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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. you know, Grass, I can draw fairly well(without any real training, I might add...) if you want, I could help out with designing some of the... let's call them Mixed Species. just give me the specs of what you'd like it to look like. (EX. Pidgeot X Empoleon: use Empoleon's body as a base and give a longer neck, but recolor it with Pidgeot's pallet, extend the trident like face gaurd to almost appear as if it flowed down the back, replace the tail with Pideot's as well as the wings, Etc.)
  2. it's actually pretty simple: first off, you need to extract it with an archiving software such as 7-zip or winrar, I'm not going to provide links to them here, but maybe someone else will be nice enough to do that. after you have the archiving software, click on the downloaded file, which should have the extension ".zip" it will open, and there should be only one folder inside: one named "Pokemon Reborn" right click on it, hit "Extract" chose the destination for the file, then hit ok and wait for it to finish after you've extracted, go into the folder (Pokemon Reborn), and click on the icon labeled "game" that should start it right up, and for more convenience, you can right click the icon and select "Create shortcut" from the menu then move the shortcut to your desktop for easier access
  3. Supernovae "Fine," Esmerelda said, a bit hesitant as she herself took a seat on the roof top, looking out at the crowds "We both hail from the desert, Rodriguez was once a magistrate for the Sultanate..." she glanced over at Maxwell, debating just how much of her own history she wanted this man to know "When I was almost fourteen," she continued, snapping her gaze away from him and deciding not to trust the man with any specific details "I lost my family... Rodriguez found me, took me in when I had no one and nothing left, raised me as if I were his own-" Rodriguez broke in just then "Because in a way," he began "She was..." he looked to her as he continued on "You and my blood-born daughter actually share the same date of birth...in fact, had she have lived, you two would be around the same age right now..." Esmerelda stared down at the shingles of the roof at that bit of information, not sure how she felt about it... this was really the first time Rodriguez had ever spoken about his real daughter... at least, the first time when he knew that Esmerelda was listening. "he retired a few years after he took me in... in the Sultanate," she continued from where she left off, deciding just to put the comment aside for now "Law officials are required to step down from their task upon reaching age forty. after he hung up the white, he started to teach me everything he knew... how to ride camels and horses... how to fight with sword and staff, and even with my bare hands, he even taught me how to listen to the Spheres..." she glanced back over at Maxwell, seeing no reason to trust him with any more of their story "we came to this city a few years ago, decided that we'd stay." with that, she was obviously done with the story. she sat there silently, refusing to say any more, she actually thought sh may have said too much... Snap Crackle Pop "Very well then." Eric said simply before turning and beginning to walk off down the street, headed for the holy grounds without turning back to see if Octavia was following. Murdoc "looks like we're not dealing with the average cut-throat here..." Cestor muttered as he watched Tyril fall to the dirt beside him, getting up and rubbing the back of his head, a visible welt beginning to rise there. he recovered his senses and picked his sword up from where it lay nearby, glaring at Cestor as he stood up. "What the hell are you waiting for?" he demanded harshly as he tossed his shield to the side of the dirt road, placing both hands on the hilt of his blade as he stood at the ready, having learned from his mistake of charging earlier. he was about to go in for another attack when Cestor elbowed him across the bridge of the nose, sending the man again sprawling in the dirt, spitting and coughing as he tried to spit out the dust that had gotten into his mouth during the fall. "just stop your rampaging for a second," Cestor ordered as he stood over him, lowering his blade back down to his side as the other young man stopped his coughing and looked up angrily at him. "What the hell was that!?" Tyril shouted, standing up to meet Cestor face to face, though he was a good two inches shorter than him. "just whose side are you on!?" "Just shut up for a moment," Cestor replied, looking over at Martim as he spoke "Who are you?" he asked simply "you're no highway man, there's absolutely no way you are; a real bandit would've struck my friend here dead the moment they saw an opening in his clumsy charge, not simply hit him across the back of the head."
