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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. That would be such a dick move right there... Honestly, it would be more humane just to go the whole "Portal in behind them and slit their throat" route instead of just tossing them in there and leaving them to die slowly and probably far more painfully.
  2. alright... guess I know now... since there's probably a good chance Maddie's gone for good, I'm seizing permanent control of Enyo Greyjoy as of now. she's now a host controlled character. Murdoc and Bibs can join back in the story once they return. I'll get around to updating the IC later
  3. ... Screw it, I'll continue my work as the story goes on. The intermission is officially declared to be over. the IC will be opened again once I figure out where everyone is right now and get a basic count... I don't know if Bibs (Pineapple) is still in france or if he's returned. Maddie... at this point I'm 90% certain that she's not coming back to Reborn after having dropped off the face of the earth without a single word. Murdoc's been away for a while, don't know whats happening with that. now then, onto those whom I know are around the forums: Jory Flux Chimchain Kenny (K_H) Typhlosionrulez Supernovae anyone of you who are still around got any info about the missing ones?
  4. Sorry bout the silence around here lately, I've been working on a lot of other things lately and as a result, my work in developing this has kinda suffered. anyways, here's a timeline of events prior to the story's exposition: January 22, 2027: Dr. Hagiru Sato and his team of scientists from Japan, America, Canada, and Britain begin work on a matter-energy transference machine. February 11, 2030: First machine is tested successfully after over a hundred failed tests. Controversy over the destructive nature of the technology ignites. March 19, 2031: The War on Terror ends. December 21, 2032: A catastrophic incident with an energy-matter machine destroys the city of Hiroshima, in devastation not seen since the atomic bombs were dropped nearly 90 years prior. Japanese government officials move to ban work on the technology, though Western powers urge them to allow it, despite the mishap. May 12, 2033: Researchers in the US and Canada begin to carry on the EtM research of Dr.Sato. several facilities in both countries are constructed, and operation begins under government funding and close supervision. April 22, 2035: First sighting of infected individuals. Most are animals; some humans are also shown to be susceptible to infection. Most seen around the ruins of Hiroshima, which had not been rebuilt. January 1, 2040: 98% of all animals in Japan are wiped out, ecosystems ruled entirely by infected individuals. May 8, 2048: Japanese Defense Force engages infected individuals to preserve quarantine. Coordinated attacks by infected humans and animals are seen. High levels of intelligence confirmed. May 10, 2048: They fail, and the nation of Japan ceases to exist. October 13, 2048: The United States Carrier George W. Bush is attacked and sunk by an unknown force. Later revealed to be a coordinated assault by the infected. Use of atomic weapons to destroy all life on Japan considered, but denied. April 12, 2049: after months of attempts to re-establish contact with the Japanese archipelago, it is confirmed that no current means of tele-communications can reach the darkened Island chain. Efforts to do so cease entirely. 2050-2054: It is unknown how, but during the period of four years, the virus has somehow spread from the Japanese Archipelago, to Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, and South america. several nations fare better in containing the disease than Japan did, however many millions still die. many small nations in Asia surrender their sovereignty to the Chinese government, in the hopes of being able to survive the pandemic, similar occurrences happen with Russia and several countries in Eastern Europe. April 2, 2055: the Infection has been confirmed to have spread to North America. Military preparedness results in a far more contained infection. Hundreds of thousands in the United States, Canada, and Mexico die. Full Martial law is declared in the US, and strict curfews are imposed in many parts of the country. July 15, 2056: Following an approval from Congress, several major cities and population centers in the US are outfitted with outer walls and fortifications in order to defend against several highly dangerous infected specimens. Fighting between US armed Service members and Infected animals becomes a common sight in the following years. August 20, 2056: Congress authorizes GAOWP, standing for the "Genetically Altered Organism Wielder Program" after it is observed on several occasions that some Infected Creatures have developed Friendly connections with certain humans who treat them well. General Arnold D. McCarthy, Admiral Mitchel J. Sanchez, and General of the Air Force Kyle R. Matthews are approved by congress to be the overseers of the GAOW training program for their respective branch of the Armed forces. Major Stanley Freeman, a two