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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. RAY & SURGE Their holding a pool, Clemont answered the Doctor's question about what some of the cadets were so occupied with. The three of them then watched in silence as the Rookie Soldiers were too engaged in their conversation that they hadn't even noticed that Ray and Surge had been standing there for five minutes now. Surge looked down at his watch, holding his hand up over the face of it in order to block out glare from the sun. the ten minutes had run out... five minutes ago. "All right!" he hollered, catching the attention of the entire Squad. they all went silent as they listened to him continue "Fox1," he said, this time speaking in a lower volume "It's time to begin this little outing," as soon as the words left his mouth, a loud grinding sound emanated from the Gates behind the squad. The white alabaster walls that had blocked the Western road out of Bexley gradually began to slid apart, revealing a gap of greenery as they made their way towards the slots now visible in the high wall marking the Base's perimeter. a loud Slam!! echoed out as the two slabs of white stone finally reached their respective destinations, leaving the Squadron looking out over a ten foot long gap in the nearly twelve-foot high section of the wall, the wilds of the forest visible just a few meters beyond as a Dirt road lazily meandered it's way into the depths of the undergrowth. "And don't be afraid if you get lost out there," Ray chimed in. "Clemont will be supervising everyone during this outing. If you get into trouble out there or just can't find your way back to the base, he'll teleport you back here to saf-" Indeed I will, Clemont said, telepathically speaking into the minds of each of the Squad members simultaneously. That said however, do not go doing less than intelligent things when you venture out into the wilderness lying before you, because if you do, I may be more inclined to simply leave you to suffer the consequences of your decisions. "Right..." Ray picked up. "so yeah, don't take his words lightly, folks, he will leave your asses to deal with your own mess if you do anything stupid out there. it's already happened a few times with Other Squads that were sent off for missions and training in the forest..." "Are we done talking here?" Surge asked impatiently "Yes? Good...now let's get out there!" With that the Sergeant began to jog off down the dirt road, soon disappearing around a bend and out of sight. Ray glanced over at the Squadron as he sent out Salem and climbed atop his back like a horse. "what?" he asked jokingly. "You all just gonna let him go and capture everything in the forest? Get a move on!" that said, the good doctor then took his own advice and gripped the fluff of Salem's golden mane, signalling the tiger to take off like the wind. Ray and his mount stayed to the road for a few meters, then abruptly turned a sharp left and crashed into the brush and dense undergrowth, disappearing from sight like Surge had.
  2. very well then... I do believe I'll chronicle the tale in Chapter's/ Episodes. but don't expect to see anything too soon, though. I've already got a few other writing projects on my plate, so it may take some time. anyways, I'll get working on it. I've already finished the basic conflict of the plot.
  3. oh yeah... I'm definitely gonna write up a back story for the characters Vero and Alice from Reborn...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      again, I won't be the one to make convert the story into a fan game. at the very most I'll adapt it to make more Game Script friently, but I've neither the time nor the skills to develop it into a Game beyond that.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Though... Crash, If you wanted to work together, me drafting a story and you taking care of all the game related stuff... :]

      (This offer is open to anyone, by the way)

    4. crashteamalphing


      I don't know, I've got a pretty daunting task with finishing my game, I'm not thinking of starting another xD

      I'm just interested to see what story you'll create. ;)

  4. It would make sense for you all to know what some of the more common species in the forest are, as you would've seen them on multiple occasions over the last few months. A jigglypuf for Clint is fine by the way, Supernovae. and Kenny, no, General McCarthy already reprimanded Surge and Ray for their gambling, so there's no reason for Clemont to be involved in the matter. EDIT: oh...wait, nevermind, Kenny. I thought you were talking about the gambling from earlier in chapter one. (Just to clarify, Clemont is far smarter than any human. he has ways of finding out shit without anyone saying anything at all to him, he already knows that Clint is starting a pool) but in this case, it's a pool rather than a flat out bet. so it's more like a competition really, one with a cash prize for the winner, the only differece being that everyone participating in it put up a portion of the reward cash.... so I think that your superiors would actually just look the other way. and so will Clemont.
  5. Oh my... Kenny, I'm quite flattered You'd suggest me for it... I have to say, I'd be quite interested in accepting the task. I might just do it. EDIT: Alright... I'll do it.
  6. Let's just clean this up a bit because it's looking a bit jumpy and ha a lot of unnecessary occurrences in my opinion... If Ryu is trying to warn Kenny about it, then why would he try to communicate via Clemont instead of trying to directly warn kenny with attempted telepathy? during this outing, you all will be split up individually in the forest, with Clemont staying by the gates tracking all of your locations and looking in on you all. so yeah, the situation wouldn't be able to work out as you suggested above. Kenny and Ryu will be on their own out there, as will everyone else. (You all can still have encounters with each other and battles and whatnot if you so please, but you'd have to run into each other in the other first) now let's cut some parts and simplify it: just have it try warn kenny with telepathy, then have it so that Kenny fails to be able to understand the message due to Ryu's inexperience and being unevloved and have Kenny be subsequently struck by the emolga as it overshoots it's intended target, ryu.
  7. I think I'm going to have Clemont be the one supervising you all for this little outing... he's far more than capable.
  8. I remember Brothercraft...

