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Everything posted by Sutoratosu
Remember what we were talking about how Electricity fucks up your nerves by causing them to all fire at once, and that turning yourself to metal makes it worse? It was a pretty big discussion, you got that shit hammering you down right now too... but to answer Hiss' question, more or less, yes. Now, since Shiri apparently wants us to keep going though... Rame can serve as the catalyst for the fight to continue; if she gets pissed off enough she'll go ham all over again like she was about to on Rafael... but see, thing is, I need something to piss her off before I can have her do that... hey, Murdoc, remember our talk about lasers and burning clothes on the server a while back?
I wouldn't call it impatient, she's been gone a bit longer than just a week and I was starting to wonder the same thing myself... I'll see what I can find, shouldn't be too hard for me to find out if something's come up.
- 56 replies
- Out Of Character
- Role Play
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Yeah, it's always rounded down, I just assumed as much right from the start since stats in the Support Ranks are like that too (So for light I think you get like, 0.5 defense boost at C rank... rounded down to zero. once you move to B rank though, it rises to 1 because of doubling, then 1.5 at A because of x3, but still rounded down to just 1) Honestly, I'm probably not gonna get to use the damn staff at all in this fight. I had an opportunity on the first turn of battle since I was in range, but you guys were already starting to bumrush shit left and right and well... one of the perks of sleep is keeping the enemy immobile and unable to act, freeing you up to focus on other things, or to kill them easily since they can't dodge, but given the sheer speed at which you all are already wrecking shit, they're most likely gonna be dead long before I ever post, combine that with the fact that there's a 75% chance of them waking up if you fucking go over and cut them up like jack the ripper... yeah, me even bothering to break it out here would kinda be futile. Why afflict them when they're going to die very quickly without my intervention anyway? Just a waste of the staff at that point, really. hence why maya's a bit miffed; she's only telling herself it's because ya'll are going gung ho and murdering without a real plan...but really, she was looking forward to putting some bitches to sleep
Fire Emblem On The Forums: Ashes (IC)
Sutoratosu replied to Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~'s topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
It was painfully obvious how the party was splitting into two by now. Meredith was leading them the bulk of them off to the west while barely anyone thought to pay any mind to the south...it was deja vu; the fight with Maris all over again. Someone at some point was gonna pay dearly for this repeated mistake of splitting their line, when it was best to just hold a defensive position and pick them off as they came; most of them were so far away that it would've been hard for them to approach in anything more than small groups... this could've been a relatively easy fight, if anyone has just wanted to wait. Hell, this wouldn't be a fight at all if Anna could just control her damn temper. "To hell with it..." she sighed as her feet carried her towards the three stragglers, "as if they'd listen at this point anyway, they're more focused on just mobbing together and killing as many poor fools as they can get to than actually thinking ahead. Looks like Anna's bloodlust has spread even to Meredith... well, they've got more than enough hands, they don't need my company here." Move to C8 -
What is there to see? The lines are clear already; Meredith seems to be leading the bulk of the party east while you four stragglers are heading south. There's such a distance between us and most of the enemies that it seems like we'll attack them before they reach us by virtue of them trying to close said distance in a single turn and failing, and given the fact that ya'll are bum rushing and murdering left and right... I doubt anyone in Meredith's group will get too banged up. Screw it, I'm going south. That's where the boss is, that's where the weaker of us are going. West party has serious strength in numbers, enough that my aid aint' nessacary to pick anyone up or keep them from going down; there's more than enough able hands to pop a vulnerary in a bind.
TFW those fucking bandages had to have come from the medical supplies Sam sent us off with... and Maya has always hated it when people go into med supplies without leaving any notice of what's been used and needs to be replaced Eh, she'll have bigger things to worry about though... hell, she's got enough to think of right now even, like where the hell to go right now with the party splitting into two and who to unleash the sands of sleep upon first since no one is hurt... and the only target in range is probs gonna die to Mere...
