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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. time for a new Avi...

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    2. Notus




      Actually, guess it's me that never change this one XD

    3. Arkhi


      We need to cooperate some day and simultaneously change avi's.

    4. Notus
  2. you said yes and then I didn't hear anything else about it... XD
  3. I just realized... Fire fang pretty much wrecks almost every pokemon encountered in Mt. Horn... Oh, and Dobby, what floor are you on? kinda hard for me and Sparky and Murdoc to do anything for you if we don't know...
  4. Mission accomplished then. see what happens when you keep things civil?
  5. See, this thread right here... now this... this is how you do it folks. having resonable justifications and arguments and at least trying to keep it civil. I applaud you, Commander218. now then... on to what I want to say. I'd like to know why it took 2 weeks for any consequences to be given out. What, you couldn't have dished out punishment within a day or two of it happening? The delay with which action was taken for the penalties honestly makes me more than a little suspicious about this. And five weeks is indeed an extreme for the infraction in question. Stratos, 2 weeks
  6. "I don't know... what you think I've done... But If we were to battle; I've already won."
  7. Actually, I'm kinda expecting Marcus to become a bit of foody if it does work on the dwellers of hell... since, you know, the sin of gluttony and all...
  8. alright then: here are everyone's numbers: (Turns out it's gonna be between 10-15) Murdoc: 11 Bibs: 15 Kenny: 12 Typlhosion: 13 Supernovae:10 Flux:14 And...GO! Random Number Generator, I choose you!! ... ... ... Alright, here's the results. The settings were placed to generate a digit between 10-15, on a Cryptographic algorithim, I only generated the number once. A screen shot to prove I am not biased: Kenny, congrats... you're the winner I guess. so... you all gonna resolve this or should I just do it?
  9. Ethic smirked as his little plot came to fruition. "Now let's get the hell outta here," he said to Annie and Kenny before running off past the massive food stuffs piled on the floor, reaching the door and dashing through it back out into the corridor. He stood there and turned, waiting for them to catch up.
  10. Yes, Improvision has it's uses, doesn't it? XD EDIT: Alright, so I'm guessing that me and Kenny should move on now and just assume that Annie is still following behind quietly?
  11. Oh fine... anyone opposed to that? If not, then I'll assign everyone a number between ten and sixteen, and whoever's number gets chosen, that'll be the winner.
  12. An frighteningly pleasant grin spread on Ethic's face as gazed out at the crowd surrounding them. He knew a very quick way to deal with most, if not all, of them at once. He'd give them what they want. They seemed to be hungry, and that huge table had literally a shit ton of food on it... but how would he get it to them, one might wonder. He knew precisely how. That... was the heart of the plan. "Kenny!" he called up. "Port out of there, I'm gonna give them that feast, and you don't wanna be up there when I get to cutting!" With that said he cast a glance back at Annie. "Don't die." was the only thing he said to her before extending his blade into a whip and carving a path through the souls, swinging his arm to and fro, even though his arms had no influence over where the whip went, his mind did. Soon he had made it to one of the Table legs. He went to work quickly, slashing through the lower part of the wooden leg, ensuring to make the cut high enough to where the table would be severely unbalanced on one side. He then lashed the blade whip out over the crowd, cutting down any souls that were foolish enough to try to touch it, and slashed through the other table leg on that side in the same fashion, except for this one, he stabbed the blade into the surface and broke of the tip before calling it back, leaving a shard of his life force embedded in the wood... "Timbeeeeeer!" he shouted. his hand was on the bottom of the first table leg he had cut, far below the slash line. He willed his life force to simultaneously burst forth from his palm, as well as from the shard he had left behind, effectively blowing both pieces of disconnected wood out of the way, Destabilizing the Tables balance, just as he had hoped, ignoring the nagging feeling of his limit. He took a few steps back, hoping that the food would slide off now and crush the souls... ((To clarify what he just did, you know how when you saw off a table leg, the table becomes all wobbly and off balance and stuff? yeah, he pretty much did that to the point where the table would be severely off balance towards the side facing the crowd.))
  13. Alright folks... whats with this stall in activity in the IC here? whats the issue? been nearly a week now...
  14. I've already volunteered earlier. PSS is temporarily on hold and Surge story hasn't had activity in almost a week, so I should have plenty of time to hold down the fort whenever your gone. I've already stated my contact methods if you choose to accept my offer.
  15. Draidon cast one last confused Glance at Sparks before dashing off after the small bird. It was painfully obvious that he was still very much on the fence about his opinion towards a certain type, but also obvious that he was very much skeptical that this new found doubt could be true. His face had shown a mix of confusion and conflicting logic, not that Sparks would've had a long enough glimpse to be able to see that...
  16. I'm guessing it has to be Snowing during Night time since I just tried but it wouldn't show up for me because no snow
  17. Jesus... these Character Infobox templates for the Wiki whooped my ass pretty hard... but I finally tamed the little bastards.

    1. Sutoratosu


      yes... that's right, you annoying little bits of code. I figured you out eventually. you work for ME now, Templates... you'll come whenever the hell I call you.

      *Laughs maniacally*

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Let's not take over the world now.

  18. You could do it... since, well, I guess Sparks is the one leading Draidon and Ace for now. (Or at least he's the one their both following.) If Murdoc doesn't want to. (since, you know, he's got that bird's eye view and extended field of vision while in flight, His character would be able to spot the mountain rather easily)
  19. So, Sparky, Murdoc... Which one of us is gonna say when our little trio reaches Mt.Horn?
  20. Ethic called his saber to life in his hand, walking around the bones and ravenous souls, not phased by either one. This was hell, weird shit happens, that had become just a basic fact by now; If they decided to try anything though, he'd be ready for em. He mentally blocked out the various sounds they were making as they climbed the table legs and feasted on the... Good lord... look at the size of that food... "No, Damnit..." Ethic said as his stomach growled. "there's no way I'm going to be so stupid as to actually eat any of that... probably a trap..." With that said, he ignored his hunger, having been made painfully aware of it now, the best he could, and began to search the perimeter of the room for another door or passageway.
  21. I think you should, Hukuna... from what I can tell, this idea isn't gonna be coming to fruition any time soon. (I say this because I've seen no further development of it past that PM that Snap sent you and I ((Which I deleted by accident while trying to make space a few days ago >.<)) might as well just lock it up to prevent confusion
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