star general tasked with developing appropriate procedures for Patrol Squadrons defending against the infected, begins to shift protocol for patrol squadrons from "Attack if sighted within the boundaries of civilization" to "Attack only if Attacked first or if necessary to defend Civilians". August 30, 2056: Congress authorizes the construction of the Military base code named "Fort Bexley" along the US-Canadian border (With the prior approval from the Canadian government) and positioned in a previously unexplored thickly forested area along the rocky mountains. Construction begins immediately. January 5, 2057: After many hours of crews working around the clock, Fort Bexley is completed and prepared to be manned. the nation's EtM research is moved to the base shortly afterwards. February 12, 2057: at 11:05 AM, Dr. Urban James Ray is approached by the US Secretary of Defense and is offered a high security clearance position as a Lead scientist in the GAOWP. he accepts and comes into the employ of the US armed forces. later that same day, renowned Professor of Genetic sciences and Psychology, Samuel Oak, and renowned professor of Biology, John Rowan, are approached as well and also accept the offer. all three are later stationed at Fort Bexley. February 15, 2057: Following the Authorization of the GAOWP several months ago, Dr, Kendrick Rain and his team of scientist begin to experiment with Energy to Matter technology, theorizing that it may be possible to contain infected individuals with some type of stasis containment system. after many waking hours and failed trials, the team finally completes and successfully test a functioning GAO containment system, which involves using an immensely large EtM Console to condense an infected organism into an energy form and then seal said energy in a spherical capsule outfitted with an apparatus to translate the Energy back int matter and then back into energy as needed. (Test are carried out to see if the capsules are able to capture GAOs without having to use the Console, but it is found that they are found, for some unknown reason, to be unable to do so despite theoretically having all the appropriate functioning and components to.) May 1, 2057: the capture of GAOs, as the infected have come to be known as, begins by the orders of the US government. thousands of specimens are tranquilized and transported to various undisclosed facilities to be sealed within capsules. Major Stan Freeman again goes to work developing procedure to go about capture without causing to much damage to either the infected, or to soldiers. they prove highly infected. July 1, 2057: The First storm encounter occurs. Major Freeman is confirmed to have been KIA by an Infected animal. his then 16 year old son Erick is the sole survivor of the incident. No one is appointed to take Freeman's Former Position as the Drafter of Patrol Protocol. July 3, 2059: the GAOWP is finally ready to begin active operation. several potential GAOWs are given psychiatric evaluations to determine if they're fit to become enlisted in the program. the resulting number of soldiers mentally eligible are pathetic at best. It is debated by congress whether or not a draft or public recruitment should be held. October 10, 2061: Congress has decided to hold a massive recruitment campaign to draw in more individuals to the GAOWP... and so our story begins... well, there it is. I'll edit it into the OP. any ideas what should be done next?
  5. Ethic Magic Categories ((I don't really know the spells we could have mastered by now or anything, so I'm just going to list how good or poor he is in each category)) Healing- (highly competent in it.) Illusion- (Decent) -------- Favored type/ Type boost: Fire -------- Spells mastered: I don't even know what I'm supposed to put here... --------- Skills: Power: 3, Accuracy: 4, Speed: 3 Correct me if anything more is needed/ anything needs to be changed
  6. another great Chapter, though I'm not surprised that it was. You did an excellent job in this one, especially with the loving dead concept, reminded me of fighting Walkers XD you also did quite the job of controlling both Quincy and Byron, while remaining true to their character, especially with Byron.
  7. Hmm... Ethic VS. Annie, that would indeed be interesting. hell, it almost happened at the beginning of the chapter. you've a good point about the advantages in close ranged combat Annie has over everyone else however... Though I can't really see Ethic's motivation for it coming up in the next circle unless... unless Annie were to stand in the way of him eliminating his new targets, Elenore and Tavarus... though it really depends on what happens, what the the next circle is like, etc. basically a bunch of variables in the story. but yeah, Shit's gonna start to get real for him in the next circle, so I won't say it's out of the realm of possibility for a fight between him, and almost any, of the others of the group breaking out at some point. EDIT: also, Is Marcus still asleep on the stair case?
  8. Damn... I've been putting off work on surge story for a while... guess I should find some time to get back to it...

