and that they left at some point and never came back. You've been down here alone...for nearly four thousand years it seems." "But...but...contract..." Scrawl began taking a few paces back. obviously the news was rather hard for him to accept. "Who ever made what contract with you is long since dead," Absalom again shook his head. "You've been completely free of whatever restraints you were formerly under for a very long time now." What appeared in Scrawl's eyes was rather unexpected... especially on a giant spider. They were tears. "But...but why...?" he asked. "Scrawl thought friends needed him. Scrawl fought and bled for friends against snakes. Why friends lie to scrawl? why people lie to scrawl, why they leave scrawl here all alone and no say anything? Why they abandon Scrawl to rot forever? Where... where scrawl's promised flies?" the arachnid plopped down onto the broken cobblestones and began to weep silently... one honestly couldn't help but feel sorry for the thing. From what he said so far, it seemed as if he had sacrificed much in order to help whoever had lived down here long ago... and then they had just uped and left one day and left him behind to rot without even saying good bye... "I don't know why..." Absalom said to Darius and Gideon. "But for some reason... I can't help but feel a little of this thing's pain. Betrayal's the worst crime someone can fall victim to... and it seems he might have fallen victim to it on a massive scale; getting manipulated, used and abused and then just left behind to die alone..." *** When Zoliver's mother opened the door, she saw nothing other than two strangers staring at her on the other side. Smoke could be seen in the distance. But the thing that really caught her eye at this moment was the rampant looting around the town, people were warring in the streets, The town denizens against the invaders. And every one of the latter had a silver tear drop upon his chest. "I can't believe the bit-" Jack couldn't even finished his sentence. Mama Nix had drawn and driven a dirk right through his trachea, retrieving it in a swift motion and lunging forwards at his friend, next driving the blade deep into his kidney. Both of them fell off the door step of the shop, laying dead in a pool of blood on the ground. Ironically, it was not silver, but the same crimson all men have in their veins. The fighting nearby was growing more intense. The townsfolk and the raiders seemed rather equally matched...but the glow of a growing blaze could be spotted not far away. She slammed the door shut, barricading it with a fully stocked weapon's rack nearby. Her first priority was to get all of her children to safety. "Zoliver!" she shouted as she stormed up the stair way. She stopped at the door way, grabbing the fusil and loading it. "Take Aria and Alma and head up the road to Van's house! Go! there's no time to explain, just tell him we're under siege!" She tossed the weapon to him. "And kill anyone who dares try to harm your little sisters!" ((I will decide what happens on your escape attempt. just get out of the house and start running, assume that Aria and Alma comply without question to your mother's orders and follow you out.)) *** STRATOS ((Behold...)) "God... where am I?" Stratos said as his head began to clear of the thick fog enveloping his mind from the attack. He opened his eyes, peering up at the heavens. The sky was a brilliant orange and violet, swirled with snow white clouds of wisp with the sun shining in the distance, preparing to set and end the day...though it seemed to be stuck forever at the half way mark. A gentle wind blew, the air warm, completely lacking of humidity. "What? Where..." He trailed off as a familiar voice spoke from nearby. "I don't know the answer, so stop asking me, Stratos," Adurmedes sat nearby, looking out over the lush landscape and greenery of the country wilds before them. Stratos sat up, rubbing his head as the last of the pain from earlier faded. He touched his throat by mistake as he lowered his palm back down to his side, cringing as a sharp burning sensation laced throughout his finger tips. he brought them away from the area quickly, examining them. They were black as charcoals for a moment...then the skin slowly regained it's coloration. "Do not touch that mark too often," Adurmedes warned. "We know nothing of what it may do or why that thing left it on you...but we can only assume that it was endowed with some maleficent intent." "You won't have to tell me twice," Stratos examined his fingers one last time, making sure they were OK. His eyes turned down to the ground before him and Adurmedes, and then to the view beyond. They stood on a stone pavilion atop and hill; one that looked as if it had been built centuries ago. a variety of flora sprung up through the cracks in the columns and the floor, the roof itself was completely gone. Chunks of broken stone littered the hill side around the place; presumably what was left of the aforementioned architecture. All around them, a wide expanse of grassland spread out, the sea of green rippling in the soft wind and glowing in the evening light. Small trees and bushes lined the pavilion, overgrown just like all the other plants in it. "Looks like I'm not alone here..." a boy's voice said from behind the two. They both turned to find a young man of about seventeen or so standing there. He wore nothing more than a simple pair of linen trousers and a creme colored tunic. His hair was a mess of black, his face young and his green eyes bright behind his wire rimmed spectacles. He stood non threateningly before Stratos and his soul bound, a slight twinge of sadness in his eyes. "Who are you, boy?" The Sky Slayer asked...though, to be honest, Stratos himself in this form wasn't more than even ten years older then him. "What is this place?" "It's Hell." The young man said simply. "This? You honestly expect to believe that this is hell?" The teen shoke his head. "Well...yes. It seems that the pre-Cithaloc legends were all true..." he looked at Stratos' armor and cloak, eyes raising in confusion. "I suppose I shouldn't have said that in the presence of a Church warrior..." "What?" Stratos looked down at his gear. "Oh..don't pay any mind to this armor. My allegiance to that false establishment has long since died... and speaking of dying." "Well I know for certain that I'm gone," the boy said, a bit of bitterness in his voice. "But you... for some reason I think something's different about your presence here. Especially that Dragon, too..." "Hell, eh...?" Adurmedes interupted their conversation. "Ah... I should've known it... though you use the wrong word for it boy; The Cithals called it hell, but it's true name is Elise. Realm of reward for the valiant and the brave who have fallen." The Wrym let out a small chuckle. "To think... I transmuted myself in the first place to avoid coming here... the tales did a horrible job of selling this place's beauty." He turned a weary eye to Stratos. "seems you were right that those sins were only committed by you in name and not by hand." "And yet I don't feel overly enthusiastic about being dead..." Stratos said in a sarcastic tone. Adurmedes only smirked as he gazed out in the distance. "Well... who said you had to stay dead?" "Pardon!?" Both Stratos and the Boy demanded simultaneously. that little comment had more than just caught their interest...
