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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. You damn midget, stealing my bath while I let it cool...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Good, you're lucky then

      @Dobbs, if it was my Dwarven Roomate, trust me, that cheeky bastard would've replaced the water with grog and ended up passed out drunk in his own stew.

      It wouldn't be the first time I've had to drag his ass out before he succumbed to alcohol poisoning...

    3. Felicity


      Personally I delight on the rare occasion I time a shower perfectly to screw with my sisters schedule, but I'm malicious like that.

    4. Lil' Baby Rupe
  2. Mah Boi Notus back in the saddle again I see! Good to see ya man, good to see ya. This whole speil about angels and demons kinda reminds me of the original concept for the Exodus verse... to this day I still don't know how a supernatural fiction turned into a Sci-fi story, but... eh anyways, looking forward to seeing whatever you'll cook up. Let's all have a ghost of a time, just like the good ol' days
  3. Still mad about Pyrrha though

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ikaru


      Pyrrha was one thing but if Weiss dies i quit RWBY forever

    3. Felicity


      She had flaws in the same way a writer tries to backtrack on a mary sue. "Look guys she has flaws oh wait they make her a better person shit"

    4. Sutoratosu


      Dobbs, she's freaking based off of the greek hero Achilles of all people.

      What were you expecting her to be written like, aside from the way they did it?

  4. Aaaaaaand it's back to Spydric people again. I find this one oddly adorable.

    1. Sutoratosu


      Also I finally managed to get the Recolor tool in Pixlr to work... still can't recolor that damn mugshot sprite for my FE sheet though ;-;

    2. Felicity
  5. Well, yes, I have been busy as well. But the Forum being down for the near entirety of the day I specifically set aside a time and place to sit down and add everyone to the OOC then start writing the intro to chapter one definitely was a factor in why we're still sitting here now as well.
  6. eh screw it, I missed the last few ones you guys tried (just really didn't have much time back then to really get around to checking em out and making something) but I'll bite. Granted, my knowledge of the Fate Universe is pathetically limited... but eh, if I was willing to watch all of To Aru just to get enough basic background to make Makoto... So yeah. I probably won't be of any actual input in discussions, but I'll give it a try if it gets running

  8. Revenant vs Strider He wasted no time as the girl began island hoping, feet deftly maneuvering and muscling for rank across the stone surface of one isle to another as the bullet's whizzed by. No Tesla Fields, just the Mech's natural agility and it's pilot's years of footwork as he dodged and bounded about the field's outcroppings. Soon enough he would have to flaunt a bit more to get in good, but... for now he simply went about his way, keeping his distance and his head on a swivel as he tracked Strider's every move... and an eye in the sky as the shimmering remains of the light spectacle from his earlier bolt finally died down into nothing, though the crowd's attention had more or less long since been stolen by the start of the fighting. "Very interesting... it was brighter than I was expecting at that intensity level... but let's see what this kid can do, besides hop and shoot" With virtually no warning, Ragnorak came around in a sweeping arc within her master's hands as he continued on the move, static streaming along her length and setting her a hot, dazzling scarlet as a single slice of electric field came flying towards the SFD just as she was midway between hopping from one platform to another. More of a test than anything else; despite it's size and speed, it held even less strength than the blast he had fired into the barrier over the field... not that anyone besides himself would be able to tell from looking at the charging swath as it carved through the air. Supernova had been an fellow SMO with rocket capabilities and reflexes that seemed to be at least around par to his own; if even they had been given trouble avoiding the strike, Solomon doubted the girl would fair any better in that department. But he was curious about the strange readings that had begun trickling in. He'd picked up results like them many a time before, of course. They usually suggested a forcefield of some kind, likely one intended to keep the Armor rating lower on paper than it actually proved in combat; it wasn't like the idea of having a defensive field to deceive the opposition was anything new or uncommon (hell, technically speaking, even he himself was guilty of it too)... nor was it even an idea that was all that deceptive when one had seen them used so many times that they had simply tuned their own diagnostic systems to start looking for it immediately in a fight. But there was still something... off about this one. Something not normally present in a field detection. Whatever that something was though, the readings alone couldn't exactly tell him. But toying around for a bit probably could...
  9. Fire Emblem RP startin' soon- Hype!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      @Hukuna, hey man, I made a healer, so... can't get any shit about that. XD

    3. Zetaark


      I at least can pick up people and get them out of dodge, so that's something

    4. Anstane


      I can...hit axe users better? Hey, someone has to make sure you don't end up on the wrong end of the weapon triangle.

