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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. "Examining it doesn't matter. Burn them and be done with this place. If the building goes up to, all the better... I doubt anyone will ever settle here again anyway...not like it's likely to see it's intended use again...especially after this." Maya called from where she stood, walking closer to Serene and Hoshiko. "Whatever this is, obviously it's how he amassed his force outside; and last I checked, this brigand didn't dabble in raising the dead to toy with like puppets; what use do we have for a necromancer's device? Besides, this is no sanctuary anymore, just a gallery of ungodly art. It's best for us to just cleanse the crimes committed here and let these poor souls finally know they peace deserve before going about our way..." Her eyes turned up towards the strange artifact. It had the markings of the faith, alright.... and as Feri said, she could indeed sense the same light within it as the kind that powered her staff...but looks could be deceiving. "Perhaps this crystal was a relic of the Goddess once, with those markings... perhaps that fiend somehow managed to twist it's power to his own sick ends. But the how doesn't matter as much as the what here... and as it stands now... it's just a tool of the unnatural."
  2. *Grumbles* True...true, you do have a point I guess... God damn mechanics squashing creative resourcefulness though ;-;... but fine, let's just see what's in this shop of [presumably] anna's... hopefully she won't try to rip us off too hard, else we might have to get Ecq to play hardball again... Edit: Wait a minute... Pyon I swear to god if this thing isn't the legit fire emblem or somehow related to it...
  3. Maya stayed mostly silent as she did what she could for the stranger. His wounds were about as bad as she'd spotted them ass, but his mortal coil was still salvageable... the foolish bastard was lucky on at least that front; he'd live to see another day, but only with the knowledge that none of his friends would share such a fortune... "He'll pull through... so long as he refrains from anymore antics like that in the future." She sighed, standing and recollecting her staff as the light died down. "rushing hordes of the risen dead with nothing but a wooden sword... he's an even bigger fool than Klaren. To think, I've already found someone who took the cake... this was almost depressingly quick." She left the unconscious knight as he was to start work on the others... just as Ecquis opened wide the gates of what had once been the sanctuary. She stopped dead in her tracks... frozen there, as the stench hit her along with the sight. This... this certainly answered the question of where the bodies of all the villagers were. That thing had massacred them all for simply to construct this macabre work of abominable art. "..." She took a few odd steps forward in silence, stopping beside Equis at the doors and keeping her attention on the unholy effigy, not even noticing the strange crystal up ahead...the mass of bodies was honestly far more distracting to her. Her whisper of a voice was barely loud enough for the rider to hear and her eyes closed in prayer, doubtlessly a brief final rites for all those who'd been murdered here. "No curse ever woven is anywhere near great enough to condemn such depraved lunacy as this..." She breathed, trying to steady herself... it was from anything but shock however, as her grip went white around her staff "no punishment ever wrought sufficient to bring justice for desecrating a hallowed sanctuary and the bodies of massacred innocents alike...the books exaggerated nothing about their utter savagery and disregard for life. I see that now. Ignexus and his followers didn't deserve the mere fate of banishment from this world... they should've been wiped from existence altogether... for Mercy is only wasted on monsters. And this is the price of giving it to them."
  4. So close friends, but no cigar... was still a worth a try though; I regret nothing

  5. Hmmm...well, I see...very well...it was worth a try at least, I guess... Nevermind then ya'll... just carry on... I'll try and get a post up soon...
  6. "Well, that settles it then. Good." Better Meredith than any other of you lot anyway... you're decent enough company, but I wouldn't exactly trust some of you with the power of the purse... ((Seriously though, I'm not joking about this. Please someone go and try this before the scene ends, since my hands are tied at the moment and I can't test the post battle looting theory myself. i honestly just wanna see if Pyon will let you keep it.))
  7. Screw distributing the wealth equally, just pool the cash together and keep it simple. "Let's not let money become a dividing issue here... we've enough challenges ahead of us as it is." Plus, I would very much appreciate it if someone were to oh.... maybe go over to the body of the Troubadour who died near the east edge of the map and perhaps loot her Javelin and Heal... since I got dudes to heal up and shit... and homework to finish...and you guys are just blirzkreiging this thing XD
  8. "Aaaand right back to square one I see...all that luck, and yet no fortune from it..."
  9. TFW Klaren seems to not understand the meaning of "they make vulnaries for a reason" or "Patch yourself up" I am not surprised honestly. Not like it matters terribly much in the end anyway, given mr.dragon is gonna get murdered this turn anyway.... (but oh the scolding that he will get for this...negligence...actually no...she won't even scold him, me and zet already got something better in mind...)
  10. She couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creep over her as she watched Rosa fall and Hoshiko not too far off from going down herself. But not simply because of the danger of losing them, no, no... she'd grown far too used to that prospect by now. Such things were not a matter of if for her, but when. No, what made her staff ever tighter here was the spectacle of the swirling inferno concealed within the robes... this thing was no human at all. Even less so than the beasts it had raised from the dead. "K-Klaren..." she said, forgetting her earlier agitation "Cover me while I tend to rose, and make sure to patch yourself up, like you didn't do the last time I told you. You can take a blow from that fiend, but Hoshiko and Rosa won't." With that said, she rushed forward as quickly as she could, kneeling by Rosa's side and letting the light begin to flare as she went to work. Just as with klaren, the swirling storm of radiance pulsed through every inch of the woman's burned form, restoring roasted and dead skin back to life and trying to restore whatever damage the heat might've caused her internally. All the while the same, beckoning feeling that Klaren had experienced washed over her. Maya didn't bother to look up at the fiend, nor even to see if Klaren had obeyed... but the monk better have, with the stunt he'd pulled, and these two here so close to going down with another shot. Move to J6, Heal Rosalyva [benevolence activates: you all should know the proc by this point]
  11. Well man, glad ya like him then XD. Oh the fun I will have with old boho. Damn, has it been too long since I last ran a persona like him. Eh as for the sign up thing though, leave it open, honestly. Given the low turn out right now, it wouldn't hurt either plot or logistics wise to allow people to pop in later on since we've gotten the bare minimum number to keep things afloat, and so long as it doesn't turn into a crazy unimaginable number, shouldn't be too much of an issue
  12. Holy fucking shit I never expected to do that much work for a non-serious RP...