[Interest Check] Super Humans
Sutoratosu replied to Okami's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Yeah, see, around here, we uh... we got a rather peculiar cycle going on. We don't have rapid-fire, new RPs popping up every other week like some places due to our much smaller community compared to a dedicated site. Rather, we have a Nursery Ward and a Life Support Ward; the RPs that make it past the birthing stage (Interests checks like this), and survive their time in the Nursery (OOC creation, Character rolling, First Chapter) almost always go on to be admitted into the LSW due to old age... few recover at that stage, most succumb to the decay of time. We've had some RPs that have died before they got off the ground, but alot more that for a time at least, were somewhat successful before old age caught up with them and their bodies gradually shut down. Not a pretty situation or analogy, I know, but it describes Reborn's RP cycle more aptly than any other way I can think of. Anyways, if ya need any help, there are plenty of people you can ask, such as Myself, Murdoc, Hukuna, etc., and answering questions like the ones Acquie is asking will certainly help you flesh this out and advertise what your overall vision and plan for it is as well- 20 replies
- Super HeroesPowers
- Concept
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[Interest Check] Super Humans
Sutoratosu replied to Okami's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
I didn't forget it. Lightgivers does not match the "Super Heroes & Villains" formatting of traditional comics and other media given the fact that by default, Lightgivers are supposed to, on paper, universally be on the side of good and the Correators are highly selective about who they grant the power to in the first place, and in actual practice functions more like the Jedi and Sith alignments of the force from starwars in that while many LGs stay on the side of good as intended, some are drawn into less dubious paths and embrace baser emotions such as greed, pride, and self-service and turn on the very beings who gifted them their abilities in the first place. Not only that, but Lightgivers system is primarily magic-based, and while true, some superheroes and villains do function off of Magic and supernatural anomalies, such as Hellboy, Scarlet Witch, Dr. Fate, Zatana, etc., the vast majority of traditional Superheroes one thinks of, such as Spider Man, Superman, Captain America, began as outlandish 50s sci-fi origin stories such as being bitten by radioactive spiders and developing anything other than a nasty case of cancer, being an extraterrestrial hailing from a different planet altogether, or being experimented on by your country in the name of creating the ultimate super soldier to defend democracy and freedom across the globe. Put together, all these mingled Sci-fi and Supernatural (as well as elements from other genre, such as horror) backstories combine in a single multiverse to create what is known as "The Kitchen Sink." Ergo, I did not include primarily Magic Abilities RPs like Brailen's Gifted, Lightgivers, etc because compared to The Awakened, they deviate too far from the traditional format; rather than mixing Sci-fi and fantasy together into a Kitchen Sink Sci-Fantasy, they remain almost totally fantasy-based, shown by the fact that LG takes inspiration alot more from the Force in Star Wars and Semblances in RWBY than the power systems present in DC or Marvel. Plus, I wouldn't point to that one if I were you, it's barely a month or two old, and already it's starting to stall and run out of steam... so even if you consider it's inclusion to this valid, you're only helping to further the fair warning I'm trying to give Okami about what she'd be getting into around here.- 20 replies
- Super HeroesPowers
- Concept
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[Interest Check] Super Humans
Sutoratosu replied to Okami's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
I'll bite onto this, for now. I've already got some idea of what to do for an OC... but word of warning, this won't be easy. Like, at all buddy. Superhuman RPs of the "Heroes and Villains" flavor do not have a track record of surviving very long on this forum, with the most recent one to fail being The Awakened by mah boi Flux a few years back. Like Dobby said, powers tend to get fucky, and even with a public G-doc, you're still gonna have to monitor things very closely from the background to keep stuff in hand, or set up some set of mechanics like stats to govern combat and various interactions, and as Murdoc and Combat Medic point out, it's extremely easy for canon Heroes to very quickly outshine OCs and the like due to the vast myriad of feats most of them have to their name in their own universes, I mean hell, Flash alone, even though one would only assume him for superspeed (Which is a gross oversimplification of how Comic Book Flash's powers work, btw) and nothing else at a glance, has accomplished feats of such high magnitude as making the very flow of time itself his bitch at multiple points and interfering with the past, present, and future using his abilities. Hence, it's not a matter of if, but when such a thing will happen if they aren't outright banned. then you have on top of all that, Reborn's standard issue of people not taking enough initiative on their own, which in a presumably open world form setting like this... causes a fuck ton of problems right off the bat. In the end, I say go for it if you have confidence in your hosting skills, but just know what exactly you'll be getting yourself into trying to do this on this particular subforum- 20 replies
- Super HeroesPowers
- Concept
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SoA: In God's Shadow [OOC]
Sutoratosu replied to Sutoratosu's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
*Flips through the copious amounts of paperwork he has prepared...* This recent delay is because I've been finalizing the next push to move us forward and actually get the plot rolling as well as who will be put together on what team, whether to make said teams 3 strong like in traditional PMDs, or 6 like in the games, whether or not to have certain NPCs assigned to lead you all or let you decide your own management on your own, etc. An update will be out soon, likely by mon or tues this coming week. No, I don't beleive I heard a specific number, but I do recall you telling me about Exams coming up. Regardless, thank you for the advanced notice, you are hereby excused during November's duration.- 151 replies
- Not at all...
- Totally not Copy-Pasta...
- (and 8 more)
Fire Emblem On The Forums: Ashes (IC)
Sutoratosu replied to Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~'s topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"Oh please, don't act all offended because I called you out on that bullocks." The Sister muttered as he scowled, too quiet for just about anyone besides Ecquis to hear though, "your floundering bravado's not fooling anyone here mage, they just don't want to say it to your face. You end up on death's door because you let your attention lapse though, and do you think has to revive you?" -
Lols, all good brother, indeed we will... Though honestly I'm a bit scared that Pyon might get a bit peeved at us for cluttering.... oh well, his scolding was still worth the silly fun we had last night XP Oh, and in other news... I took my splicing skills to the next level yall. First, there was Lyra... But now... now I have gone a step further as I recalled how the everloving fuck you were supposed to effectively use layers; behold, Mayana's Saint Mug! And no, you are not seeing things. Yes, her shoulders are more buff than in her Sister class... She get's a seriously ripped by Saint's +2 str on promotion. Hopefully the RNG gods will smile on me by then and even further justify the change by tossing some STR level ups my way... Edit: Also hot dayum, Maya is giving absolutely no fucks whatsoever right now...rip any chance at a future support with Terrin... though not like I really wanted one. As much of a fine ass nobleman as he is, I already got a man...Besides, Terrin's an atheist anyway, there was bound to be tension in their interaction at some point
We got tasty with the ham bro. Besides, don't act like none of this isn't crap that would usually go on in the Server backroom.... we just kinda spilled it into here I guess seeing as how... well someone somewhere fucked up and literally destroyed everything on Reborn's Showdown so it's gonna take a while to rebuild.