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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. don't get the wrong idea, I found Snake Wood funny as hell when I played, yes, there were zombies and death and all that, but at least in that, you weren't freaking ACTIVELY KILLING YOUR POKEMON. the guy suggests you pretty much toss a charmander into a body of water to extinguish it's flame and kill it, just to see whether it would come back as a ghost type... call it me just being a bit sentimental, but I personally can't condone that type of shit. the things fight for you, entrust their well being to you (Or it may all just be Stockholm syndrome, which ever you believe) they do pretty much all the work for you, pushing boulders, shattering rugged rocks, carrying you up waterfalls. they even go so far as to risk themselves to fucking defend you if necessary! so to just... no. simply no. that, and the justification for the Idea is spotty at the very best. That said, I DO like the first two ideas he proposed, with the badges in place of stickers for the ODS, and throwing in some fusion mon at some point. it's just that the third one makes me feel as though I need to draw a moral line for myself.
  2. say... If they were to die in there, would it be logical for the alternate Dimension to then destroy the bodies, thus completely erasing them? Not that I'm suggesting it go that way, it's just that, seeing as how the dimension can't sustain sentient life, it would kinda make sense for it to extinguish it and then act to destroy all traces of it... Again, not suggesting, just putting a theory out there...
  3. Precisely why I say "Hell no" to the idea... ._.
  4. I like the substituting Stickers for badges instead concept... The Fusion mon thing seems like a somewhat interesting avenue. and you lost me on the last one... just... no. that's just not right, my friend...just to messed up to justify, I mean, killing your pokemon in order to get it to change forms or evolve into something else? personally, that just doesn't fly morally with me, bro. no bueno. no bueno.
  5. ^No. the transmission happens in burst. it spreads from one person to, say, the five people they care about most, then from those people it spreads to those they care about most, and so and and so forth. it's not a huge issue if it's tightly managed by severing the bonds, but if it were to go unchecked, it would result in an ever growing ripple effect that would eventually end the human race but yeah, something like what you asked above would not occur. and the LSV won't even be an active threat to you all while inside the world beyond the rift.
  6. So long as someone is respectful and is willing to learn and try to have an enjoyable experience, we will not turn them away, and we will not Ostracize them for their mistakes, but instead try to help them learn from them; as they develop, so does everyone else in some way shape or form, even if they aren't aware that they are.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Arkhi


      Good quote. The world needs more of you.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      That is essentially my creed when it comes to teaching people. (anything, not just RPing stuff.)

    4. Notus


      Well spoken Stratos.

  7. relax. I've scrapped the partner system, so no worries in that regard. as for if you can contract the virus while on the mission... contracting the virus itself won't be a concern at any point for you all You all will be safe from LSV while your Beyond the rift. there's honestly no real way to contract it from in the place you all will be going, as there are no signs of human inhabitants anywhere, and the Entities inside do not carry it/ are not capable of giving the virus. In addition to that, you all get prime benefits as ISP officers: you and all members of your family and any friends you have are all subject to testing to check for the virus regularly. and you all know what happens to those who are found to be infected. in other words, all of you and those close to you are clean. so yeah, no need to tremble in fear of coming down with it... Now then, as to answer the partner's question, The Partner and Nueral Link system have been cropped out of this RP, though there may be instances when you all might have to split up in pairs at random in order to accomplish certain task/ if you get cut off from the party Anyways, good to see that there's still interest. This trial by fire is over, I'm going to let this thing live. the one month ETC from before still stands
  8. Musta been crazy two days ago... what was I thinking? o.0 trying to cram ideas from five different story's universes into one... well, good to know that my sub-conscious is apparently looking out for me... (Could only fall asleep last night after I went in and cropped a bunch of things in the world's construction...)

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea, the too many cooks spoil the stew thing. Too many ideas just spoil the endeavor. It is good to have a few strong concepts to work on. (or at least don't tell players about ones that aren't major enough. THere are some crazy things about Graterras they don't even know yet.)