    1. Sutoratosu


      I... I feel oddly proud though. Boho is back boys... took me like two years to finally do it, but hot damn, he's back.

    2. Combat


      I feel like I should be proud. I'm reading it now, and damn...

  13. Alright man. I'm gonna warn you... there's a lot of ham here, and uh... seeing as how this is a more comedy based thing, I basically tossed most overarching concerns of balance out the window in favor of lore and ever greater amounts of ham, so... let me know if this thing goes a bit too far even for this and we can talk about what needs to be adjusted. Though, Holy shit I put a lot more effort into this thing than I ever thought I would for an RP like this... go figure neeways... here he is, the glorious bastard from PSS... Boho... Name: Bohomus Gender: Male...? (At least, given his most commonly seen form, most beings end up referring to it as a "he") Age: Unknowable Species: Watcher Species Description: Appearance: Personality: Abilities: Weapons: Biography: Reason for Sentence: Other: Due to the effects of the Corpus Collar, Boho's true form is forced to be subject to physical laws such as momentum, friction, pressure, etc that under normal circumstances he would be immune to. This in turn renders him unable to phase through solid matter at will like he usually would when in his true form, however does not seem to adversely affect any of his other innate abilities as a Watcher.
  14. OH god it's some type of fucking demon hellbent on conquering the world or something... Eh, doesn't matter, ya'll are still gonna kill it dead. Go ahead and murder this bloke, Fam; I got post battle stuffs I want to get to...
  15. tfw you base an alien race off the Angels from Evangelion...

