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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. hmmmm... yes, I do beleive I have two misfits lying around who could fight over who's going to be used here...been a long ass time since I thought of em, but eh...
  2. ^Please, for the love of god ya'll, respond... you really don't wanna see or fight who is in the reserves for this competition... trust me. neeways, I think my stance goes without saying since... it's me. Looks like I'll be able to eventually try out sully's new mech alterations after all
  3. also that Staff/Halberd thing needs either a serious boost in weight penalty or some type of cursed quality to offset both that damage rate and the enchantments. As it stands, it's literally got Offensive Power that rivals and perhaps surpasses (Esp with the battlestaff quality) Hiroki's Main Cannon and Aurora's Rad. Shard, but with no starting penalty at all attached to it. And I'm fairly certain just making it bound is not enough to balance a weapon.
  4. Cadence wastes no time as she sees the man lose his balance and his blood alike. With a single sprinting step followed by a spring into the air, she instantly shifts her weight about and turns midway through the maneuver, rapier in hand with the edge aimed right for the man's jugular... the raw momentum of the technique hopefully granting it enough speed to carry through and end his blight upon the seas... Because if there was one thing she was getting fed up with more than anything, it was the amount of skill these thieving bastards showed in blocking the same strikes and maneuvers she'd been forced to practice over so many years...with a god damn axe of all things. Truly, it was perplexing... even with the strength to lift it up and heft it into one's opponent, the damn things were so heavy that managing to get it up in time to catch and redirect the edge of such a lighter and faster weapon was...ridiculous, really... But then again... what physical weapons weren't ridiculous in some way? Cade had never found an answer to that, no matter how hard she'd looked over the years. Steel always faltered before the spirits anyway...Magic ruled all in the end. She only used this worthless bit of iron because it was what she'd been taught with... Move to L18, Pirouette-Slice Pirate 7's unwashed, heathen neck open
  5. She did not get up. Nor even stir at the offer. Her body was inert as the steel of her weapon embedded deep into the floor boards. Silence ruled the room. And it's reign would've last forever, had she not finally opened her mouth, so long after he'd gone.... caring nothing if anyone walked in and perceived it as talking to herself. "Braith..." "..." "Why is the only decent one such a damn fool?" "Beggar's can't be choosers." "I never asked for this." "I know..." "..." "I asked for you." "Why the hell did you do that, a bit too little, too late..." "We don't have to kill everyone. Only all the one's who deserve it...I was hoping you'd see that." "... you say that, but at the end of the day... who's really going to deserve it, and who isn't? Who makes that decision, you, or me?" "They do. We are merely the executioners." "...screw it. I guess that sounds fair enough..." She turned back over in the bed, an arm laying over her forehead as she looked up at the other mattress, the other splayed to her side. the words poured from her like water as recited them all, one by one. Endless names, countless names, names who'd already proven beyond doubt what they deserved in the end... "Ranaro Vicerte Van Nero. Illium Nero. Micah Nero. Tyle Smither. Snow Bleak. Micai Blood. Arwin Blood. Inge Reinheild. Freya Ignis. Livina Cahwel. Guido Vanson. Winald Black. Connor Black. Walter Voltares. Ivo Kyte. Weiland Fletch. Freya Storm..." And she kept them coming, one, by one, by one. She wasn't going to join the boy in his meditation, but that didn't she wouldn't do any of her own. One by one, the identities and clans of those yet to burn passed her lips. And one by one, she imagined their faces and cries as they were consumed alive by the great beast that had found her... that fiend in the night, that shepherd of fire, bringer of storm... that old wolf named Braith.
  6. ...wait, you weren't talking about the dorms? wasn't that where you were headed? Because if you went towards the main building, you would've had to pass Roy and Damon at some point by the fountain and seen them fight... yeah, we still don't... actually know too much about the inside of the main building. The dorms though, are a topic that's been beaten to death. Hence, this is exactly why Shiri is right and we just need to pick up on a new day... ya'll see how tangled shit has gotten? XD
  7. what the building layout is like is a topic that has literally been discussed at length in the OOC already... like... really, go a few pages back. We spent a good while scratching our heads before it finally started to clear up
  8. yeah, at this point, we are looking a bit chaotic in terms of keeping track of who the hell is where and doing what exactly. Time Skipping to A New day definitely sounds good... And me and Kain are more or less almost done with our interaction, now that I think on it (he did say something about getting a last post up to finish with soon... let's see if he gets it in.), though I don't really think any of the other ones would sufer that much from being cut short anyway... aside from ours and the one between ragnar and co, the rest of em have been rather... slow... to build to anything really significant in the end.
