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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. We aren't dead yet ya'll... we may rise back to what little glory we had yet.

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  2. Lucille- Damn Winged Rat... The sky was just beginning to darken as she scurried overhead. Despite the limited sight of this rodent's form, the vague shapes of the cityscape were still clear enough in the distance. She stopped for a moment, atop the stone balcony, feeling the wings upon her back twitch as a cold wind blew. Up til the moment she'd ended up warged into the beast, she'd always assumed Winged Rats were a mere expression for pigeons... now though, up here looking down on the streets, it struck her with irony of how literal it was to some sick minds... this thing's very existence had to be some sort of joke. Some poor little experiment of a bored mage who had to much time on their hands and too much creativity to spare... But well... she had ended up entering it's body out of all the other vermin crawling around the place out of sight. She figured she might as well use the opportunity while she had it. Not many had noticed a rat of all things flapping through the air in short burst, climbing up facades gradually in it's ascent. From her lofty perch she listened closely to the ambient noises down below, amplifying them as they came to her ears with as much ease as if she were controlling her own body. Several minutes went by... still nothing. She figured they would've sounded the bells to signal the start of dusk, but... "Giiiiiiiny?" She heard the child's voice, calling down from below. With a tentative glance over the edge she spotted the girl, pale blonde hair and paler wings, eyes bluer than the ocean. She again called out into the encroaching night "Giiiiiiny? Come on, it's getting late! Hide and seek is over...just come out, let's go home." Something stirred, in the back of the rats mind. A recognition that was hard to mistake as Lucille focused it's dull eyes on the girl. "Don't tell me... this is her doing..." "Oh...Papa's gonna be so mad if he finds out I lost him..." Before she could truly start pouting though, her eyes turned up to the very ledge the winged rodent stood on... and lit up like small beacons in releif "Aha! there you are! Come down here, silly." "Sorry child... I'm afraid I need your pet for a bit longer" Lucille turned the rat- Giny, as it's name apparently was -right around and scurried out of sight, ignoring the girls orders to get back there. "What the hell is this father of yours doing though, fusing random animals together...just sickening, the gall of it." She came to the edge of the stone facade and pushed off the railing with a single powerful flap, letting her commandeered form glide upon the evening winds as she continued listening for any trace of bells. Perhaps it was mean, making the little rat run away from his owner... but she wasn't too keen on whatever was going on in that girl's household. Best if the thing just joined the common rats in the street than go back to her. And she might've gotten away with the plan, too... if it weren't for the sudden, searing pain she felt in the back of her neck, sending her off course and tumbling onto the top of a low-lying building rather disgracefully...not that rats had much grace at flying to begin with. Giny's head lifted and she saw the girl landing there behind them, a faint sigil glowing bright red in her hand. Her face was far from happy as she reached down and scooped the writhing animal up. It was all Lucille could do to distance herself enough to stop feeling the impulses of heat firing all through the nerves. "I said Hide and Seek is over...." She said through clenched teeth, looking rather bratty for such a literally angelic face "Daddy's not going to be happy if I lose another one of his test subjects...now come on, stop trying to run, I don't wanna use the Tether on you again." "Ha! I was right...so there is something dubious going on here. Well there's definitely no way letting you have him back now, you winged little brat...it's time for a liberation." With that single thought, a peircing whistle filled the air, audible to only the child and causing her to crumple to her knees, clutching her ears as she cried out. It was nothing that would do permanent damage... but Lucille had wanted to make sure the brat felt a good amount of pain. With the shearing burn of the child's magic gone, She turned Giny around and bolted away, wings again outstretching as she caught another updraft and soared away... so close to freedom now. Almost there... just had to find an alley and duck into it- yes, there, that one, nice and dark, she'd never find them...alright, not that one, forget it, let the hissing cat have it's peace. Wait, wait, there, yes, just to... It was over. Right then and there. In a mere snap, she was back in her own body, pulled away from her little session by her own internal clock, just as she had set it to do when night began to fall... damn if she had ever thought she'd be so betrayed by her own doing. Des gave her a curious look, scurrying off her chest with the device in hand as she rose. He'd been so preoccupied trying to get the thing to show him something, he hadn't even notice how late it'd gotten... so much for his efforts then. Guess knowing how it opened would have to be enough for now. He gave a squek to the woman though, seeing the look on her face as she sat there. "It's...nothing Des." She snarled. "damn it, I was so close...hopefully that little rat will have enough sense to keep running on his own...what are you doing?" Des looked at the device than back to her, giving another squeak. "Well...whatever. you can toy with whatever that thing is later... right now we should get looking again. He said he'll be somewhere near the bell tower tonight." Without much room for discussion, she took the thing from him and stowed back in her vestments, it's light extinguishing immediately as it closed. Des could only respond with a cry of indignation, shaking his fist through the high pitched chatter. Lucille ignored him and turned to Bora "Is he still out?" A snort and a puff. The man hadn't stirred at all, it seemed. "Good, get him loaded up. It's time to find this tower..."