  16. Well, rather gungho about this, aren't we? But eh, I'll admit lexi, you don got my interest peaked... yet again. You seem to have a certain knack for drawing me into your projects, idk how you keep doing this. Is there like a wiki or anything for this verse though? The steam page and your description do a decent enough job of giving the gist of things, but it would be nice if there was a place those interested might get potential ideas from without having to actually play the game or anything. I mean, understandable if not, the thing has only been out for a month, but...still, would be nice.
  17. The bird faded into embers as the boy ran forward. Rame stopped playing and let the whistle drop from her lips; if he was trying to close the distance it wouldn't do her any good to have her hands tied up. She started chanting yet again as he got near, steadily building up a swirling flame around her that danced and flickered with every change in tone. The moment he threw the second dagger, she again acted on reflex, dashing to the side as she prepared to focus the full brunt of the torrent upon him... then she felt it. The stinging sensation of metal against flesh as the blade suddenly shifted course with a glint of silver. She could feel the raw heat pouring out of the wound and onto her skin, staining her pants leg a murky crimson and steaming against the far cooler air given her body temperature. She almost buckled, as the realization of how deep the blow had gone dawned on her, the sound of her own heartbeat thundering in her ears. Her vision seemed to narrow and blur around the edges, tunneling in on the boy. But through the pain, something else pushed itself to the forefront of her mind. Subtle heat welled up in her gut, like an internal flame that beckoned her forward and demanded she refocus, force herself to remain standing and press onward. The incantation she muttered only grew faster, the fires fiercer as a raging determination to destroy him blossomed. One step forward, and then another, and another as she gritted her teeth both in pure malice and pain, edging her way closer. The light almost seemed to dance as the fires swirled about her, and for just the briefest of moments... Rafael's was longer the face waiting on the otherside of those flames. No... it was another one. A far more familiar one... a far more loathed one. Raven hair, dark green eyes, that snarling scowl, the ugly little scar arcing across the bridge of the nose, hidden within that hood of dark fur... "Faster..." she thought. Yes, faster... the wait was agonizing at this pace...faster... fire was fast, it consumed and destroyed in the blink of an eye, left annihilation in it's wake and never looked back upon the carnage. So too did the internal flame she felt within her desire to be. So too was the harm it wished to inflict in retaliation, just as it had back on that fatal day. She wove her words at break neck pace, and the fires congealed about her lithe form; conscious thought took a back seat and the inferno of swirling, driving emotion took over as whatever in the seven hells she had been chanting rose and finally became loud enough to rival a shout, though one that was near immediately drowned out by the roaring cacophony as a jet of flame bloomed beneath the girl's feet and propelled her towards Rafael, far faster than anything she could've managed with her wounded gait. fire danced around her fist and took on solid form as she lashed out with all the built up brunt of her momentum, aiming directly for his face...though the worst the boy would honestly get from the heat was a second-degree burn at worst; the majority of the hottest flames she wove were being used to jet her own body forward... the actual impact itself though, was another story. With the force of her propulsion along her own body weight riding behind the blow, the blow would easily be far more than enough to knock the fool out cold if it connected solidly...
  18. Oh hey look at that. Happy B-day to our favorite Thunder toting mage. Maris's death wouldn't have been anywhere near as epic without that well-timed crit. I'm excited to see just your hit-miss ratio plays out in the future.
  19. alrighty then, glad to hear. Let me go see what delicious smoked honey ham lunacy my mind can cook up (Ham btw, in the context we use it around here, generally just means off the wall and kinda crazy in design or execution. typically used for shit like rather comical heroes with high opinions of themselves or their potential, the calling out of attacks with varying degrees of bombasity, etc. TLDR: it's generally humorous and good natured foolishness... at least, that's what I've managed to infer from Murdoc during my time in the FEF RP) I'll have a sheet done soon...
  20. I just wrote a paper on procrastination for my Tech Writing class... after proccrastinating on it since the class began 3 weeks ago. I pulled the same stunt in AP english and aced the assignment with flying colors, and uh... that was a speech which I had no real experience writing prior or since... this is a lite-research paper which...tbf, I can fucking write in my sleep

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BIGJRA



      By Sutoratosu

      this paper.


      the internet

    3. Flux


      Next time you should actually write it in your sleep.

      We need to push the limits.

    4. Sutoratosu


      Eh, I would if I could flux, but I still haven't figured out how to lucid dream despite years of trying, so... doing some automatic writing shit while I'm conked out is probs a no-go too

  21. yo, how many peeps you looking to get before ya start this up? I'm thinking about maybe getting a little something something together for this in the next few days. Wasn't quite so sure because of the Ham factor I heard in the interest check, but eh... can't have all the shit on this forum be 100% serious in the subject matter... sucks the life outta the place to be honest.
  22. Lols son, it's not healing him that she's pissed about. It's what he tried afterwards but no, like, seriously... at this rate, Animosity Ranks really do need to become a thing... because he just took a giant fucking step backwards from whatever positive progress made have been made from that lecture scene earlier XD
  23. She grimaced as she stood bolt upright and backed away at the sudden peck, letting the man's head hit the ground rather hard. The light died down nearly immediately, staff losing it's glow and the storm of woven radiance that had up till now kept Klaren from the brink of death vanishing just as quickly. She still felt a shiver of disgust flow through her as she turned away from the wicked fool, rubbing her arm in her mix of shock and quite genuine miffedness "Klaren..." She gritted through her teeth, glancing over her shoulder with that same near draconically fierce glare from her earlier lecture. "Don't you ever...EVER...take the liberty to touch me in such a way again...or so help me..." "Oh no, dear sis, it's more like so help ME..." His voice snarled, like the savage wolf he had once been "that frisky little bastard, having the gall to make unwanted passes... I'll compel some enemy goon to tear the fucker's tongue out if he even thinks about trying it again. Though with his luck, he might end doing the job for me..." She turned on a dime, as if trying to find something but only encountering empty air and the sight of her allies. She knew it had been him though, fleeting as the voice had been, a mere whisper in the wind...It... had been oddly specific, this time... unless she was worse than even she thought...regardless though, this wasn't the time. She shook her head and sighed, as if that would be enough to dislodge the madness. "We're done here..." She coldly stated in Klaren's general direction and started walking off "I've kept you from death, do the rest yourself... they make Vulnaries for a reason."
  24. "ECQUIS!!!!" Later that day, all that could be found of Klaren was a few pieces of half-consumed human remains and tattered diaries scattered all around...
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