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Everything posted by Sutoratosu
Under the Hill - Second Circle: Lust
Sutoratosu replied to Notus's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"We should slow down!" Lucian called out as he sprinted behind Ethic as they moved closer and closer to where the scream had come from, his words getting lost in the wind whistling by as he ran "Our footsteps are so loud at this point that anyone will be able to hear us coming from miles away!" Ethic slowed down and finally stopped as he came to a fork in the path, looking each way, trying to focus on which direction the sound had Originated from. "And you think that yelling that to me is gonna make us any less quieter?" he asked rhetorically in Lucian's mind as he headed of down the path to his left, determining that the girl's scream had been further down it. "Use your head, man." he continued "We can talk with our thoughts, so there's no reason to give away our position by yelling out at each other." Lucian stopped in his tracks behind him. Ethic noticed immediately and turned around as the other man addressed him a bit suspiciously. "What's going on with you?" he asked a bit demandingly "Ever since Minos told everyone about the whole prize thing at the bottom, You've started acting strangely." Ethic seemed to frown for a moment. "If you think that I actually still give a damn about the prize down here," he began "then that proves that you don't know me, Lucian. Me and the others are in this literal hell hole together, and if any of us want to get out, want to make it back to the world above, then that means we can't allow ourselves to become petty and start competing over who gets the damn prize." Lucian crossed his arms, a look of pure skepticism on his face "Then why did you leave the others?" he asked "If what you just said is really motivating you is true, then why is it just you and I right now? why didn't you wait at the entrance for the others so that we could all go in together?" Ethic opened his mouth to answer, but Lucian kept going, cutting him off before he could say anything "You may say that you don't care about it, but I know that's a lie. The only reason you even considered coming to this place at all was because you heard that there was some power lying at the bottom, isn't it? what you really care about at the end of the day is being able to save your families legacy, back when I could read you like a book, I could tell that much about you." Ethic was Scowling by the time Lucian had finished speaking, his hands flared white for a moment, then were engulfed in a multi-hued light for a moment before he managed to stop himself from envoking the Death Link in his anger. he spoke slowly as he began to edge closer to Lucian little by little. "So what are you getting at, Lucian?" he asked rhetorically in response "That because that was my primary motivation for entering this place at all, that it's all I really care about now? Because that's just Fucking insulting to me." he was now just a foot or two away from him "My family may have been wealthy at one point, but I've said it before and I'll say it again; Trust is more important than cash could ever be!" He started to raise his voice without even knowing it, to the point where he was screaming in Lucian's face now. "There's far more important matters That I'm focused on now instead of what I came here for: one of which being the prospect that none of us may be able to get out of here at all, and another being that there's twenty super powered beings who want me not only dead, but completely wiped from the face of the earth!" Lucian uncrossed his arms and spoke calmly. "Go ahead and preach about that all you want, Ethic." he began "About how trust is important and we can't let ourselves be distracted down here, but the evidence supports my argument; you've changed since we first arrived in this garden. maybe what you said was true back in the Library, but you're not the same person now, I can tell. Now you're focused on furthering your own goals, it's all written plain as day in that glint in your eyes. you've started to only care about yourself." Ethic balled his fist at this ludicrous accusation. it was complete bullshit, plain and simple. Hell, if anything, he was thinking more about the group now than he was himself. the only reason he hadn't waited for everyone to regroup was... well it should've been obvious, especially to Lucian of all people; The Keepers were after him, and even further, him and them were apparently officially at war with each other, so what sense would it make for him to needlessly endanger the other's lives by having them in his company in the case that the council decided to attack again tonight. this red moon seemed to keep them away for the most part, but what if their were other keepers like Maxwell or Scott, Keepers who weren't effected by it? and even besides, the moon wouldn't stay up for ever, the sun would still rise, day would still come, even if for a few hours before dusk fell again. and in those few very opportune hours in which the keepers would be able to hunt after him without fear of being weakened, why wouldn't him and anyone with him be attacked? Ethic ground his teeth as he glared silently at Lucian. it was all because of this apparent war that almost everything he had done since he'd gotten here had been to either defend himself from a serious threat or was for the betterment of the group's chances down here, and to hear Lucian, someone who he had thought to be the only other person on his side in this fight he was in, the only one who he could talk to