  3. Hell, not much of a theme song for us... but I think it suits the current situation, all things considered. Now come on, folks, notus is right! even if we don't win this war in the end, we can still say we gave it our best damn effort!
  4. Good lord... Well, thank you for your service, General Cow, General Renzo. Your deeds in leading this nation will not be forgotten. Well Notus...guess your the De Facto Commander now. I'm gonna try to stay in this right along with you man... So there's the answer to your question about remaining interest; so long as you're sticking around, there's still at least some hope even with all these recent personnel resignations. I believe in you *Flashes a quick salute*
  5. Ethic watched his killer battle the titan from the shadows of the ceiling high above, clinging to the stones using life spikes, as he had done before with Lucian. He didn't know this guy's name, but he knew damn well that he had been attacked by him not long ago. He should've just killed him back in the first circle when he had the chance...oh, wait... that's right, that would've only been a temporary solution. "Great..." Ethic snarled under his breath. "And now this guy comes back... and of course I'm in no condition to fight him." he could hear a bit of commotion and echoes coming from behind him though. He glanced over, seeing some type of...what could best be described as a giant wall blocking off part of the corridor. It was a little hard to be certain from this distance, but he thought he could see a few friendly's standing on top of it. He was left with a choice, either stick around and watch this guy massacre the Giant... or get the hell out of here and move towards friendlier skies. It wasn't much of a choice really; the only reason he had gotten himself up on the ceiling like this was because of that random guy's warning earlier followed by Ethic actually spotting what he had been talking about a few seconds earlier. The mystery helper from the keeper fight had pretty much disappeared after that, and Kenny... He didn't even know where the heck Kenny had gone. "Screw it..." he said bitterly. "I'm pretty sure that in my state, a fight against this guy will be pretty much one sided. No point in wasting myself without reason; though I'll make sure that he get's his sooner or later." With that, he turned around and started walking towards the gargantuan wall in the distance, moving silently in the darkness of the high altitude of the ceiling, making sure to keep an eye out for the other man far down below as he steadily put more and more distance between them.
  6. I wonder... how much trouble will Galen get in for voicing his pre-emptive refusal to harm his little brother for the mission? EDIT: also, Chimchain, would it be too late to make a few last minute edits to Galen's current team? I'd keep the electrivire, but maybe change the Scrafty and Abamasnow for something a bit more fitting of him.
  7. "On my end, The mission would only be endangered if I was required to inflict physical harm on him," Galen said, watching as the Cadets finally figured out a way to get past a damn fence that he could've blown through in under a minute if he had too. "That's the only deal breaker I have. As for whether he'll recognize me... well, that kid never forgets a face, even if he only catches a glimpse of it for a minute or two. Even after all these seven years, I'm sure that he'd be able to pick me out from a crowd in an instant." He leaned forward in the back seat a little, watching as a few guard dogs came from around the back of the property towards the disturbance the Cadets had caused. "Though, that's nothing a simple mask can't solve in the end."
