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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. K_H "Ah, Good." Marculo said simply as he grabbed the man's arms as Ko'Luki came over and took hold of the legs as the Soldier tried in vain to squirm and break free of their grasp... perhaps he would've had more success if he could move his body still... "Put me down and just kill me!" he protested loudly, realizing that he'd be more likely to succeed by lashing out with his words than his arms and legs. Marculo glared at him, he was beginning to get annoyed with the young man's suicidal thought processes. "shut it," he began "Or I'll shut it for you" with that he looked at Ko'Luki, making sure he had a firm grip on the man's arms "now let's get going." with that, the two men started off down the street, carrying the injured warrior between them, heading towards the holy grounds. ((End of scene for now)) Supernovae "I am afraid that I can not allow that, my young friend" Rodriguez said, politely refusing Maximus's offer "You must understand one thing; If what I say I will do is necessary, that means I will take up Stratos's mantel and all that comes with it... or traveling by his side. both of those things would have the consequence of becoming the most hated person, or the second most, in the world. wherever I were to go, people would damn and curse my name, just as they do his... they will hunt down and kill anyone who is kin to me..." he tossed a wary glance over at Esmerelda, who refused to meet his eyes as she pulled up her knees, sitting with her arms around them as she continued looking out into the night. "Do you know what happened to the House Valgiri following Stratos's actions four hundred years ago?" Rodriguez continued, directing his attention back to Maximus and deciding to take the hint that Esmerelda wished no to speak of the matter... they'd had quite the disagreement about it in the past, best to just let sleeping dogs lie... "The people of the drake veil formed masses and assaulted the family manor; the church army had a hand in it as well, they were there, don't think that they weren't. it was a God Aweful mess, as the historians now call it. a moment of sheer barbarism that will forever stain the honor of the people of the nation Wyrmfell as well as the Army of the Sky Lord. they dragged all of his family members and the hired hands of the manor out and assembled them in the town square... Stratos's lord father, Centaros, and Stratos's two elder brothers, tried to stop the massacre they knew would be coming to everyone they cared about. the fighting was like complete war, the patron and three heirs of the house Valgiri raining down death from the skies on the heads of the Church soldiers... but there were hundreds in the unit that had been dispatched... they and their soulbounds eventually were struck out of the sky, and they were rounded up and put with their family members... the whole skirmish lasted only twenty minutes... They then torched the whole family, and the servants, burnt them alive. once the deed was done, they torched the household, nothing but charred ruins remain to this very day. it is said that Stratos heard of the event only a week after it happened. and do you know what he did? he hunted down every single man and women who were apart of the Church Army unit sent to his family's home. he kidnapped them in the night one by one. and he would kill them and then send the severed heads straight to the doors of the Holy Citadel... and when all three hundred men and women who were apart of the unit were finally dead by his hands, Stratos sent a message to straight to the homes of the Church Army Arch Commanders... and in this message, he said that he would hunt them all down and scorch them with the fire of Thead... and only a month later, he did just that, he found them when the three were gathered in a pub for drinks. and he captured them all and took them out of the city. and he found a clearing along the road and burned them all at the stake. the only difference between what he did to them and what they did to his family is that he gave the Arch Commanders the courtesy of being killed before the burning... and his actions of vengeance led to him being hated even more than he already was." he cast another glance over at Stratos, whom was still standing on a roof top in the distance, his spear blazing with contrasting light. "If you set off at my side for this journey, the world will hate you, you're family will die, and there will be no haven from the wrath of the people. everywhere you go, they'll spit at you and damn you and fling manure and hot coals at you whenever you pass. If you go off on such a journey as I am comtemplating, it will undoubtedly be the end of your life as you know it. you will NEVER be able to return. and one so young as you, it would be a waste to throw away all the years you have ahead of you... I, on the other hand, am getting to be old... I've no family except for Esmerelda, and she is grown now, she no longer needs me to watch over her-" "Just stop." Esmerelda said, breaking into the conversation and cutting off Rodrigeuz. Tears were visible streaking down her face for the second time that night "Es..." Rodriguez began, sighing... "I already told you why I must do this... you've grown up to be a strong young woman. you're completely independent, to the point of being stubborn...you don't ne-" "Just stop. Everyone I've ever cared about has been taken from me... my father, mother, and brothers were stolen by some she-bandit... and now you're going to be taken from me by this stupid quest to save the world...I should've known that I'd lose even you some day as well." with that, Esmerelda rose from her spot, walking off out of sight, and a moment later, she was gone... simply vanished. "ES!!" Rodrigeuz called out, standing bolt upright as he scanned the area, failing to locate her... he realized that even if he could, it would just be best to leave her to herself right now... there was nothing he wanted to do more right now but run off to find her, but he knew that's exactly what he shouldn't do in this situation... he'd only make it worse, and so it was that he had only one real option, to stay right here... at least he was somewhat comforted by the fact that he'd taught her how to fight... she'd be fine on her own, even on a night like tonight when pickpockets and thieves and murderers were abound in the shadows of the festivities. "I should've never taught the girl how to Lightwalk..." he muttered under his breath as he sat back down... ((Super, there's nothing Maximus can do about this. it's best to leave Esmerelda alone for now and not pursue her...))