  9. Hmm... Um...well, guess might as well just say this. So, last night, I'm feeling like a boss, right? cause I think I got this all figured out in my crazy little head... well, come time to get some sleep, and I end up just lying there, tossing and turning... because something is wrong. I KNOW something is wrong, but at that point, I don't know what the hell it is... I start going through things in my mind... and my thoughts drift to Philotic theory and time-travel. I can't sleep, and It feels like they might be the things bugging me... so I say "What the hell" and get up and turn on the lamp and begin reading over the materials I have for the two subjects...after reading over em two or three times... the feeling that something is wrong is still there, still keeping me from sleeping... so I again start going over things in my mind... and I come to the story, everything about it, all the details... And that's when I realize... that THAT'S whats keeping me from sleeping. the feeling is hard to describe, but it just felt in the back of my mind... That this can not possibly work in it's then current form. That's when I remembered what Aquie said yesterday in her batch of questions for me: and that's when it hit me. She was right on the money with that. at the time, a sense of rampant ambition gave me a sense of false confidence, made me think I had this all covered, then when I tried to sleep, I'm guessing the ambition was gone for the day... and I tried thinking over it, and realized just how much of a Cluster-fuck this would all turn into if I actually tried it. there were just too many damn concepts, two many details from the plots of other people's stories. what I had made WAS NOT TRULY MY OWN story, it was just a monstrosity cobbled together from parts of other's. it was like Frankenstein's monster... and so it was that while thinking at 12:50AM last night, that I decided: the monster will not live. It must simply die. So, everyone, bassically what I'm saying here is this: the story, as it was yesterday when I typed up those answers, no longer exists; I have hit the kill switch for it. BUT this doesn't mean I'm killing the basic Idea itself. at 1:00AM last night, I took a hard look at all the inspiration and details, decided what I was going to focus on, and cropped everything else. These are the three core plot elements I have decided upon: I.S.P: WISP has been changed and shortened to ISP. where it once stood for "World Ignition Salvation Project" it now simply stands for "International Salvation Project", often referred to simply as "The Coalition" by anyone outside it. formed and given complete global sovereignty and authority by the signing of the Human Preservation Charter at the UN Peril Council in Paris, France, on January 22,2027. The organization in a sense, has near infinite resources in most regards, and is assembled by operatives hailing from every corner of the earth. They are the sole reason LSV has not ended the human race. ISP has three missions which it pursues:(In order of priority) 1. To find the Cure for the Lost Souls virus or to stop the spread of it indefinitely 2. To contain the spread of Lost Souls Virus until the objective of finding the cure is achieved 3. To further advance and understand the field of Meta-Physics, and the "Preter-Natural Sciences" LOST SOULS VIRUS First reported case occurred on March 28, 2026. currently classified as a "Meta-Virus" It is unlike any known pathogen Man has faced before, as it... is not only apparently intelligent,able to adapt at will to prolong it's existence, a trait of it which has made efforts to develop an anti-viral or vaccine for it impossible so far...but that is not the strangest part; this virus does not travel by Vectors, Direct Contact, or Bodily Fluids as all others ever discovered in the history of man do. It seems to spread along lines of strong emotional attachment, or, "Fully-fledged Auiac Bonds" as such were called following the adoption of "Philotic web theory" as Scientific Fact (Though the majority of the rest of Philotic theory has yet to be varified)... it does not pass from an infected man to a co-worker he high fives a job well down, it does not pass from a young child who happened to cough in their hand and then touch something that someone else later comes along and touches... but it does pass, from a mother to her grown child, even if the two are literally separated by thousands of miles of land and ocean, and vica-versa from Child to Mother. It does pass from one friend to another friend whom they've known for years and have complete trust in. It is passed... solely through strong attachment to others. Stages of Symptoms that have been recorded since the initial outbreak:(In progression from beginning to final symptoms) First stage-Slight, semi-raspy Coughing fits that occur and end suddenly Second stage- Slight Fatigue/ difficulty sleeping Third stage-Difficulty concentrating on routine task Forth stage-Clinical Depression Know the four signs. know them and report any who display the symptoms: CIDD C-Cough I-Insomnia D-Distraction D-Depression in the Clinical degree individuals infected in cases occurring before the Lost Souls Containment Purge commonly died from suicide due to severe, un-treatable depression. Individuals infected after were either neutralized or eliminated, depending on the extent of their Auiac web connections, with ones who has many attachments with others, who therefore bare a far higher risk of transmission, being eliminated, and those with more moderate amounts of connections, who therefore pose lesser threats of transmission, simply being neutralized by having: A.the Direct Method: Their Auiac connections forcefully severed by ISP officers B. the Indirect Method: Having their conscious cognition suppressed, resulting in amnesia, which has the same ultimate effect as Method A, but is less emotionally stressful on those connected to the individual it is unknown whether there is a stage of infection beyond the forth. sadly, though the spread can be contained, all those infected still eventually commit suicide due to their affliction. It has been discovered that it is only during the forth and apparently final stage that the virus is transmitted by the individual. There is no none cure, Vaccine, or Suppressant anti-viral for the disease in existence. ISP is currently researching around the clock trying to find a way to put an end to the pandemic. They will stop at nothing to find it. .Money and man power is no object. Everyone, even the Project heads, are expendable if necessary to further the path to the cure PHILOTIC WEB THEORY Basic Explaination an aspect of Philotic Theory, The Philotic Web is a philosophical and metaphysical construct of the "Ender's Game" quartet by Orson Scott Card. The philosophy of philotes and the philotic web they create first appeared in "Xenocide", the third book of the series. It describes the interconnection of not only all the aiuas in the universe, but also the lesser-intelligent philotes.These connections never touch each other in the truer sense of the word "web," but every being can be linked to every other being by their interconnected philotes. These philotic connections are not static, and can be strengthened or weakened over time. For example, Si Wang-Mu and Peter Wiggin begin their journey together having only a small philotic connection. As they spend more time together and grow increasingly more affectionate and emotionally attached to each other, their