  8. you're accepted murdoc. The OP will be edited soon. At this point, you guys honestly have the info you need for the story... you won't be going home until very late in the plot, so honestly, I have ample time to finish things for the Esperanza info before then. If you have not finished a character yet, I suggest you hurry up and do so. The IC will without a doubt be starting this week, and at this point in time, I can't garuntee what I once said in the interest check about "Reinforcements" will still be a valid method of introing new players after we start
  9. "Erce helped me to, believe it or not," Mareek answered, casting a quick glance at Erce. She was still keeping a subtle eye on Lana. "Back when I was younger, She would always go off and hide whenever we went out walking around Saffron... The first few times I ended up panicking about it until she came back a few minutes later.Then after a while, she stopped coming back at all. If I wanted to find her, I would have no choice but to go around and ask people if they had seen her pass by. I thought she was running away because she hated me at first, then after a few months of her little game, I realized that if she did, she wouldn't have gone back with me every time I eventually found her." Erce's wings buzzed a little as she remembered those days. For once she actually stopped glaring at Lana, looking at Mareek curiously, as if surprised he had figured out why she had done it. "I have to admit, that was pretty clever of you," he said to the mantis. "It was also annoying as hell, especially all those times you would backtrack the way you came and then go somewhere else entirely so that whatever directions I had gotten would be useless...but kinda fun in the end, too. You definitely chose some crazy places to go... I still don't know how you got inside Sabrina's gym that one time." Erce's eyes took a mischievous glint at that comment. "Anyway," he said, turning back to Lana. "Her little antics always left me with two choices; Either get a little social and venture a question or two to a few people, or just stand there scared and shy and let her get away. I just kept the choosing the first choice every time, and after a while, being around and interacting with other people slowly became a bit more bearable for me."
  10. "Alright then..." Mareek said. He could tell that he should probably just get up and leave soon. His hunch earlier about her being Shy seemed to be more than right, given the fact that she kept her eyes elsewhere the entire time she spoke. Though, he couldn't help but relate to her a little. As a little kid he himself had gone through somewhat of a hard time being around people... but that hadn't been anything that Erce couldn't fix over the years. "ya know, I used really shy around other people too," he continued. "Well, at least a bit of a more than I am now...I honestly still don't like large groups and that kind of stuff..."
  11. Actually, I only use the term "Rogue" on here to describe Teams that have no official affiliation to any castle at all, whether they be Rescue or Exploration, but instead operate of their own accord and are sustained off their own resources and own funding. So technically, you're not a rogue... sorry absol.
  12. this will rise, damn it. Time to man the helm like I mean it and get this puppy up off the ground. Expect the accepted characters to be updated in the OP tommorow. And this thing will be complete by Firday of this week; I don't care what it takes, I'm getting it done before the next weekend rolls in. I've been too damn lax with work for this. Time to prioritize it.
  13. only you can answer that Grass. and Snap, you could just find an escape orb and exit back to town using it if you want... might as well balance out Seacrest since Ark has resigned. Speaking of which, Where's kenny? and I haven't seen a post from PWB in a long while now either.
  14. "Mareek," Mareek asnwered, mentally taking note of the blush and how Lana shifted just now. He tended to analyze people without even meaning to sometimes. He gave her a quick intro to his own partners With a gesture over to the Scyther and Porygon panting on the ground nearby "And those two are Erce and Java." Java looked up at the girl for a minute, then immdeiately went back to resting, seeing no interest in her. Erce on the other hand seemed to be eyeing her...well, more like glaring really. "Cut it out, Erce," he said. Reluctantly, she looked away... but still watched out of the corner of her eye. "Sorry about that," he said. "She tends to be a little over protective sometimes. I'm from the Trainer program by the way." as he spoke though, there was something his mind kept coming back to. The whole forest business from last night... He hadn't actually asked Slade about anything that had happened, or anyone else he knew for a fact had been out there. "Um...if you don't mind..." he started, hoping he didn't scare her off before he could ask. She seemed rather shy compared to most. "Could you tell me a little about what happened out in that forest last night? I've been wondering about it but haven't really gotten a chance to ask anyone yet..."
  15. But then again... one should never underestimate a man whose wife and children are being held hostage under threat of death....