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  9. Oh, Yay! Looks like my research is starting to pay off (I'm currently researching and taking notes on how to make genuinely interesting Conflict in a character in order to illicit reader's emotions and better hold their attention.) Do tell me Notus, what about Ethic is beginning to scare you most? Knowing will greatly help my work.
  10. Ethic Recalled his blades, somewhat disgusted by the act he had just committed, despite his earlier convictions that it had to be done... his wrathful bout of anger was over now, and he found the taste of bile welling up in the back of his throat as he stared down at Quincy's now dismembered corpse, the head, arms, legs, and tail severed from the torso... luckily there hadn't been much blood during the action, Ethic had figured early on in it that at a high enough intensity level, his saber could become able to cauterize whatever it struck upon extended contact. "What have I done?" He said, backing away from his handy-work, self-loathing beginning to stir in his heart, as well as fear. Fear about the fact that in his rage, he'd been motivated to do something as heinous as desecrating a body. it was all a flurry, really, the memory of what he'd done a while ago... it all happened so fast when he played it back over and over again in his mind it was, like he'd been in a frenzy. Just Killing him was enough... that alone would've done the job...so why couldn't I have just ended it at that? He asked himself mentally as he continued backing away from the scene. Why the hell did I have to do this? Then the memories of how he'd Brutally killed, murdered, really, when you thought about it, Both Scott and Rodric flickered across the fore-front of his mind. Following that was the memory of Scott's Effigy handing him that orb, which, as Ethic Recalled, was only because Ethic had come to realized that the Keeper's were people once as well, that they once had people they loved and protected; that they once had friends and family and people who cared about them. And like that, something Ethic had suspected all along, but hadn't had the courage to face until now, dawned on him. "I haven't been making any progress with being better..." He finally admitted to himself, a bit guilty "if anything, I've taken leaps in the opposite direction." and it was true. This entire time, he had gradually been becoming more and more brutal when ever he engaged in violence, he'd also had gotten more and more prone to jump straight to exchanging blows whenever conflict arose... But even though this was true, he also knew that something else was too; things had only started escalating with his actions after... after He obtained dominion over the Death Arcana. it was far-fetched, but it was still a theory, and one that well prove to be true... the Arcana of the Tarot all had meanings, each and every one of them, each symbolized something significant when they were revealed in the suit of a person's reading. As Ethic thought about it, when was the last time he'd actually given himself a reading? He Reached into his pocket, withdrawing his Tarot deck and then stopping the action as the white, black, and blue checkered pattern of the back of a tarot Card flashed across his vision, turning itselve over slowly and revealing it's face. Before his eyes was the Arcana of Death, XIII. Then as soon as it had appeared, the card's image vanished, leaving Ethic standing there, speechless at what he'd just seen. "Guess that solves the issue of doing a reading," he finally managed to sputter after a few long minutes. he didn't know for sure what had just occurred, but he had the feeling it was related to how he'd been about to set up a suit. and as he further pondered about the possible connection, the Meaning of the Death Tarot came to his mind. "End, Mortality, Destruction, Corruption." he sighed, now understanding exactly what had just happened. The image of Death was indeed his Tarot reading, apparently he no longer had to go to the trouble of setting everything up first. It was simple, really; the Death Arcana stood for Ends, Mortality, Destruction, and corruption, and since he'd acquired power over it, he'd been Endings and Destruction to others. he'd brought Mortality to those who apparently were immortal by killing a Keeper. But the one thing that correlated most of all with Ethic, was the part about Corruption. so that begged the question, could it really be that taking control of Death had some unknown effect on his mind? Indeed it did. A familiar voice echoed out in his mind, startling him as he looked around, trying to find the speaker before he realized where he'd first heard this voice. "You're the thing that spoke to me after I killed Rodric." He Acknowledged verbally "The