connection grows stronger and stronger. Historical Significance: while originally thought to be nothing more than an interesting Fictional physics theory by the Scientific community prior to the Lost Souls outbreak, Philotic theory was seriously explored following the Pandemic's beginning, and the Philotic Web theory was found to be an actually likely explanation for how the virus could possibly transmit along lines of emotional attachment. it was soon accepted as Meta-physical scientific fact, and became the ground work on which was build the current fields of Meta-Physics and the preternatural sciences. ISP has adopted policies and developed procedures and training to forcefully sever a person's most powerful Auiac bonds, as well as technology capable of memory suppression, which they use to subsequently contain the spread of Lost Souls virus currently. Change Log: Things that have been removed and are unlikely to return: -Time Travel -The Button combat system - New World Ignition project - Stream Theory Things that are currently stuck in limbo: the new prologue: 6 months ago, ISP Officers discovered what appears to be an inter-dimensional Rift in the ruins of the abandoned New York subway system, which had been made obsolete years prior with the installment of Mag-Lev Trains in the city, while pursuing a suspected Infected individual who had fled on foot. Reports were filed, and ISP Launched an investigation, thinking that It may be related somehow to the Virus. A team of six Former Navy Seals then in the employ of ISP were equip and sent into the portal... of the six that were dispatched, all communication was lost for three. two were confirmed to have been killed in action by some strange force. only one returned through the rift. she described a ruined, crumpling and overgrown city that resembled new york in lay-out, yet was apparently devoid of human inhabitants... and she also described strange beings, apparently composed of energy... seven to ten feet in height standing... vagely resembling pure white human silhouettes, though the arms, legs, and torso were notably elongated... she also described how not a single weapon she and her team members had had been able to inflict harm on them. the investigation continues on, though no more teams are sent through. a new development, an implant capable of unlocking more of the human brain's mental capacity, is theorized to allow Kinetic abilities to be possible to manifest in certain individuals with the correct Genome. it is theorized that these abilities could prove effective against these unknown entities. several Wisp Officers are selected on a volunteer basis and outfitted with the implants based on those who pass the genetic marker testing. two months after the initial investigation squad was dispatched beyond the rift, another team, this one assembled from ISP officers who have been outfitted and trained in the use of Kinetic Abilities... the hypothesis is proven correct, it is confirmed that Psycho-Kinetic abilities are indeed capable of harming the unknown entities.... however, soon after the hypothesis is confirmed, All contact between mission control and the Officers is lost, bringing the number of individuals missing beyond the rift to nine people total... But progress has been made, that much is undeniable. The Chairman of ISP, Zackory Mitchels, orders for the investigation to continue and for another group of officers to be outfitted and trained with the Psycho-Kinetic implants... and so the volunteers come forward again... ... *Crackle* "Welcome to the Rift, soldier... looks like you all are the fresh crop... just follow the advice of Mission comp and we'll try to get you all out of there alive if something goes wrong..." *Crackle* *electronic beeping* *Silence* So, folks. just know that everything I put before this here post, is now invalidated. this is the story now... Are you all still interested?
  10. K_H "What the hell are you yelling about?" asked Marculo as he walked over to the door and stared at the knob from over Ko'Luki's shoulder, seeing that there was indeed a strange sigil on the brass handle. "Step aside," he continued as he lightly elbowed past Marculo, moving the other man out of the way as he knelt and examined the knob... this was a binding sigil... no question about it. He stood suddenly, pulling his leg back and letting a harsh kick loose as he did so, the wood of the door's surface giving off a loud Thump! as it connected squarely with it's mark. Marculo glanced back at Ko'luki "It seems that this door has no protaris on it..." he began, stepping away from the thing as he spoke "Why don't you try another HED?" he thought for a moment about what he had just said "After, I'm out of the blast zone, that is." he added quickly, walking back to stand beside Ko'Luki. Masterweavile898 Aaron slowed his chair's pace as he spotted the household just up the next street, two figures could be seen speaking on the stairs leading to the front door, torches lighting the way up from the street, casting an angry orange glow upon the two men. "Samiel," he called out as he again picked up the pace "I need to discuss something with you!" little did the young man know, however, that now following closely behind him was a man dressed in loose, all black clothing, the glint of a knife in his hand, the patch of the Church Magicks department emblazoned upon the small patch of leather on his right breast, much like the one on Aaron's own chest. "Aaron!" a voice called out loudly from above as a flash of silver was seen from a rooftop overlooking the street, a second later a shrill whistling sound filled the air, followed by a gruff voice crying out in pain suddenly. the boy glanced over his shoulder, seeing a man in all black crumpled on the cobblestones of the street as a small pool of blood began to form beneath the body, the shaft of a silvery, white bolt protruding up from the back of the corpse. a knife lay on the ground near it's hand, still glinting in the light of the full moon. "W...What's going on?" he asked haltingly as he looked down at the man's body, completely unaware of how close he'd come to death... or worse. Marshall appeared before him, as if having simply materialized out of thin air. "Don't ask questions!" he ordered as he loaded another bolt into his bow, pulling the string back and bringing it to a ready "Get to the house hold, Now!" the boy didn't need to be told twice, he hurried off towards the two figures standing on the porch. Marshall turned his head and body as he heard the faint sound of footfalls behind him, bringing up his great bow and preparing to fire, but stopping himself from releasing his fingers grasp of the bolt when he realized that it was the Young woman from the library... then his eyes darted off, looking at something behind her. he lifted his weapon once again, completely silent as he honed in on his intended target, another man in black approaching from behind the young woman. seconds later, he unleashed another silvery bolt of death from the bow, the projectile flying through the air in Milly's direction, it's passage through the air letting out a shrill whistling sound as it closed in on it's target, flying a few inches past Amelia's ear and embedding itself deep into the neck of the secondary assailant, the man letting out a screech of agony as the force of the missle's impact send him off his feet and sprawling to the ground, where he then went limp. Seeing no other immediate threats after