  3. There are stat caps boy. Look again; they're all laid out on the literally the page before their respective class roster is presented. All Traine classes are capped at 30HP and 10 in all other combat stats. First Classes are 40HP and 20 in all other combat related states. Final Promo classes are 60HP and 30 in all other.
  4. "I will graciously take you up on that offer, if it is no trouble to you at all." "You are just freaking determined to piss her off, aren't you?" She couldn't help but cast an ornery glance of her own at the girl as she sat down beside natalie; a clear warning not to start shit here, just like Essylt herself had given to Arya just yesterday, ironically enough... though the white haired girl's was far less subtle and to the point with it's disdain. "Acting coy isn't the best idea here...can't you tell she was trying to let you off lightly, idiot?"
  5. I suggest adding a bit more detail to your synopsis in general to be brutally honest. Not just for those who have barely played anything in the franchise, I'm a vet in this series, and even I can only just barely figure out that what you're trying to go for with including bosses and such from every FF1-12 is possibly something akin to the Premise of FF:Dissidia. Clean up your op sections as well. As murdoc said, it's painfully obvious this was all copypasta'd... and it doesn't help to attract and keep potential recruits when they have to struggle just to make out the info you've given. and as murdoc also said, yes, your class list does contain some reduduncies at a glance over- I think this is mainly due to the fact that I can tell you've selected a few from various different games in the series and tried to mix them all together in one setting. That's not a bad thing, persay, and could provide of a lot of variety if done right...but the thing is, you don't seem to have taken into account that many of them are basically the same thing. I mean, Red Mage is essentially the same role as Sage, except sages tend to not have access to any melee weapons where at least in 1, Red mages had swords and such. Granted, some may consider sage to simply be the upgraded Red mage, there's no indication of that being the case here, so without a promotion system, these two basically fill the same job and there's no reason for both to be available. Another one is Wizard. Wizard isn't even a real class in and off itself, just a rename/alt name of Black Mage in Final Fantasy tactics...so they're literally the exact same thing. Black Twin and White twin also sound the same as Black and White mage, respectively. I could understand them being included though, if you intended to go the way of FF4 and have these two classes rely on each other to use Twincast inorder to deal massive damage or accomplish things that neither of them can do on their own... but unless that's what you intended, it's best to axe that as well. thief and ninja...again, same issue as Sage and Red Mage. unless there's a promo system, there's no point having both, as one clearly outclasses the other. Blue mage and beast master....technically, those are alright together, given what they actually do is quite different. Blue mages steal magic from monsters, Tamers call them into battle. the last one I see is Sorcerer/Sorceress. These too are literally gender-specific names of the same thing. Don't make them into split classes unless there's gonna be an actual difference between them other than that, such as the class skills or type of magic they have access to. anyways, that's all I'm gonna pick at for now, it's rather and I've got work to return to. Keep in mind though, I'm not trying to be mean, but... there's just alot that needs fixing up with this. A Dissidia style world can work well, if done properly, but it requires a much vaster extent of knowledge of all the different game lore and the inner workings of each of the 12 worlds on the part of the host to keep everything glued together and coherrant
  6. "Wait, He shot himself!?" she almost lost focus at the sheer idiocy of it all as she turned to Hosh, the light faltering before she re-centered her mind. The scowl on her face was clear for all to see though. "...just...How? In the shoulder... the arrow is facing away from you, how could it turn completely around to hit you, when..." She sighed, shaking her head. "Just let it go...let it go... he's alright, it's not like then... there was no poison..." "Nevermind, forget it... I don't want to know. Just, please...be more careful... I hate dealing with Archery wounds...especially self-inflicted ones" with that said, she finished and let the power fade, a faint white scar visible on Luka's shoulder from where the shaft had not only entered but been torn out. She could've healed it all the way, easily enough... but the boy should be left with a reminder of whatever foolishness had occurred here. "It's just like I told Dash; I can fix broken bodies. I can't fix foolishness."
