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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. I'm against the prospect of child soldiers is all tbh though, we do need a theif more than another spear guy with the misfortune of sucky rolls...
  2. She stared at the boy a moment, eyes stern... but finally she relented with a sigh of defeat "Seems I can't convince you... a shame, that usually works on little ones..." She took another look over at the children, still playing over yonder. She turned back Dash, gandering up and down as she looked him over. "How old are you dash? You look 13, 14 maybe...? As much as I don't want to admit it, I suppose you do have a point... neither of us partake in any actual conflict...but still, the thought of you being out there where even someone like Luka often becomes a target still worries me though, quite a bit...so don't going thinking I'm sold on this idea."
  3. "He's right, you know..." Maya called as she wondered over to the boy and Luka. She wasn't usually one to intrude, but well... there was no way she could avoid overhearing at least something of their conversation. The Killing fields were no place for a child... infact, they were often too much for even grown men, alot of the time. "I know it's probably not what you want to hear, Dash, but... even for a noble cause like this, don't get anything confused about what it means to enter the battlefield. There is no romance there, no glory and no honor...no rules, nothing is sacred. Just one objective- to destroy everyone who stands in your way, regardless of who or what they are." It seemed odd... hearing such overtly dark and cynical subject matter coming from a sister of all things... yet Maya kept on as if it were nothing... there was no intimidation on her face, no scare tactic in her voice... just the simple but blunt edge of truth. "War clouds the minds of mortals, Dash, it sets minor tensions into the smoldering embers of tragedy, and major ones into a roaring inferno of suffering and chaos for all who are touched by it's blazing heat... I know you might think you're not doing enough, but there are just some things children should never be swept into." She did try to lighten up though, the smile from earlier again on her face as she put a hand on the boys shoulder, hoping to change the mood "Besides, if you had been fighting with us instead of scouting, we never would've known about Saffron being in trouble... and where would we be now if that very important event hadn't happened? You're already doing far more than your fair share of help Dash, don't worry."
  4. oh yeah... lisa was involved in the alley too. You were so damn silent for that entire thing that I forgot you were even there.
  5. Lols, I forgot how complex it is making a good backstory for the parent of a character... ya gotta include so much shit to explain how one thing led to another and eventually little johnny came to be... especially if they were a badass in their younger years