silently scanning the area, Marshall lowered his weapon again, only then did it occur to him how loud his warning shout to Aaron, along with the second would-be killer's death rattle, had been... surely it would've been loud enough for Derick to hear back at the Library... and if not for him, then surely it should've been for Samiel and Atton to have, they were far closer... but as the man looked to the road leading back the way Aaron had came, he saw no one running to assist them... no one scrambling to get here to find out what was going on... And Samiel and Atton were still on the porch, now looking over at Aaron as he rushed over... it was as if neither of the two of them had heard anything from this commotion... and the moment of this observation, was the same moment Marshall noticed a rippling in the air, as if someone had established a barrier of some sort around the area of the incident... and Marshall had a feeling that he already knew what is was meant to block. forgetting that Amelia was there for a moment, he slung his bow over his shoulder by the string, and withdrew a bolt from the quiver on his back, walking over to a nearby window along the street level and and smashing the length of steel against the glossy reflective surface, the glass shattering in an explosion as thousands of tiny, shining shards rained onto the stones of the street. that alone should've been loud enough for Samiel and Atton to hear from their distance... but the two still seemed to be oblivious to whatever went on here as they began speaking to Aaron in the distance, Atton stepping down from the stair to listen to him. Marshall returned the bolt to it's place in the quiver, gazing up towards the sky and seeing the same ripple effect from a few moments earlier. "A sound barrier..." He muttered under his breath as he looked back down to the street, looking at the man who'd try to kill Aaron for the first time since he'd stopped him with a shot to the spinal cord. He walked over to examine the corpse, this whole thing made no sense, why would these men have attacked, they bare the crest of the church... and who was the one who cast this sound protaris, and why? for discretion during the murder? but that lead to the same question as before: why attack them at all? all these questions flowed through Marshall's mind as he stooped near the body, examining the face to try to see if it was someone he'd seen before... maybe someone who'd been a passer by in the crowds of the night...as he knelt, however, he felt a wetness spreading on the knees of his right pant leg, and looked down, realizing he'd just crouched in the pool of the man's blood.. Damn... he thought as he stared at the stain That's gonna be a bitch to try to get out of the fabric... it was only then however, that he actually noticed the color of the blood, standing up suddenly in shock "Blood...is not black." he said silently to himself as he stared down at the body, regarding it much differently then he had before "And men don't have Eye's the color of smoldering coals... nor hair made of writhing shadows..." he paused as he evaluated the complexion of the thing "nor do they have skin the color of tarnished silver." he observed as he backed away slowly from what ever the hell this thing was, glancing over at the second one he'd kill in order to protect the young woman, and seeing it had the exact same qualities as the first: Eyes that were pits of darkness, like smoldering coals, hair of writhing shadows, skin the color of death, and blood that was blacker than night. he remembered that Amelia was even there at all as he forced himself to look away from the corpses. there was only one thing these things could be... they were exactly as the old legends and nursery rhymes had described them as "Mam," he began, still trying to remain mindful of the honorific despite the situation "these are no humans... they are Nix-" he stopped mid sentence as he noticed the one behind the young woman slowly turn it's head to look at him as it lay on the ground. a grin of pure evil spread on it's face, and Marshall could see flashes of the Lustrous, scarlet teeth in the thing's mouth. still laying where it was and smiling, it slowly brought it's hand up to it's neck and gripped the bolt that had been lodged there, beginning to pull it out... the one that had gone after Aaron was twitching it's fingers, but it seemed to be incapable of doing anything more for now... "For the love of God," Marshall said quickly, snapping his attention back to Amelia, his voice and eyes full of urgency as he spoke, his hands reaching up and pulling out two more steel bolts from his satchel "If you want to live, then you need to run. and you need to run now. don't ask questions, just go, follow Aaron." he pointed to the porch as he spoke, specifically at the giant of a man standing there speking to Aaron, his shoulders draped in a white cloak "That Man, the one with the white cloak," he continued "Is the Arch Magistrate of this City, Atton, when you get to the house hold, say these words to him: The Night Lives Again; he will know what they mean, all magistrates do, now Go!" Murdoc "Go on," Cestor said simply when he noticed Martim nearby as he and Tryilus began counting out the coin they were rightly due for their service... and a lot of extra. "take what you can carry away from here, we won't stop you..." Tryilus broke in at the point "We've no reason to now, so you'd might as well do so before whatever the hell attacked comes back for seconds-" as if on cue, a familiar, inhuman shriek could be heard in the distance, rattling the two young men as they collected what they could carry. Tyrilus tossed a quick glance over at Martim "And I suggest you do it fast!" he called out as both him and Cestor took off down the road as fast as they could, each of them carrying three bags full of Myta on their shoulders, their loot jingling loudly from the motion of them sprinting. soon they both disappeared into the night, leaving Martim standing at the sight of the wreckage alone. in the distance, the shrieking grew fainter and fainter, as if it were moving away... though, as for whether or not what ever was making the sound would be coming back, remained to be seen... Supernovae "I would not write him off so lightly," Rodriguez began whimsically "He's clashed with units from the church army several times in the past, both large and small... and it never ended well for any of them." just then, a flash of white caught his attention, and he shifted his gaze over to a Roof top near the Holy Citadel complex, seeing none other than Stratos himself in the distance, monochromatic spear in hand as he stood there, waiting, his hair and cloak blowing in the cold night breeze, his harrowing, glowing eyes of gold trained on the masses below, seeming to almost be shaking his head in disgust. "As for what he'll do," Rodriguez began, looking over at Maxwell and nodded his head in the sky slayers direction in the distance "I imagine he intends to use that roof top over there as higher ground, from where he'll once again cast his spear into Azauqyar's heart while the Sky Lord is distracted, just as he did the first time."
  11. perhaps making it so that people are made to read the text of the OP while registering for an account in the community will help... Though, I don't really think it's gotten to the point where that would really be justified... At least, not yet. but you're completely right, It's still happening from time to time...
