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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Rule 1 of keeping prisoners in line... Threaten to break their legs. And be fully prepared to follow through on it.
  2. Lucille "You are wherever I decide you are." Came lucille's cryptic response to the groan, eyes still focused ahead despite the fact they did nothing to help navigate. She simply didn't feel like giving the criminal any sense of visual acknowledgement. "and right now, you're going to see one of our friends from earlier... we aren't quite done with you, bird boy. So far I've restrained from injuring you anymore than you already were...but you try to run, and I break your legs. Cry for help, and I take your voice right out of your throat, and then I break your legs. Continue asking questions you're in no place to ask... and I break your legs." She finally did look at him, gaze ornery with scorn as Bora continued plodding along, snorting a single puff at the conversation. "Try and cast any sigil magic, and you'll find it won't respond...and that I'll break your legs."
  3. The decision was made, the di cast. She busied herself looking over the medical supplies the party had been provided with for the journey, taking stock of everything and commiting their exact numbers to memory... she was the resident healer, after all; t was only natural she take care of things like this as well. She doubted they'd actually have need of most of it, most of the others still had their first aid materials intact, from what she'd recalled... these were all just extras. But even so, she'd seen too many times how a vulnerary could've easily saved a life when a clergy wasn't around. It was far better to have and not need than the other way around. "Two hundred yards worth of Cloth Bandage, two kennings of Poultice, two of Aloe, one of Dandelion, eight ounces of Cannabis, Twenty ounces of salve...Shears, needle, thread, flasks...several Vulnaries..." She just kept going, moving from one saddle bag to the next... anything to stay occupied.
  4. Why are we still debating this even? The decision has been made and the Di cast. The rubicon is crossed and Caesar is taking rome. Let it go ya'll
  5. "It don't like you. My friend, he doesn't like you either."