  4. for those wondering about the whole "Life force weapon" thing that Ethic's started using, it looks a bit like this in action: (and yes, I straight up took the Idea from 'Yu Yu Hakusho') here's pretty much a basic run down to how it works: http://yuyuhakusho.wikia.com/wiki/Spirit_Sword the penalty for using it aren't as severe as the Explosive burst method is (With that one, it's a complete one to one ratio; the amount of his life force that he puts into the blast is the exact same amount that he'll have expended) it's mostly like the concept it's based off of, the more of his life force Ethic puts into it, the more durable and sharp it'll become, with lesser amounts of energy put into, it'll break easily, and Ethic will lose the total amount of power he put into it, which adds a risk factor to using it, should he underestimate his target when using the blade at full force and it breaks,(And the more he puts in, the harder it becomes to keep it together) he pretty much dies from hitting the limit. additionally, should the construct leave his hand in any way, (with the exception of him withdrawing the life force he made it with back into himself, which would be in effect the equivalent of sheathing it) for example, say he throws it at something, then he still loses the amount he expended in making and maintaining it.
  5. Ethic tossed a quick glance over his shoulder as he heard a deep rumbling sound from where he'd seen Ixidor, as if someone were moving an incredible amount of earth and stone, but that rumbling was over-scored by a familiar voice calling out for help in the distance, Ethic recognized it immediately "Ellaria!" he called out as he reached down to his belt, going to draw Scott's sword from it's place th- oh... oh wait... It wasn't there. "Damn it" Ethic cursed under his breath as he recalled that he had given it to Lucian earlier, and that he'd had it when he'd told him to get lost. Acting fast and going for plan B, he moved his hand to the other side of his belt, this time intending to draw his knife... Except his hand's hit nothing but the black denim of his jeans. he looked down, already knowing what this must mean. "God Fucking Damnit..." he again cursed under his breath as his eye's confirmed what he had already determined; the Sheath for Man Without Honor was gone, the two leather straps that had secured it to his belt were broken, hanging limply from his waist. he glanced around as he took the straps and tossed them away, there was point in keeping them now. he took a few steps around the area of the path, still not seeing any trace of the knife on the ground or any hint as to where it could have fallen while he had been walking. sighing, he tried to think... once again he was unarmed... wait... no he wasn't, not this time. That's it he thought to himself as he established the Death Link, holding his hand outward, palm facing up as his life force began to flare around it, flickering and dancing like some type of flame. Ethic balled his hand into a fist, turning it vertically as he recalled when he'd first used the effects of the Death Arcana's link, back when he had dealt with Scott once and for all. the moment he had established the link for the first time, he had instantly become aware of what power it held, how it could be used. there were two main versions of how the life force manipulation the DL made possible could manifest; either in explosive burst, which was the method Ethic had been relying soley on so far, which also happened to be the less conservative but far more destructive use... and then there was the other way... the one Ethic hadn't really tried out; drawing up his life force and focusing it into a distinct, semi static form which he could use as a makeshift weapon... "Well," he said as he willed his life force to shape itself into a vague pillar like form, watching as it did just that, extending outwards from his fist as it blazed in a harsh light, soon it had grown to a little over two feet in length "Guess it's about time I try this..." that said, He drew his arm back, placing his other hand on the one holding the construct, getting his feet into a wide stance, then swinging in a wide arc, cutting clean through a small sapling nearby with the energy blade he'd formed with his life force. he nodded as he took his other hand away from the one supporting the construct. this would indeed do as his main way of arming himself from now on... it would indeed. now prepared with somethng to use incase he needed it, he tore off down the pathway towards where he heard Ellaria screaming, his saber like weapon blazing brightly in a multitude of colors as it swung up and down in his hand as he sprinted.
  6. New Bark Town, Johto region
  7. {P.S.S. author's note}: Light Walking- the practice of advance or travel from one point to another via beding waves of the visible light spectrum around one self, rendering the walker and anyone in direct physical contact with them invisible to the naked eye, and then riding said light waves to the desired destination. often appears as the user simply vanishing and reappearing in another spot spontaneously when used. technically only a sub category of teleportation, not considered true in...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      you have to be involved in the story to understand any of this.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      SO why not take a stroll down to the RP forum? Ol' Hukuna doesn't bite. (mostly cause Crunch is better......wait what?)