  12. 7/10 nice enough but a tad bit generic, IMO
  13. hmm... *Scrathes chin methodically* "Philotic theory... and Time travel... Circles? Oh... oh my, yes... that's quite good... yes, I do believe I can make that work...

  14. when, exactly, will this session be beginning?
  15. yes, I will be listing the elements that can be manipulated So long as the Buttons are equip on a character's person the sole activation they will require will be mentally. it will be more limited compared to The Awakened and Under the Hill, this will indeed be due to the fact that the abilities are man-made... Hmm... What's this? More questions? Alriiiiiiight, as before, I came prepared! 0.o I... I uh, didn't consider the simpler route by just having the farmers fall victim... I see your point, the crop virus will be edited out later The type of Memory loss we're talking about here is Amnesia. in other words, you won't be able to remember anything about your past, such as your mother's face, where you lived, when and where you were born, ETC., but you will still retain all the skills you learned and acquired from your training. you won't know how the hell you learned them, but you'll still have them. the actual skills you all acquired from training will be discussed later. to help ensure that panic and new interest do not undermine the mission, Mission Control will un-suppress certain memories when necessary, memories which will have been strategically reviewed and determined to not be likely to re-ignite past emotional attachments. certain parts of these memories may be tailored or otherwise altered by Mission comp to lessen the chances. as for how you'll know who your partner is, The overseer's will tell you after you wake up... that and you'll be able to always sense where that certain person is. as for whether or not the virus will vanish from one's psyche once they're pulled back to the foreground... I will not give the definitive answer for this due to spoilers... you all will have to trust me and find out as the story's plot progresses. I see your point, Acquiescence. the information all appears to be haphazard and somewhat disorganized in it's presentation because I've been spewing out information about the story as people ask questions relevant to it. in the OCC, it will be presented in a far more organized matter. the concepts that I stated in the OP were of just to state the various things that served as forms of inspiration for this, so don't worry on that account. most of them were only inspiration and won't have an actual active placement in the mechanics of the RP, and therefore will be cropped out by default. the two core concepts of the Plot will be Philotic Theory (Which will actually serve as a basis for the Meta-Physical field) and the LSV. Well, now that those questions are answered, allow me to make something clear about how I do Interest checks, for future reference for those wondering why Ideas aren't fully fleshed out before being presented: When I make Interest Check threads, they are for Ideas which, in a nutshell, proved so interesting to myself when they popped into my mind that I simply couldn't allow myself to pass them up without looking into it. for said ideas, I only do a limited amount of work on them, just enough to get them organized enough to where I can explain them on here without sounding like a mad man. In other words, the Interest check threads I make serve as "Trial by fire" for any RP idea I conjure up. to me, it makes no sense to go off for months working on something night and day, pouring blood, sweat, tears, and imagination into it, only to find out at the end of the day that no one wants it when you're finally at the finished product. so to follow my own philosophy and save myself a lot of grief (And frustration), I will never allow myself to world build beyond a certain preliminary point unless I have made an Interest thread and the idea has passed with flying colors, like "Project Sky Slayer" did the second time around (Though, to be clear, that was a bit different of a case....) to summarize: These types of threads determine whether I take an idea and run with it and give it full life, or abandon it to die alone in the recesses of my mind. I don't have time to waste. and I sure as hell don't have enough patience to put up with the fact that something might be wasted on my part. so 9/10 times, you're only gonna see Ideas from me that have only been fleshed out to the point where I can give you all the basic gist of what it's about. as such, I split these things into two parts: The Primary Interest check, which, as stated before, serves as the trial by fire to decide it's fate and then the Final Interest Check if it passes the primary, this one's purpose will be to present the idea in it's finished form and let everyone see how it's developed and what has changed in it. Now then, that said, I'd like to take the time to thank everyone who has shown interest in this idea, and especially thank Aquie and Sensai Hukuna for their gauntlet of extensive questions. whether you all know it or not, you play a large part in my process, answering all your inquiries provides opportunities for me to further develop the worlds in question, as well as improve myself as a writer, and for that, I truly thank you. That said, I've arrived at my Verdict for "WISP".... ... ... ... ... ??? ??? *Random guy in the audience: "Say it already, damn it!"* I hereby find this RP idea worthy of full life. Well... time to pull this bad boy back and finish the work on it. I honestly can't give you all an exact estimated time of completion for it, but know that it probably won't be anywhere as long as my other RP "Project Sky Slayer" which took like, three or four months hmmm... For now... I'd say it'll take a month? a month in a half maybe? nothing set in stone.