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  6. She couldn't help but manage a faint smile, as she watched the children play in the distance. It was something she often did, whenever she had the chance... between the din of the battlefield and her other duties as a Sister, it was like a bit of a respite, seeing them be able to enjoy themselves, free from the burdens of their situation, if only for a fleeting few moments. In a Just World, none of these boys or girls would have to work as spies or scouts or thieves for a rebel group just to have shelter or food... but the world was so far from just, few could be blamed for questioning if it could ever get there. Even still though, it was better they have a place here under the lead of Samwell, than out on the streets fighting and scavenging just to live another day... She knew the pain of starvation. Knew it all too well...good that none of them would have to feel it too... even if their lives were all just in a different type of danger now. "Ahh...I remember when we were like that..." she sighed idly, staff leaned beside against the towering specimen of an oak. It was nice to be able to think about him without the guilt...for once...even if it was only when she was able to watch them. Which just made it all the more better in the end, she guessed. "so long ago... before anything mattered... it's nice, having your only worry in the world be what to play... I just hope fate is kind enough to let them enjoy these times a bit longer than it did us."
  7. Aaaaaaand almost immediately, she was clinging to him, a startled yelp filling the air as they suddenly take off... She had expected the change to be jarring, but... nothing like this. Her face flushed red almost instantly, but she daren't release her grip, not now. "Oh god...if Mother Rosalynd had ever seen me doing something like this, she would've killed me in a heart beat..." That was a moot point however... the old nun was literally countless miles away and hadn't spoken a word to her in years- which she damn well liked. She didn't even know if the mean bitch was still alive or if she'd passed on by now... she'd certainly seemed ancient enough to be good friends with the reaper even then. Regardless, as they got higher and started the even out a bit... well, it wasn't so terrible as she fought. A bit dizzying, looking straight down at the ground, and knowing at any moment she could be a bloody mess somewhere down there, but so long as she kept her eyes fixed a little ways ahead, it seemed manageable enough...even a bit fun. The wind billowing through her hair as he hood flew back of it's own accord, cobalt blue locks flowing in the gale. Just as much as the threat of death loomed, so too did the rush of utter and total freedom, open sky and wispful clouds, unbound by the troubles of those below. Soon enough she was even laughing with joy, clinging there onto Eqcuis. This was nowhere near as terrifying as she'd thought...She didn't know what had made her so nervous before.
  8. "Weeeell...I suppose..." She felt her nerves edging her away from the idea, but on the other hand, she truly did think she could put her faith Eqcuis and Morgan not to send her tumbling hundreds of feet to her death like a bag of bloodied flesh of twisted bones...after all, the Rider had to have done this type of thing since he was a boy, right? If he had five of them...surely that required a fair bit of experience to keep each under control, right? "alright..." she finally sighed, taking his hand and letting him pull her up. She still trembled, just a bit as she took a seat behind him "I-I trust you two..." she looked around the polished and glossed scaled for a moment or two, wondering just what exactly to hold onto... it certainly wasn't about to be the man's waist; she was a Sister of the faith, her father had raised her better than to be that easy... and this was moving a bit fast... Still unsure of the whole thing as she was though, how quickly that little conviction might change once they were up in the air though, was anyone's guess...
  9. "...Thank all that is still holy in this world" She sighed beneath his breath once the man was gone. She turned back to Eqcuis and his mount "He finally got it through his thick head that he's not wanted. I have to say, that was some quick thinking though, Eqcuis... acting like you had promised to take me flying" she couldn't help but stifle a slight giggle at that... flying, yes, right, her, up in the air? how absurd, her whole life had been spent on th- "Oh...wait..." Oh...ooooohhhh... his hand was still outstretched, now that she actually noticed. "you...you weren't joking about that? Um I...I don't know... I've never really been off the ground before..."
  10. "He can't take a simple hint either..." She gave one pained glance to Eqcuis before resuming the paper smile back at the monk... of course this wouldn't be so easy as just healing him and sending him off. Why should she have expected the Goddess be so merciful? "Oh, well, I'm flattered then, thank you." Did she know of your degeneracy in battle as well, you hedonist? Even worse if she was involved in enabling you...both of you sully the good work of the Goddess... "But uh... even still, do be careful, alright? You're no help to our allies if you fall while indulging in so much pleasu- Er, hostility, and there are some situations not even I can move fast enough to intervene in...be seeing you now."
  11. Good thing I haven't gotten my hands on any poison staves yet, huehuehue...who could blame her if she mixed the two up? Lols though, seriously calm down...like, all of you. I'm sure we won't have that much to fear in terms of battles being fucked over by bullshit AI like the games sometimes do... afterall, it's an actual person controlling them, not just a bunch of flawed and half-assed algorithms and scripts that should've been polished far more before being released in the final product.
  12. Ya know... it's pretty fucking annoying how so many people seem to not realize "Freedom of speech" only applies when dealing with government entities...this bullshit with bringing it up everywhere else for everything under the sun needs to stop.

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    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shamitako


      I know, I was just quoting someone who thinks the internet is American

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      oh, I thought it was actually from Youtube XD

