Black and blue and gleaming gold. Those were the among the first sights Sephtis caught as he searched for someone of reference and rank. The middle aged bisharp sat on a long neglected supply crate as various healers tended to the cracks and fissures haphazardly traversing his armor and blades, the axe atop his head chipped and broken from the ferocity of war and his gauntlets baring all the defensive wounds of fighting off savage wilders. He said nothing, as their eyes briefly met in the distance, thinking naught of the ghost as he turned his gaze back to those brother in arms who'd managed to make it back from the same hell hole he'd crawled from...
If the phantom looked closely though, he might've caught a glimpse of the tattered remains of a High Officer's coat, draped about the dark type's shoulders...barely more than shredded ribbons stained dark with the fetid blood of countless foes now.
"Arceus... shit's worse than I thought...this place is literally just two scrap metal slabs propped against each other..." "Oh, yeah, yeah, looking real nice here kid, real it took ya a long time to make it, huh?" Despite his attempt to sound as genuine as possible to keep from crushing the boy's spirits, he had already gestured for Mars and Ares to find something to make this place even half decent a living space, though Genis would've never recognized the idle hand gestures he made as he spoke. The two headed out immediately, needing to see no more of the place to know, their help here was damn well needed.
"But kid, I gotta a question... this is a pretty nice space and all, but, I only see provisions and rations for one... where's ya parents?"
There was little to note, as he floated through the merchants stands and milling customers on morning routines. Mostly more of the same rumors he'd already heard earlier in the day and had seen the source of himself at the shore line...
oddly enough though, more than a few times he could've sword he'd felt some presence following him... any attempt to stop and catch them in the act though, only yielded nothing but thin air and more of the milling crowds... yet everytime he started again, it seemed to return almost immediately... a little closer each time...
The Grumpig stared at him for a moment. This one bore a coat of gold fur rather than the usual violet... seemed the one before had been relieved of his shift in the time Arthur and the old coots had been talking. Unlike his brother though, this one went to no painstaking lengths while probing the turtle's mind, his prescence barely even registering there.
"Meh..." he said finally giving a shrug. "He's clean, let the bugger in..."
With that, the gates almost instantly opened before him, yawning wide to grant access into the enclave...
Personal Sidequest Update:
True Knight to E4's rescue