    4. Sutoratosu



      Go on folks, join the family

  8. "Freeman," Surge ordered loudly "Help Walker carry the general" "Yes sir." Erick replied, taking the General's other arm across his shoulder and taking some of the man's weight off of Logan's "Good, now then," Surge continued on, reaching down and retrieving the blob like creature near Infantry, bringing the gelatinous organism in his hand and examining it, unphased as two beady black eyes appeared in the pink glob and peered up at him. "We should get back to the-" "What... what happened?" asked McCarthy groggily, coming to and finding himself propped up by Freeman and Walker. he shrugged the two off immeditely. "Glad to see you're awake, sir." Surge said rather cheerfully, tossing the pink blob over to him. McCarthy caught it a bit clumsily, it seemed that head injury may have effected his motor skills a little... "Mission accomplished." Surge continued on as McCarthy stared down at the blob, which started to squirm in his grip, attempting to break free of it's captor's hold. in response McCarthy decided to squeeze it harder, and it soon got the message that it was best to stop trying to get away. "G-Good." he stammered, his mind was a bit foggy at the moment, but it was beginning to clear up. he looked around at the squadron of rookie soldiers, noticing that two certain individuals who should've been present here, weren't. "Where's Dr.Ray and Professor Oak?" he asked the squad *************** "Do it." Lt. Chang ordered his GAO partner, a member of the species known as Blissey. The large, Ovaloid creature obeyed immediately, it's body glowing in a teal hue as waves of light began emanating off it's body and filling the med ward as a soothing bell chime echoed out, though from where, no one knew. a few seconds later, many of the comatose soldiers laying in the various cots throughout the ward began to stir, finally breaking free of the grips of their perpetual slumber. "Quite the interesting ability," Sergeant Wellus admitted, gripping the wool blanket wrapped around his shoulders and pulling it closer in to his body. "Guess I owe you both an apology and a thank you then" he continued "you weren't lying when you said your partner could reverse any affliction... my ass and the asses of so many other soldiers standing here would be screwed if it hadn't been for you." Chang said nothing to that. he never cared much for flattery or people who were overly Gratuitous, he'd simply done what he needed to do out in the snow field. he'd seen the frozen carnage that had fallen onto his comrades, and had acted to stop it by giving his GAO an appropriate command. though, he guessed he could put with it a little in this case... he had just not only saved hundreds of his comrades who were in peril of freezing to death, but also broken the comas of several fellow soldiers as well, after all. "Your welcome." he finally said, deciding he'd humor them just this once as he recalled his Blissey, the GAO shrinking down in a glow of scarlet and then whipping back into the capsule in his hand like a tape measurer. Across the ward, a young olive skinned woman sat up on her cot, her mind foggy with sleep. "Wh...Where am I...?" Enyo asked herself. She took a look around the space, realizing this must be the Med ward. her hand brushed against the slot in her uniform's belt where she usually stored her GAOs capsules, and she immediately knew something was wrong. Damn it... She thought to herself as she stared down and confirmed what her hand had already told her... her Capsules were gone.
  9. I hereby declare the Intermission mentioned in the recent announcement to officially begin. Development and extensive world building currently in progress, some among you may or may not receive PMs from me on various subjects during this time period. in closing, from this point until further notice, this RP's In-Character thread is now on complete lock-down, meaning none may post in it with the exclusion of the GM or RPH or whatever you'd prefer to call the guy running the show here (me) the OCC thread will still be open for activity however, and during this intermission, the GM may ask for your opinions on certain story and world details
  10. granted, but you will forget all the digits that come before it I wish for the opportunity to go Nazi Hunting
  11. you do now... but there is no way to turn the power on. :3 I wish I had three more wishes