one who gave me the options of either killing or waiting to be killed." Correct. The Voice replied simply, a hint of pleasure in it's voice Good to see that you remembered. "I still want to know who you are, and I'm hoping I'll get a straight answer this time around." Perhaps later, Ethic. I fear that you would still be unable to comprehend if I explained things to you right now. "So you're still going to give me crap answers..." If you continue asking me the same question, then yes, that is all you will get. but enough on that, I've addressed you right now in order to tell you this; You are right in your conclusion that as you gain Dominion over the Arcana, they will each effect your psyche according to their meaning, and you may begin to lose pieces of the person you truly are. The first Arcana will always have the greatest impact on you, but all those you gain after will have lesser and lesser psychological influences on you as you go about acquire them. Ethic took a moment to think about that... with each one... with the more power he gained, the more and more his true character would fade into the background, smothered by the force of the very things he was seeking.... No, The voice again interrupted his thoughts You were exaggerating the effect when you thought about it's outcome just now. You will not fade into a frenzy of power, you will not become a drone of the Arcana. you will be lord and master of it, and nothing less. if you were to acquire all twenty two of the major Arcana and successful bring them under your control, you could even completely undo their influence on your personality. if you succeed, then you can retain who you are. But the choice is always yours, if you don't want to continue this, all you need ever do is voice your desire. He thought about it a little more... but in all honesty, did he really have a choice? it was either do this thing, or wait around to be offed as soon as an opportunity presented itself to the Council... this whole personality thing only provided a little more motivation for him to not simply give up, especially if he wanted to be able to control himself from now on... If he just threw his hands up and quite right at this moment, then he had the feeling things would only keep escalating, and he'd never be able to get over his Wrathful nature. and like that, he had decided, he'd keep doing this gig, even though he'd have to go through a bunch of emotional confusion and psychological hell in the process, he'd ultimately be fine at the end... but that didn't change the fact that he still wanted to be free of Death's influence, and all the things it would probably make him do in the future, immediately. "Fine."He said, knowing what he was going to ask "I'll keep doing this. but you have to answer me something: Which Arcana would I have to get next in order to negate Death's effects on me?" For a minute, there was silence in his mind. then that minute stretched into two, and two to three, and three to five... He was beginning to think that whatever had been speaking to him was ignoring the question, until he again heard the voice in his mind. There are two Arcana that can possibly balance out the Effects of Death. it answered finally Obtaining Either the Empress or the Emperor Arcana should eliminate the changes to your personalty that have occurred so far; both their Regular and Reversed meanings are the equivalent opposite of all that the Arcana of Death Stands for. "Alright" Ethic began, making sure to take a mental note of the information "So... are you gonna tell me who the Keepers for them are?" The Keeper Named Elenore stands supreme over the Arcana of the Empress. The Keeper known as Tavarus stands supreme over the Arcana of the Emperor. You know what you must do if you want them. and like that, the Voice was gone. Ethic didn't know how, but he just knew in the back of his mind that their little Q&A session was officially over. "Elenore and Tavaros..." he mumbled to himself as he walked off towards the way he'd entered the clearing when he had heard Ellaria's scream. he had Targets now, and that was all well and good, but it's not like he'd be able to fight them whenever he so pleased, that would take some planning and a little luck. But for right now, he remembered the strange noise from where He'd seen Ixidor earlier on, the one that had sounded like a miniature sink hole had opened up. He might as well go and investigate it, see if anything was going down.
  11. you go back to Rustborro and the guy from the Devon Corp will take you to see the president of the corporation in order to receive your Thank you present.
  12. {PSS} Random Character Backstory Spoilers (RCBS): he Found Knowledge that was sealed away in the past and now poses a huge threat in the eye's of the CMD.