about anything relating to it without being thought of as crazy, accuse him of having any ulterior motives was... well, to Ethic, it was just infuriating. "I thought that you of all people would understand my position, Lucian" He said, snarling a little as he said his name "But I guess I was wrong, I can't even rely on you for support..." he turned around and glanced off down the path, deciding what he was going to say next "fine then," he continued "If you think that I'm nothing but a selfish prick now, that I'm only looking out for me, myself, and I, then... just go, get away from me and this place. you made it clear you hate those kinds of people when you left the other keepers to side with me, so don't be a hypocrit now..." Lucian was a bit dumbfounded by this... he hadn't been expected for Ethic to tell him to leave, he had just wanted to address the changes he'd been noticing lately. he was considering what he'd respond with when Ethic scoffed and spoke up again "Actually, no. It's not a choice, Keeper," he spat the word as if it were an insult, that it was meant to remind Lucian of what he would always be at the end of the day; just another damn keeper, one without real power right now, but still one besides. Ethic turned around, staring him straight in the eyes "It's obvious you don't trust me, so why the hell should I give my trust to you?" he held his arm out, pointing with his finger back the way they had came, not allowing Lucian to say anything as he continued "I thought you were different, but you're really just another Keeper when push comes to shove, so Just leave, Now. I'll fight this whole damn war on my own, and it's not like you've been that helpful so far anyway." Lucian stared back down the path to the gates in silence, then glanced back to Ethic. he could see the resolve in his eyes, this conversation was done... there was probably nothing he could say to change his mind. he stood there motionless for a few seconds until Ethic grabbed him by the arm and shoved him roughly, sending him stumbling down the path and almost falling on his face before he could catch himself and regain balance. he got up and stared back at him over his shoulder, a look of partial shock and anger...and maybe even a bit of fear on his face, though Ethic didn't know for sure about that last one. Then without a word, Lucian walked away back towards the entrance, stopping after a few paces and calling out. "This mean that you're going to kill me too once you're finished with them?" he asked, not bothering to look back as he did so. Ethic stood silently for a moment, then spoke "Not unless you give me a reason to." he said simply. Lucian started walking again, then stopped after two steps. "What if someone else down here tries to kill me?" he asked, again, there was a moment of silence from Ethic... but this one was much longer than the last. Lucian expected this to mean a definite yes, and so walked off again, stopping in surprise when he heard Ethic's voice echo out. “'Anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over',” the young man stated simply "that's from Genesis 4 of the NIV version of the bible." Ethic turned around and started to walk away, calling out as he did so "Consider yourself to be Cain, Lucian." he said "anyone other than myself who kills you will receive a fate from my hands that is far worse." with that, Ethic disappeared into the gloom of the dimly lit greenhouse further in, searching for the source of the laughter and scream. Lucian made his way through the gates and back out of the Greenhouse into the night air of the gardens, not really knowing where he was headed in his Exile, as he walked however;he noticed the feel of carved wood in his hands, and looked down, seeing his old staff there. he looked down at his clothes, which were unchanged. in the air nearby, a vortex sound echoed out, and he looked up to see a rift opening in the air, a hand reaching out and offering itself to him as a familiar voice called out. "Well, Lucian, looks like you've been put out to pasture," it began, a pair of gleaming yellow eyes gazing out from the rift "Ethic doesn't appreciate your help it seems... but I'm not an ungrateful little shit like he is." Maxwell's face became fully visible as he stepped out of the tear and unto the grass, that ever present smirk on his face... "We want the same things, you and I," he continued "The fall of the council. so why not work together to see it happen? Your hopes of working with Ethic to accomplish it are pretty much dead, so why not take the only other path available?" he stuck his hand out. Lucian stared at him for a long moment, his face unreadable as he considered the other. Maxwell decided to give him a little more motivation "Did I mention that I'd give you back your powers as Keeper of the Magician?" Lucian stared a little longer, still pondering. then he looked Maxwell in the eye... and silently reached his own hand out, and shook with Maxwell. "Fine," he finally said "guess I have no real choice." Maxwell smiled ominously as he held out his hand, the rift in the air growing even larger. it now stood as large as a pair of double doors, a rip in the fabric of the current dimension, the black and white of the Arcane Path in stark and sudden contrast with the greens and reds and blues and other colors of the plants around them in the gardens. he beckoned Lucian forward, following behind him as he stepped through. "Good choice," he said "Now then, we've some work to do..." with that, the rift sealed shut behind them, leaving nothing but the still air in it's place. -
If you could wish for anything, what would it be?