    4. Shamitako


      Nah, just a commenter who thinks YT is somehow not an international entity

  13. She still stayed silent, for a few moments longer. Finally though ,she let her staff drop back to her side, sighing "No... fair is fair. You told me some of your tale, it's only right I give more of mine now... No, nothing happened to Greyhelm, it's still standing, at least last I heard... just as it has for the past 300 years...as for the actual place I grew up though...well-" "Miss Mayaaaa~! Oooh, wyverns~ Hi. I'm kind of bored, you know. There's nothing much to see here unlike in that prison we raided~ Oh, and I need myself healed up. My tummy aches inside where the sword hit me. I suppose you couldn't choose on the battlefield, right~?" Oh shit she had forgotten all about the wicked monk... "Just...great..." She scowled for the briefest of moments, her disdain only visible to Eqcuis and his dragons as the Not-so-holy Man approached, and in a whispered voice to the rider. "I'll...I'll tell you more once I get rid of him." "Oh, terribly sorry about that, brother Klaren" She said, giving a mock bow as she turned to face the wickedness that was Klaren. Her eyes and tone were nothing as such kind words should've suggested though, gaze seeming to go right through the monk and the usual benevolence nowhere to be found. "I was so preoccupied with Meredith and then our friends from across the field, I had completely forgotten about you...and your... ways." Whatever the hell she meant by 'Ways', there wasn't much time to question it, given she had already passed the healing light of the staff over him and flashed a paper smile once his injuries closed, waving a very obvious goodbye as her feet already pointed back towards Eqcuis "Do take care from now on... It'd be an utter shame if you took things too far in battle...I'm but one Sister, afterall, with one staff..."
  14. Septhis Black and blue and gleaming gold. Those were the among the first sights Sephtis caught as he searched for someone of reference and rank. The middle aged bisharp sat on a long neglected supply crate as various healers tended to the cracks and fissures haphazardly traversing his armor and blades, the axe atop his head chipped and broken from the ferocity of war and his gauntlets baring all the defensive wounds of fighting off savage wilders. He said nothing, as their eyes briefly met in the distance, thinking naught of the ghost as he turned his gaze back to those brother in arms who'd managed to make it back from the same hell hole he'd crawled from... If the phantom looked closely though, he might've caught a glimpse of the tattered remains of a High Officer's coat, draped about the dark type's shoulders...barely more than shredded ribbons stained dark with the fetid blood of countless foes now. Genis "Arceus... shit's worse than I thought...this place is literally just two scrap metal slabs propped against each other..." "Oh, yeah, yeah, looking real nice here kid, real nice...bet it took ya a long time to make it, huh?" Despite his attempt to sound as genuine as possible to keep from crushing the boy's spirits, he had already gestured for Mars and Ares to find something to make this place even half decent a living space, though Genis would've never recognized the idle hand gestures he made as he spoke. The two headed out immediately, needing to see no more of the place to know, their help here was damn well needed. "But kid, I gotta a question... this is a pretty nice space and all, but, I only see provisions and rations for one... where's ya parents?" Tres There was little to note, as he floated through the merchants stands and milling customers on morning routines. Mostly more of the same rumors he'd already heard earlier in the day and had seen the source of himself at the shore line... oddly enough though, more than a few times he could've sword he'd felt some presence following him... any attempt to stop and catch them in the act though, only yielded nothing but thin air and more of the milling crowds... yet everytime he started again, it seemed to return almost immediately... a little closer each time... Arthur The Grumpig stared at him for a moment. This one bore a coat of gold fur rather than the usual violet... seemed the one before had been relieved of his shift in the time Arthur and the old coots had been talking. Unlike his brother though, this one went to no painstaking lengths while probing the turtle's mind, his prescence barely even registering there. "Meh..." he said finally giving a shrug. "He's clean, let the bugger in..." With that, the gates almost instantly opened before him, yawning wide to grant access into the enclave... *********** Personal Sidequest Update: True Knight to E4's rescue
  15. "That's terrible..." She commented at the mention of literally being kicked out...what the hell type of people were those of his hometown, to exile a child over something so seemingly trivial as the color of a dragon? Well... to be fair, there was probably a bit more to the circumstances than just that factor, but still... it was despicable nonetheless. And days before his... simply awful...all of them. "Oh...um...home..." She shifted a bit on her feet, eyes turning to the ground. Right...home... she was torn. Eqcuis had been kind enough to share his own tale, but... there was nothing of home for her to recall except what she wanted only to forget. But...fair was fair, she supposed... "Home...right... it was a port city, far on the southern shore, right near the border I think. It was a place originally founded by pirates who got tired of always being on the wrong side of the law, at least, that's how the story goes... they settled down there with whatever stolen goods they had left and eventually... it all built up from there." She stopped her idle stroking of Morgan, wandering off as she continued, gazing at the river far in the distance and clutching her staff. "It was called... Greyhelm, I think... or, something with Grey in the name. The founders didn't exactly turn completely lawful, you see, even after settling so... I guess they felt it fitting." She stopped, debating whether to continue. She gave a sidelong glance to Eqcuis and his wyrms, pained reminiscence in her eyes...
  16. "I'm sorry... it must've been difficult for you, Eqcuis" She placed a hand on the rider's shoulder in gentle comfort, as her staff again hung by her side. Home... yes, she knew far too much that void... the hearth and safety that so many took for granted... only those forced to survive without ever truly understood it's real value; because most of them lived and died wishing they could reclaim what a place to call their own was supposed to feel like, at least once more before they left this world... few seldom got the opportunity. "How...how did you get by though, after... you left? I-If you don't mind me asking of course, I'm sorry to pry if not..." The man's privacy was his own right in the issue, and if he didn't want to, she wouldn't push any further... but she was curious. Most children who were cast out or orphaned turned to rather dubious means to survive...means some of them might not be proud of, later on in life... but in the moment of survival, were the only real alternative to lying down and dying...
  17. alright, for reals, the number of guest lately is kinda making some ridiculous lag issues

