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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Youtube heroes...this is the beginning of the end. Victory for hate incarnate, misery and pain for all...
    1. Sutoratosu


      mother of god... some sadistic bastard actually made this...

    2. AeroWraith


      You'll encounter every kind of person on the internet

    3. Zetaark


      Why does this exist


  3. So did I... it's fucking hilarious to be honest- here's a little excerpt of what we're talking about:
  4. Hot damn this took a long time, but I've finished sprucing up Rame's backstory... fixed it up quite a bit, imo. It's at least a hell of a lot better and up to my standards than the original draft... Now... I just need to stop fucking making character backstories in the middle of the night when I'm running on fumes...but there's a fat chance of that ever happening...
  5. Alright was worth a shot I guess...yeah, figured there was a chance you wouldn't go for that. But never hurts to test the waters a bit, eh? anyways, Kinetic armor seems a fair and logical tradeoff... and given his mech's ability, it's not really like he needs all that kinetic protection if the TF is already the primary means dealing with most of it so...kinda a bit over compensated on that front to begin with, in hindsight... (though I did get the combat balance of relying equally on both Mech ability and Specialty shield for defense a bit better with Tesla's build in TPoS, so, better late than never for Sully I guess)
  6. Nothing lethal and no serious injuries huh? Rame didn't know why the answer surprised her, it was just supposed to be a sparring match after all...this wasn't home. These were just strangers, not the three older sisters she had to constantly fight tooth and nail as if they were all animals. Regardless, she glanced at the instrument slung across her back, then thought twice about the idea and placed it where she stood next to her bag. Using the thing for this would be overkill, and even besides, the was a decent chance it might get damaged. She probably should've put Fecnial with it, but in all honesty, it seemed some of the other volunteers had every intent of using their weapons.... she figured she'd be fine if she kept the blade sheathed. She said nothing as she strode onto the designated area, instead getting into a ready stance like she had so many times before this mess, fingers flexing, mind whirring as she steeled herself. Already, a few strung together words bloomed in the forefront of her mind, just waiting for the moment to be given voice and woven into a chant. And like that, she waited for the others to stop taking their sweet ass time so it could all begin. Gazing at Haruki opposite of her in the meanwhile, her crimson eyes seemed to almost pierce right through the annoying voiced brat, though her expression remained largely neutral.
  7. I have already said all the things I'd wish to say on this day in the past. So I'm not gonna bother repeating myself. You know the gist of anything I'd write up for this anyway buddy, given I've literally known you for nearly the entire time I've been on here So... I'ma just raise a goblet, and say Cheers: these three years might've had their rough patches, their ups and downs, those moments where you just wanted to bang your head against the wall for various reasons, but at the end of the day, afterall the drama and the meetings and (rather sad, yes) partings... they were still some damn good ones, in the end, and I'm hella glad you decided to stay, even during those times when you were feeling like shit. If we had lost you, I have no doubt the entire RP community would've withered and died a long time ago. And I'm even more glad to finally see you accept the fact that yeah, there's a lot of people round this place who do care about you... certainly took us long enough to get the message through, am I right? But ye. These have been good years, knowing you. Here's to more like em to come, eh?
  8. Sounds rough mate, have fun with that neeways, So, Lexi, basically I wanna install some specialty stuff; pretty much a device installed beneath the armor to create a force field that sits just over top the exterior of the mech like a skin and dampens Energy Based damage. I figure it wouldn't actually change the armor rating given how spec fields/armors and such work to keep the rating deceptively low and his is fairly lowish to begin with.
  9. Sully- Modify Mech He waited until he saw Rocket Man's form completely dissipate from the Terminal. Then just a few seconds more before he finally uncrossed his arms and headed over to Diviner, god, that took longer than he was expecting. "Alright, now that Rocket Boy's gone, I got a change I need to implement," He said, straight to the point, not bothering to ask anything about what had just happened- he really, did not fucking care right now. "I've already got the blueprint and crap for it worked out... had it for a long while now actually, just never got around to putting it in. Go figure that some big ass laser years later is the thing that forces me to readdress the matter...."
  10. Because I was waiting so damn long for Intsys to gtfo so I could talk to the man
  11. Sound to Flame...hear the song of fire, but not one of ice