Sutoratosu replied to Dark Desire's topic in General Discussion
I'd wish for a threat so great to appear before the human race that they would have no choice but to stop squabbling like children and band together in order to survive. If you want to obtain world peace, you must first give mankind a reason to stop killing each other. -
Riddles, Brainteasers, Pokemon Puzzles, and more
Sutoratosu replied to Tempest's topic in Onyx Arcade
the answer is Chingling Any explanation needed? No? Good. -
*while laying crushed on the ground...* "damn you...No...tus..." *Raises pistol and preforms the Dead man's ten seconds, however completely misses Notus and ends up hitting rose instead, killing her, yet still thinking I hit the intended target* "There...Notus... If I'm going down, then.... you are too..." *Dies* and so the hill lay empty, awaiting the next usurper to the throne...
wait.. what? Six? I thought that there was a maximum of Two pokemon per a single player...
I have Something Very Important To Say
Sutoratosu replied to Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~'s topic in General Discussion
well... the truth sets you free... what really matters in the end (So long as no one was seriously harmed) is that you eventually found the courage to drop the charade and be upfront about things. so... Good job for that -
well, here's my trainer proposition: Name: Ethic Team: (I will leave it to you to decide levels and abilities,) Gardevoir (Nicknamed "Friend") Held item: Leftovers Moves: Calm mind, Moonblast, Psychic, substitute Swampert (Nicknamed "Deluge") Held Item: Leftovers) Moves: Rain Dance, Waterfall, Ice Punch, Earthquake Noivern (Nicknamed "The Nameless") Held Item: King's Rock Moves: Boomburst, Dragon Pulse, Hurricane, Super fang Now, given the move sets, I think it would be appropriate to put me in somewhere either inside or near Victory Road in the game. I'll leave it to you to decide any dialogue you wanna put in, though if you'd prefer I'd provide it, then that's fine too. This good, Blah?
Under the Hill - Second Circle: Lust
Sutoratosu replied to Notus's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"Lucian, wait." Ethic said, stopping in his tracks the moment he heard the laughter in the distance, it sounded like it belonged to a young girl... and call it either prudence or paranoia, but he wasn't very eager to go meeting any potentially hell-spawned children while he was down here. Lucian glanced up at the path ahead of them, unable to spot whom the voice belonged to. "That wasn't very far ahead." he stated simply as Ethic reached down to his belt and drew the length of jet black steel that hung there, balancing the weapon in his hand and holding the hilt out to him. Lucian took it silently, feeling the deceptively light weight of the sword that used to belong to Scott. "Ethic," he began as he let the blade fall to his side, where it sat in his grip lazily "Maybe we should see who it is before we go drawing weapons..." The young man cast an ominous glance back at Lucian as he drew his knife from it's sheath, the permanent crimson glint of the weapon casting a blood red reflection of color on the floor in the light. "Usually, I would agree with you on that one, Lucian," he began, looking up wearily at the path way before them "But down here, there's always the very good chance that we won't be encountering particularly friendly entities... that's something I came to realize not long ago" with that, the young man set off again down the path without another word. Lucian knew that the conversation was over, Point-blank, Period. he started off behind Ethic again, not helping but thinking about how different his friend was seeming to become lately... the largest example of which being how he just left Kenny outside unconscious without a second thought... If Lucian had been using past occurrences to try to predict what Ethic would've done in that moment, he would've thought that the guy would swing back across and carry Kenny over if he had to, just to ensure nothing happened to him. Ethic seemed so... Focused