  2. I don't know if this next thing is a glitch or just the end of the current playthrough, but... Yeah, so I'm and so I come through the door and find this maze. alright, seems simple, cool, cool. except I get to the last of the three buttons that alter the course of the maze, and what do I find... "Nothing happens..." so yeah... I think this is obviously intended since it had a text box come up, where if it were a mere script error, then the game would probably start glitching out hard when you interacted with it... so yeah, basically there's no obvious way that I see to get to the other door in the maze and continue the plot. so what's the deal here? is it meant as the end of the current playthrough? If so, in the future you should really do what Ame does and have a little text box come up after the latest game event saying that this is the end of the story so far. or am i just derping here and missing something obvious that I have to do?
  3. There's a battle glitch that I feel should be addressed: there is No option to switch out upon defeating an opponent. when ever you KO an enemy mon in a trainer battle with multiple active (Not fainted) pokemon on your team, instead of a text box saying something along the lines of: "{insert Trainer Class here} Random joe is about to send out {Insert pokemon name here, or just insert the word "Something if this whole issue was to make the difficulty higher} will you switch out?" it just skips to the opponent sending out their next pokemon without any opportunity for the player to tag out with another party member. now then if this is intended and is meant as a way of increasing difficulty, let me say, this is not the way to go about it, Even reborn has the option to switch out after beating an enemy party member. the way it is currently in this game, all this really does is give the player a disadvantage, as they have to either keep in a mon that might be severely injured, or would have to switch in on the next turn and have the new entry to the battle take a hit without being able to strike back that turn. a far better way would be to make it so that the option to switch comes up with the text: "{insert trainer class and name here} is about to send out... something. will you switch out?" there. that will make it so that the enemy isn't as inclined to get off free hits on the player, while maintaining a certain level of difficulty as the player can't just switch in whatever they have that'll have a type advantage over the enemy, and has to take a bit of a risk.