  10. TFW you play FE:Shadow Dragon and can't help but feel a bit disappointed comparing it to it's technological predecessors on the GBA.

    1. YinYang9705


      to say nothing of its immediate predecessors on the wii and gamecube.

  11. The first person I've ever had to suggest legit pushing the Nuke button on... but I feel no remorse. He has cast the di, and it has fallen where it will. Those who gamble with fate can't be expected to always come out on top.

  12. Holy fuck I did not know Laser's and Lightning could combine like that... well, I'll just uh... add that to my bag of tricks

  13. TFW you go back and edit a line of dialogue discussing a past/on-going relationship because upon further inspection, it contradicts certain elements of the Character's backstory... or at least what little backstory you slipped into certain sections of their Sheet...

    1. Sutoratosu


      And holy fuck I'm going to bed; took me 3 or 4 damn times to finally get this one status right.

    2. Sutoratosu


      Also it turns out it was oddly fitting to have the AI connected to his subconcious and named after a principal demon of lust within the Judeo-Christian tradition try to tempt him into infidelity... I should probably have the thing act more like it's namesake more often.

    3. Swampellow
  14. Revenant vs Strider "Here we go again..." Asmodeus' voice was the only sound that pierced the whistling acceleration of freefall. Solomon opened his eyes with a single inhale, the relay streaming beneath his lids still going strong even now. To think, the timid girl he'd met the night before would be none other than his next opponent... her dossier vanished now just as it had then with a mere thought. Speed, Firepower, Defense. A combination he'd seen more than his fair share of times... a combination he had destroyed more than his fair share of times. And the field was mostly water to boot; combine it with his mastery of the Electromagnetism... and he should've felt confident, despite whatever the Match-up analysis pegged his odds as. "Let's just get this over with..." He mentally muttered as the units finally made landfall, the inertia compensation immediately kicking in. Solomon barely felt it at all as Revenant automatically rose from a kneel and into a battle ready stance atop the small jutty of earth. He took one look at the crowd of... liberally dressed individuals and felt another shiver run through him as he caught sight of the fattest, pastiest bloke he'd even seen. Buck and bold. As naked as the day he was born. "I'm... really... fucking done with this place. They can run around in the buff all they want, it's their plane and their laws, I don't much give a fuck... but damn could I certainly do with a mind scrub after this mess." "Well, I mean, what were you expecting? A good portion of the populace is nudist. Hell, I would've thought you'd enjoy it here..." "Yeah, well... I wish that old man over there and a few others weren't a part of that 'Good portion'. Infact, I'd kinda prefer if all of em put something on. The only person I'm really interested in seeing naked is Sasha..." "My, just when I was about to compliment you as being more of a chivalrous romeo than I thought, you prove me wrong. But hey, who knows? Why_not test the waters, try to expand a bit past that on-again off-again fling of yours, live out a few fantasies? Who would know if you did, who would tell? Hell, perhaps one of the finer women in the crowd would be willing for a date; there's plenty of fish in this arena-" "Asmo?" "Yes?" "Shut up. You know I ain't about that life." Despite the back and forth- at a neural speed, but back and forth nonetheless -the Mechanic was anything but distracted from the battle about to be waged. Mind and body were separate realms, and while his mind sighed continually in exasberation, the body needn't any direct orders to prepare for carnage. Already, Ragnorok was out in a literal flash, thunder cracking in the sky like a mighty stead as the bolt he fired from her glorious face struck the protective field and fizzled away with a dazzling flash. Nowhere near what he was fully capable of, but enough to send a few of the more excitable members of the audience into more of a titty tizzy than they already were. Even a bit put off by the sights thus far, it seemed showing off before a fight was ingrained into his very muscle and bone. "Set Ragnorok to High Frequency. That armor isn't going to break like a tin can like Supernova's did." "Already done." "Prime the sabers." He sighed "Make sure everything's flowing like it should..." "Done as well." "Good... let's get this shit over with. The sooner I can go back to the train and forget what I saw here, the better... a God who looks and acts like he would be better employed as the lead singer to a Boy Band, some damn crazy chick striping naked like it's a bad porno... flabby ass grandpas... old grannies with breasts sagging to the floor..." Even as he spoke the words, the scans he fired off earlier were returning with their results. There were perks to being a mechanic... perks like being able to identify the power cell readings coming from the back of his opponent. Judging from it's size, he thought it was pretty safe to say it was likely the powersource of the unit... or at least a very big contributing factor to it's supply. And common sense told him the hulking Cannon mounted on the shoulder was likely either the main armament or the Coup De Grace... Already, a few variants of the most efficient kill strategy began surging through the network connecting man and machine. His visor flashed red... and he waited. Waited, and watched.
  15. I have a question, what do you guys do when someone simply does not learn despite you trying multiple times through multiple different methods? I'm just curious is all...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I typically fight for a long long time to break thorugh to them... to the point I start in ways causing harm to myself ((mentally I mean.)) that's when I know I jsut... cna't anymore and I need to let go and just... not really engage like I've been. If that distance... makes them understadn so be it... but if they really don't I jsut can't maintian that... I'm jsut a person who will be consumed by it so I ahve to jsut... deattach.