now. Almost like he was becoming a colder person who cared mostly about the objective and little else... and he seemed to be the way he had been up until after they'd killed Rodric... Maybe... No, just stop Lucian thought to himself, pushing the entire train of thought away He's just trying to be careful down here... He's just starting to act a bit Cynical now because he knows that he has to approach everyone we find down here with skepticism as to their motives. just then however, a message from Ethic broke into the thought chain. "Are you coming?" he asked mentally, a little annoyed, Lucian looked up, seeing the young man's shape beginning to grow fainter and fainter in the dim light as he walked farther and farther in. Lucian realized that he had stopped walking and had been standing here the entire time while Ethic had been moving. he gave no answer to the message, instead simply opting to break into a slow jog to catch back up, his footfalls echoing loudly on the floor of the Greenhouse as the two of them proceeded along the path, searching for who it was who had let out that bout of laughter earlier. -
"And to this day Stratos still hasn't found an efficient way to adapt the 'Phoenix Sweep' strategy to be used in double battles..." -random elderly narrator
"He had considered suggesting using two level 100 mons and giving the intended leveler the item 'Exp.Share' but alas, such would be a viable practice in the official games. in the unforgiving game of Reborn, neither of these required resources was readily available, and so it was that the Sky Slayer went back to the drawing board, where he remains to this day, pondering and tinkering"
you don't have to necessarily start over from scratch, You can just rename your current save file to anything other than "Game", then start a new game and alternate back and forth between them whenever you want simply by swapping the names so that one is named "Game" and the other is named something else. so you can still start over to see what's new and changed (Which is alot between ep9 and 12), while at the same time not having to throw away all the work you've already put in in your current playthrough here's how to find your save file: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/save.html
Ray jogged over to where Lionel stood above Shadow's broken form on the ground. He'd stayed back and let the squad handle the battle, while taking mental notes on the ice birds behavior the whole time. "Lionel," he began, urgency in his voice. he knew that treatment would be required for Shadows wounds, and fast "Recall Shadow to his capsule, that'll put him in a stasis and stop him from being able to feel the pain for a while. Then come with me down to the Med ward, we have to act fast, time isn't on Shadow's side." with that, the Doctor hurried over to the elevator and thumbed the button for the ground floor, glancing back over at the young soldier as he waited for the cabin to come.
- 397 replies
- contiuation
- War
(and 2 more)
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^Don't tell them there's already a thread in existence without providing the proper link http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8856 read this thread in the link above, it'll explain the locations/ side quests for the current ones and in the future, to avoid cluttering the forum, take just ten seconds to type what your looking for into the search bar before just going off and making a thread for it. at this point, the Games been going for so long that most of the questions people ask nowadays have been already answered or discussed in already existing threads, it's simply a manner of finding them. it's not hard, it literally only took me under 45 seconds to track down that link above as for how to get vitamins, you can sometimes find some by spamming the Item finder wherever you are. it's actually surprising just how many random invisible things are laying around on the ground throughout the city wards. Evolution stones can be obtained, for the most part, from the mining rocks scattered around the region.