  4. K_H "Do it already, put me out of my misery!" Ko' Luki heard someone shout from down the street as he passed through the fake wall and stepped back out onto the cobblestones of the small side road. in the distance, a familiar figure in an alchemist guild uniform was kneeling on the ground, his back turned to Ko'Luki. and in front of him, was a man dressed in full armor lying on the ground. all throughout the avenue, a strange charred scent wafted in on the night air, it smelled of smoke and soot, like one would smell in a refinery or a smithy. ------------------------------------------- "N-no!" Marculo shouted at the young soldier on the ground before him, slapping away the dagger the young man had been trying for the past few minutes to get him to take and use to kill him... he honestly couldn't help but feel quite a bit of guilt at this, he had been the one to launch that lightning conjuration and strike this young man, even if only by accident... it had left the armor clad lad fully paralyzed, and the warrior's thoughts had turned to pure despair after he realized that he couldn't move; he'd begun panicking, shouting on about how his career in the church army was over, how he'd have to live the rest of his days on the Myta of the public taxes... and to him, such a fate was not only shameful, but it was worse than death. and for the last five minutes or so, he'd been trying to convince Marculo to take the knife from his belt and slit his throat, give him the peace of death since to continue to live would be a curse.... And for the past five minutes, Marculo had been vehemently refusing to do as he asked. "Please, just calm down," Marculo implored, again trying to reason with the suicidal young man "This is not the curse you think it to be! All you need is a healer, and you'll be fine!" "No, Damnit!" the soldier yelled in response "there is no healer yet trained whom can cure full paralysis, stop your attempts to give me false hope about my fate and just end me already!" Marculo cursed under his breath as he looked up, seeing the Holy Grounds in the distance, an Idea coming to his mind as he did so "You're wrong," he said simply "and you're a fool for keeping up this facade of Despair. There are healers who can accomplish such, and lucky for you, they'll all be assembled nearby... we just have to get you over to them..." That was easier said then done, however... this man's armor had to wiegh several dozen kilo's at least, and it would be a hell of a fight on Marculo's part to drag him from here to the Citadel... though perhaps if there were two people on the job... "Anyone!" Marculo called out into the night, hoping that someone would here him and come to their aid "Someone, anyone, please, there's a wounded man here and I need assistance carrying him to a healer!!" little did Marculo know however, that such shouting was not nessacary, as all the help he needed was nearby, in the form of the man who'd came into the shop earlier...Ko'Luki.
  5. K_H As Ko'Luki poked at the wall with the pole in his hand, he could see that the length of iron disappeared beyond the red bricks, the entire wall rippling in waves like the disturbed surface of a pond, as if the thing were some sort of mirage or phantasm... which would explain it... but there was only one real way to find out the validity of that theory, wasn't there?
  6. K_H As Ko'Luki dashed out of the hallway, his feet hit the inky blackness and he found himself unable to move at all as the voices faded away into nothing and the sole light filtering into the hall, the torches which lined the corridor behind him, dimmed and then died out entirely, leaving the man in complete darkness as the doorway through which he had come only moments ago vanished from sight, as if it had never existed there at all. "..." Ko'Luki was suddenly aware of a Presence behind him as his body turned on it's on, as if he were under some type of levitation. as he finally turned about face, he saw standing before him an apparition of a man with a crown of platinum atop a mess of auburn hair, a pair of piercing eyes, one a hot scarlet and the other a cold green, boring deep into Ko'Luki, as if peering into his very soul. as the man stepped closer, Koluki could make out more of his features, a strong set jaw, height almost six feet. muscular and built like an elite warrior, but the most eye catching thing was the blood red cloak draped over his shoulders, a strange sigil of some unknown house hold visible as the thing rippled in an invisible wind, casting a red glare upon the regal, Pure gold breast plate and gauntlets the man wore on his person, a sword bathed in blinding light at his side. Ko'Luki's panic was beginning to rise even more... he could feel an immense amount of power resonating of this man, so much that the air was thick with it, he had the feeling that if this man wanted to strangle him, he could do so just by thinking it... but this was not a power like that of Magicks...no, this felt far more powerful, far more primal and magnificent... "Who...who are you...?" Ko'luki barely managed to chock out in terror as the man's eyes continued to bore into his soul... he could feel some force probing the deepest edges of his mind. he tried to scream out as an aweful pain filled his skull, as if something were trying to burst it from the inside outwards. his hand's shot up, clutching his head as the apparition Scowled at him, apparently displeased by whatever he found within Ko'Luki's soul, or didn't find, it was impossible to know which for sure. Then as suddenly as the pain had began, it faded away to nothing... Ko'Luki realized he'd been clenching his eye lids shut, and opened them slowly, feeling a hard tiled floor beneath him as he slowly came to, glancing around and realizing that he was back in the shop, the door to the corridor standing wide open... " "was...was that all a dream" The Alchemist thought to himself as he tried to stand up, failing as his legs gave out under him, still weak and shaking in fear from the encounter just now... no, what just happened was not a dream, could not be a dream, for no nightmare, no matter how foul, could've caused the pain he'd felt only moments ago, could cause the sheer, blood chilling terror that he'd felt right down to the very foundations of his soul... whatever had just happened, had been very much real... Ko'luki tried to steel himself in vain as he reached out and grabbed an iron staff off a nearby stand, using it to hoist himself up, his knees gradually beginning to stop their quivering... but as he stood, he noticed one thing that had changed about the shop; where the front door should've been, was now a brick wall... ((Kenny, curiosity won't kill the cat for now...it might even help a little... *Cough* "Inspect the wall" *Cough* who said that?)