  6. Tesla She...didn't even know what to do at that point. So much was going on... the suited man's magic tricks, the disappearance of Vicky and the very boy she'd almost pummeled, Wally's father just staring blankly into space, jaw agape, like he almost couldn't believe what he had just witnessed... only for David to finally come down, shaking him back to reality. "He took him, David..." Ingraham muttered, still on his knees. The crimson swath of fabric was still clutched in his hand. "Took them... just like that... and none of us did anything. Nothing at all...what is that man? I... never before... I thought psychokinesis was a myth, at least outside of the mech, but yet the hand...the abduction...how?" "...you're asking the wrong mechanic." with that said, he took his hand off the other mans shoulder as his wife came down beside him, taking the moorish man's place as he marched towards Tesla, eyes still alight. She looked back up to the stands...wow. He...hadn't been kidding... he really had left Sully right there... Yes...indeed. There was no way out of this. She braced herself, not quite sure what to expect... but knowing with the shit she'd done, it wouldn't be pleasant. "I don't what in pride's name you were thinking... I should take my belt and whip your ass right here and now... beating some boy who can't even defend himself. Only thing worse than what I just saw you do..." He cast a finger towards the direction of Sully's carrier, gaze completely ornery as he leaned in, voice a harsh whisper. "is if you were to beat him like you did wallace. What the fuck have I told you girl? The battlefield, is not a place for being soft. You do not fuck around, you do not play nice. You do what needs to be done, so you're the one walking away in the end. So don't you go whining, and getting miffed about how he saw and opportunity and did what he needed to do...just because you messed up again out there. You should've blasted him and those girls when you had the chance...but you didn't. And it cost you in the end." He noticed Jeff's aproach just as he was about to say more. He leaned out again, letting his hand fall to his side as he looked at her still. "We aren't done talking about this. You might not get whipped, but you ain't getting away scott free either. No go sit in the stands with Sully... you're lucky we've got far more pressing things to deal with right now, girl." She didn't argue. Just turned her eyes to the ground and started walking... slowly. She'd rather not face his stare, so the amazing view of the stone floor was better than anything at this point
  7. Her heart beat again in what had felt like eternity. She let out bated breath as the blade was sheathed and the tension dispelled, still pale from it all. For a brief moment there, she'd truly feared that just thinking about it had somehow brought the terrible force right back to the surface... that it was all going to repeat, just like that, right then and there; first Papa, then Mother, then Freyl, then Donalto, the Greys, and... now Meredith too... It would've been the first time though, that it would've happened this particular way...allies striking each other down... So when Rosa made the execution more a symbolic one than anything else... she thanked the goddess... for at least letting her be spared the cycle just this once. She looked to Ecquis, letting the other women have their moment of acknowledgement. "...my vote is still for Caelum." She said simply, gaze drifting towards the sky. I doubt you'll be this merciful to me again... but just one more time. I'm probably a fool for hoping he's still out there somewhere... but I'm tired of being crushed again and again...and again... so...just this one thing... let me hold onto something for once..that's all I ask of you... it's all I've ever asked of you... please...
  8. "..." She didn't respond to the last part. It wasn't so much her being taken aback by the implications... as it was the fact she'd simply hoped it wouldn't be noticed at all. Yes, you're right... I do know. Better than most. But well... I wish I could just let it be in the past, meredith. But I can't... I'm not like you... whatever you might've done. At least you can probably try to atone for whatever it was... me though? It always comes back after me. There's no making up for everything that's happened, everyone who's gone now... you can't atone for being cursed. Regardless what I do, what I try, how much blood and sweat and tears I shed over them...they're always taken. She let her gaze slowly drift the others, lingering over each of them in turn... even that blasted Klaren. I just hope that come whatever may, this all just ends soon and I can get away before I that same fate on you all as well...no one else should ever have to die because of whatever condemnation follows my every step. Except the king... and all his little cohorts...
  9. "I see..." The admission was enough to get her attention off the monk... for now at least. "Well, like I said, no one can blame you then. But Eqcuis may have a point... that may just be all the more reason for the nobles to believe us, if they aren't blinded by some type of nationalist pride or fervor. And even if it isn't... Mere, that was years ago. Even if one of them thinks they may know your identity, how can they be sure of anything unless they saw your face first hand? Rumors can only spread by word of mouth and gossip... and gossip has a way of twisting things, especially after so long..." She let whatever disgust she had for klaren slip away in that moment, walking over to the older woman and putting a hand of reassurance on her shoulder... despite meredith easily being a full head taller than her. "They probably can't prove anything, not with so much hearsay... and besides, whatever you might've done, whatever you once were, that's in the past now, isn't it? You're not a solider of Roswell's army anymore... legends are but fleeting dreams, in the end, actions are what truly carve the stone of history... and yours didn't just stop after your legend was born, now did they?"
  10. Just as she was about to concur with Rosa... Klaren left her speechless. absolutely... speechless. "I...I can't believe you just..." By the goddess, and how nonchalantly and cheerfully he said it too... either the fool was dense as a stone, or he truly did find some amusement in the jest. Regardless of the fact that yes, stripping down armor would probably be for the best under the blazing sun and in the shifting sands to improve mobility and lessen the rate of fatigue... the bastard had put it in such... context... Ecquis spoke up soon enough though, while she stood there, staring at the truly wicked monk...ornery eyes fixed on the purple haired fool as she chimed in after the wyvern rider "Aye... if there's some reason you'd prefer the tundra Mere, none of us would blame you for your oppinion..." Just...what...how even? How did HE of all people make it in the CHURCH!? I did practically nothing and got berated every second by that awful Crone, and yet he goes making these jokes...taking hits for pleasure... what even is this? This fool's very existance would baffle Don to no end if he was alive to see it!
  11. She mulled it over as the other's debated. In truth, her and freyl had never been outside the borders of their homeland, not even during their wandering. Not even the Greys and Donalto had risked leaving the country... there had been nothing beyond the desert or tundra they'd needed, and most of their work had concerned in Dragao and Dragao's suffering people anyway. All she'd heard of either land was her mother's stories of the desert and it's people, how she'd left her home and sailed wherever the first ship she could find saw fit to take her... and just kept wave hopping from there. But there was something else drawing her towards the hot sands as well... something far more important than just some maternal relations she'd never even met, and probably wouldn't much like if mother's anecdotes were true. "I think the desert may be the better of our options" she began, shortly after Hoshiko finished "If what she says is true, even with the emperor's support, it may be hard to keep tensions between rival clans within reasonable levels and prevent any infighting...tempers flare enough between enemies in time of war, and in the right conditions it can do precisely the same among unlikely allies." Yes... that should be logic and reason enough, shouldn't it? It certainly wasn't like she was going to outright admit the fleeting hope she clung to. With her luck, or curse rather, chances were that the moment she did it would be doomed to be crushed...and it was already enough of a long shot as it was, after all these years.
  12. Jesse & Co. "It's getting dark, and i think we have better luck finding them tomorrow morning." The aquila gave Jesse an indignant stare at that line, still perched on his shoulder though silent thus far she had been. Her race were avatars of the sun itself; night meant absolutely nothing to her, and yet this sniper was using it as some excuse to stop for the day. Pathetic. She had been given one job, one little job, and while in the angel's company, the only thing that had gotten accomplished was finding this weeb strange outlander girl with the bizarre fantasies and this demon... the lazy bum hadn't even so much as tried to actually hunt anyone down, to be honest. Still though... not quite like she could just spread her wings and take off on her own... orders were orders. She was stuck with the boy until either the job was done or the mistress called her back. That included staying with him overnight as he slacked off in this place too, sadly. But... orders certainly didn't stop her from giving jesse a few heated bitch slaps with her wings, feigning to have lost balance on the boys shoulder and giving all the startled squawks to sell it, flapping frantically like a chicken trying to get out of dodge. Just a small bit of punishment she could give for his lack of work ethic in this...
  13. Fine. I will accept my defeat like a man then... I know when I am beaten...