Masterweavile898 As he listened to Deric comment on his healing skills, Aaron remembered his vision... and that he needed to find Samiel, now. "Deric," Aaron began, turning his chair to face the man "Where is Samiel, exactly?" Deric glanced off towards the east. "He and Arch Magistrate Atton went to the household in order to discuss the robbery before dawn this morning" he said simply, turning back to face Aaron as he continued his brow a bit furrowed in concern "Why... is it another vision?" "Yes" said Aaron, giving a slight nod "something of the like" with that he willed his chair to turn in the direction of the east market square, setting of at an urgent pace that would've been the equivalent of someone in a heavy jog. Deric felt a presence behind him, and turned around, knowing he'd find Decate and Marshall standing there. Marshall's bow hung lazily from his shoulder by the string, swaying back and forth gently as the man stood, eyeing Aaron as his shape grew smaller and smaller in the distance "I'll follow behind him," he said, slinging his weapon of his shoulder and into his left hand, moving his other to the quiver of bolts strapped on his back and loading a single steel pillar of death onto the string, pulling it back and bringing the weapon to ready as it remained pointed downwards towards the ground "Make sure that nothing happens to him... there's pick-pockets and rogues abound tonight especially." Deric nodded his head. "Good that." he stated simply as Marshall vanished from sight a second later Supernovae Rodriguez walked along the brightly lit street, Esmerelda following a few paces behind him, her face still a bit solemn from earlier. they were close to the Holy Grounds now, Rodriguez knew as such because he'd memorized the layout of the city long ago, he stopped walking the moment he caught a glimpse of the crowds a short bit up ahead, and turned to Esmerelda "We'll find no spot ahead," he said "though, to be fair, even if we'd arrived the better part of an hour ago, we wouldn't have been able to find a spot." Esmerelda said nothing as she gazed past him at the crowded masses whom he was referring to. she turned her stare back down to the cobblestones of the street below. "It doesn't matter," she said "we'll be able to see the resurrection from anywhere in the city so long as there are no buildings blocking the view of the skyline" with that she looked up to a few of the nearby rooftops lining the avenue, noticing the gleam of armor in the lunar light and snapping her attention over to the source of it, seeing Maximums standing there atop the shingles of a quaint home. surprisingly, she felt no hate or even anger rise up ... all that was there now was a strange mix of emotions that not even she herself could dicipher. Rodriguez looked over to where she was looking, spotting Maximus as well. "Ah," he began, calling up to the young Ekarder "there you are my friend; Mind if we join you up there?" Snap Crackle Pop Eric stood there, speechless for a moment before he managed to find his voice and finally ask "But... I saw you...How?" It was a valid question... He'd witnessed her being destroyed by the trap inlaid into the hex, seen how it had leapt out at her almost in an anamalistic fashion, how it had consumed her whole in a wave of darkness, and left nothing behind but her golden scythe, the very same that now hung on Eric's hip. The old woman simply kept smiling as she sat there up on the roof in the somewhat shabbily built chair, it was old and more than a little weather worn, and should've creaked whenever a person put or shifted their weight into it, yet the chair was completely silent as she sat in it, even the quietly howling wind blowing made more sound in the night. "You saw the secondary curse laid into the hex destroy me bodily," she began, the scent of wild herbs beginning to fill the area as the wind blew in, making the entire street smell as if it were an Apothecary shop "But mentally, as a conscious entity without a physical vessel, I was still very much alive; you could say that I've merely become unbound from the needs of bodily living, as well as some of the restrictions of it, I do not eat, sleep, nor bath. I have no need to, I never feel the pain of hunger in my gut, nor the burning of thirst in my throat, nor does dirt and grime have any hold on me." "But, what happened back then?" Eric asked, gazing up in puzzlement at what his old mentor meant "If you didn't die, then where have you been the past three and quarter years?" "That is a matter another time, Eric. Right at this very moment, the wheels of fate are beginning to turn..." she looked over at Octavia, eyeing the young woman up and down, as if carefully scrutinizing her worth, she relaxed her gaze a few seconds later however, apparently having found her worthy of whatever she was looking for within her "And you will be caught in the tides of the future yet to come, Young lady. I can see your future... so many paths... so many