  16. alright, I came prepared! like my other ongoing RP, Project Sky Slayer, the only Playable race available will be humans, and like PSS, this is mostly due to the fact that the idea of "Humanity" is going to be a major plot element in the RP. There are no real character Classes in this RP. Like in Flux's "The Awakened", a character's chosen ability will define their overall versatility in combat. Players will have a single power to start with which corresponds to a button representative of the Kinetic ability they chose. manipulation of anything consisting of the appropriate element is possible with the abilities, as well as the generation of said elements, so for example, an Electro-Kinetic would be able to do something such as control the flow of electricity through wiring and re-route it to a new location, cause circuits to blow,and detect possible conductors nearby, as well as actually generate and discharge pulses of electricity at will. Telekinesis will be strictly limited to moving objects (And people) in this RP, so things such as water will not be possible to be moved with it. all the primary powers available will be possible to be used Offensively, Defensively, and Supporting, though as to how they can be used as such in some cases will require some thinking on the part of the player, because I likely will offer no hints. note that later abilities may not be as well rounded. think of the mental links between you and your partner as a Tether binding two Climbers on a cliff face together. it is intended to increase safety measures and decrease the risk of casualties, and as such, you will be able to communicate telepathically with your partner and detect where they are at all times. should your partner fall into imminent mortal danger, YOU WILL KNOW OF IT. In addition to telepathic communication and presence sensing, you and your partner will be able to "Synchronize" in combat, meaning that you two will, in a sense, become a fused consciousness controlling two bodies in tandem, increasing your survival chance in battle, as it not only increases reaction time, it also increases the power of both your kinetic abilities. in closing, Synching with your partner will be a somewhat difficult task to accomplish at first (As even with the link tying you two together, it'll take some warming up to the other person and trust building). it will require focus, co-ordination, and communication skills both in character and out of character I will allow for you all to chose your partner. for anyone who can not find a willing partner, I myself will generate a Proxy Character controlled by myself which will serve as those person(s) partner(s). said Proxy Character's can be considered PCs of myself. it is not possible to link more than 2 minds. Why? because To many cooks gets everyone killed by a Rifter as they're all busy arguing about how they're gonna kill the damn Rifter After you've been neurally linked to your partner, both of your conscious minds will be sent back to the year 2026, while you physical bodies will remain safely in the present, at headquarters on life support for the duration of the mission. upon arriving in the past, due to you all being conscious minds without bodies present to bind you to the physical plain you will exist on a different plain than the actual physical world, you will exist on the same plain that the Rifters do. the plains are exactly the same in appearance, with the exception that in the Meta-Plain, Rifters can be actively fought, as where in the Physical plain, you all are only able to see them, but not inflict harm. (The plains are a complicated subject and will be talked about in more depth later on) when the Overseers of the operation, Stratos and Ethic, send you a certain message, it will be an indicator that you have temporarily crossed the boundaries between the two plains and now exist in the physical side, and can interact with people, which is not physically possible otherwise during the operation. whenever you cross over, your "Mental body" will temporarily be translated into a copy of your "Physical Body" with which you can physically interact with peeps and objects and what not (You know what, screw it: i'm just gonna refer to the Physical plain as the "Fore-Ground" and the Meta-Plain as the "Background" ) in the Fore-Ground. there are strict limits on how long your Background body can serve as a template for the copy of your fore-ground body, however, and for safety measures, the timer is present in order to auto-kill the process when it runs out. at several points during the mission, agents appointed by Mission Control may appear in the Background with you all. if they do, it is because there is either crucial mission intel that must be given in person, or because there is an item or critical instructions that MC needs to deliver to you all Pronto. the only other times you will see Proxies of MC will be when disciplinary action beyond what the authority possessed by Stratos and Ethic allow is necessary. in such cases, it won't end well for those being taken out of the Background of March 18- April 2 of 2026 and back to the foreground of late autumn of 2036. any other interaction between MC and the operatives (Players) will go exclusively through the assigned overseers, for the most part, the Overseers will be the one's bearing responsibility for the mission's completion, and will serve as the De Facto guides of the group. they'll be the only two in the beginning who retain any past memories what so ever (Though doing so comes at the cost of their actual emotions for the time being), they'll be the ones giving the briefing Again and handing out critical intel to you all, so fighting with them is a sure fire way to get yourself and your partner killed from stupidity. as for pulling back to the present day... think about it... why? you're enemies, for the most part, will be the Rifters and their Proxy entities. the name of their species,and that of their home world, is unknown, they are energy beings which vaguely resemble the white silhouette of a human being with flares of power drifting off, standing at approximately 7-8 feet in height. Rifters and their Proxies exist in both the Back and Fore ground at once, but can only be harmed in the former, and even then, only with kinetic/mental abilities, guns and swords and the like have no effect. Rifters themselves are highly intelligent and ARE capable of speaking english. it should be noted that they can link their separate consciousnesses to form a hive mind at will, making it far safer to simply pick them off when their in small groups instead of large mobs. Proxy entities are only spotted in the company of a handler Rifter, and their shapes and sizes vary drastically from case to case. Proxy entities will attack on command, and of their own judgement if their handler is being assualted. TRYING TO TAME A PROXY ENTITY IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR A HUMAN. ((IF it seems that I'm a bit pissed off in some of the answers, I'm not. it's just that I've entered into full-Rules mode now, and as such this brings out a bit of a harsher side of myself because, well, it's what I use when drafting RP rules, and as many of you can attest, I don't allow non-sense in my threads, either IC or OOC))
  17. alright, looks like there's a fair amount of interest here. I'll give it another day or so though to see if anyone else wants in
  18. "Ellaria, It's me, Ethic!" the young black man called as he broke into the clearing, seeing Annie, severely injured on the ground with a... wait...was that a Paramedic by her side? he glanced over and spotted none other than Shotgun McGee slumped against the giant tree nearby, apparently dead, blood covering his snout. this was a tad bit weird..."Uh..." he began, a bit hesitantly "Would you mind explaining what the hell happened here?" he glanced over at the medical official tending Annie "And since when did Hell have a Medical Staff?"