  9. ... what fish? A squid maybe, but I recall nothing about ever talking about fish... fish have next to no significance to Aurora, really... EDIT: oh wait... the Big Fish? That's nothing but a metaphor to describe whatever set the trap we all kinda got caught in. And the thing Aurora was debating whether to hide and let the others try to handle it, then swoop in like a mothafucking bald eagle and steal the carcass, or to just stay out in the open and fight with them. IE; Big Fish eat little fish... big fish in a small pond... etc
  10. naaaah see.... the old her... that would never have worked out as a legitimate reason... like one of the things about the racial template for her kind was that they literally attack humans on sight simply due to genetic programming and instinct. Without me having done something serious to fuck her up to the point where both of those were effected enough to be negated... it would've been impossible for her to accompany an entire party mostly full of pure-blooded humans. Plus like I said, I have an idea for a sub plot much later down the line regarding it, and honestly her situation being what the way I ended up settling on prior to her being summoned, made a better story for her than the cliched "Well, guess I got no choice but to work with you people if I don't want to die too" excuse. Like... if by some hypothetical, everyone had submitted monstrous PCs, using that excuse alone would've worked fine... not with humans though.
  11. Heartless Souls... thing made by none other than Huk on here that's dead now. The gist of it was that it was a DnDish styled world where there were a bunch of monsters trapped in an underground castle ruled by a lich lord. PCs would take the roles of a few of those munsters during the time period in which the castle finally reopened it's gates after over a century of isolation used as a defensive measure against an army composed of humans, elfs, dwarves, and other trash "Good guy" races. EDIT: And the big man himself ninja'd me XD
  12. In HS, the verse she's from (shout out to Huk for all that world building, it will be missed, truly) her species' primary prey was humans. But really... they'll eat nearly anything that is constituted of organic matter. But as it stands... I kinda had to nerf the whole Man-eating killing machine aspect inherent in all members of the Arachni Blood, since... bunch of damn humans in the party. Hence... ya'll have to get the mentally damaged version of her, to keep certain stuff to a... minimum. Like, I got an idea for a whole subplot around it already, just need to hammer out some finer details before I show the proposal to murdoc.
  13. ((don't worry, we can just let Aurora eat the TSA agents...)) I mean... you get what you paid for. Those of us who made our weapons and gave them bound should've set them up in such a way that even without upgrades, there would still be some use for them in the later game. why do you think I added the burn to Radiant Shard? Really what it comes down too isn't whether it's more positive than negative, but whether in the context of the character if it makes sense that their gear is an integral part of them, and if the answer is yes, then it's no one fault than that of the player if they choose that quality, yet neglect to think ahead about how to set up the specs in order to keep it relevant during the later game.
  14. She snarled as the beasts howled and rose back to their feet, like all those past injuries were nothing. Infact... they were quite literally nothing now, Aurora could see that much from the pristine states of their hides. She had only hunted one prey like this, that healed so fast and came in numbers... she'd elected to simply retreat in the end, and they'd followed. It damn near took the girl and entire rest of those traveling with her fighting them before the damn things died and finally stayed dead, though... that was more likely due to the wolf girl's howling flames obliterating them where they stood than anything else. Yes, yes... Owlbears did strange things when they were possessed by talking black flames leaking from their eyes like tears. And even stranger when they finally died and the flames left, but not before cursing all of their names and vowing to return and finish what was started... and even specifically addressing her by the name she'd been told was hers. She had never quarreled or hunted anything like pure black fire though. Why the hell would she? Fire burned, fire stung... made her blood boil inside her carapace, just as frost slowed her and made every one of her muscles spasm in such pain she could hardly move. Regardless though, luckily for the fleshies who would've otherwise been food if not for this attack, it seemed the armored being had realized the same thing about these lot as well... because Aurora certainly wouldn't have opened her mouth to do the same. She set her sights on one of those who'd been struck senseless by the screech not long ago, and her eye flashed a brilliant silver yet again as a beam travelled as fast as literal light and hit the other armored being, the one who actually had some sort of flesh under theirs and wielded that... burning fire-like energy that she already hated just from looking at it. Fire Mending Ray on Hiroki
  15. "..." She stayed in silence. More because she couldn't really believe the last part of what the boy said than anything else. No. He still didn't understand, obviously. Fuck it, she wasn't lying when she said that was as crystal as she could make it. She looked out of the open window from where she stood, out onto this 'world' she was supposed to somehow not want to see a fair portion of- mainly the entire northern continent -consumed in hellfire. "that's easy to say, for you." she said bluntly. the fury that once ruled her was beginning to calm in it's storm... calm, but not leave. No, for it could never leave... only go tranquil for a while. Like the surface of a still lake, hiding a fearsome beast just below the surface. "Yeah... it's real fucking easy to say that..." with that, she walked past him and lay back down on her bunk "but it's never gonna happen. All I ever did was take a breath, and from that moment I was marked. And I'm always gonna be marked. You say that line about wishing I didn't hate it all, like this is just a dispute against neighbors, that 'hate breeds hate' and all that nonsense. Fuck that shit. This isn't some small conflict or misunderstanding or disagreement that can be talked out with a jarl." She moved on the mattress, turning her back to him. "I never got a chance, so why the everloving, cuckolding fuck should I give one? That's not how it works for me and him, buddy... it's either an eye for an eye, or bust. we turn no fucking cheeks. we do not forgive... and we never forget." and with that... she stopped. Simply lay there, eyes burning into the far wall. The conversation was over, as far as she cared, because without a shadow of a doubt, the amount of damns she had to give for anything else that came up about 'not hating the world'... was abysmally low
  16. Just popping to leave another reminder for murdoc when he has time to edit it stuffs: Aurora healed Heo, not Katsuo anything else we notice I'll stick in here too.