possibilities.... but there is one factor set in stone: you will be out of this city by daybreak, that is what I see no matter which course you set yourself on" with that said, the woman vanished from the roof as silently as she had appeared, leaving Eric and Octavia both staring up from the street, thoroughly perplexed by what she meant. Finally, Eric broke the long silence that was beginning to form in the wake of her apparent departure. "wait...When did she become able to see the future?" he asked simply to no one in particular, more of just stating his thoughts out loud. K_H "How about you try opening the damn door," Marculo said, still glaring like a viper at Ko'luki "Perhaps the force of the blast knocked it loose." he should've been speaking in a more honorific tone, but given the fact that he was almost killed by this Idiot who lit bombs inside a narrow, enclosed corridor, he wasn't much in the mood to show politeness. In fact, he was beginning to have second thoughts about bringing this man to see Guild Master Eros... King Murdoc "I'm sure that this was the right way, Ser." said the young knight as he held up a weather beaten, ale stained map of the area. over in the wares wagon, a portly man dressed in fine robes glanced around warily at the stones and slopes and low lying shrubs and bushes stretching out before them. going north, the Lord's road was not a traveler friendly place. despite it being the only direct over land route to the Mega Fortress, the Castle Nix, it was still more of just a loosely beaten path in a dense wilderness than it was an actual length of road. steep drop offs, unstable cliffs and slope, harsh wind storms, and the sheer altitude all threatened to do in anyone who was foolish enough to not have caution while passing through... or those who had had a bit of ale before departing, such as this very merchant and his entourage had. "Give me that damn map, boy." he demanded, his voice a bit slurred, but still decipherable enough. the young man walked over to the wagon and handed it to him, glancing around quickly at the steep slopes up ahead as he did so. "We should figure out where we are and then hurry out of here, Ser" he said quickly as he stepped away from the fat merchant and his slight drunkenness, his hand moving down to the hilt of his sword, where it sat idle across the pommel, prepared to draw at a moments notice "Highway men could easily be lurking anywhere around here... especially on the high-ground." The merchant grumbled as he looked over the map "You worry to much, Cestor" he said as he spotted where they'd gone wrong, they had made the wrong turn at the split in the road a few miles back, so instead of them heading back east on the road towards their home city of White Shield, they had instead continued traveling on the road north towards Castle Nix. he folded up the map as he smirked at the young man "There are four of us, you and Tyrilus, whom I hired for protection, and then my nephew and myself. Even If you're only worth half the coin I paid you, then a single Highwayman, or even two or even, Sky Lord forbidding, Three or four, would give us no threat on this road." "Yes..." Said Cestor unsteadily, trying to feign a smile to hide how unconfident he was in that estimation "I assure you, Ser... Tyril and I will give you what you paid for." Little did any of them know, however, that up on a nearby ridge, hiding behind the lip of a rocky outcropping and looking out over their whole conversation, was the man known as Martim. Axe nearby, he watched as the two men finished their talk below and began to turn the wagon around. Martim counted only two, but with the wind howling tonight, most of the words of the conversation had carried up to where he was, and he'd been able to hear the fat merchant mention another armed guard and his nephew being in their company. he did not want to do this... but the thrice bedamned Magicks Department had left him no choice... he stood no chance trying to make ends meet as a bard as he could once, he'd be captured in a day; a man playing an instrument and wondering the land was precisely what the wanted bills described him as. and so here he sat, gripping his Axe tightly in his hand. It was truly a shame such a good man had been driven to such a low as robbing travelers... but he had had no say in the matter... it was either this or being caught and probably killed. And besides, the envoy was starting to get away... and the fat merchant looked wealthy enough that he wouldn't miss a night's worth of profits. ((You're all set up, Murdoc...))
- 336 replies
- Sky Slayer
- Means and ends
- (and 8 more)
oh yes... this team will do quite well...
Ermagerd... well, looks like the teams gonna see some action afterall... I'ma definitely try to join this let's face it though, I'm just getting involved to try to get some $R anyways, since the actual thing is beginning at 8pm, am I correct in assuming the signups themselves will be starting at 7pm?