  19. K_H As Ko'Luki went to try the door leading back to the shop, he found that it was aparently locked. no matter how hard he tried to get it to budge, it simply wouldn't open, though if he looked down, He'd see a strange sigil on the door handle... "What's the matter now?" Marculo called out from the other end of the corridor, still a bit miffed... Snap Crackle Pop ((You're scene is finished now)) Murdoc "I'm afraid that we still can't allow you to simply rob our client," Cestor said, not budging from his spot, but sheathing his blade; there'd be no blood shed this night if he could help it. "Though... Perhaps there is another way; a man such as yourself does not seem the type to resort to such horrid deeds as brigandry unless he was left no choi-" just then, a peircing, inhuman shriek sounded all through the canyon along with the sound of splintering wood and a man shouting, Tyrilus sprang up from the ground as Cestor glanced back to see what was going on, and began running off back towards where the wagon had gone "Shit," he began, cursing loudly "Cestor, enough with that Vagrant, if we don't do something, now, then we won't even have an employer soon!" Cestor cast a quick glance back at Martim, then took off after Tyrilus, only to stop dead in his tracks when he spotted the wreckage of the cart, bags upon bags of Myta torn upon and spilled haphazardly around it, there was no trace of the Merchant and his Nephew... nor of what in the Sky Lord's name had attacked them. "Son of a Bitch!!" Tyril called out loudly, breaking the eerie silence that had fallen over the scene "Who the hell's gonna pay our wages now!?" Cestor walked over to a bag that had spilled, raking his hand through the coins that had scattered, casting a silvery glint on the road. "Tyril." he called, though the other young man couldn't hear him as he continued his ranting. "I didn't fucking want to become a guards men to fat, greedy bastards like him, I said It was an aweful Idea, but you convinced me otherwise, and now look what happene-" "TYRILUS!" Cestor shouted angrily "Shut the hell up, it doesn't matter that he's dead, we'll still get our wage, and much more!" Tyril stopped for a moment and looked over at him, a look of realization coming over his face as he processed what he had just heard. "Oh..." he began "that's right...erm... never mind anything I just said, I always knew this would be a good idea" "Sure you did..." Cestor replied sarcastically as he stood, looking out over the wreckage and trying to count the bags... there was Twenty, at the very least...all of them full to bursting at the seams "Guess the Highwayman will get some too..." he muttered to himself "There's no way the two of us would be able to carry them all back..."
  20. at least, those'll be the type of options for the initial ones. throughout the story it'll be possible to be given additional buttons by Mission Control that grant access to other, more varied abilities. and please, try not to burn everything to a crisp if you choose Pyro, because it's a shit ton of paper work for the Overseers
  21. it'll be the standard Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, ETC. type of abilities. Mind control is too OP, so that won't be present
  22. Hey there, everyone. now, this awesome Idea poped into my head about an hour ago... and well, I couldn't pass up the chance, so I snagged it before I could forget and started doing some basic work on it... and here we are. this story has been build off of inspiration from several concepts in multiple books and games, most notably: "The world ends with you"- the reapers game and psych pin concept "The Maze Runner" by James Dashner- the"Pandemic", "Experiment for salvation", Near Extinction", and "WICKED" concept the "Ender's Game" saga by Orson scott card- "The super adaptive virus" and "Invasion force" concepts as well as Philotic bond theory and "Persona 3"- "Apathy syndrome" concept here's a prologue that gives a gist of the story: "I remember the good ol' days... back when the human race wasn't on the fast track to becoming extinct. It started with the rifts, you know... though, thanks to us, the general population has no idea that the "Lost Souls" virus and them are even related, but the Rift's really are where all this shit started from... it was back in 2026... that's what? ten years ago maybe? I can still remember the news reports... giant ass gate ways, eight feet in diameter, popping up in major cities all across the world... at first, no one knew what the hell to think about them; it's not like they were doing any visible harm or anything... well, the key word there being 'Visible'. then about two weeks after they popped up, the LSV started going around... folks started becoming morbidly depressed, losin' the will to go on living... damn man... that was really some messed up shit then. The Suicide rates skyrocketing, people blowin' their brains out and tossing themselves out of roofs left and right... but it looks like that wasn't enough... right after LSV broke out, some strange virus began to go around killing off Crop Plant Species like it was it's job or something... which, as it turns out, was it's job... and as you all know, that's when the suits of the world stop sitting around on their asses, twiddling their thumbs while they all worked separately to try to find the cures... that's when the feds of each country finally got the idea that working together would yield more and far better results than keeping to themselves... that's how WISP was born. We ARE the government of the world now...funny thing is though, that not one of us here is a day past thirty five... it's all young people running the show here..." "If your done rambling on about the past, then start the debriefing, Remus." "Whoa, whoa, fine, Shiro... still as Icy a She-Wolf as Ever, I see... Fine. now as you all know, this whole mess that's fallen over the world, LSV, the Crop Virus, the following Famine... it's all the doing of the Rifters. like I said before, those Rifts dat opened up were nothing but fuckin' evil, folks. Listen, I'm not gonna sugar coat it, this world, is gonzo. there's no way it can be saved at this point, the populations getting smaller and smaller each day, and so is the food supply. at this rate, we've only got another very few years before the damn Rifters have taken out the human race and taken over this sweet pad of a world for themselves-" "Oh, yeah... that's real inspirational, Remus. go ahead and save them the trouble of having to contract LSV in order to become depressed..." "Shut it, Ethic... I wasn't finished yet. Anyways, where was I... oh. So yeah, this world is done for...we just have to accept that now. but that doesn't mean that humanity is. The test and simulations have finally been finished... and the Project had a 47% success rate when the computer ran through them... a bit lower than I'd like, but, hell, better than 0. you all know why your here, you volunteered to be sent back and kick some serious Rifter ass before they can get their little invasion plot in motion. Don't ask me how the tech works, because I don't understand it myself. There, I handled the basics, now it's your turn Ethic, give em the specifics." "That was the most in-formal primary debriefing