  7. Some notes from so far: The PC's house is a bit hard to find if you get KOd in a battle and are sent to the Pokemon Center. I suggest you change the location of the house so that it's somewhere where it can have an actual front door instead of one on the back where it's not visible. walked around for about twenty minutes yesterday around the area where the initial scene with Khori played out before I got lucky and managed to accidently bump into the back side of the right building and finally found the Protagonist house again and advance the plot after here's what I'm talking about: like I said, no front door, like the house behind me has, and it looks just like all the other houses beside it. now this wouldn't be an issue if the game was 3 dimensional with a camera shift function, but it is not, so if it weren't for the initial cutscenes when Khori and the protagonist are walking to their destination, I would not have even been able to guess that the house was on this street, or that the door is where it is. (I am standing infront of the doorway in this screen shot) in other words, what Im saying is, it might be a good idea to change the placement of the house to some where a bit more obvious to players so they don't have to wander around in confusion trying to further the plot. either that or do Something to make it more noteble, like giving it a different colored/ darker roof than it's neighbors, or even something like giving the roof a small chimney/ satelite or something.
  8. Notus, this is the song that I had in mind: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTU4wWVqKiU so, can we? or is it a no no?
  9. "No, You will not escape this time!" Ethic shouted as Blind fury began to take over and his thoughts turned to a darker side of his psyche. He didn't care about anything right now, the only thing that mattered was that this thing would die by his hands, and he would stop at nothing until that happened. he retrieved his dual sabers from deep within the tree, which had become lodged deep within the massive Thing when Quincy had dodged his initial assault, withdrawing both of them into his palms and staring up at the Man-Rodent in the canopy of the tree's branches. "Oh no..." he called as he backed up a good two dozen feet or so "That little tactic won't save you!" Without warning, Ethic began sprinting a hard and fast as he could, headed straight for the tree's base, and leaping up, placing his foot firmly on the bark and forming his life force into a miniature hook construct, which then manifested out of the sole of his foot an into the bark of the tree, then he recalled the hook and placed his other foot and did the same thing, and again and again, each instant not more than a second or two as he sprinted vertically up the tree, still at the same speed he'd been on the ground, until finally he reached the canopy level around where Quincy was, pulling himself onto a sturdy branch and conjuring his blades again, their glow as blindingly hot as ever as he combined them into one. "It's past time that someone do something about you, you demented Psychopath!" He shouted, pure wrath lacing his voice as he steeled his resolve and pooled his focus and concentrated, swinging his now combined sabers with both hands, the life blade lashing out in a whip like fashion, severing several branches as the construct cut them out of the way, Ethic's will guiding the thing through the air, directing it to arc and coil and bend as it arced with increasing speed towards it's intended target... Quincy.
  10. yes, that's right, Quincy... Look at the flowers, you filthy antagonistic rodent... Can't get rid of you, but that's all right... we'll figure that out eventually, and then we'll realize we just have to keep killing you whenever our paths cross, then maybe you'll get the damn message... but for right now, it's time for Ethic to make Rat Sushi...