[OOC/Sign-ups] Surge Story
Sutoratosu replied to Sutoratosu's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
no need to apologize, my friend, I understand that it's just your own personal opinion... sometimes I can take stuff a bit personally when there's no real reason to, though.- 1189 replies
- explaination
- theory
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[OOC/Sign-ups] Surge Story
Sutoratosu replied to Sutoratosu's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
hm... kinda hard for me not to take it as an insult in a way.... you guys were fighting the thing pretty much since page 2 of the chapter... even if it was mostly indirectly for the beginning parts, still, that counted as parts of the boss battle. remember how I said I was gonna split it into three parts for Articuno, the two primary encounters at the gates and the final in the Atrium? If it was short, it was only because: A. you all have no real power what so ever in the story at this point and there fore would have no logical way for you to survive an extended boss battle at this point in time, so ergo it would make no sense for me to drag it out that much longer B. it may just seem to have been rushed because it was split into sections, as I said before. C. even with the intermission, the Articuno fight was meant to serve more of plot device for things I had planned further on in the chapters rather than a full fledge boss fight. D. Ditto copies the appropiate stats of a GAO when it transforms into it, but not the actual level of it, ergo, a level 57 ditto transforming into a level 100 Articuno would stay at level 57, but have the same stats it would appropiately have at said level; Ergo, you all weren't even facing it at it's full strength E. it's only chapter two, so calm down, because there may eventually come a day when you all may have multiple boss fights per chapter F. You all will have another Boss battle in due time, two at once, in fact... and there will be no breaking into sections or taking breaks to stock up on supplies and heal; everything must be done while in combat. it'll be far more difficult, and longer, and the boss's support will be as intelligent as humans, because they will be humans. G. Pineapple, assuming it's around twenty or twenty two pages total in the current chapter before events planned are wrapped up, the boss battle, approximately six pages or so, will have taken up about a forth of the thing. Pray tell, what length, exactly, do you feel it appropriate for a boss fight to last in a forum style RP that is only in it's second chapter? As for Shadow, I only had articuno take him out because you ordered him, an avain creature approximately the size of a large crow/raven, which ever you prefer, to use a contact move like wing attack against a bird that's just a little under fifty times his size, there was literally no logical way he could escape in time before Articuno would've noticed and countered with a much stronger version of the move. but... enough, enough... Ray will be coming to guide shadow down to the med ward when I go through and update later on today- 1189 replies
- explaination
- theory
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Under the Hill - Second Circle: Lust
Sutoratosu replied to Notus's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Ethic stopped yelling after a few minutes. it was obvious that Kenny was gonna be out for a long while. Sighing, he turned to Lucian "Guess it's just us then..." he said, walking off through the gates of the green house. Lucian began to follow, then paused, shooting a glance over at Kenny, now the sole person still on the other side. "Aren't we gonna go get him?" he asked "Or at the very least wait for him to come to?" Ethic stopped shortly inside the gates, glancing at Lucian over his shoulders "Kenny is more than capable of taking care of himself, he'll be just fine." with that, he continued walking into the green house, Lucian shaking his head, as if in disappointment, then picking up his pace to catch up. -
Under The Hill [OOC/Sign-Ups]
Sutoratosu replied to Notus's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Wait... Kenny, Are you dead, or just unconscious? EDIT: nevermind... Ethic's going in alone- 1735 replies
- (Lets see who gets that.)
- Ye who enter here.
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you said anyone who wants to be put in as a trainer could be:
0/10 would not watch again
Under the Hill - Second Circle: Lust
Sutoratosu replied to Notus's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Ethic stepped up to the rope next as it swung back across to the top of the stairs, catching it smoothly in his hand as he looked over to the other side. there was really no other choice... seeing as how the entire damn bridge had vanished after the masked guy had crossed... he brought up his other hand, gripping the rope tightly as he took a few steps back, then sprinted for the ledge, pushing off hard with his legs once he reached the ledge and swinging over to the other side, letting go of the rope as it lost more and more of it's forward momentum and landing softly on his feet in front of the greenhouse. he turned and watched as the rope lazily swung back over to the stair-side, expecting to see Lucian about to swing across... only to notice that he wasn't there. "Well... " said a familiar voice behind him "looks like I still have some abilities..." Ethic whirled around, spotting the Magus standing there, hands in his pockets... for some reason, this whole tye-dyed shirt and jeans look seemed to suit him better than the whole Magician's get-up... at least, that's what Ethic thought as he saw him. "Well then," he began as he started walking off towards the Green house, the gates of which sat wide open "I guess it'll be hard for us to get separated if you can just magically appear." He stopped just outside the gates, glancing around. he couldn't help but recall how he'd walked through the gate to the hill, how he'd stopped and looked around first then as well... it seemed a bit like Deja vu. He took a few steps back and glanced off towards Kenny... who was still unconscious on the ground on the other side of the gap. he had no idea what had happened to byron, but he figured the guy would be fine on his own in this place. but he might as well just wait for Kenny to come to and swing across... smarter to just stick with the people who he could trust his back to down here. "Kenny!!" he called, cupping his hands around his mouth to amplify the sound "Wake up and get over, man!!" -
