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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. She... honestly had no idea what to say to that. Those of her path were supposed to know humility and kindness; she was used to gratitude and thanks... not open praise. But still, to hear such a thing coming from one such as Meredith to boot... it truly did mean something. Which... only made it all the harder to respond. "I...Thank you...Meredith" She finally settled on, voice barely above a whisper but the warrior doubtlessly would've heard it regardless. Her eyes drifted up to the other woman, giving a nod of newfound confidence before turning towards the engagement in the distance. "Now... let's end this. There's already been enough blood spilt on these grounds today, hopefully her's will spell the last few drops of it."
  2. eh, well... right now we got the issue of the whole "unpriestly" disposition you got going and all... but maybe later in another chapter we can actually talk about this mess and see where it goes. Who knows, maybe Klaren is really just a decent guy who happens to be a bit weird and Maya misjudged him? we'll see... but for reals though, I do have to get a bit conservative about how willy nilly I use this thing in general. It's fine for now, sure, but it won't be later on...if Pyon isn't nice enough to give the opportunity to get another eventually.
  3. I'm not wasting my precious heal on some bugger who actively seeks pain and injury... the boy better hope that noble-blooded bitch dies this turn. Um, I meant... just hurry up and kill Maris, and this conversation will become entirely moot. Everyone can lick their wounds once you've brought me her pretty little head >:^)
  4. "It isn't my faith in you all that's in question here..." No. Just...no damn it, this had to stop, it was going to stop, and it was gonna stop now. Meredith really did have several points- they could finish this. No one was dying today, even if a few of their rank do happen to fall while taking down that pompous noblewoman of a commander... because just as it was Meredith's job to defend them, it was Maya's job to do everything in the power vested in her to save them. This was here...this was now. NOT.THEN. She could not let the past define her, or else those relying on her in the present would suffer for it. "I...No... enough. Again, you're right, Meredith..." She said, eyes hardening as her gaze turned to the barren earth. She didn't know whether it was more because she was just embarrassed one of her allies had seen her so disparaged, or furious at herself for losing focus so easily when lives were on the line. Either way, it was an odd sight, the ground... so much blood mixing with the dust and dirt. But one she had gotten used to, in time. "Please, forgive me...You're all trying so hard, and we've already come this far... I shouldn't have let myself wallow like that, even for a moment. I know we can all make it out of this; just like you say... we just need to keep it together a bit longer."
  5. Because I'd much rather focus on tending the wounded when this is done than performing last rites...I've already failed more than enough good people as it is "It... just... a force of habit, I guess. I just saw how easily she managed to batter you of all people, easily the staunchest among us, and... I can't help but worry about what might happen if she counters the others while engaged. But, nevermind... I... I see your point, you're right...." She was done, finally, the radiance of her staff dying down to a subtle gleam like an ember in the night, the air starting to lose it's concentrated, palpable quality. Despite her best efforts, the tone of obvious defeat still seeped into her words. "I guess it can't be helped. Taking room to breath now only digs us an even bigger hole...better to just take the risk and end it while we still can..."
  6. "Um... alright then..." A bit puzzled over what he meant by Night Wisps, but well... whatever he meant, if they whispered, chances were she'd be able to figure it out eventually by toying abit with linguistics. And even if she couldn't, she'd still find him one way or another. With as much ease as a toddler would toss a pebble, Bora picked up the suspect and slung him across his back behind where Lucille sat, careful on her orders not to eviscerate the man with such vorpal claws. At least that was one potential issue taken care of with the criminal disguised. It was odd though, as she turned to move... she could've sworn he'd thanked her, in that fleeting moment. Certain, actually, for no sound ever truly escaped her notice. For what though, she knew not... if even one of them went down to the authorities, it would greatly jeopardize things for everyone else. She was just trying to make sure that precise thing didn't happen. "Come on..." She said, turning away from the angel's retreating form. Bora set off immediately, footsteps and breath silenced as Lucille quickly wove a field of dampening energy and swathed them both in it like an invisible blanket of silence, giving no quarter to any sound the beast lumbering gait might cause... He may have been big and easily visible, one of the points of intimidation, really... she couldn't change those aspects, but she could at least make his movements quiet and subtle as a tranquil wind when it was needed. Travelling through any of the main streets though, was undeniably out of the question... they'd have to stick to the alleys almost exclusively if they wanted to avoid being spotted again too soon... as much as she was truly starting to hate them.
  7. "Please, don't; there's no need to worry about it," She was almost done, the worse of the internal damage seeming to have been woven back together. All that really remained now were the more superficial wounds. It was ironic really, now that she thought about it. Once, there had been a time she couldn't stand the mere scent of blood, balked at the very sight of the stuff. Yet nowadays she didn't so much as flinch, just... kinda went into autopilot, acted on instinct. Guess it was true about what they said about some people becoming things they never thought they originally would. "I'm just glad I could get to you in time..." Her gaze drifted over to the opposition on the plains, their numbers dwindling yet still clearly formidable if trifled with... all of them meanwhile seemed to be spread far too thin by comparison "though, I think it might be for the best if we all stopped and regrouped first, before trying anything else..."
  8. Lols man... ya know what would be perfect for this whole mess right now though? I just imagine Jorgen scaling that facade, the guards all on the ground like "Oh shit!" with jaws on the floor, and this playing in the background... and it all just comes together so perfectly XD
  9. "...gah, to hell with it, so long as they don't capture any of us" She didn't quite know whether to be impressed by the metal man's rapid response or annoyed at how blatantly inconspicuous his methodology was compared to the rough tactic of what she had in mind, but either way, she didn't have time to dwell on that, neither of them did. The blind girl turned to Raziel as the cyborg continued to run from the law in the distance. "Even with him hopefully drawing them away though, the two of us still need to get out of here. What do you want to do with him?" She nodded to the unconscious criminal still sprawled on the ground. "Leave him, or do you want to be able to beat more out of him later?"
  10. Party Alley- Oh shit, it's the popo!! "...They went that way officer! There was a man with metallic parts and a girl with a huge bear! They seemed dangerous." "Thank you very much. Follow me guards!" "Shit..." Lucille snarled (Quite literally) beneath her breath, the voices from afar easily reaching her own ears before it would the others. Bora was already charging over, the burning glint in his eyes making it clear he too had picked up the approaching scent of pursuit. "you two, we need to scatter, and we need to do it now... We barely got anything of value out of this moron, and we've got nothing to prove who we are or what we're really here for..." Already, she had pulled herself onto the beast's massive back, not willing to wait until they were already upon them to take action "Go, I can make a diversion before I get away... but you won't want to be around to hear it when I do." She... didn't quite know what said diversion would be, exactly, but whatever it was, she knew most of their pursuers would most likely be feeling a good bit of pain for days... either way, running really did seem the only option that wouldn't irrevocably affect the mission, at least to her. If what Vermillio said held true, there was no record of this taskforce or it's endgoal- and no friends in high places to bail them out of an incident like this. And a few dead guards would only put the entire city on high alert and make their movements that much more difficult...
  11. Ya know, playing the part of the healer can be more fun than it sounds... don't know why people are so reluctant to fill it most of the time, despite knowing damn well it's gonna make shit a lot easier.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shamitako