  11. "It's Ethic, not Ethnic..." The young Black man snarled as he stared down at Quincy, disgust in his eyes "Tell me,You do realize that when two parties make a truce, that it also means that no one can attack any allies of the other side, right?" he asked angrily as he routed more of his life into the saber in his hand, the glow becoming blindingly bright as it cast a glare around the surrounding greenery "Because when you attacked those two young women, Elaria and Annie, and that little girl, Enya, a few minutes ago, you broke our treaty; They were friends of mine, you see..." Ethic then took a step backwards, throwing out his left hand as an identical saber of life force materialized in his other palm, this one glowing just as brightly as the one in his right. in the back of his mind, he could sense a familiar limit, he knew he was playing with fire, putting nearly all his life force into these two constructs, knew that he would be in big trouble if he were to lose control of them and they, along with the life force he used to sustained them, were to slip from his grasp...but he didn't give a damn about that right now. ever since the group had gotten into this hell-hole, this...this Rat thing had been an issue since the first circle... he was a recurring antagonist, a threat to the group's safety... And God Damn it, Ethic was done with it. he was going to end this Bastard for once and for all, here and now. and as he thought on how he'd come at Quincy and begin, he couldn't help but think back to a TV show he'd watched before he had left the surface world behind to come here... and now that he thought about it, his resolve right now in the face of an obvious threat to the majority made him a lot like a certain character from the series... "Guess I'm the Carel of the Group" he said simply, laughing a little at the thought "Alright then, I'll do what's necessary to protect the others... I'll accept that as my role down here... that said then..." He Crouched low into a viciously aggressive fighting stance, life blades held out to Either side of him as he brought them up, forming an X in front of his face with his arms. "LOOK AT THE FLOWERS QUINCY!!" he shouted in a war cry as he called upon the little excess life force he had that wasn't currently in use, and sent out a small burst from his heels as he leapt into the air, the momentum of the blast shattering the stones of the walkway and propelling him towards Quincy as his Sabers withdrew back into his palms... he knew this freak could probably shoot lightning like Byron was able to, and he wasn't going to get himself killed by Quincy calling up his shock abilities by reflex and blasting him out of the air, causing him to lose focus and break the connection with the weapons...no, it was best to sheath the blades for now, call them back into himself... these were the thoughts that raced through his mind as he flew across the air, reaching out his hands, one with the palm facing outwards, aimed towards Quincy's face, the other aimed for the heart, his hands ablaze in a rainbow of color as he grew ever closer to his target. the moment he was within range, he intended to reignite the sabers with his hands in direct contact with Quincy's face and chest, which would impale the bastard to the Tree and kill him... after that was done, Ethic could get on with the rest of his plot...
  12. hey guys, Great work in the First Challenge, may this be the beginning of a very long streak for our nation anyways, to commorate or victory, I've come up with a bit of Motto to use in battle/ on the server, along with a banner to use on forums in folk's signatures, tell me if you all like them: The words of the Slogan/Motto: "Hell-Fire, Lightning, & Smog; Volcanic." It's meant to represent the types that represent us, Hell-Fire for fire types, Lightning for Electricity, and Smog for poison. figured best to keep it simple, so instead of a rambling sentence, I kept it condensed to something simplistic and to the point, like the motto of House Targaryon from "Game of Thrones" (Which is "Fire and Blood, House Targaryon.") And here's the Forum Banner, which contains the above mentioned motto, along with three mons whom I think would do great as mascots for each of our three type allowances (to clarify, what I'm suggesting is that we keep Camrupt as our main Mascot, then choose three more Mascots, whom will be for each of the three types) Hell-Fire, Lightning, & Smog -VOLCANIC- the three Mascots I had for defualt are all pure types, ergo, their exclusive to our nation, though they can easily be replaced if you all want to officially vote for which mons are used. as for the Camerupts... well... seeing as how it is already our current mascot, and the fact that it has a freaking Volcano on it's back... yeah... So, you guys like?
  13. alright, I'll download this and take a look at your work so far... EDIT: alright, I'm not too far in right now, but I must say, I'm liking this so far, good work, ma man. and The Evaluator guy really is a dick... a certain someone wasn't exaggerating when they said so...