Damn... ninja'd by Blaster
Masterweavile898 "very well then..." Deric said, glancing back at his four old friends "Marca's gotten away... there's no real reason for us to stay up here..." with that he took a step off the ledge of the building, disappearing into thin air as he did so; it was unexplainable, one minute he was there, and the next he was not. down on the street below, Aaron felt a presence suddenly behind him. the young mage glanced over his shoulder, surprised to see Deric there. "H-How..." he began "Deric... you know how to Light Walk?" Deric took a step back, realizing he'd just made a very stupid mistake... he preferred to keep his past unknown, and yet here he was, flaunting Skills and Magick he'd picked up from back then... "That's not important right now." Deric said quickly, acting to change the subject, he looked over at amelia, still addressing Aaron as he spoke "So... Aaron..." he said, visibly uncomfortable, he was still chiding himself over how careless he had been by Light Walking in front of Aaron "Tell me about how exactly you met this young lady." Aaron glanced over at Milly "I healed her," he began "after she stumbled into the West Market square, bleeding to death from a deep gash on the sole of her foot." he didn't really know whether or not the gash had been deeper than an inch or two, but he assumed it had to be...how else would it have been possible for her to have been losing as much blood as she was as fast as she was? "Well... " Deric said "at least you're seizing opportunities to practice..." he looked over at Amelia "And I'm guessing he's decent enough at it... seeing as how you seem to be walking just fine." K_H Not having to be told twice, Maruclo ran off after Ko'Luki. "This is a bit much Sir, Don't you think!?" he shouted at Ko'luki as the HEDs detonated behind him, the force of the blast sending him flying through the air and landing smack on his face. he glared up at Kol'uki as the explosion began to recede, about to open his mouth and say a few less than nice things when he heard a strange crackling sound behind him. he got up to a sitting position, glancing over his shoulder to see a strange, violet hued barrier in front of the door, scorch marks from the HEDs detonation scarred the wall around it. Marculo got up slowly. He glared at Ko'Luki "Have you any other Ideas... Sir...?" he asked, obviously a bit irritated "Preferably ones that do not endanger my life." ((I know I said that explosives were the answer... but I've thought of something more interesting...)) ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Remus walked through the darkened corridors of the Archive, his ornate grey and black robes trailing behind him as he went. "Have you found the man named Martim yet?" he asked the young man dressed in a gold and grey guild jacket and pants walking beside him, Gilwyn, whom was his right hand man, the one only one Remus would allow to receive his assignments in person "No, ser..." he began "But we will... with the bounty posters we've forged and distributed in the local area, it won't be long before someone delivers him to our doorstep... all we need do is be patient." Remus glanced over at the young man, scrutinizing the validity of that statement "We will not simply wait for some bounty hunter to bring him." he said simply, as if by him doing so it became set in stone as factual "I've already given you the assignment: you're to find him, and kill him.... preferably with much more discretion than you did his family." Gilwyn stopped walking, and after a few more paces ahead, Remus noticed he was no longer beside him and stopped, turning to glare at the young man. "It was you who said to get rid of the wife and children to prevent them from picking up where he left off in his studies" Gilwyn began, meeting the older man's stare with a far more carnal ferocity "you gave me no restrictions as to the methods at my appropriate disposal, so do not bitch and moan about my setting fire to the home with Lenach, if you wanted discretion in the matter then you should've specified as such when you gave me the assignment." Remus turned back around, feigning as if he were going to walk away, then without warning, he whirled back to face Gilwyn, his eye's alight with a white glow as he thrust out his hand, a long bolt of electricity arcing out of his palm... only to hit a nearby bookshelf, charring the wood and completely destroying the tombs sitting on it. he lowered his hand, grinding his teeth as he felt an electric charge in the air near the back of his head. "Do not get angry simply because I speak the truth," Gilwyn said from behind the old sage, his index finger pointed at the back of Remus's skull in a fusil like fashion, the tip crackling with a small sphere of lightning. "if you want discretion for those you need dead, then you must say as such when you dispatch me." surprisingly, Remus sighed and turned around to face the young man, who promptly lowered his finger to his side. "Go." he said simply "The more time you spend standing here, the more time he'll have to find refuge." Gilwyn simply nodded, fading into the darkness a moment later, his foot steps echoing throughout the place as he made his way back towards the stair case.
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