  14. Pyon's not that mean bruh. We probs weren't gonna be handed a GO that easily in the very battle we were supposed to keep the Lord of the story alive with them all the way on the freaking overside of the map, with, I will remind you, the only unit on our squad capable of getting there in any reasonable time being just as deathly vulnerable to the Bow Knights standing in-between us and them as Saffron was... so yeah. Keagan saving our bacon... not that gratifying. Pyon made the npcs himself and knew the skills they had, when his guard activated and saved her, Pyon knew full well that's what would happen. I don't think anything about that particular scene was really left up to random chance as to whether she'd be saved or not. Plus Pyon said the reason he didn't move Maris for so long was because the only logical decision for her action, up till the point Meredith got close, would've been to advance towards the river and proceed kill Saffron and the others while they were weak. He literally could've screwed this whole fight over for us at any point if he so chose. Hence, ultimately our avoidance of Saffron's death isn't because of Keagan, so much as it is a little something called Host Restraint and Planning.
  15. Dash I want our own personal thief to steal shit for us before we massacre opponents like we did Soldier 4. Keep what we can use, sell everything else to Rick Harrison the merchant when he arrives, and profit. perfect plan ya'll
  16. Ooooooh. Hey...they're finally doing what they should've in the first place and basing an anime off the actual major plot points pokemon games instead of the tale of some eternally ten year old boy who seems to always fail in the competitive climax of things? Nice...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Etesian


      It started airing as early as 1998 in some places (according to google). Sure, it's aimed mainly at kids, but they could do SOMETHING to...actually keep their viewers as they age, god knows how many people USED to love it and have since moved on to not even think of the show in years.

      This could be a step in a good direction.

    3. Shamitako


      Why must the show in particular move away from a children's focus?

    4. Maelstrom


      Because you can only rehash the lessons of friendship and trust so much before it becomes stale. Duh.

  17. You know... perhaps this was a mistake. She sighed, washing the last of the blood off as she watched their bickering. Perhaps...I should... She gazed down at the crimson flowing in the water, staff leaning by the shore. They were like small children, as she watched them... certainly acted like it. And children were certainly apt to hurt themselves through the type of foolishness they displayed...but the thing was, both of them were far too old for any of their antics to be endearing or forgivable like a tots. It was just taxing at their stage. No. No... I think this incident has already provided me enough drama for one day. Whatever it is, they'll have to get over it themselves... I just hope I won't have to patch up another Arrow wound somewhere in the process.
  18. You'd better mean that, you fool...I already have two to keep an eye on, I don't need a third "Good, good that...now," she tossed a glance over at Hoshiko as she stood, crimson still coating her hands. Luckily enough she'd rolled up her sleeves out of sheer habit. It was obvious enough something about all this probably bothered the girl, from how eager she'd seemed to get away... perhaps she too had some fear of lifestuff, if so Maya couldn't really blame her for the reaction... she'd been like that too once. But either way, fear or no, she doubted that going over to her with the blood of the event still on her hands was a good idea. "Why don't you go talk to Hoshiko, show her you're alright? I need to wash this off this off before it dries." She left no room for argument or protest, heading off towards the river after taking up her staff.
  19. Don't forget the Lucille's Aquila is still with you two...I've just been keeping quiet with it since... well, no real reason for it to react. It's got a job to do and doesn't really care about idle conversation Tottally not really because I haven't had time to get around to the bird, nah, totally not... overloaded with work? me? nah...
  20. I still don't know how the fuck you accidently shoot your own self in the shoulder with a bow and arrow...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Komodojoe


      You see, it takes a certain amount of precision with a mix of gravity and placement.

      Basically, you just shoot it straight up in the air.

    3. Shamitako


      Obviously you use MC logic and use your momentum to get in front of the arrow which you just fired off while you were moving

    4. Stalkerkain
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