  14. Oh, well, you're right on the money, my friend. according to an IQ test, which I was smart enough to cheat on the math portions of :Kappa: , I've an intellectual level IQ (Just goes to show you, IQ test don't really mean anything at the end of the day. anyone can cheat and find the answers/ throw the whole thing in order to get any score they want on it) the next person is secretly an anarchist deep down in their heart
  15. for now, I think I'll just have Ethic sit and wait until Quincy revives He'll probably won't be able to get involved in the Lilith Boss battle, but he'll be doing a service to the group by attempting to eliminate such a chronic threat as the Rat Man has posed so far... By the way, Notus, just outta curiosity, would the whole "Hacking to pieces" theory work for negating the Resurrection effect? or does it keep going no matter what shape the body is in upon death?
  16. After a pitted and intense battle, I am proud to say that I have won 1-0 against Sparky Battle log:
  17. K_H As the smoke from the blast cleared, a creak was heard as the door to the shop slowly swung open... beyond it was nothing but darkness, then within seconds, the inky black of the space beyond flickered, and the interior of the Store again became visible... but there was one thing wrong; where the front door of the shop should've been, there was only a stone wall... "Step aside," Marculo said hastily as he rushed past Ko'Luki and into the Shop Foyer, glancing around and noticing that the front door was now a brick wall "Damn it all..." he muttered under his breath as he sunk down to his knees in despair... he didn't know what kind of black Magicks was at work here, or who was doing it, but at the way things looked now... the two of them might damn well be stuck in here for a long while... it was bad enough he'd miss the resurection because he had the night shift... but now there was the possibility that Marculo would never see his wife and daughter again... and that was one thing that the man simply could not accept. he didn't give a damn what was going on in this place tonight; it was going to end. and it was going to end NOW. "here is my letter of resignation..." he muttered silently under his breath as his hand blazed in a soft light, his eyes taking on a milky hue as he gathered energy from the Aria of the Dawn and conjured it into a sphere of lightning, thrusting his palm outwards and propelling the orb towards the wall, the thing letting out a sharp crackling sound as it soared through the air, homing in on it's target... But instead of bursting against the stones and blasting an entrance in the wall, as Marculo had intended for the sphere to do, the ball of electricity flew straight through the wall as if it weren't even there, leaving no trace... but a few seconds later the pained cry of a man echoed out suddenly, along with a loud Boom! "What in the Sky Lord's name..." Marculo began as he stood back up from his knees, picking up a small crystal from a shelf nearby as he did so... He had the sneaking feeling that this wall... was not a wall... "Only one way to find out" he thought to himself as he reeled his arm and tossed the Crystal, and just like the sphere of lightning, it phased right through the wall as if it wasn't there... that confirmed it, this definitely was not a wall. Marculo took a few tentative paces forward and stuck his head out towards the bricks, closing his eyes, still not one hundred percent sure about his theory... after a few seconds he forced himself to look around, seeing the street outside the shop, just as it had been when he'd entered earlier in the evening to start his shift... well, except that the crowds were all gone... and there was a young man dressed in full plate armor lying motionless on the stones, a large, black blast mark scorching his right shoulder pauldron and the side of his breast plate... that explained where Marculo's lighting conjuration had gone, as well as where the boom from earlier had come from... "Damn it all..." He again cursed under his breath, chances are that that young soldier was dead...being struck with electricity with that much metal on his body... well it was highly unlikely he'd survived... "good god..." the young man muttered suddenly, his voice strained as he lay immobilized by the shock. seeing that he had lived somehow, Marculo rushed out of the illusion wall an knelt at the soldiers side, inspecting the damage he'd unintentionally caused... "T...Terribly sorry about that..." Marculo began, stuttering a little "Sorry about what?" the young man asked, obviously dazed "What hit me? all I recall was walking down the street towards the Holy Grounds... and then there was this flood of light and a Crackling noise...then something like an explosion knocked me on my back... I still have no feeling in my body..." Marculo merely sat there upon hearing this... right now, as far as this soldier could remember, this whole thing was some freak occurrence... but if Marculo told him what had occurred...well, there was a good chance that Magistrates could get involved, and he