  17. Just for reference: you're doing 4-24 base Damage with each blow dude. The highest base damage of weapons of this level are 2-12/1-12, coming from stuff like Hiroki's Cannon which is bound and has a weight of 8 with a freaking penalty that decreases her Ini by alot... tldr, as murdoc told me himself, if you want high base damage in a weapon at this level, you WILL pay for it in the form of either high weight and thus high check penalties, cursed attributes on the gear, or both in the case of my own weapon (though to be fair, I put recoil on Radiant shard because I didn't feel like constantly having a massive penalty to ever single check. Plus I got the nice burn effect, so...). at 4-24 when the highest thus far is 2-12, the amount of drawbacks you'd have to give that gear just to reasonably balance it would more than likely cripple your pc in every way except damage output.
  18. She jumped at the tel tale ring of metal indenting, though before she could do much of anything on pure reflex, Braith was again there. The words that by this point had been hard wired to fly from her lips in the case of danger got stuck in her throat, swallowed back down as the boy calmed himself. "I... do not..." he said in a softer tone this time. "I have told you... I don't understand... people. I am... slow to understand things. I cannot come... to understand you... if you do not say things... straight. So... please... explain it... for me." "Gods..." Rame sighed "So it wasn't a joke, he really is that damn dense...screw it, still better than the rest of this lot. At least I can actually tolerate him..." "Fiiiiine...gods..." she again sighed. But rather than immediately launch into it, she dug around in her bag yet again, this time producing... A set of thick Iron cuffs. Bound in chains, clinking with every motion, black as night. She immediately dropped the restraints onto the floor, landing with the resounding thud of their weight... which, given her brother had intentionally cut back on the metal used, was still far less than it could've been. "If you still don't understand, then look at those. I'm supposed to be a prisoner. A Conscript. I am a murderer, you fool.... I told you that I burned my sister...the bitch was nothing but ash when I was done. So my father sent me to this place because he hopes that I'll end up dying in this war, since my brothers stopped him from outright killing me himself. I didn't choose to come here, alright? But I didn't fight it... because I trusted braith... and I really did want to get the fuck away from home by that point. If they kicked me out, fine, good even... I'd literally have no reason to go back. It's for the best, probably; I know without a shadow of a doubt, I would've killed the rest of them after that, maybe not that day, or the day after, but very soon. And my brothers had tried to protect me my entire life... but they couldn't keep doing it forever. They both would've had to get wives and start their own families, soon enough...and when they did, I didn't intend to be a burden to either of them. So there, that plain and simple enough for you? I'm here because I killed my sister in self-defense, and my father wants me dead for it, but my brothers got in his way and forced him to get... creative with the death sentence. I'm here because I fucking got tired of being treated as disaster and tragedy incarnate. I'm here because if I let her bash my skull in, then all the spiteful motherfuckers like her would've won. I'm here because for once, I decided to stand up, end that bitch's miserable existence like she fucking deserved, and show them all the true cost of everything they'd done to me; that I was never born a monster, but them constantly insisting and acting like I was made me into one. I'm here because instead of just waiting for the right time to do something petty that would only continue the cycle, I got myself out of it entirely." The air again began to heat like an oven. Her shirt began to singe around the edges from her raw body heat, embers beginning to swirl about her with each and every word as she shook, hair rising and fanning out in the hellish air. Until at long last, she stood bolt upright from the bed, eyes fixed on the iron restraints as her fires concentrated into the palm of her hand, casting forth in a single hellish bolt of pure crimson that shattered the restraint devices as if they'd been smashed with a sledge hammer. The iron screeched and howled and hissed as it suffered under the assault, a small flame beginning to burn in the floor boards, though Braith was already on it, recalling the fire back into the girl's palm and banishing it in the same instant. All that was left of the things was a black scorch mark. Rame did not look at the boy as she continued. Simply let her arm fall limp at her side and walked off towards the other side of the room before stopping... and turning back to him. And so too did her fires begin to die as she did... Braith didn't want to have to do it, seal them like this, but at this point, it was clear what she'd do without constant restraint. "I'm here because I fucking broke my chains that day! and that shit eating bastard of a father only tried to