  12. the keepers have a pretty extreme (And Unfair) policy that whatever happens to the Tarot cards in an Invokers possession is entirely their own responsibility, so pretty much it's like this: if a person gets murdered, then they are responsible for it, not the person who plunged the knife into their chest. that's pretty much the best analogy I can come up with for it. even though Ix destroyed them, the Keepers only hold Ethic responsible. so yeah, of course sole black guy in the group has to suffer for shit he didn't even do they aren't after you cause quite simply, they prefer not to get individuals other than their targets involved in their affairs (Not that Ethic knows this... Lucian did... but, why didn't he tell him? ) oh well... they all signed their own death warrants already... The Lord of Arcana is coming for them (anyone know where I stole that title from?)
  13. let's just face it... Typhlosion, it's safe to say that from where he is mentally and emotionally at this point in time, Ethic will probably never trust the kid again... and even if he somehow does become able to again, it'll only be a fraction of how complete it was from before, there's honestly just too much crap to forgive between them... and Ethic's proven he does not do well with forgiving others so far. so don't even try right now oh, and notus, feel free to do something with that whole scene right there with him walking off if you want.
  14. "Stay back." Ethic snarled as he took a few tentative steps away, snapping back to his senses as he noticed the boy approached, becoming again conscious of just how dangerous the little shit could be. he may not have thought that killing him was a necessary course right now... but that sure as hell didn't mean he trusted this kid, not after all the shit that he had pulled earlier. though, he could feel his body relaxing a little as Ixidor's guardian layed her sword on the ground, the fire of the blade no longer in direct view. he was a bit short on options right now... Killing Ix was not a likely choice, and neither was trusting him... Ethic simply had no idea what he wanted to do about this... so that left him with one option, put as much god damn distance between himself and Ixidor as possible until he determined whether or not the kid really was a filthy traitor, though until he did so, he would assume Ixidor to indeed be guilty of betrayal against himself and Kenny "Just stay away from me" he continued, his hard stare boring into Ixidor as he spoke "Just stay away, and we might not have any issues...Traitor" with that, he turned and started walking off down the path, not knowing where he was headed, just that he didn't want to spent another second in Ix's company, for now, doing so would only serve to disgust him.
  15. Supernovae "Now that, my friend," Rodrigeuz began, chuckling a little "Is quite the story. I actually was a magistrate, but I have long since Retired..." he glanced over at Esmerelda "Perhaps if you ask her, she will see fit to tell you the story of how I ended up in this city." with that said, he merely sat there, continuing to watch the thronging masses assembled in the Holy Grounds, Esmerelda glaring at him behind his back, obviously displeased that he'd volunteered her for the task, though her face lit up a little with surprise when he spoke again "Do not give that look," he began, a bit scoldingly "You do not have to tell him anything if you do not want to." the two were completely silent after that, leaving Maxwell to decide whether or not he wanted to hear about their past.
  16. Murdoc "Stop." Cestor demanded as Martim moved a bit closer "It matters not whether he may or may not miss a few stolen coins," he raised his sword up to the ready, glaring fiercely at Martim... it was strange, he and Tyril had been on several guard missions such as this, and most of the other times, the Highway men attacking them would be the one's displaying growing aggression, not themselves... not that it mattered right now. They had a contract, and nothing except death was going to make either him or Tyril lay down their arms. the sound of heavy foot falls and the clanging of armor sounded from nearby, and Cestor turned in surprise to see his friend rushing towards the man, raising his shield up and letting out a fierce battle cry as he drew in closer, preparing to strike Martim across the face with it... looks like he had decided that he could expend some energy right now afterall...
  17. And so it begins... the war of the nations.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      can we give them legit names though?