  12. I have reworked Rames Lumen to give some more indepth description on how it actually functions as well as make it easier for myself to work with in the long run, given I think the original draft, which was created at about 3am mind you, was a bit... meh in hindsight. Here is the revised, far more concise and thought out version which is already edited into her sheet: Lumen: It is mostly the same, the only real changes being that she can conjure flame from sound in general now, not just necessarily music, though note said sound now has to be personally created by her, rather than her being able to potentially use outside sources like before. Another one is that simply thinking about music does not work, even to make dim flames, like... Period. Because of the revised and more concise workings of how her fires are produced, they actually need tangible sound as fuel, not just the wistful thought of it.
  13. The glow he emitted all but confirmed it, the robe magus was indeed the catalyst...but the hour of his judgement would have to wait for now. None of the others were getting anywhere near that godless heathen unless they could put back to rest what he had risen and desecrated in the first place... and to be honest, there weren't many times when she wished for the ability to actively fight, but this was definitely one of them. If only the divine, life giving light she wielded had any adverse effect against those who defied the laws of death...something she honestly had never understood why it didn't. But...useless though her staff was against them, there was another who could bring some divine intervention... and that very same masochistic fool was once again taking a risk, venturing so far from the rest of the group while already sporting those bruises and scratches. The idiot was no doubt relishing the thought of more... there was no other logical reason for him to charge towards the three shambling corpses in the distance alone. "I can't believe I'm even doing this..." she sighed under her breath, before heading off to try and keep up with the Wicked Monk. "he deserves what he gets, always acting like that, but he'll be no help to us if he's too busy bleeding out for the sake of personal ecstasy..." (Reluctantly) Moves to F15
  14. Ironically, I am beginning to actually feel sorry for this poor man... but screw it. The fear tactics are working like a charm... no point letting up now, fool might forget his place and wind up very dead as a result
  15. Lucille & Co., Raziel "Oh, the bitch is awake alright..." she said, a crooked little grin on her face as she cracked her knuckles- a sound that was surpisingly loud as it carried through the night air. Whether she had amplified it simply to intimidate the prisoner on Bora's back, or simply for show, was nigh impossible to tell though. "I got him scared stiff, told him what I'd do if he didn't behave... you shouldn't have too much getting what you want out of him." As if to prove it, she turned to Bora and the captive angel, still flashing that rather... disturbing smile. It was hard to tell for certain in the dark, but... it almost seemed like her teeth were sharper than any humans should've been, their points shining like razors in the moonlight. A sight probably made only all the more worse for the prisoner by the fact of the cold and dead emptiness of her eyes... "Isn't that right, bird boy?" She asked, rather cheerfully despite the obvious menace just beneath the surface, as if they were just playing a game..... a game of cat and mouse. "You're going to keep behaving, and answer anything Raziel here asks you, now won't you? And you'll do it truthfully and with a smile on your face...riiiiight? You've cooperated so well up to now, It'd be a shame if I had to...hurt you when you're so close to being done."
  16. Lucille "...Good choice, staying quiet." She turned her eyes back to the path ahead. He was practically her bitch now, she could sense it in his very heartbeat. Perhaps it was far easier to act high and mighty when you had the stolen powers of others backing you up, eh? Regardless, she spurred Borra forward a bit faster, still being sure to keep the dampening field up. She had neither the aid of the Aquila nor of Ginny, but Des's eyes were a fine middleground between the two, and as they made their way, it wasn't long before he spotted the hollowed alcoves of the bell tower. With a squeak, Lucille had his sight as well, and they headed towards it. Before long, Despereaux had also pointed out the form of the angel atop the facade. Bora came to a halt, fur beginning to blend in well with the darkening streets... honestly all he needed to do to avoid sight was avoid any of the open light fixtures set up for the public's convenience. Silent as a ghost, a lurking shade in the darkness, he was like death incarnate as he stood there, only those burning crimson eyes visible. Lucille put two fingers to her mouth and gave a long blow, the sound of the shrill whistle nigh immediately bending and contorting itself into a purely directional beam that shot up towards the Mage's perch, audible to him, and him alone in the night, filling his ears as loud and clear as if she were right next to him.
