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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Her left eye...twitched. For just the slightest of moments as she looked at the man's reaction. She gripped her staff even tighter though, as she walked right past Morgan towards the monk. "...nevermind girl..." She whispered as she passed the beast "I thought this was sure to work... but apparently his mind works unlike any other person I've ever seen. Sorry to waste your time like this... I'll handle it myself from here." "You think I brought her over here for your viewing pleasure, you fool?" the Sister snarled as the light on her staff intensified to an almost blinding glow, actually bearing her teeth at someone for the first time in a long time. "No... I brought her here because I don't know what else to do with you at this point. Trying to ignore you doesn't work because you're constantly getting close to death with your antics, trying to talk to you like a sensible human being won't work because regardless what I say, you don't seem to comprehend things like a normal person would, and you just turn right around and do something else that irks me to no end anyway. I brought morgan here because I needed something to put some fear in you... scare you straight once and for all... but apparently not even a Wyvern is enough..." The light began to flare to life from the orb topping her staff, a harrowing storm of swirling radiance beginning to surge through the air, filling it with ominous tension the likes of which surpassed even the presence of the undead from earlier, and the same crushing weight Klaren had felt just hours before returning in full force and then some as she stalked closer... a glint in her eye.
  2. Damn it! Now I need an eye-twitching in frustration mug!

    1. Zetaark


      So many mugs you never knew you needed

    2. Sutoratosu


      IKR? God damn...

  3. "Whoa, look out everyone!" Boho called in mock caution, throwing his hands up again as if to plead not to be harmed. "We got a badass over here!" "That bug thing keeps staring at meh...don't think I ever observed their homeworld though, I'd recognize the biosignature anywhere...then we got mister fursona here, one of those familiars..." "Say, doc, what field you specialize in, by the way?" He continued, putting his hands away, "not that it matters much here I reckon, these collars make gettin' killed a non issue, but uh... where'd you graduate from? What's your certification?" Honestly, he knew the fool was bullshiting with the false bravado. The guy was good though, he had to give him that much. The delivery was nearly perfect and his body language was more or less appropriate...but he'd seen professional grade, far more experienced actors on countless worlds, and even long before that had spent ample some time hangin' with a few of hollywood's finest in the nightclubs of old earth...
  4. Her face darkened nigh instantly, that same harrowing glare she'd given him multiple times during the battle returning now. "Ah yes, that. You do remember..." She began, "good...yes, about that, well there was only so much I could say at the time, given the... situation around us. But I don't see any risen dead, and there aren't any demons of flame around claiming to be dragons..." She took a few steps closer to the monk, almost menacing as her staff burned with ominous light... one that looked far from inclined to heal any sort of wound. No one is on the verge of death now; there are no emergencies to distract me from giving the proper reprimand I should've. This is as good a time as any for us to... readdress the issue. But this time, I've asked a certain....friend to help me explain just why I take issue with you." The whistle was shrill and loud, carrying through the air like a knife through butter right to where Ecquis and Morgan waited- as it should, the thing had been practiced hundreds if not a thousand times to trigger ambushes on pompous little nobles and their entourage -as Maya moved a good few feet to the side and opened a clear path for the beast to charge. "You've done nothing but give me grief, monk... even when I thought I had been quick to judge you, just minutes later, you turned right around and prove me wrong. Well it's about time to change all that!"
  5. "Good, good...Now then..." "Oh, klaren!" She called as she walked over to the monk, feigning as if she'd been looking for him the whole time. The sudden change in her demeanor wouldn't have left the fool none the wiser, karmic machinations lurking just beneath the surface of that paper smile,"There you are. Look, we need to talk about... what happened today. I'm sure you recall what I'm talking about..."
  6. The wrath of a nun... nothing to be trifled with.

    1. InnocentSerenity


      Having nun of your silly business.

  7. The flames of hot, hot potential S ranks are intensifying So... I managed to make an evil grin... it's even a bit more... unsettling on her than I thought when I envisioned it. I have the oddest feeling though, that I'll be using it alot more as we proceed into the dessert... Somewhere, some bitches are gonna be put to sleep a bit early...and they ain't waking up once ya'll are finished with em.
  8. "Circle 'round the woodline when I go over to talk to him." She began, the smile on her face rather crooked...more than just a bit unsettling of a sight, for a sister, "I'll tell him I want to talk about what happened earlier, and right when I whistle, you send Morgan out to chase him down. Then we'll be able to have the real chat and maybe have it get through that head of his." She turned her attention to the wyvern, again patting the beast's head "Let him run for a little while, Morgan, then pin him down when it looks like he's running out of breath. And remember, all you have to do is act like you want to eat him... don't actually crush him or bite or anything, that'll just create more work for me in the end. Understand girl?"
  9. Yes, yes... you go do that, Meredith... comfort her. Meanwhile we'll take care of le offender... Huehuehuehue...
  10. TFW damn it! I don't have an evil grin for Maya... I simply never forsaw something like this actually happening...