  7. She sighed as the girl called her over. She'd already heard it, the sickening sound... wood and steel colliding with flesh and sticking firm, the twang of a taut sinew... she shivered a little, felt sick to her stomach. But she pushed it back down, just as she always did. She...wasn't a fan of archers....every time someone got hit in the field, it always brought back the same feeling, same memories... she'd stayed away from Hoshiko thus far for precisely that reason. Right now though... seemed her personal schemishnish couldn't be helped. What she saw as she picked up her staff and headed over though... was freaking ridiculous "Oh god... a shoulder wound of all things... of all the places, why that?" She felt herself beginning to shake, recalling it all again... she took a breath and forced herself to steady though, kept her eyes on the objective as she knelt by Luka's side as she turned him over as gently as she could, not seeing the head protruding through his back. She felt sick yet again as she rolled him back over and reached her hand around the shaft, bracing her other hand on the fool's chest "How... did this even happen? What were you two doing over here?" She asked, giving a quick and sharp tug that pulled the projectile free. Despite not even being in contact with the staff, both the carved rod and her palms alike lit with ethereal light as she tossed the thing aside and pressed her hands to the wound immediately as a small gout of blood erupted from the site, the searing sting Luka probably felt quickly ebbing to nothing as she glared back and forth between him and Hoshiko.
  8. Arya "You see that look? Don't go raiding other people's shit next time, Es..." She whispered softly in Esylt's ear before heading inside, putting on a smile as she passed the door. "No...I'm fine, Miss Opium, thank you for offering..." "Damn thieves were lucky she didn't actually come out and catch you two in the act...hopefully your behaviour won't reflect too poorly on the rest of us." Fridge-Raiding shenanigans and this morning's classes aside though... she'd been more interested in what tutoring Layla had given her the night before... learning how to use this new ability was just about the only part of that whole chaotic 24 hour period she had found enjoyable. Everything else was simply too strange and alienating to be...well, anything other than strange and alienating. It wasn't quite simple to trigger, compared to something like Esylt's vines or Anna's sheilds, but at it's base, it wasn't terribly difficult either, once one understood the basic principles. Focus on the object in question, it's qualities, how it smelled, tasted, felt, what it looked like... then try to pull an exact copy of all those collective properties into the space around you... at least, that's what Arya had taken away. Mostly she'd started to simply send herself into a trance of sorts, go back to the very moment she'd encountered it and relive it again... it was a skill she'd already developed for re-examining things, slowing down her perception of the details in her own memory, looking closer, longer... it hadn't been terribly hard to apply it here as well. What had been hard though... was getting positioning right. She could pull things from memory well enough... she just hadn't figured out how to put anything farther than the palm of her own hand... and that range was only achievable if she'd been holding the original to begin with, most other shit just materialized right in front of her face and fell to the floor... Still... it had been kinda fun. She'd tried it on quite a few things; sketchbooks, countless oddly shaped rocks she'd found in the woods back home, pens and pencils, even a hunting knife...she still couldn't quite stop thinking about what she'd been told about trying to conjure the living though. "Just how bad would it get, if two copies of the same soul existed at once? She never really went into much detail...eh, well, probably shouldn't try it either way, I guess..."
  9. Jesus what's with the high traffic lately? Did something happen, is there some announcement I missed? Most of the time we don't get over 50... but it's literally been triple or quad that recently...