may get charged with attempting to kill this young man... "Sorry that this happened to you, I meant..." he said hesitantly, "Not every day that Lightning falls from the skies and strikes someone out of the blue..." Back in the hallway, Ko'Luki began to hear strange whispering voices as the interior of the shop again flicker and faded to inky blackness as soon as Marculo had pushed past him...they seemed to be cackling as they spewed out streams of incomprehensible words... ((go on, Kenny, ask who they are...)) Supernovae "I will say but this, my friend," Rodriguez began in response to the young Ekarder's question "It honestly does not matter whether the Sky Lord lives or dies, at this point, whether he is present in this world or not, there will still be relative peace in the globe... when he fell the first time, the world did not fall into war, nor did it even once in the four hundred years since then..." He leaned back and rested the back of his head on his palm as he lay on the shingles "Basically, I think that his time of need in this world, is over. his presence is no longer necessary to preserve the balance... the church can do that just fine without God directly leading it, it's proved that simple fact time and time again, also, do consider the fact that all the self governing countries of the continent today; they were once territories of the Theocracy... but I'm not going to sit here and bore you with history that your parents probably told to you as a bed time story... Here is my hypothesis though: If Azauqyar rises again, the Theocracy WILL restart, I think that is beyond the shadow of a doubt. and if the Theocracy comes back to power, then they will want their lands back, as any Empire would. now if they want their land back, what makes one think that the Countries of the modern era will want to relinquish their sovereignty? The church Army is vast and the mightiest in the land, yes, that much is true; But, this is ONLY true when one speaks in terms of having to face two or three countries in battle... if all the nations of the continent were to come together in a Resistance Coalition.... which I am quite certain they will, then there will be world war, and the church and probably many other things will be destroyed, and many people will die who probably do not deserve to die. So you see, my friend, If Stratos succeeds in Killing the Sky Lord once again...well, I will for one will have no objections...at least then the peace we've known will remain intact for the most part... but if he fails...Well, assuming he is still alive of course, I will leave this city with him tonight, and I will travel at his side and aid him until he DOES succeed in his mission... and if he is dead, then I shall take up his mantle and try to find a way to kill Azauqyar and preserve the world's peace myself." Esmerlda glanced over at him, a bit annoyed it seemed "You Promised you would not speak of such in public, If any devoutees hear you, they will form a mob and burn you alive on the stones of the street" "Calm down, Esmeralda. They'd have to find me and then disarm me before they could even hope to do that... and by the time they do, I would probably have cut them down to barely nothing of their original number... anyways, where was I, Ah yes, As for whether I believe him to be evil... that is a no... he is hated and despised by most, but he is not evil. at the end of the day, he is a warrior advocating for the greater good."
  18. @Everyone who was interested in the "ISP" RP idea: in the comments of this stat update, submit any abilities you'd like to be available in the story. they must be Psycho-Kinetic in some way, shape, or form though, no purely freebasing things.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ice falls under Hydro, but Gravity is interesting.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Gravity is accepted

      keep em coming, folks

    4. Notus


      Oh, I didn't see this before!

      Possesion. It would work with the user leaving his body and posseing other's, be it human or animal. If the user stays on the other body for to long, however, he'll end up being dominated by his new recipent's personality. (yeah, copy-pasted from Darker than Black. XD )

  19. Alright. I'm looking forward to play this version of Gilwyn. feel free to Construct a past for his Foster father, Jolen. for anything before the point at which he took in Gilwyn, I'm pretty much just gonna hand over Jolen's history to you, as you are the one directing the story and world, and ergo would be able to put together a far more likely back story for the man and his employment history than I would. (PS. feel free to PM me if you ever want to collaborate about anything regarding his Foster Father.)
  20. well... the military portion of the world buiding for Isp is done...now for a timeline and a basic chain of non enlisted command...

    1. Sutoratosu


      Beyond the rift, you going to find soooo much shit going down...

    2. Felicity


      Can we go up then?

    3. Sutoratosu


      the only direction there is... is forward.

