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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. welp, I had this idea about an Hour ago, and it just won't stop eating at me, and from what I can see, no one has done it before on this site, so here it is Basically, an RP based off a Quote from Lt. Surge- "Electric types saved me during the war" Yes, that's right folks, I'm thinking of an RP set during the Kanto War. Before I go into the basic plot any futher, If you're not familiar with the kanto war or the Mutant Future pokemon theories, than please take a moment to read over them here: Mutant Future: http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Mutant_Future The Kanto/ Pokemon war theory (the latter is what the story names it as): http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_War_Theory Now then, Here's what'll be cosidered as canon for the RP the story lines of Pokemon Red, Blue, Fire Red, And Leaf Green As well as the two theories listed above, which I have taken it upon myself to try and merge into one, Which I call "The Great Genetic War" (I will get more into that later on) The occurences of the Mangas will be tossed away for this, but Some minor details from the anime will be used (such as the portrayal of Lt.surge's personality, as the games don't really give much in the way of that, As well as the fact that guns have been depicted in pokemon.) that's all for today...
  2. Humanity. Plain and simple for me. I wouldn't exactly classify to feeling I get as "fear" in the traditional sense, but when you know what something can potentially do, and Dread the day if or when it does it, Can't that be called fear too? So unpredictable, so short sighted at times. What worries me most is that we have the capabilties to wipe each other out with the virtual push of a button...
  3. Personally, I've been able to get pretty good use out of magby and ralts
  4. Tough one, but... Goodra, I guess. Just the way it looks... Too damn Squishy for a dragon if you ask me... If you could do anything you wanted as a living, anything What would it be, and Why?
  5. I kinda like this, seeing as how the prolouge is pretty much what I always thought would happen If someone was shortsided enough to actually go and Capture a major legendary responsible for governing an aspect of the world. though, the idea of most roles needing to be pokemon kinda makes me wanna step back. Mystery dungeon was fun but... Anyways, I'll think about signing up.
  6. say, if Kanto comes out on top in the polls, You could set the plot during the supposed Kanto War that Lt.Surge rambles on about when Challenged in the Games. http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_War_Theory That gives the basic concept and Reasoning for thinking that Kanto went through a war (If you ask me, There's just to many red flags corresponding in fire red for this Theory Not to have at least some truth in it.) http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Mutant_Future That can provide a bases as to the events of the war, if one gets a little creative and links the two stories I've gotta be more careful, I just noticed the date on the last post and realized that this thread is pretty much dead ._. whoops... Still don't now Why I can't delete my post anymore...
  7. Thank you as well for your evaluation, I'll Try that out and see how it goes. Kinda ironic too, Up until Noel, I had a really bulky pokemon: Blissey. It had a crap load of HP, and an Impressive Spec. Defense stat, but it Crumbled easily when hit with a physical attack (I remedied this by teaching it Soft-boiled as well as charm) But sadly, It's far to underlevel at this point to come out of retirement, and Raising it up to the current team's level would honestly more work than it's worth (If anyone's ever raised a Blissey, then they'll know just how terrible the things Attack and Spec.Attack stats can be) Also, @Vinny, I'm going to breed Morpheus a few more times for more evee's, And I'll probably evolve one of his children into Jolteon to test that set up.
  8. I'ma just give my good ol budy Bahamut Zero a call, And sipp some Iced tea at the base of the hill while he prepares to nuke you from just outside the Earth's atmosphere, I'm not king again yet, but... Oh, look at that: what a Beautiful beam of fiery wrath. that took much shorter than usual. now if you'll excse me, i'll just step over all this wreckage and once more rule as king.
  9. only you can prevent wildfires. Actually, no, wait a minute, Rain storms will work as well.