      Sure people blame the healer if they die and take all the credit if they live, but who cares so long as you know you're the only thing keeping their fragile ass intact?

    3. Sutoratosu


      ^Exactly... The healer is the one who's really in control in the end, even if no one recognizes it XD

    4. AuthorReborn


      Support classes tend to be more interesting to play to me, since dps tends to just be a little too passive for my taste. Healing, tanking, whatever other support classes are available, I'll play them. They're fun fun fun.

  12. "By the Goddess..." She whispered, grimacing at the sight of Meredith retreating, sporting injuries so terrible they far outdid anything the likes of Eqcuis or even the Wicked Monk had sustained. It had to have been by the grace of the Goddess the woman had somehow came out of it one piece, given the destructive potential of Maris' blade... a saving grace that would just as easily go to waste if nothing was done immediately. And Maya wasted no time, dashing to the soldier's side, hands and staff seeming to move on their own as divine energy and shimmering light circulated all throughout the air, Maya's raw concentration palpable as the same wave soothing calm Equis and Morgan had felt began to wash over Meredith, whatever pain she might've felt gradually ebbing... "So much power... and all in a single strike... Meredith, it's a miracle you survived, Truly... you must be blessed..." Book it to U3, Heal Meredith [benevolence Activates- Meredith<50%HP]
  13. TFW you're playing uranium and by complete accident, ya end up catching a team roster that's perfect for your signature core typing.

    1. Sutoratosu


      I had no idea any of these would be come dragons... but fuck it, we're running Valerian Steel now, boys!

  14. "If only I'd been blessed with such fortune when it really mattered. Oh, um... I meant, Thank the goddess for her kindness"
  15. "Then here, take her with you if you're going." Lucille said to the boy sniper, the shimmering eagle flapping over to him and landing on his shoulder before starting to clean her feathers "I bound her to help find everyone in the first place, and it'll speed things up if you two can have an eye in the sky." the gaze she gave him made it clear the escort wasn't up for debate, empty though her eyes were. It was killing two birds with one stone really, the Aquila was being put to it's intended role and she was fairly certain that having one of her own charges who would remain overtly calm and trusting around Luna might discourage Jesse from... trying anything stupid out of paranoia. Des saw that look the young angel was giving... and Lucille through him. To her credit though, the eagle really was getting on well with what was being wordlessly asked of her, Lucille didn't even have to send impulses to steady it's instincts. All she needed was to let it know the presence lurking in the shade could be trusted, and it took her word without any further insistence. Such things were always good signs, when she bound a beast already capable of some degree of self-control and direction even without her influence; it meant their soul was stronger than others of their ilk... and that in turn made them all the better a long-term companion, despite often being more demanding to win over initially.
  16. the RNGods are smiling on us boys... shit ain't as bad as it looked

    1. InnocentSerenity


      It's still pretty flipping bad.

  17. the shit that pops into your youtube recommended section sometimes...

    1. Aurorix


      Bad click bait?

