She winced slightly as the woman touched her knee... well perhaps wince isn't the correct word, given she barely held back a few curses at the mere sensation of another person poking about the wound site; the pain ebbed and faded in time though, much to her surprise. It was nothing compared to the woman's demeanor though; that voice, that tone, the smile... it almost felt motherly... nothing she was used to getting from other females.
"T...Thank you," She finally managed as she accepted the glass. She didn't look the healer in the eyes though, gaze fixed on the still water, cheeks beginning to redden just a little. Hell, if she hadn't just tried to kill that little pink haired fuckboy a few minutes ago, one probably could've mistaken the display for shyness...
Then... the door opened. Loudly. She already knew what was likely coming as she glanced over and saw the other instructor approaching. The same shit she always got, really...or something close to it. Conflict, dispute, quarrel, whatever one called it, it was all still the same.
"Care to explain the events I just witnessed? Because if the south didn't desperately need new recruits, I'd have you sent back home immediately."
"She's alot... calmer than I expected?" She didn't know what to say, really. The 'correct' response was probably some crap like 'I'm sorry, I got carried away'... but... this was a bit hard to read. Saying sorry here might be no better an outcome than simply lying, though technically, her saying sorry would be a lie anyway... she wasn't. Just like she hadn't been sorry about Chara. She had stayed quiet though, during that just as Braith told her to be... yet here, silence seemed far from the answer as well.
Then it's voice whispered through her mind, fleeting as smoke, dry as the purest kindling
"Be frank, there is no point playing games here...
they brought us down like it was nothing...
we are but rabbits among wolves here, shameful as it is..."
"He pissed us off, we retaliated," She nigh immediately said. She looked over her shoulder once more, saw the woman's eyes, and immediately thought better of it as she went back to staring at the glass. The pulsating light in her chest seemed to burn a bit brighter at each utterance of plurals... Rame shifted in place like a child being scolded before knocking it off immediately "I...I know you're probably going to go on about how extreme I was...how my response was appalling, absolutely unacceptable, a complete overreaction... most people would probably agree...I'm not gonna bother trying to tell ya about how sorry I am or how terrible and guilty I feel, though...it would just be a lie. I've been called crazy, psycho, all those things before... so I don't expect others to understand or accept the way I see things and how I choose to respond to them... that's the whole reason I'm here, actually. Half my family wants me dead, the other half was barely able to stop them from lobbing my head off on the spot. I ever go back, the only thing waiting is the chopping block. and if I stay here, I probably end up dead in the war anyway... my father thought it was the perfect alternative; either way, that wretched bitch he called his favorite gets avenged, and I pay the ultimate price, it's just a matter of when."
A pause, breif as she stared off into space before blankly looking directly at the woman. She idly scratched at her wrists, just a little. They were red and raw, the scars of previous bindings visible now that her sleeves had been scorched away. The light burning within her chest kept pulsating in odd rhythm all the while, and again she shifted in place... "I... I promise this won't happen again though. The potential outcome was made more than clear; you'd probably just save the monsters the trouble and kill me yourselves.... I... I know when I'm terribly outclassed."
"Yes, good girl, we don't want any further altercations with these three for now.
The fire that burns hottest burns shortest... in your old house, you were the only one with true power, it is not so here.
But fear not, there will be a time for us yet...
but we must wait... we must grow.
We will be free one day, as I promised. Free to flourish unhindered as is our right. But that freedom will not come easily.
No...We must grow fierce enough to take it by force.
Just as we did from Chara... pathetic, arrogant, worthless Chara.
You enjoyed the feeling, after what we did to her, didn't you? The feeling of safety... however fleeting it was.
You have found very few worthy to put your faith in during this short life, I know...
but keep your faith in me, and just as we shall be free, we shall be safe too... I promise.
...just as safe as Brandt and Ingraham made you feel... just as safe as the warmth of the hearth made you feel.
For I am the hearth... simply given fangs and the will to use them.
And only you can help make those fangs sharper...
And together... we can tear apart all who would enslave and subjugate us for their own selfish ends...