  21. Yes, Notus. Either the leader drafts people or they volunteer to enter the field of battle, then they make the roster and submit it by midnight each sunday. after that, I do beleive that Kio creates the match roster and then gives it to the heads of the two nations that'll be fighting against each other, and from that point the leader tells us who amoung the battlers is going to be fighting whom on the opposing nations roster. I asked KIo this question and he said the actual time of the matches themselves are up to you and whoever you're set to face of against in battle. so yeah, you two decide on a time, then duke it out
  22. Murdoc as Martim crouched in hiding in the bush, another Shrieking sound echoed out from the slopes up above him, joining in a deafening chorus with the shrieks off in the distance. a few minutes later, the sound of huge, flapping leathery wings sounded. from where Martim hid, the wreckage of the wagon was clearly visible, and out of the sky soared a man atop a large bat-like creature, the beast turning it's ears and opening and closing it's mouth idly as it's master directed it's flight path, bringing it in to land just a few dozen meters away from where Martime lay crouched on the side of the dirt road, the rider dismounting and retrieving an unkwon object from his pocket as he sound of Flapping wings again filled the night air and another bat-like creature, this one rode by a young woman, came in to land next to it's companion. she seemed to be displeased as she dismounted her beast, walking up beside the man. "Your barbarism proceeds you, Brutus," She said, her voice half between a sigh of disappointment and one of disgust. the conversation was faint, but twas quite windy tonight, and Martim could easily pick up bits and pieces of the two's exchange whenever the wind blew in his direction. "Do not even begin with that," the man, Apparently Brutus, Chided "that fat Merchant I just killed? He was the one I told you off earlier; the one who had a...unnatural fondness for Children..." "Oh..." the woman responded simply, obviously at a loss of what to say "At a loss of what to say for once, I see. you may think me to be nothing but a barbarian, but it's fine, we were only partnered a week ago, afterall. you will soon find that while I do go all out when I commit my violence, I never commit violence simply for the sake of doing it. there is always a reason the carnage and bloodshed that I inflict." A few seconds of silence dragged on, from his perch, Martim could see the young woman shifting uncomfortably, the silver cloak around her shoulders casting a glare in the moon light, underneath, a jacket of black and gold along with pants the same color were visible. "Forgive me," she said, finally breaking the silence "Perhaps I was too quick to judge" "There is nothing to forgive," the man said as he pulled what appeared to be a pocket watch from the inside of his own jacket, in fact, it seemed as if Brutus and the young woman wore matching uniforms. he checked the time, changing the subject. "I see no man matching the face of the bill here, do you?" "No..." "Then let us continue searching for this 'Martim' we've still got to canvas this entire area by sunrise, or Gilwyn will flay me living... and he'll do things unspeakable to one as pretty as you..." "Do not exaggerate his anger like that. simply because you dislike the man does not mean you have to slander him." "What, you believe that he wouldn't do it?" the sound of Brutus sighing echoed out on the wind as he shook his head disappointedly "You are new here, girl. recruited... what, month ago?" "Yes..." "Then do not assume I exaggerate anything about Lord Gilwyn. that man is a monster in men's clothing. he may seem well and kind to you, yes, but that is only because he does not wish to give you cause to leave, as he does with all new recruits... just mark my words, don't ever fail to follow his orders, or you will see his true colors... if more within the unit knew what our lord commander was truly like... well, they wouldn't have to wonder why I hate him so anymore." Brutus hopped back atop his mount, griping the reigns as the beast came to an attention, it's beady red eyes lighting up as it sensed it's master getting back into the saddle. it flicked it's long, barbed tail, as if happy to about to be ridden again. the woman, more of girl really, as Brutus had called her, she barely looked to be twenty years, simply stood there for a few more moments. gazing at the wreck, some bags of myta still lay scattered on the ground, lighting up like diamonds in the night air. "Are you coming?" Brutus asked. the young woman glanced over her shoulder, then without a word, turned and mounted her own beast, gripping the reigns tightly. within minutes, both of them were again soaring off into the blackened sky, leaving Martim undisturbed and undetected in his spot behind the bushes. K_H Grudingly, Marculo walked behind the barrier "Go on..." he said, sighing a little... he was beginning to hate explosions.
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