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  10. "See... you were always wrong, Rosalynd you bitter old crone..." She watched Eqcuis play his tune, and the others at their leisure all around in the distance, walking over and sitting down beside him. "I'm not like you... I'm not doomed to be alone... I don't have to get used to it. He's gone, and never coming back...but I've found others who will stand beside me like he did. You'll see, craven old witch...I'll prove you wrong yet. It's just as Donalto said... the Clergy aren't perfect and unfaltering and angelically pure, ever right and infalliable... we're human just like everyone else." She let her iron grip on the staff relax, fall to her side on the ground, leaning her head back against the tree as she gazed up into it's mighty branches. "I won't let you rule over my heart like you did back then...you aren't the Goddess... I'm not yours now, I wasn't yours then... and I was never yours to begin with." "That's a lovely tune there..." She remarked idly, as if the thoughts were nothing at all "what's it called?"
  11. Pssssst, Lexi... Lana can't exactly be with Layla's group for Opium to cast an ornery look at if she's chained up and still being held captive by Riley, can she? EDIT: Also in accordance with our Chat, I'm going to assume Layla already explained the basic principles of TE and all that shiz to Arya last night and the only thing she really needs now is a some more practice to get used to it.
  12. "Neither would I, I suppose." Her face still flushed a bit though, rubbing her arm in embarrassment and looking away after her little tirade against the inner workings of the oh so holy machine called the church. She'd never really had much opportunity to mouth off at length like this... not when it had gotten her a staff to the wrist or fingers and a lecture on proper behaviour. Nuns were strict teachers... and nasty crones when they soured with age. It was only by the grace of Donalto the Grey she'd ever escaped their bondage and rules "...you know... I think you and Meredith might actually be the first people since my brother or mentor who've bothered asking me that... if something was wrong...if I was alright...how I was doing...I was starting to wonder if I'd forget what it felt like, just being able to talk to someone else... like I'm a person and not some icon...some extension of the church... some force to, with a single prayer, make their troubles go away...like I actually matter. T...thank you"
  13. All she could do was look at the man in confusion. Half the time back in the Church, such a jab as that would've earned her a strike across the face from Rosalynd regardless of how apt a description the wit made... staves hurt quite a bit, as it turned out, when you were actually struck by one. Not many were though, given the general nature of their users... Too bad the old crone had not fallen into the "general users" category. "Ah...hahaha...eh..." She laughed nervously, face still flushed, though a bit clearer than it had been. She wasn't quite sure how to proceed... luckily though he changed the subject for her. "I...get the feeling...about Travelling. Guess I'm the opposite though; priests, well, we're supposed to listen to the troubles of others, not have our own. We're supposed to listen and guide, but never fraternize, at least, not outside of our peers. They say the clergy have to be the shepherds of the flock, that the people have to think of them as the representatives of the Goddess' Will made real...see us as those without sin, those who walk the path without faltering..." Her eyes darkened a bit, as she gripped her staff bone white... seeming unaware. "We're supposed to be shining paragons, up on pedestals for all to see... supposed to be perfect, holy...something for people to look up to and follow, but not to relate to. Sometimes it just get's frustrating when everywhere you go, people are more concerned with What you are than Who you are."
  14. "Aye, he was...If only I was more like him..." She turned back to the Rider, pursing her lips at the description of the man who quite literally was a full grown man by the time his parents had conceived Eqcuis. "So... your brother must be the king in disguise then, eh? All power, no consideration for those affected by it..." No sooner than the words were out of her mouth though, was she her face flushing with shock at her own gall as she bowed her head in apology, almost as if by sheer reflex. "I'm sorry, that was terrible of me...I don't know where it came from, but I meant no disrespect... you're the one who's shared so much about yourself, after all... it wasn't right to poke fun like that."