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  18. "Oh...my..." She couldn't but take a startled step back or two at the descent of the second wrym, this one gleaming white like virgin snow against the morning sun. Oddly enough, her beauty seemed to surpass even Morgans... there was an almost mesmerizing quality, the stark white against the colored background of the world around her... like a blank canvas... "uh..." She tore her eyes away from the second drake, already feeling herself beginning to space out. From all the books, she had thought wyverns rather rare, their riders even harder to find... let alone ones in the possession of more than one mount "She's a beauty as well, I must admit... like the flakes of the first snowfall in winter... um, Eqcuis, exactly...how many wyverns do you have? Just out of curiosity?"
  19. "Talks of corrupt kings and true heirs, armies and revolutions... this is certainly unexpected, isn't it girl?" Maya stroked the Wyvern's snout again as she finished up with the beast, staff hanging by her side. She'd honestly carried and used the thing for so long that she oft forget she was even holding alot of the time whenever idle...it had more or less become apart of her, over the years; there when needed, out of mind when not. "Who would've thought this is what we'd find out on the plains like this...seems it must be fate, in a way." She gave a passive raise of the Staff at Meredith's declaration, though beyond that, she didn't give much else in acknowledgement... technically she wouldn't be doing any of the actual fighting so...oh, who the hell was she kidding, this was all just a thin ploy for her to give the Wyvern some attention a bit longer. She was surprised, how quickly she'd come to rather like the drake... she wasn't lying earlier when she complemented those scales. they really were beautiful creatures, despite what all the historical books and scrolls often slandered them as.
  20. Maya damn near dropped her staff at the mere mention of the girl's name... though she was just as quick to snatch it up from the ground. It was a good thing the divine light of healing was nowhere near as volatile as anima could be... she'd heard more than a few stories of amatuer mages dropping their tombs or getting distracted mid spell and having the spirits lash out at them instead of their foes for such perceived lack of respect. Not that it mattered much anyway though, Saffron was more or less back in top shape now. "I-it's truly an honor then, my lady" She stuttered with a deep bow.. though it wasn't long before her eyes drifted to those others who still needed attention. With that bit of a flustered acknowledgement, she made a passing sweep of the staff towards Feri and healed him as well before starting work on Morgan, letting the others continue as if she wasn't there. She wasn't that good at talking to nobles, honestly...never had any opportunities to practice. And besides, her talents lay here among the staunching blood and weaving light.
  21. "Of course." The priestess nodded. Infact, the staff was already beginning to flare to life again, much with the same intensity it had for meredith. She had honestly forgotten all about the strangers though, leading up to those last few moments before Maris went before judgement... mostly because her own people were at a far greater danger than them... regardless though, wounds were wounds, and they were clear friends of theirs... given how they'd found them to begin with. The light steadily cloaked her hands before beginning to wash over Saffron, yet again a calming wave beginning to permeate to air, all notion of pain beginning to be wiped away like so much blood from a stained blade. "This won't take long..." She noticed the injuries sported by the Mage accompanying them too, while she was at it. "And I can patch you up as soon as I finish her, ser."
  22. Damn, trying to forge supports is pretty fun, ngl

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