  9. that's easy, my friend. there's actualy a set of stairs on either end of the platform on which sage and the sensei are standing. those are the only places where you can get up on the stage and talk to them. try looking around a bit more and if you can't find what I'm talking about, I'll give you a screen shot to help
  10. ERICK Erick walked over to the western gate silently, his Beldom hovering behind him as he took the Beretta M-11 from where he had stowed it in the jacket of his uniform. he kept the safety on the weapon as he loaded a round into the chamber so that it would be at the ready if needed. Before the General had rushed them out of the Medical wing, he had made all of them place the weapons they'd gotten from the sub armory on a cot for the quartermasters to put them back in their places, but Erick had decided to hang on to this for now, in case it came in handy later... and it looked like it might, with all of them about to head off into the thickest part of the forest. He really wasn't worried about the consequences of his technical "Insubordination", he didn't intend to get caught, though that wouldn't matter if he had to use them out in the woods, but in that event, he could just justify his Insobordination by the fact that someone would be dead at that moment if he hadn't have disobeyed orders and kept a weapon. He went to Stow the Weapon again, only for it to disappear in a flash of white, leaving his hand holding nothing but air a moment later. "What the hell?" he began, looking around the try to see what could've happened to it. He spotted Oak's GAO, Clemont, standing behind him, holding it's spoons lazily in it's hand. "did you do that?" he asked the Foxman demandingly. "Because if you did, I'd appreciate it if you could port it back to me." You won't need a firearm for this task, Clemont Answered him telepathically And even besides, you were ordered to relinquish your weapons by the general earlier, were you not? Erick wasn't surprised that Clemont somehow knew that when he hadn't even been present to hear it, nor was he surprised how he'd appeared behind him without a sound. He'd learned over the past six months that Psychically-inclined GAOs like him and Genissa had their little mind tricks which could be used in a variety of ways. but that was fine, If Clemont wouldn't comply, then he had someone who would... "Genisa" He addresed the Kirlia by his side, not caring at this point that he'd called her by the name in front of others. it had been six months, damnit, and he'd come to trust his fellow squad mates. he didn't really have any issue about letting them know the truth about his GAO's origins. "can you get the weapon back?" Don't do it, girl. Clemont chided in her mind before she could respond to Erick's request. I just saved your Handler here from being brought up on insubordination charges. you bring that weapon back from where I put it in the sub armory, and he will get caught by his superiors and punished accordingly. The Kirlia looked up at Erick. I won't, she communicated in his mind He said- "I know what he said to you..." Erick sighed, cutting her off mid-thought. it was true, he'd been able to hear Clemont addresing Genisa just now... though the fox man must have wanted him to, because Erick honestly couldn't conceive of any other way he could've heard it. He wasn't exactly happy of Clemont's meddling... but apparently this Fox Man was far smarter than any human who had ever lived.... so Erick guessed he could just shut his mouth for once and leave the matter alone. "Fine, whatever..." he said. with that, he turned and gazed up at the Gates, waiting for the rest of the team to arrive so that they could begin. ENYO Enyo leaned against the Gates in an aloof manner, completely ignoring the others from her Squadron. she had come to be a bit warmer of a person in the past six months, finding she had grown a grudging... what was the word now? Trust? no... not quite... Respect, peraps? no... she could tell it wasn't that either.... "Tolerance," She muttered under her breath as some type of exchange went on between Erick and Oak's glorified yes-man of a GAO, Clemont. ah yes... Tolerance... that was the word she'd been grasping for. she'd developed a tolerance of her Squad members. but even with this Tolerance of them, she wasn't exactly in the mood to speak to anyone right now... not with both her GAOs MIA. and that begged the question: "How the hell am I supposed to capture anything?" she growled. It was doubtful that any GAO she might find out there would go down without a fight. and as good as she was in CQC, she had her doubts that she'd be able to take out anything really powerful with her bare hands. That would leave her only able to nab something small and pathetic at best, and she honestly had no patience for Small and pathetic. The Strong rule in this world, and the weak all die. She'd learned that simple fact long ago. this is the train of thought that lead her to think of her bat GAO, burbon... while technically it was "Weak", small and flimsy, it could still be "Strong" by taking advantage of it's abilities in battle, namely it's ability to shoot a sound wave at the enemy and make them use their own strength against themselves, make them use their own power to destroy themselves. And then there was Absinthe... that defiant crocodile that had butted heads with her and tried to fight her about almost every little thing. Now he had been truly strong, in both body and potential, but his strength had been the reason he would only ever have a grudging respect for the commands Enyo gave him. And they were both gone now, Burbon the blind bat and Absinthe the headstrong crocodile. and Enyo felt something about that she hadn't expected to. she had always thought of the two of them as just tools to further her own ends...and she had been angry because these "Tools" had been taken from her. But now that they were gone, she'd realized she'd come to genuinely care about the little shits after all these months together, that despite what she told herself, she didn't really think of them as just mindless drones to use to achieve her goals... but what were they then if not just tools? she leaned there, gradually realizing at that moment... that Burbon, and to a lesser extent, Absinthe... they had actually been her friends.
  11. Gastly would be fine. you'll find an entrance to an underground cave system somewhere in Bexly forest where there might be a few. Guess I need to draft a map now... make sure that peeps don't go getting lost.
  12. So here's what Ethic has mastered: General healing spell, Poison absorbing, General draining spell, Invisibility
  13. alright. I'll edit in the spells he knows once you finish the sections for Healing and Illusions
  14. Alright, I edited the Skills section for Ethic. And is there a list of Spells that are possible to have been mastered by characters at this point in the story? ((and as a side note, Ethic's main choice of weapon will be either his father's old combat knife, or Nova and the rest of the pokemon in his Party, assuming that we'll be able to give our pokemon Lethal/kill commands in a fight.))
  15. at this point I've decided that sixth generation will be included eventually. for now, the only thing from GenVI in this story is the existence of the 18th type, Fairy. That said, however, you will not find any Pokemon introduced in Generation VI in the wilderness of North or South America. unlike pokemon from the previous generations, Gen VI mons are currently only found on the European continent and certain parts of the Mediterranean coast of Africa. so there'll be no encounters with them possible in the forest. Regarding the Fairy types, however, any pokemon that was introed before VI but was given a change to fairy will have that change still be valid in their typing, and they will be available to encounter outside of the European continent . Mons that received the change: (Changed to Pure Fairy type) (Changed to Partial Fairy Type:) So yay. We got Fairies now. (and Fairy typed moves) maybe now some more Thoughts will be made when someone is thinking about getting a dragon type. as for the request for more capsule I'm Afraid three is all the empty capsules you all get for now. It's not negotiable. and you won't need four capsules anyway, Kenny, because I'm going to limit you all to obtaining only one new partner in this capture quest, you can only choose one to take a slot in your party. however, that said, I've something related to the plot planned that involves Surge, Ray, Erick and Enyo catching multiple GAOs. (Surge and Ray both have only one partner right now and will need two more in the future to balance it out. Erick will only be keeping a single GAO that he captures and will give the other he obtains away. Enyo has no party right now and will be given a newly captured mon to use to acquire replacements by Erick.) anyways, yeah, you only get three capsules. only one new partner can be obtained since you all already have two on your teams.
  16. no one could outrun the crash... it was all reduced to rubble, and then again to ash. to the blinding burning light...it's no use to fight. there's no one out there...