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    1. Sutoratosu


      none of you will ever guess who he is...

    2. Maelstrom


      CMD? Command?

  13. I Figured it out... and about the side-quest with Additionally, about the fat guy blocking the way into the Alpha chapter house, is there any way to wake him up,
  14. so... after does the main plot continue on, or is this the end for now? and if it continues, pray tell how it does.
  15. Quick, think of all the paranormal concepts/entities you can think of... And GO!

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    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Magus
    3. Maelstrom
    4. Snap Crackle Pop

      Snap Crackle Pop

      Shadow people are the only things I can think of that were not mentioned. You could look them up xD

  16. aside from cheating it into the game or using a save editor, the only way to get one is to catch it, there are no events where you can obtain it otherwise... so yeah. suck it up and keep searching.
  17. Notus already voiced alot of the opinions on this so far that I share. especially about some of the trainers being overpowered given what the player has to work with...so I'll just skip over that for now. but you make a good defense argument for the overall difficulty (Though the trainer levels should till be looked at again...) hopefully this will become good enough that the initial bouts of suffering in the early parts are worth it. and you know what? Damnit, I beleive in you and your efforts in this. I'm gonna try to be here for you every step of the way in this things developing, seeking out and finding any bugs and reporting anything that needs to be fixed. and Notus is right about the last part. These are all just technical issues do far, but you've actually done a very good job on this game so far. the plot is interesting and engaging, and the game looks and feels alot like reborn, which it should considering the fact that it's an (Un-official) prequel. I applaud your efforts so far. Anyways, what I came here to ask: just out of curiosity, where exactly would one be able to find a seedot? I don't beleive it's a regular wild encounter in any of the areas we've currently have access to. is it another incomplete side quest right now?
  18. not knowing the answers doesn't make you an idiot; they're made so that you really have no way of knowing. in other words, the Q and A don't matter, just type in any random shit and hit enter. it's a part of the story that you can't get the right answer any way. hope that helps.
  19. It's not really your fault, ya know... #Gatorwaraftermath
  20. "Too Slow!" Ethic called out, grinning as he made a slight redirection in the life blade's path, accommodating for the fact that Quincy was now a bit lower than when he'd originally launched the attack. the Thing snaked and hurtled ever closer to the Were-Beast as he began loading his weapon, but Ethic had no intention of letting him get a shot off. he threw the whip into overdrive, a sweat breaking out on his brow from the sheer mental toll controlling it like this for so long was taking on him. he could feel his command over it beginning to slip, and he knew that if it did, he'd be dead from the mistake... a bit of practice using the life saber in this form would probably be necessary later on... Thunk!!! He heard, breaking his train of thought as he saw the blade drive itself right through Quincy's heart and out of his back... it was over... and now he could really begin. "got you, You damn psychopath..." he muttered as he withdrew the blade back into himself, the saber leaving the flesh of Quincy and whipping back towards Ethic like a tape measurer, and Quincy now free falling through the air as Ethic took a moment to regather his wits and rest... he'd definitely have to practice this later...
  21. Say notus, just to clarify, when you said it's up to me whether Quincy's evasion works or not, do you mean that I can have Ethic get an Auto hit on him, or just make it so that the life blade redirects itself to strike Quincy from a direction where he can't possibly dodge it in midair? (EX. Behind him/Below him)
  22. alright... guess that's fair enough with the battle thing... if it's left to the player in normal fights whether they want the option or not. anyways, I went back and decided to take your advice... Perseverence.... that's real clever of ya. actually, the next time I pushed the button, the way opened for me. now to find a way to get that Trubish in the alley way to notice me so that I can wreck Sage's team... EDIT: Decided to explore a bit more... and encountered this here glitch.
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