  15. "..." She just stood there, looking at him for a moment. There had gone just about any hope of glossing it all over, she supposed...but, well... she supposed there was no harm telling Eqcuis; he hadn't sent her tumbling to her death, after all, and he'd seen fit to share with her details of his own life. it could've been worse. Could've been a total stranger asking. Hell, It could've been that Wicked Klaren. Besides, she already kept so much internally to avoid putting her troubles on others... it was the way of the priest; they were to be the comforters and guides of the flock, in both times of war and peace. To ease their fears and suffering alike... even if that sometimes meant having to becoming masters at hiding their own. If she couldn't share it with a even friendly face like his, then who could she? Donalto and the other Greys were dead... and there was no way in hell she'd ever return to Rosalynd's chapel... "I guess...there's no harm if I tell you..." She finally sighed. "I did promise to explain more earlier, didn't I? Before... Klaren interrupted." She turned, giving a sidelong glance back towards Dash and Luka, witnessing their glorious manhug. "Yes... Freyl. He was my brother...after our mother died, he kept us both going, took charge... made sure we were taken care of, despite us having nothing... and smaller kids like us too, whenever we crossed paths. I guess I couldn't help but think... how much Dash reminds me of him, in a way...so protective of his little friends, like their his own blood. Wanting to do anything he can to help, even if it means fighting beside us...putting his own life at risk..."
  16. "Oh...hello, Eqcuis..." She'd been so distracted she'd nearly bumped smack into the approaching man. She took her sleeve away from her face, stowing it behind her. "No, it's nothing... I was just talking with Frey...with Dash is all. Seems he's going to be coming with us into battle...Samwell's already given his blessing to it..." Quickly wanting to change the topic though, she let her gaze settle on the instrument in the Rider's hand. "Oh, do you practice harp? I never would've thought...do Wyvern's enjoy the sound of music?"
  17. She tried to smile... worries and thoughts aside, this was clearly happening regardless of her misgivings. But, at least the boy was willing to comply with that one simple request. She still could not look at him though, gaze glued to the shifting currents and shimmering light of the midday sun. Not with how much the boy's utter conviction reminded her of him. Yet another boy from the streets, taken from whatever life he might've been able to have by fate and molded into something far too heroic for his own good... "...I'm glad to hear you say that,Fre-...Dash" She said, oddly quiet, so low that only Dash would probably be able to hear. Big Bro, eh? ... how bitter a taste the mere thought of those words left in her mouth, as she tried to continue. "And I promise... that no matter what, I'll never fail you...even if fate decides otherwise, I won't let you die on that battlefield." Her eye's glistened. She turned and headed away from the two of them. Wiping them with the sleeve of her robe, she feigned as if she'd merely gotten something stuck there. "I-if you'll excuse me though...there's other things I need to tend to. It won't be long before we'll be back out there again afterall..."
  18. "Why can't you accept me?" "Because you're living in sin!" "Says who!?" "The Pope?" "Who cares what the pope thinks, who cares what ANY of those people think!? What is it that YOU think?""I'm a catholic...I don't have to think"

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      Wait, the "You're living in sin" person isn't the strawman here?

    3. Sutoratosu


      the Mother (yes, the living in sin one) is the one I'm talking about. With what she says at the end of how she's catholic and therefore it's not her responsibility to think when she can just be told what's right and wrong by the institution.

    4. Sutoratosu


      For context, the daughter is a lesbian who is attempting to adopt a child with her life partner. At one of the church meetings, a petition was passed around to stop gay adoption because they felt it would "Corrupt the children" and her mother signed it without batting an eye. When it came up later, this exchange occured as a direct result.