I've witnessed yet... Moving on. You all were given the mission files two days ago, but I intend to ensure that each of you knows what you need to before we go traipsing about in the past trying to trigger butterfly theory. your mission will begin the moment you wake up at the drop off points. You will all be partnered up in twos, your partner's life is your own, so watch their backs, because if they bite the dust, you get to taste it too. Stratos and Myself will with you all in the field and be serving as the Overseers for the operation, any crucial details will be given to you all be either myself or him when they are relevant to the current task. you all have been given a mobile phone outfitted for this task, don't lose it, because if you do, then you'll be cut off from everyone else. Remus and Shiro will serving as the leaders of Mission control back in this time frame, they'll be the ones providing Strat and Myself with intel. Do note that you'll have no prior memories once you enter into the killing zones, which is what we will be addressing the areas of operations as, temporarily suppressing you cognition is a matter of safety, as you all know, Lost Souls Virus is contracted either along lines of emotional attachment, or from direct contact with a Carrier Rifter. the latter of these methods will be a lot more likely where we're going. A persons life is defined by their memories, so no memories, no emotional attachments, no risk of being able to spread the virus to those you care about back home. another thing to note, only your conscious will be sent back, meaning your body stays here; ergo, you can't interact with anyone while your in the field, though this condition will change whenever you receive a message from myself or Stratos consisting of a string of letter's and digits arranged in the shape of the WISP crest, along with a timer. at which points, you'll become temporarily visible and will be able to interact with individuals in the Killing Zones until the time runs out. that's all that you need to know for now... Shiro, since Stratos is down in the prep zone, you'll have to give the objective specifics" "Fine. Your task is to ultimately prevent the initial outbreak of Lost Souls, doing so will deny the opposition a foot hold in this world with which to further their plans. from the time you wake in the drop points, you'll have fourteen days to complete the operation; fourteen days is exactly how long it was from the first appearance of the gates to the first cases. more will be explained to you once you are on the ground. Remus-" "yeah, yeah, what ever...There, Debriefing finished... now it's time for you all to report to the prep zones, remember your pairings. Ethic will escort you all there." now then, to summarize: on March 18, 2026, the rift gates were first sighted in major cities all over the globes. little was known about them except that despite the mane, one could not actually pass through them in the fashion of a portal, you'd simply step through and emerge on the other side, as if you had just walked around it instead of through it. two weeks later, on April 2, 2026, the first case of the Lost Souls Virus was reported, soon spreading like wild fire. it soon became apparent that it was like no other illness man had ever encountered, as it was transmitted not by contact, but by lines of Emotional attachment. Medical authorities scramble to attempt to find the cure as the suicide rate across the planet skyrockets, their desperation and drive to find a solution, in effect, completely jump-starts the field of Meta-Physics. approximately a month after the first cases of LSV are reported, a highly adaptive viral strain begins to infect and kill various species of edible plants without discrimination. now facing both a pandemic and massive famine, what's left of the governments of the world pool their remaining resources to form the "World Ignition Salvation Project" in order to increase the chance of survival as a species. as the race for the cure increases pace under the new management of "WISP"it is soon discovered that the strange Rift gates were no where near as benign as originally thought. the Gates are in fact links between the Earth and another celestial body, the links through which the first stages of an invasion have been launched. in this RP, you all will become WISP officers who have volunteered for the "New World Ignition" Project, the goal of which is to send highly trained individuals back into the past in order to invoke the butterfly theory and open an alternate course of history for the human race, one in which there is no longer the threat of Extinction, the intended results of NWIP is for the current course of events in history to result in the end of the human race, yet for mankind to continue on in an alternate reality, this ultimate goal will be denoted throughout the story as "Achieving Stream Theory". PCs will awaken in the year 2026 with no memories as to their lifes prior, nor will they be able to physically interact with any individuals from the time period. the RP's plot will be split up day by day, most likely organized by two days per single chapter. the individual objectives of each day will vary and change depending on events and Player decisions, though the most common daily objective will be to eliminate all "Rifters" in the area, (Rifters being the slang term used to reference the Extraterrestial race who entered onto the earth via the Rift Gates. they exist as purely mental energy beings who are not visible to the naked eye, yet become so to those who have received extensive mental training, as the PCs will have) you all will be paired together in "Partners", with a neural link connecting the two of you together. should your partner die during the mission, the resulting shock from forcefully breaking the link will kill you. death in the field of Operations will result in brain death back in the present. as for combat, you're main armaments will be small, circular metallic objects known as "Buttons" which will be magnetically attached to your clothing. these "buttons" will be the mediums through which PCs will be able to draw upon various Psycho-Kinetic abilities in combat. they are all engineered to only become responsive in the direct presence of your Genetic signature, ergo, they cannot be exchanged with anyone else. Players will be allowed to choose which Psycho-Kinetic category they'd like their initial ability to fall under to be. well, that's the basic run down. Any one interested in this? any questions? any RP sensai's out there ready with a battery of questions at the ready?
  23. holy shit... I have an awesome story idea... and all the world buidling for it poped into my head along with it...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      poped into your head

    3. Sutoratosu


      and... it's up. literally took me only a little over an hour from when it popped into my head from when I had it ready

    4. Sutoratosu
  24. its only an issue if we let it be, Notus... meaning that we simply have to out speed and one shot them before they have the chance to do anything, which shouldn't be hard considering the low overall speed stat on Ground types.
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