    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      You'll Never Believe What I Saw In My YouTube Recommended List!

    3. Komodojoe


      The worst part is when you walk away from it long enough to let it get to the dark side of YouTube. Freaking auto play, man. Guess what kind of shit I'm going to get for a while?

  18. She is a lady Dame of the realm, good sir! at least have the respect to notice that simple detail... But yeah, really, we should probably get on executing Maris soon... it's only a matter of time before shit gets real with that windsword also Pyon where's mine and Zet's support, eh? The dodge may be useless, but the def buff could still come in handy for the bloke down the line>.>
  19. Soldier 4... for his country, right or wrong. if right, to be kept right. If wrong... to be killed while taking a piss

    1. Zetaark


      Truly the most noble of us all.

    2. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      May he rest in piece.

  20. Lols, ya know, I just noticed... we all seem to be spending extended periods of time in alleyways so far guess ya'll are finally taking mah advice, huh? I have the sneaking suspicion this may become a recurring theme throughout the mission XD
  21. Party Alley "Hmph...so much for that" It was interesting though, the self-destruction of the glove as if on command, even within the other mage's field... she hadn't seen that type of skill in so precise a remotely-triggered immolation technique since Old Fox. She could feel the mouse's disappointment as well, hanging his little head and lamenting as he watched their only lead burn up a bit before passing out on the ground. The man was only a simple grunt in the larger scheme of things, sure, dealing with an artefact he had been gifted and probably had no real understanding of, but damn it... even this moron had been better than nothing... and now they might lose him, if the healer wasn't able to stabilize him. He gave a squeak in Lucille's ear, Runic Knowledge at the ready as his little paws burned with a soft white light. She only looked at him sideways. "No, Des. There's no point in either of us trying to help, The man's already got it covered well enough... so unless one of your little runes can change ash back into flesh and bone and recover that glove..." Another squeak, this one defiant. He didn't know if he could, but to hell with it, He was certainly going to try. His interest was far too vested here to simply let the trail end like this. Before either of them could continue though, it seemed the others picked up with their own discussion of things; Razial requesting a cloth sack of all things before Jorgen quickly retorted and proposed setting a trap, his attention again on the girl he'd almost nailed with that pitch. As it turned out, Lucille did actually have a bag, a hide one rather than sackcloth. Strapped right onto Bora, bound up with Sinew and tough to spot unless one knew exactly where to look, given it's own color blended near perfectly with the ursine coat. But...she certainly wasn't about to go handing that over, especially considering the work Des had done with his runes to increase the thing's inner capacity- she had a storage space capable of holding hundreds of things in a pouch big enough to just barely be considered a pack...like hell was she going to let him pile filthy ashes into it and smother everything inside. "When in doubt..." The Aquila responded almost instantly, spreading her wings and taking off again, soaring up into the sky and over the city as her eyes scanned the streets for any travelling merchants and their carts... It should be easy to swoop down and steal what the angel needed, and the bird was fast enough that the crime would only appear as a dazzling blur of motion. Or even better, perhaps she could find an empty one in another alley somewhere- who knew... all that mattered was she get one as her mistress had asked. With the search in progress, she turned her attention back to the Cyborg and older angel. "A trap only really works under the assumption that he isn't just an isolated case and there are even more morons like him running around... but I can still see your point. Just keep bating them out and beating them into submission one by one until we learn enough about who might be serving as their benefactor. A bit heavy handed, but it gets the job done." The Aquila meanwhile, swept back into view of the alley as she soared overhead, landing back on Lucille with a simple, sackcloth sack clutched in her beak. The young woman took it without a word and tossed it on the ground beside where Raziel worked, stroking the bird in silent praise as it cooed, obviously relishing the attention. The actual bag itself was beaten and worn with age, but it looked intact enough to still hold fine powder like ash as easily as it had flour in it's better days.
  22. "Well, I suppose it doesn't really help with the stigma around the first king's legend and all." She said, continuing her petting. "Honestly, the only reason I read them was because it was part of my training... I never did quite understand why people always lump them together though. Ever since the early days, people tamed wyverns just like other mounts and companions, some warriors even rode them in the war against the dragons... and yet so many seem to be just as wary of them as the ones they helped defeat." He had a point though, about enemies... even with as many as they had sent home to the Goddess, there were still a few about. She wasn't worried much though, she knew better than most how to keep from being noticed, and any real harm that befell them, she could easily undo.
  23. "Oh, glad to see you too, Eqcuis~" she chimed cheerily at the sight of the Rider. Anything that got her mind off of Klaren's deviancy was a welcome change right now. "And don't mention it, I was only doing what I could best; we all have to contribute somehow. But it's nice to see you as well Morgan~" She reached a hand out to stroke the wyrm's snout, instantly struck by just how easily dwarfed she and her comrades were by the beast as the Rider asked another question. "Oh... no, not really. I'm afraid I don't have much experience. Aside from the legends I used to read as an Acolyte, I've never actually seen one up close before...never had the opportunity before, I guess. I have to say though, those books didn't do her kind justice at all- she's certainly a beautiful mount."
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