  10. Why, thank you for your evaluation I'll try and look for some attacks like fire punch/thunder punch to even out the move pool on magmar. maybe have it relearn smokescreen. the power gem on tartarus was learned early in the game back when he was a bouldor that only knew rock blast as a Rock type move, which for some reason missed alot of the time despite the moves accuracy rating. I had him learn it back then for insurance in battle, so that even if we get unlucky enough to have rockblast miss ten out of ten times, we'd still have a rock type move available. once he learned Stone edge, I just never got around to replacing power gem with a better suited physical rock attack. I'll try and see if I can have it learn Rock slide or something. Though i could use some info as to how to get rockslide. as for scraggy, I think that having a stat enhancing move would be a good idea, but I'd appreciate help if someone could tell me how to get a TM like bulk-up. As for Bouffalant, no my freind, it is not just you. I too am starting to feel that she does not belong, Sheer force just isn't my style. At this point, I'm looking for viable candidates to replace it, at which time I will release it back into the wild. As for the question about if I have issues against a certain type... no, not at this point in the game at least, though I suspect that Dragons and Fairies could be an issue when the time to face them comes. there is a hole as to who handles water types though, most of the time I can get by with having Deluge fight them, but a more secure victory would be welcomed. Here's the list of possible candidates to replace bouffalant. (most or all of them are in training) Life- Lvl23(gallade) Ability- Stead fast Move pool: Leaf blade, Psychic, Shadow ball, Close combat one of the two sons of Freind the gardevoir, quite honestly, because of his move pool, I'm keeping my eye especially on his potential on the team. Morpheus/ Meo- Lvl11/1, respectively (evees) Ability- Runaway, Anticipation (respectively) Move pool: I'm not gonna bother listing it, since neither is very special A father and son team of evee. The potential of the Eveelutions... Cloud burn- Lvl25 (Heliolisk) Ability- Solar power move pool: Charge beam, Charge, Grassknot, Quick attack. Found him on a rooftop in beryll, sun bathing. I'm not really feeling it from him, but maybe if we could get some heart scales and have him relearn some his starting moves(check bulbapedia if you want to see them)... He might make the cut. Mincinno- Lvl48 Ability- Skill link Movepool (Behold!): Bullet seed, tail slap, Rock blast, Charm Noel's mincinno really, and i mean REALLY pissed me off when I first fought him, so I researched it and decided I wanted one as well.found him in of all places, Chrysolia forest.He's been put into retirement since Noel's defeat, but he can still come back out. Skill link combined with all those repeating moves and... Well, I'm sure you all know. Arboles- Lvl50 (deerling) Ability- sap sipper Move pool- Energy ball, charm, double edge, nature power I could sense this one's potential the moment he hit Friend with an energy ball during the wild encounter that I caught him from. After an evolution, and some new moves, We'll be looking at some serious heat.
  11. well, i've been wanting to get an outside opinion on my team for a while, so here goes. Let us begin: Vulcan- a fiery star blazing bright against the night sky. (magmar) Lvl 61 F Ability: flamebody (was vital spirit, got changed with ability capsule) Stats: (attack, def, spec.attack,spec.defense, speed, etc... in descending order) 156 88 143 132 131 Movepool: Flamethrower, Fire blast, Confuse ray, Clear smog Notes:found underneath opal bridge at beginning of my quest, been traveling with ever since. serves as one of two primary Spec Attackers on the team, with it's speed allowing it to move before most opponents we've come across. Has preformed well as a saving grace, and has come through many times when our backs where against the wall in battle. Whenever victory seems impossible, I turn to Vulcan. Deluge- A vicious maelstrom whose might can destroy Mountains (swampert) Lvl 61 M Ability: Damp (made me so happy at the first gym ) Stats: 167 144 152 118 85 Movepool: Muddy water, Earthquake, Strength, Sludge wave Notes: the first one on the team, has been an excellent companion. sometimes serves as a Staller, so to speak, buys time when a strategy needs to be set up or when I need a moment to get the rest of the team back in fighting condition. Though, often enough he goes in as a well rounded ace(speed could be improved though) that can take a few hits and drop several foes in a row before taking a fall. When the fighting starts going south, he will be there. Tartarus- A rock that ties us all together when the going gets rough (gigalithe) Lvl 58 M Ability: Sturdy Stats: 181 164 104 97 59 Movepool: Stone edge, Power gem, Explosion, Rock smash Notes: found him in the Rhindocrine caves.The tank of the team. Sturdy allows him to take a lot of physical blows and he can often deal out far more damage than the enemy can. Absolutely destroys flyers and fire types, and when things go bad, we can always fall back on a suicide tactic. Courage- To falter is to fail, to surrender is to die (scrafty) Lvl 60 F Ability: Moxie Stats: 150 164 83 131 94 Movepool: High jump kick, Brick break, Rock climb, Crunch Notes: A late addition to the team. Does it's job of taking out high def. normal and dark types well enough. Can't really complain much... Friend- The epitome of self-sacrifice for the sake of others (gardevoir) Lvl 59 F Ability: Trace Stats: 111 92 210 158 116 Movepool: Psychic, Moonblast, Shadow ball, Calm mind Notes: My Ace in the hole when it comes to special attacks. found in a house guarded by a hobo demanding alms. often gets thrown in early in fight. Bouffalant- You've yet to receive a name because you have not earned it Lvl 56 F Ability: Sap sipper Stats: 134 109 64 124 72 Movepool: Swords dance, Mega horn, Cut, Head smash Notes:added after intial visit to route one. I'm starting to think catching we was a waste of my pokeballs. You're going to have to start pulling some more weight in battle of you don't wanna be replaced...