put new ones on me, and a noose around my neck with it! I'm here because I have no fucking place and I never will; I'm destined to die as pathetic and worthless as when I came into this shit pile of a world! But I'm going to fucking burn my destiny, with his help... defy it. I will not die here! I refuse to let them win! It doesn't matter what I have to do, someday, they will all pay. And I will fucking play like I never have before as I watch their miserable world of cardboard burn down all around them. There... do you understand now? That's why I'm here. And that's as simply I can possibly put it, if you still don't get it, I can't help you..." And like that... the embers and heat were gone around her. But the utter fury that permeated her entire being still remained, simply bottled, the lumen she'd managed to regenerate over this short period since the fight surging like trapped lightning. Braith's forcing of his own hand truly was the only thing preventing her from burning as hot and bright as she possibly could... and the light in her chest burned ever hotter from the exertion he put up... It wasn't so easy for him... not when the call to manifest himself was so powerful, so inviting, her rage and hate like the sweetest nectar on his lips... but the entity of flame managed it nonetheless. As he'd told her before, they'd have their fill of vengeance someday...
  19. "But... why are you... here? Why... fight in Auster?" Rame looked up at him with a mix of both annoyance and perplexion. Exile. That was why... was that not enough of a reason? In the north, it was supposedly the non-lethal version of far harsher sentences; the indirect and out of sight out of mind way of dealing with those you didn't want around. But in truth, it was the same as death most of the time. Exiles were seldom allowed to take supplies and certainly no weapons with them, simply sent out into the snow wastes to be at nature's mercy. Hell the only reason she had been allowed to be the exception was because... well, her brothers apparently didn't care that much about their inheritence, compared to what happened to her. It made her smile, ever so slightly... but fine. maybe he was too dense to get it even with everything she'd already told him. "This is war." She used extra emphasis herself this time, letting it carry through as she continued. "People die in war. All the time. Exiles in the north never choose the destination in which they begin their excommunication... they're always taken there by force and left behind. You see these welts on my wrists?" The scars were still as clear as ever, even more so from her recent agitation and rubbing. so red and raw they were almost bloody. "They itch like hell and I fucking hate them; what, you think I gave these to myself?... Don't you get it yet?"
  20. "...." The... injury inflicted on the beast was... annoyingly slight, to say the least. Aurora lowered her palm as the light died. A growling hiss escaped her mouth, seeing one of the damn juggernauts take such a beating and yet still keeping. Whatever these beings were, they were far more resilient than most of what she'd ever come across. Hell, that very same attack alone had been enough to smite full grown owlbears before, when she managed to get them near the neck or under bellies. And it wasn't just her either. nearly all the fleshies found similar results from their own assaults. And little by little, as she stood there watching from afar, it began to dawn on Aurora. She would waste her energy, if she continued to just blast them with the shard. Yes, yes indeed.... for not even the searing heat of the afterburn seemed to do much to their hides. It would be easier to simply let the strange ones do most of the grunt work, and then once they killed the things... if they even did kill the things, swoop in when they weren't looking and take it for herself. She had no idea how the hell she'd even carry beings so large, of course, but... she could figure that out later. For now, she set her sights on one of the strange smelling beings, and in that same instant, one her silver eyes flashed, and from it flew a twinkling bolt across the battleground, so quick it was not even traceable by the eyes of most of those present. And the moment it landed, the brawny man she'd targeted immediately felt his wounds beginning to close. What? If she was going to let them make all the exertion, no point letting them die before the job was done. That just meant she'd have to either step in herself or run away... the latter of which being far more likely, and less likely to get her fed. Cast the Mending Ray on Heo
  21. just as a reminder for murdoc when he has time to fix it in the post and as an FYI for everyone else, Beast B is currently afflicted with the Burn Status from Radiant Glint. Also, as an aside, to avoid a repeat of last turn, do try at the very least to get on discord and discuss stuff before you actually post your move this round. pls and ty
  22. eh guess you do have a point with the HP...and even if they actually do, guess this can just serve as a lesson for everyone to look before they leap on a target from now on...
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