  16. The first thing Perchenkov felt after things got dark again... was the feeling of hooked claws tearing right into his left hamstring. Along with the feeling of something pouncing on his back. the force of the assault sent him falling down to the ground, banging his head against the Chopper door and falling unconscious immediately afterward from the concussion. "Dermo..." was all he could manage before things went lights out. By the time Buddy launched his mind attack, it was really no use. Malice and Ema meanwhile simply looked around at Oliver and Neffertiti curiously, vexed as to how they had missed everything. Seeing nothing they could really do, the Emolga and Gastly simply returned to their respective handlers. *** "God...fucking...damn...it..." Erick managed as he forced himself up off the ground. Good god, that Flash-bang had been like hell... then again, he was pretty sure that he had been closer to the detonation then the others. Actually... now that he thought about it, he thought he heard someone talking nearby... but the ringing in his right ear drum pretty much prevented him from deciphering any of it. and his left ear wasn't any better... neither were his eyes. The entire place was a blur of color and muffled sound. "Where are you guys?" he asked as he glanced around, pretty much blind as a bat. He tried to stand, only to find himself immediately falling back to the ground. The blast had fucked up his equilibrium too, it seems... oh yeah, all of this was gonna be just fun to recover from... "Eh...Where are you guys? anyone see where that last Tango went?" He couldn't see it, but Genisa was by his side as he struggled to bounce back from the effects of the blast. Get up, she said mentally. He looked around in vain. "You? Genisa, where are you? what happened to the others?" He got his answer in the form of a splitting pain in his skull... followed by a grainy vision of what was going on around him. Can you see now? she asked, hoping that his blindness would only be temporary. "A little... I think..." He looked over to where he could see dark shapes nearby, about the height of the others. "Hey Nathan, Sid, Logan, is that you guys over there?" **** "Cannon, Robertson, Holmes!" Surge called as he approached the three soldiers, followed closely behind by Lars and Lionel. "What the hell is going on here!" then he noticed Clint's condition.... He turned to Lionel. "Go find Walker, tell him we've got one wounded, Go, Now Soldier!" then he turned his attention back to Jory and Kenny. "And you two, start talking, and start Talking NOW!! What the fuck is this fiasco!? why is almost all of the damn air field destroyed!?" His shouting was echoed by another voice...one who everyone should've dreaded to hear at this moment. "I couldn't have asked it better myself, Staff Sergeant Surge..." McCarthy said as he and an armed outfit of twenty four soldiers approached from behind. the majority of them split off to secure the area from any more Tangos who might be around. Meanwhile more soldiers were pouring into the front gate of the Tarmac, breaking up into small four man teams and sweeping (What was left of) the place for any remaining hostiles as well. "Let me ask you; What on God's green earth has you're squad done here?" All the blood just drained from Surge's face at that moment... he had the sneaking feeling... that his entire military career had just ended. all in that single question from the General... He stood there... speechless. "I asked you a question, Staff Sergeant!" McCarthy pressed on, stepping closer. "I expect an Answer."
  17. Oh. nevermind then for Absol's group. Anyways, Seacrest has been updated. I'll get around to taking over Ark's former character too. And my fellow member's of Tempest... Why don't I give us a bit of motivation to get through that mountain, eh? So hurry up and get those supplies stowed away.
  18. SEACREST "Alright then!" Michael said, raising his voice for all the crowd to hear. "You heard the young lady! what an excellent idea, couldn't have come up with something better myself. Everyone, line up in front of the stand, Single file, mind you, and We'll hand out equal portions of the theive's inventory and Poke! Any objections?" "No..." several in the crowd murmured. "Seems fair enough," Another one seconded. "it's rather hard to determine who spent what anyone..." Then the masses all began to form lines before the stand, as Michael had ordered... surprisingly, it was far more orderly than one might expect. Before anyone could step up, however, Michael's eyes blazed with a teal light and a bag hovered up from the ground, stuffing itself with various supplies and some Poke before levitating over and falling at Artemis's feet. "Of course, you get to go first," he said. "After all, you did suggest this." If she looked in the bag, she'd find 5 oran berrie(s), 1 revive herb(s), and 500 Poke.
  19. whatevs, anyways, I've got a mega update in the works right now. I'll just have to read Jory and Absol's post to know what's going on with them before I do anything about it
  20. IIRC from KH3, weren't the Unversed created and controlled by Venitas's power?
  21. and so I have reached post 2000....

    Read more  
    1. Simon


      Noice mate.

    2. Vinny


      2000 more posts and you get mulla!

  22. Oh, Snaps Co-Host now? alright, congrats Snap, you got a promotion
  23. ((Chim, I'm just gonna leave it up to you to give Lana some dialogue...sorry, but it feels too weird to play both parts of this particular conversation...)) Mareek sat down on a bench against the wall of the gymnasium as Erce and Java rested for a while after the obstacle course. He had to admit, it had been a bit more demanding then he had expected... which was good, these two needed a bit of training anyway. Erce had done pretty well all and all...though... Java on the other hand. well... It's gonna be a long and rocky road to whip it into shape, that was assured by the results today. A Rhyhorn caught his attention sleeping nearby... and that's when he realized that the girl from earlier this morning was sitting right beside him. "Oh...uh..." He honestly hadn't even noticed her already there when he had sat down. oh well... actually, now that he thought about it, he never answered her question earlier today, did he? That's right, Redwood had called everyone in for class before he could. eh...well, He was already sitting here now, and just getting up abruptly and moving away probably wouldn't be the nicest thing in the world to do. But man... was she silent... "Er...Sorry about not noticing you there...you're so quiet I completely overlooked you. By the way, I don't think I got your name earlier."
  24. I'm just sitting here debating whether or not to have Anver fall back to old habits and start networking a little with the people at the party... though, him eventually having to kill The Bartender might get a bit complicated now...
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