  19. A tale of despereaux... Not long after the girl was out had Des emerged from hiding, tiny paws skittering over her sleeping form as he retreived the strange object he'd stolen. It was warm to the touch, as he towed it free of it's hiding place... hot almost, like it had been left out in the sun. Though whether that was simply from Lucille's natural body temperature or simply something to do with the object's workings, he didn't know. He sniffed the thing, up and down, all along it's multiple faces and back again. Unsurprisingly the only scent he could pick up was hers. last time all it had taken to get a response from the thing was him getting close to it... now though, for the life of him, he didn't know why it stayed dormant. He started small, slapping the thing a few times with his tail in a vain attempt to see if pressure was the answer. With that failed, he squeaked at it a bit... first in mere Common Tail, then Mouse, then Rat, then the more advanced Gerbil...alright, so it didn't respond to any of the Rodent Tongues. He looked at Lucille as she slept. Even though her chest rose and fell as any other's would, he knew there was nothing occupying the body right now. There were no dreams for her, nor the blank black canvas of nothingness, not when she slept. No... sleep to her was merely her mind wandering off elsewhere while the physical form rested, spirit hopping and leaping from animal to animal haphazardly. She probably wouldn't be stirred if he did it... "Open." her voice emanated out of his tiny maw as he spoke, an exact copy, pitch perfect done to the smallest detail of tone and weight. No other beast would ever be able to do such a thing, speak in her manner, take her voice for their own... but Des had already proven too many times in the past before that he was not just another beast. The bond forged between him and her was more powerful than a thousand chains of the finest magicked metal- he was an extension of her, and she of him... just as Lucille could channel the strengths of other bonds, so too could he do the same with her. And like that... the crystal construct began to regain it's glow, intensity increasing as a strange whirring began to sound... Des looked at her face yet again, a triumphant grin on his snout as the glow shined. She was still out cold, as he'd thought she would be... he hadn't been too sure it would work, while she was out warging, but he'd done it. The thing indeed had some type of stimulus for Vocal commands... they just had to be in the right voice... or the right language. Maybe there were even other ways to activate it... whatever mysteries the thing might hold was anyone's guess, afterall...
  20. eh, alright then Definitely noticed her... Lols. Love how Solomon literally straight tells Nova exactly what he was so desperate to find out, and all the information get's completely ignored....
  21. Angel boy is in for a nasty surprise when he wakes up...

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  22. Lucille & Co, the Prisoner... The shaded backways were just as empty as could be expected. Most hailing from such a high society thought little of such unlit places of refuse and mold, rats and vermin. She hadn't thought it possible, but the scenery had only decayed the deeper towards the heart of the city they pushed. Never emerging into the street for more than a split second, never moving at less than a mere blur... she finally let him slow down. If they hadn't caught their scents by now, Jorgen's ploy had to have worked. They were alone. Just them and the prisoner. Every so often Des had checked over the girl's shoulder just to make sure the man hadn't stirred. Not like it would've been issue, she'd have either broken his legs or he'd have found the slumber-inducing Rune of Svefnthorn burning through his mind and destroying his willpower like wildfire. Lucky it hadn't come to either... she wasn't sure how much more the moron would be able to take in his still pitiful state. "Enough bora..." she sighed, taking in the squalor of this place through the mouse's eyes. Well... maybe not squalor. Des could see the tell-tell signs of ivy, just a bit further in the distance... odd. the vines shouldn't have been able to grow at this altitude...not unless someone had gone to the trouble of intervening...Bora trodded towards them without question. A verdant light began to trickle forth, as they got closer... They had indeed been tampered with... the whole area infact. Blooming with wild flowers and grasses in the middle of the alley, crumbling stone facades that hadn't been touched in who knew how long dotting the decent-sized space and all three walls of the dead end alive with years of Ivy growth. She didn't have to take more than a few steps after getting off the dire bear to sense the immediate presence of Magic hanging heavy in the air. Someone had been practicing here... long ago. It certainly explained it, the sudden outburst of life among the stone and concrete and towering glass and steel. Probably some student or something... though she doubted some mere apprentice could've created all this on their own. perhaps a team effort of some sort...or a competition for pissing rights. She didn't know. And she didn't really care either. She just knew where they'd be sleeping while they were in this jungle of glass and steel. It was certainly better than staying in a glorified cell called a Inn Room... or whatever the hell the others might try to set her up with...pfft, Dire Bears, cramped inside an enclosed space with several