    1. InnocentSerenity


      Do I have time? Sadly, not at the moment, but I'll get back to you on that, friend.

  11. I mean... he was beating fuckers to death rather well before he got overrun and took a header into the dirt, so... screw it, let the man enjoy his play sword, the thing seemed to get the job done last time... Also Bfrogger, thank you for reminding me about the whole wyvern thing. I legit would've forgotten if you hadn't spoken up like the champ you are.
  12. "Oh you can trust me on this..." She muttered, getting up from her place by the fire with her staff in hand. "The fool's no good to this unit as a corpse, and if he ends up maimed from this, I'm the one who'll have to do all the work of stabilizing his sorry hide so he doesn't bleed out. I just want him scared straight... no more, and certainly no less. I've already seen I can scare him just by letting my...true opinion of him show. Imagine the effect I'll have this time... his previous behavior was one thing, but I will not sit by as another servant of the goddess harasses young women and sullies her name...my father would hang his head in shame if I did."
  13. ((Hey, Bfrogger... I've made up my mind. RIP)) "Oh not at all..." She said idly, gears already turning in her mind as she looked back at the wicked monk. She felt another shiver as she thought back to that disgusting little display of misguided affection. The last person on earth she had wanted any sort of intimate contact with was that purple haired loon..."Scared by almost getting eaten, eh? Say, Ecquis... I have an idea... You see Klaren over there, with Hoshiko stomping off? During the battle earlier that loon tried to kiss me after he was healed... and I think he was trying to make passes at her too just now. So what do you say we...scare him straight a little? Teach him what happens when you take such presumptive liberties with a sister of the faith...or his fellow party members." She felt something stir within her, somewhere deep in her soul that tried to waylay her drastic course, but whatever pleas her conscience might have made fell only on deaf ears. Perhaps what she had in mind was too far, perhaps she really should just let it go. But damn it, that monk had been a headache since the very moment she'd met the bastard. She'd already let her agitation slip a little during the battle of all times....and she didn't feel like hiding it anymore as he harassed that poor girl. One or another, she was still papa's daughter too, regardless how much she took after mama. It was time to bring some form of order to the vexing Chaos that was Klaren's conduct. If he'd been afraid of her simply from a harsh lecture for being reckless...then goddess knows this would have a profound effect... "How playful is morgan?" She asked, rather ominously. Her gaze hardened to daggers as she kept petting the wyvern. Aside from cynthia, she was still the only one Maya had been properly introduced to yet... and she seemed good-natured enough. Hopefully she had enough self control to act intimidating without outright killing or maiming the fool...
  14. Her gaze shifted to the commotion in distance, inwardly sighing as she finally found Klaren... promptly upsetting hoshiko and being pushed aside as the girl stormed off. "That fool's causing problems yet again...what, did he try to kiss her too? Completely understandable reaction if so..." "Oh, and why was that?" She asked, turning back to Equis, "Please, go on..." "He's got something coming to him if he keeps up this behavior. Provoking blows to the face to act as a decoy and enjoying the pain as an added bonus is one thing... making unwanted advances on your party members is another..."
  15. Real talk though: The only reason I haven't posted yet is because I'm still debating whether or not for Maya to still do it. Having her notice Klaren making Hosh cry is very tempting...
  16. I finally have an RP where I can make satirical jokes and jabs about edgy/angsty folks and not have it be totally out of place... much yes

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It's always fun to have the ability to do that stuff. Like it's great when you do something like frame an rp as like a movie and then break the foruth wall by reading the subtitles of the things you can't understand ((but the host is giving to the players.)) really, one jsut needs to know the theme'ing and feel of the rp.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I do like the satrical approach if it's clear that everyone involved want to engage in that way or at least enough that it makes it worth the while. Cause it can be fun to blow off steam in such a manner.