      Like they should've done in avatar.

    3. HolyKnight


      This is interesting

    4. Sutoratosu


      also, just a thought, but if you created with an 'Avatar last airbender' concept in mind, then I can help out with a back story.

  18. Supernovae "No need, my friend." Rodriguez called up to Maximus as he reached out and silently placed his hand on Esmerelda's shoulder, the two of them vanishing instantly from the street below as the wind began to stir. "I hate it when you do that without saying anything..." Esmerelda Protested from behind Maximus, if the young Ekarder turned around, he'd see the two of them standing on the roof with him. Rodriguez walked up to the crest of the shingled surface and took a seat, leaning back on the incline as he looked out over the holy grounds in the distance, the view of the skyline from here perfectly clear. "Get over it," he said "Light Walking is always a bit disorienting the first few times." Snap Crackle Pop "No," Eric said, shaking his head as he turned to look at Octavia "Whoever did it was experienced enough to know to cover their tracks... none of the Court Sages were ever able to determine who had laid the hex, and I never tried... if they couldn't find out, what reason did I have to think I'd be able to?" he glanced of towards the holy grounds as he spoke, quickly turning back to Octavia "But enough about that..." he continued "The resurrection's going to begin soon, If we leave now, we might be able to find a decent viewing point.." he paused, scratching the back of his head as he realized just how assumptive using the word 'we' in that sentence had been. he spoke after a few seconds, a bit sheepish now "I mean, if you care to watch with me, that is. I've honestly no say in what you decide to do." King Murdoc Cestor accompanied the front of the Wagon as his portly employer began to turn it around to backtrack down the path, stopping in his tracks however when he heard Tyrilus call out from the back "Cestor," he began, hopping out of the rear flaps of the wooden covered cart and drawing his sword as he eyed the man who had just slid down from a nearby slope "We've company!" Cestor glanced back over his shoulder, spotting Martim there, and drawing his own blade a second later, moving to the rear of the cart and standing beside Tyrilus as the other young man drew his shield off of his back, getting into a defensive stance. "Looks like we'll be actually earning our Coin this time," Cestor said to Tyril as he began eying the man in the distance up and down... he didn't seem that threatening... but he was a highwayman, no mistaking it... why else would he have been hiding up in the slopes only to drop down as soon as they had turned their backs? the wagon pulled on further and further down the road as they stood there, heading back to the fork where it had made the wrong turn earlier, the two young men in Armor standing before Martim, blocking his path forward in order to provide time for their employer to escape, as was part of their agreement when they'd been hired. "Ay," Tyril responded before looking over at Martim, a strange glare in his eyes "It's a shame that you chose this Merchant to rob, Highwayman," he spat venomously "A shame because you could've lived so much longer had you and the two of us never crossed paths." despite these aggressive words however, he merely stood there at the ready, preferring rather to let this vagrant make the first move and finish him then, instead of wasting valuable energy by rushing towards him... it was still a long road to White Shield... and Sky Lord knows whether or not he'd have to deal with more bandit scum along the way...
  19. well... I'd say it's a trap, but that's pretty obvious. and typhlosion, you're welcome, because I feel That i'm being quite generous in regards to Ethic's reaction... maybe a bit too generous
  20. Ethic merely stood there at the bend in the path, looking over at Ixidor in the distance, motionless as he analyzed the boy, contemplating what he would do now... on one hand, he could kill Ixidor like he said he would... but on the other hand, why? was it really justified? He didn't have the whole story of what occurred all those times, only his own perspective from what he experienced as a result... what if Ixidor really is innocent and everything that went down really was the doing of some force outside of his conscious control? he stood there, merely pondering. He took a step backwards as a sudden burst of voices rushed through his mind... they were Ixidor's. "Well, I really don't know, Mr.Ethic. this place seems to give you these strange kind of powers, it seems i been given the ability of creating things by drawing and eliminating objects including my creations... I really don't know but the thing is every time i draw something keeps holding me back from creating something decent. Maybe it's my repress frustration and emotion due to my parents raising methods. Giving me pressure to become one of them, a great artist someday. My mistakes are never go unpunished as i repeat my artwork over and over until i get it right ." Ethic rubbed his temples as the snippets of conversation continued to flow in and out, growing more painful with each second. What is this? he thought to himself as he took a few more steps back What's going on? when did I hear this? I...I never had this conversation...I don't think... his thoughts were cut off as more of the dialogue in Ixidor's voice came surging in, driving him to his knees... it felt like something was trying to crush his skull. "Suddenly i can hear these thoughts talking to me as if my flaws came to haunt me in this place, this place somehow amplifies those thoughts or maybe i'm going insane. I think that thing back there was product of my thoughts and emotions, to be honest i didn't know how i did that. but I didn't meant to hurt you guys! you gotta to believe me! I'm sorry." "STOOOOP!!!!" he finally screamed as the pain became unbearable, the voice fading back into nothing as he did so. he sat there on his knees, still clutching his head, his face and hands drenched in sweat as he tried to catch his breath, though he had no idea why he was even panting... his thoughts ran wild as he attempted to recover from whatever the hell what just happened was. that was his voice... saying those things, but when? why would I know them? I never had a conversation that included those statements with Ixidor... at least... I'm pretty sure I didn't... and If I did, why the hell would I not be able to remember something like that? He shook his head silently as he tried to go back in his memories in order to try to find where and when the words had come from, what the situation of their context had been... and he found nothing that could've given an explanation... he delved deeper, going to when him, Kenny and Ix had been traveling together when the wolf attacked... maybe it had something to do with that? he could remember invoking the magician... of launching tendrils of fire at it... he knew that he couldn't hit it... that it had disappeared... then the next thing that was in his memory following that was being impaled with glass inside the prism...about how he'd heard the Keepers argue and had come back from the brink, somehow outside the thing... "Enough." he said silently as he stopped trying to remember where the words had been spoken, or even if they had been... not like he'd found it away. he stopped clutching his head, lowering his hands to his side, trying to get up, but finding that his legs weren't responding. he tried again, this time harder, and was able to slowly bring himself up to a kneeling position, his legs weak for some reason. After what just went down, Ethic honestly didn't know what he was going to do... though, killing Ixidor seemed to be a rash decision in his mind now, especially now that he finally noticed the angelic like being glaring at him from Ixidor's side... not to mention that the flaming sword at her side, which made Ethic all the more uneasy as he felt a cold sweat beginning to break out. he forced himself to stand up, backing up a little, his stomach beginning to clench in fear as he stared at the fire engulfing the blade. what the hell's wrong with me? he thought to himself as he backed up a little why...why does the sight of fire freak me out so much all of a sudden? he stood there, silent...a war going on in his mind, part of him wanted to run as far away from that sword as he could get... that was the irrational side, the side controlled by his fear... but there was still some logic, still some basic reasoning on the other side, and it was telling him to stay for now... and despite his pulse beginning to quicken along with his breathing, the sweat beginning to grow heavier and heavier, he chose the latter, and stayed planted to the spot he stood in.
  21. I will do my best to serve my country well. My vote is cast in favor of Cowtao.
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