strange beings for an extended period of time... yes... that wouldn't end with any gore, none at all... "Your wings are still torn." She tossed the man off Bora's back roughly, sending his unconscious form to the ground with a rough thud... she doubted even that would get him up. "Good...last thing I need is for you to fly away and risk dying of the fall when I ground you." She still considered breaking his legs, as she stood there, lips pursed more out of sheer agitation at how close things had gotten back there than anything else. But what point was there to it... not like beating him would be any fun or help blow off steam. Without his glove, he was exactly as he had claimed, just a weak sigil mage... nothing to the likes of her, or any of them. It would be like a lion thrashing a rabbit. "Seal him..." She finally sighed. Desperaux responded immediately, eyes glowing an ethereal white as he let out a squeak, a circle of similar hued energy burning in the air, the Merkstave of the rune Fehu thrumming in it's center as countless tendrils of the light sprang forth and began to assualt the poor fool, energy permeating his entire form as the inverted rune sought out and sealed away all traces of Magic talent he might've had to begin with... all to end with a smaller version of the Merkstave burning into skin on the back of his neck, black lines etching across skin like ink on parchment. Des' eyes slowly began to lose their hue as the symbol faded and the gathered energy dispersed. A fitting punishment... if she said so herself. He had robbed others of their abilities... now she'd gone and made it so he'd never use his own again unless he found some bloke knowledgeable enough to undo the sweeping and penetrative work of Des' seal... A Squeak from the mouse. Oh...even better. Not even that would be enough. There was a backup... and a backup to the backup seal. An expert might be able to find one, but... few would think that anyone would go to the trouble of double or triple locking. And even if they did... Des had added a nasty little surprise for those who dared tampered with the second or third tiers... The moron would likely never cast another bit of magic so long as he lived. "Well... if that's out of the way, I suppose we just wait for nightfall..." She headed over towards where the grass was thickest in the constructed greenery, letting herself flop down into the stuff without much grace or ceremony. It was bedding enough, and it wasn't like she hadn't slept on worse before. Besides, there wasn't much else to do now except sleep "Bora...if he wakes up and tries anything, smash him against the wall." She started settling in, propping her head up on her palm, elbow to the ground. "a few broken ribs won't kill him...don't use your full strength though, obviously... I really don't feel like trying to repair that much internal damage" Yes...try. that was being generous. If Bora used full force, the man would easily die on impact from such a blow. The bear gave no protest, only a single puff and flare of the nostrils as his scarlet eyes drifted to the prisoner... and lingered there, unwavering as Lucille lay her head back down and drifted off.
  23. Sully-Weird shit at the diviner... "Uhhhh....hwhat?" Honestly... at this point, he really wasn't in the mood for trying to figure all this shit out. Whoever this 'Cardinal' girl was, she was right- he hadn't seen her before a day in his life. All he wanted was to talk to Diviner and get the fucking blueprints for the dampening shield installed... dealing with Supernova and whatever mental shiz he had going on was nowhere on that list... They wanted to talk to a god, eh? Well... he could send the fucker packing "If you wanna talk to one of the big dogs..." He called to the two as they continued their little discussion, crossing his arms with that unwavering expression of fuck all "You're in luck... I just had a chat with Seeker of all people before I came here. Who knows, if ya search around, maybe you'll find her... the trains only so damn big, and not like any of us are getting off..."
  24. "Whoa there now...let's not get too overconfident..." She warned, rather lightly though. there really wasn't much point trying to change the boy's mind at this point...she was still worried to hell and back, though, precisely for this type of thing. "Arrogance has gotten plenty of people killed, and it'll kill plenty more before this mess is over... just like that Maris woman... I guess if you can somehow convince Samwell to actually let you tag along with us into battle, there's not much we'll be able to say otherwise, but still... don't forget that nothing is certain on that field." She removed her hand from his shoulder, staff at her side as she approached the river, gazing out over the water for a moment before glancing back... "You might well be fastest, but I've seen too many lucky shots from an archer before... or a sword or lance that just happened to be in the right place at the right time... don't let yourself wind up like those poor souls. I can heal those types of wounds, Dash... but I can't heal the cockiness that leads to them in the first place. So...please, just promise...you'll be extra careful, if you coming with us actually ends up being a thing, okay?" Yes, please do child... I really don't want or need another person as troublesome as Klaren around...
  25. I realized that only after Zet corrected me again on the server... oh well, we still need the thief more bruh...:X
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