  12. Plants an improvised explosive device in your violin, sets it to detonate when it detects the vibrations of sound
  13. ^has a clever pokemon version of the Lion King for his avatar
  14. yes, I establish my own country and wage war against the gods for their attmepts on my life You can take in Energy from the sun and turn it into sustenance, like a plant (no, you don't turn green) Ergo, you've no use for food, or water, as it's a by-product if the process. BUT Your body only creates enough sustenance to keep it going at that time; you will starve to death within hours when not in the presence of the sun, Ergo, you must forever travel to face of the earth, Following the sun in it's journey across the sky.
  15. Uses the master summon materia, summons bahamut and blasts the top of the hill as Rosesong stands on it, gloating over outsmarting her predecessor. es crater hill now.
  16. the only thing thats impossible, is for something to not be possible

  17. Say, aside from the magby under the bridge having a chance of holding one, does anyone know where to get a magmarizer in episode 11?
  18. "im sorry, but for security purposes, only tenants are allowed in. Leave, now." after you finish the all gangs side quest, and speak to the leader of your gang about seventh street, search around lapis until you get to either of the two buildings where you'll hear something like the above quote from the person behind the counter.
  19. Star-crossed lover: when two ally pokemon of the opposite gender on the field have this ability, the Attack and Spec. Atack of both pokemon go up by 50%, however, both pokemon will have a 100% susceptibility rate to confusion. Wrath: the pokemons attack rises by 2 levels each time it's physically struck or is afflicted with a status ailment, but it's defense drops by 2 levels as well. Dragon Born: when hit by dragon type moves, the pokemon absorbs HP equal to the damage that would've been inflicted. Dragon Kin: any dragon type move used by the pokemon receives a 25% increase in power when used on a non- dragon type Dracism: Powers up dragon type moves when hp is below 10% all of the three following are hidden abilities with only a 1~5% chance of spawning on the named pokemon. Divinity: (for Arceus, Palkia, Dialga, Rayquaza) only other pokemon with the ability of Divinity, Good Samaritan, or Fallen Grace can inflict damage on the pokemon Fallen Grace: (Garitina, Groudon, Kyogre, Spirit tomb) only other pokemon with the ability of Divinity, Good Samaritan, or Fallen Grace can inflict damage on the pokemon Good Samaritan:(blissey, Chansey, Gardevoir,Gallade,Mew, Celebii, Togekiss, Togetic) any hp recovery moves used by or on the pokemon recover 50% more hp, also only other pokemon with the ability of Divinity, Good Samaritan, or Fallen Grace can inflict damage on the pokemon Chuck Norris:(0.55% chance, can spawn on any pokemon) the pokemon wins all battles, no exceptions, no survivors
  20. no problem
  21. the magma hideaway is tucked away in an alley on the north obsidia ward (the ward is literally right across from lapis, you can't miss it) follow the street in that ward coming from the grand stair case, and take the fist upward turn you see, keep heading straight up until you hit the wall, then turn left to enter their hideout (also, it must be night for you to do the quest) if you have trouble with those directions, then know this, their alley is on the same raised street level that the nightclub is on.
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