  17. From Balbapedia: It is said that Meganium's petals can release an aroma that can soothe anyone that comes in contact with it and can calm aggressive feelings, and its breath has the power to revive dead grass and plants. Its powerful and soothing regenerative powers can even come about by being around it, giving those who stand near the impression of being in a clean and lush forest. Meganium tend to be a very docile species and has been portrayed as a peacemaker in the anime. Meganium can rarely be found living in grasslands. Honestly, I think a Chikorita would be a good next partner for Logan.
  18. Maybe Logan should get something Medicaly inclined... Like a Chansey perhaps? maybe a Milktank?
  19. alright, that's your choice then. I do believe... that I'm going to have Erick catch a Magickarp. at level 20. :] it'll make for some interesting things later on... especially when he finds out how utterly useless it actually is... I don't know what Surge is going to catch. or what Enyo is... seeing as she has no GAOs right now. or perhaps I'll simply make her... disappear...again.
  20. up to Gen 5 only... for now. and as a note: the Ecosystem of Bexley forest is quite diverse. Ergo, the levels of feral GAOs will vary tremendously. that said however, whenever you go out to capture another Partner, you'll be the ones to decide what level the GAO you encounter is, I trust you to use common sense. in this world, this is no such thing like a level 1 Aggron or Level 20 Tyranitar. additionally, I'll be setting a max possible level cap that you can't exceed for wild encounters. it will rise as you all grow stronger in the story, and the current cap will always be displayed in the OP from now on. The Current Max Level cap for Wild Encounters: Level 20 ((There may be a map of the base and the forest coming soon...))
  21. ^and while we're on that subject... I still need someone to tell me what exactly we were meant to put for these "Skills and Skillsets" I keep seeing. because honestly I have too much other work to go back and try to finish reading the first chapter in order to figure it out.
  22. I kinda intended for Ray to be all done with the treatment and for Shadow to have been healed and with Lionel. But if you want to spin it that he needs more time to recover from his wounds, which were nearly mortal, and is still in the Med Ward being Treated, then we can go with that too. (Just don't forget to get him later....)
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