  17. Well, tbh, Assery Azery, this really just confirms and explains about everything I used to think of how you acted back in the day. Infact, I never really bothered to look at your age, just pegged you as an annoying kid and left it at that. HOWEVER, that said, as Dobby mentioned... damn son, you really have changed since back then, ngl. I can honestly remember the first time I was in the same RP as you- I was pretty damn skeptical that you wouldn't just go trolling and shit, but eh... you definitely proved me wrong. And you did it over, and over again as time went on, even if you're activity on there has been spotty at times at best. Ya went from being that Annoying little shit who occasionally popped up on the radar to a pretty aight dude for the most part. And hell... I doubt the vast majority of Reborn's active members are entirely honest about their age- I just call the relative range by what I see em doing instead of some number on the profile that can be easily manipulated, so... yeah, I really can't be too mad at you for lying about it this whole time...and there's worse shit you could've lied about anyway, like, ALOT worse shit... so no biggy, eh mate?
  18. Rame stepped forward from the crowd without even thinking about it, hand outstretched as she declared "I volunteer as tribute." Fecnial's weight hung reassuredly on her waist, mandolin on her back. They were gonna get right down to business... good, she liked that, actually no, she could respect that. No point beating around the bush, not when there's work to do; you slack off in the tundra, and you die. "Question though, how much force are we allowed to use? Just out of curiosity..."
  19. "Thank the gods he finally shut up..." Rame couldn't help but give a silent sigh of relief as she turned her attention to the one obviously in charge. Even having moved as far from the pink haired brat as she could, his voice had still managed to grate on her ears like a bag of nails- an accomplishment in and of itself, given she was more than tolerant of most sounds... like that oaf shouting nearby, his outburst she could handle just fine... Regardless, she idly fiddled with the multi-toned, wooden whistle hidden on the string under her cloak, saying nothing as she waited expectantly. The thing was more of a miniature flute really... perfect for giving various different signals out in the empty snow wastes while on a hunt, and almost as good as a back up instrument if she ever needed one.
  20. Rame The girl stood from her chair as the plane came to a halt. She opened the compartment above her seat, pulling out Fecnial and giving the tool a heft before stowing it's handle through her belt, pressed flush against the back of her waist and hidden by her cloak as she retrieved her Instrument and what few other belongings she had. Just a single bag with what supplies and amenities her brothers had given her and a few materials needed to perform upkeep on her instruments and Fecnial; no reason to have weighed herself down with anything other than that... Without a word to anyone around her, she headed for the hatch, not really in much of a hurry compared to most of the others who'd already departed. She'd seen planes before, those few times in the past when her brothers had taken her with them to barter... the 30 mile, 3 and a half day hike through harsh terrain and frigid underbrush always been worth it though, to see the village and it's small port, modest ships and planes offloading cargo for those who were either too inept or simply physically unable to live off the land like them. Riding in one now... it had been quite different from what she'd imagined as a kid, surprisingly enough. The trip had actually been kind of...pleasant- being able to look at the ground from so high up, see all the colors merging and mixing in the distance... just like a bird. But to be fair, most of the aerial vessels she'd seen before had been mere Cargo carriers with limited space afterall. Nothing designed to comfortably carry people. She just wished she could've taken the trip under better circumstances, though... Regardless, she soon emerged outside to where the others stood waiting, feeling a light breeze billow her cloak around her. "So...this is what grass actually looks like then..." She muttered idly to herself, gazing out over the sea of green before stepping down from the metal bird. "at least when it isn't covered over and frozen to death by a few feet of snow and ice, that is..."
  21. Arya Told ya so, you thieving bitch! Should've listened to me at the door. She said nothing as she watched Esy leave for the toilet, only gave a coy smile and low chuckle once she was gone. She would've tented her fingers as well, but she didn't want to seem like she enjoyed it too much. Good though.... Good... yes, how poetic this was. She stood and joined anna by the door not long after. Maybe next time you'll think twice about stealing from the headmistress... "Yes, thank you very much, Miss Opium. We'll get right on it now, I'm sure we can at least find a few clues before the day ends. Hopefully the cause is nothing too crazy... compared to what we've already seen."
  22. http://www.pcgamesn.com/digital-homicide-games-removed-steam They have done it. Sewn their own destruction, finally. in the end, Jim has the last laugh, just as we knew he would
    1. 5hift


      Wow... Developers are willing to sue random people for what they say about their games?

      Every developer company should do this.


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