  17. Uncomfortable, creep? Kiddo, that same type of joke got laughs almost every single time back in the prison mess halls of old earth, you wouldn't know a bit of historic commentary if it hit ya upside the head...The watcher did as he people were ought to and observed the albino get pulled into a chat with one of the other arrivals, strapping something onto her wrists all the while. The other one seemed to get a weapon too. Cute, so that's what was supposed to be in the boxes then, toys for the kiddos to run around and off each other with. No wonder he hadn't gotten anything. "Eh, not a fan of the bubba joke then," He said, hands up and palms open non-offensively "alright, alright. Just calm down there kiddo, ya might cut yourself on all that edge if you're not careful." With that said, he turned his attention towards some of the other pods yet to open, walking away from the two "Geez, a Guy can't even try to meet folks with a little humor round here..." So far there's one kid who think she's tough enough to kill the unkillable, another one who looks confused as hell...then little ol' me. Wonder what the other subjects I got shipped into here are like?...if it turns out to be angst city all around I'll have to skedaddle out of here and explore somewhere else, edge girl over there is already starting to put the kill in mah buzz.
  18. Well, there goes another one. God damn, how many of you assholes need to be shot full of arrows before you shape up and fly right?
  19. And with that, Murdoc, I do believe we have a concrete conclusion on Maya's view of Hoshiko...took me a bit of a while to think it through, but I saw an opportunity and took it... Also TFW Befrogger I swear to god, if Klaren wasn't just like, a sad and misunderstood little kid at heart, and actually had legit sexual interest or sadistic malice behind how he acts, shit like what you said above would be far creepier XD And yes, Maya has started to regard him as a little kid in a way... a very, very weird and sad little kid who causes alot of headaches and occasionally agitation just because he's so damn strange...
  20. "Hmmm... I see," She muttered as the bow began to burn with it's eery light, "Quite a nasty bit of black magic to it then....odd that you seem immune to the more drastic effects. Perhaps the goddess has bestowed some sort of protection on you, got a certain task she needs you here for, like Hoshiko constantly boasts during battle about how she's a chosen hero and is going bring justice." Yes. She had indeed heard the young archer's shouts a few times; the girl was so damn loud alot of the time that voice could carry well across the field. She certainly seemed an... enthusiastic servant of the Goddess though, and she definitely meant well, Maya gave her that much... but she'd yet to notice anything about the girl that exactly constituted a form of potential divine designation or intervention... Meredith on the other hand, had miraculously survived a blow that, regardless of her legend or title, should've ended her rightly that very instant, and even now, here was Ecquis with his ability to wield a life-sucking weapon with resistance to the most ill of it's effects... "Who exactly is this Alvis friend of yours though?" She continued "A mentor? fellow traveler? Perhaps just someone you happened to bump into on the road?"
  21. "Cursed?" She said "How so? I've seen a few things boasting that same claim over the years, only a few of them actually turned out to be true...I'd be one to know..." Hell, I'm one of them in fact... She let her gaze pan back to the fire, winching a bit as the sound of the Crossbows cord going slack and the bolt whistling through the air filled her mind, the wet sound of rent flesh and spilled blood with a surprise gasp in pain coming immediately after "If it's truly tainted, why'd this friend give it to you in the first place? what, for safekeeping? Why_not just keep it locked away instead?"
  22. That thing is like... freaking A or S rank, isn't it? Yeah, Hoshiko def can't fire it, let alone Ecquis...
  23. "Well enough, I suppose....given recent events. Morgan was just looking for some company is all," She patted the wyverns scales as she looked up at Equis, right on the spot under the chin she knew from last time the beast had enjoyed most. She couldn't help but notice the large armament he toted with him... looking far more regal and potentially devastating than even a common archer would sport. "Where'd you get such a bow though, Ecquis?" She asked, nodding at the weapon "I doubt even Hoshiko would be able to properly handle that thing..."
  24. And with my opening post, the quota on both the big bubba and don't drop the soap jokes has been filled for this whole RP
  25. Boho's little stint in the Decam chamber didn't bother him in the least bit. Quite the contrary infact, all he had to do was sit back and watch as the machine tried in vain to scrub a being practically made of energy clean of radiation and bio-hazards. "Yeah, keep trying kiddo, I think you almost got it that time," His voice mocked, reverberating like an echoed shout within the space "Come on, buddy, you can do it, I'm only made of the stuff... just keep trying." Eventually though, the machinery seemed to wise up to the fact that despite it's many attempts, the ambient cosmic radiation it detected simply would not fade, or at the very least, stay faded for long... in fact, none of the materials or methods even seem to touch the subject as far as it's sensors could tell. The cleaning procedures stopped altogether and the door flung open. Boho took it as the things way of saying 'screw it' and waltzed right out, his form shimmering before fading into a human male decked in a space jumper and long coat, leveling his shades at the box by his feet. "Eeeeeh, someone left presents! Huh? Well damn, it's empty....Go figure." With that, he tossed the vacant container over his shoulder, his AT field reacting like a wild dog and going solid for just a moment as it tore through the small container like it was nothing, leaving nothing but countless bits of shrapnel scattering all behind him as the invisible force receded. "Looks like I've been had...probably pay back for toying for old Seri in there. Eh whatevs, fair enough karma I guess." He could sense sentience just off to his left, as a girl's disgruntled voice filled the air. "Oh yeah, Kiddo!" He called, waving down the short corridor at the albino "You're damn right this is fucking spectacular! Hell, only five minutes in prison, and they're already showing us why ya don't drop the soap; usually you gotta ask Bubba to demonstrate on ya!"
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