    3. Timber Dragon

      Timber Dragon

      People change when they want to change. You probably did your part, so if nothing's happening despite your efforts then just let it be. The best results usually happen when people learn for themselves why something's wrong.

    4. pyrromanis


      If someone doesn't aknowledge my always-superior opinion, I punch them in the face until they say 'I get it now!'

      Seriously though, just ignore them. They will probably stop bothering too.

      Then it will be easier to punch them right in the face cause they won't suspect it :P

  16. After many attempts to recolor this damn mugshot sprite, it is confirmed... Stratos Valgiri does not have the Spriting Skills to pay the bills.

    1. Zetaark
    2. Sutoratosu


      Yes, I did.

      The sad part is, I know how to recolor, I've even submitted an altered Skarmory and Totodile for Reborn back when the public spriting was still active... so it's not like I'm a complete noob at it, but... the whole "Eraser Trick" in MS paint seems to not work on the software I have, and I can't for the life of me get the Color-Changer tool to work, so...

      screw it.

    3. starkidcosmo


      What program are you using?

  17. Name: Mayanna the Last Class: Sister >Saint Character Skill: Stillness (cost) Month of birth: Last Snow Personal Flaw: Survivor's Guilt [if an Allied unit within 3 spaces is reduced to 0HP, unable to move until the end of the next round] Personal Skill: Benevolence [if Healing an Allied Unit who is under half HP, restores +5 more health than usual] Personal Skill: Fleet-Footed [if within 3 spaces of 3 or more Enemies Units, +15 to Evasion] Promotion Personal Skill: Angelic Grace [if Over Half HP, +10 to Hit and Evasion] Preferred Stats: Resistance, Luck Weapon Proficiency: Healing ©, Staff (D) Level: 1 Total Level: 1 Progression Spent: 305% HP: 16 [40%] STR: 2 [10%] MAG: 4 [50%] SKL: 2 [30%] LCK: 6 +1 [60%] DEF: 1 +1 [30%] RES: 8 [60%] SPD: 6 +2 [25%] MOV: 5 CON: 5 AID: 4 Inventory: Heal (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
  18. In the span of only two or so hours, I have researched and crafted the basis of a system that possess so much depth and real world parallels that it easily puts to shame the work I did for PSS's original Magic System... which literally took me months to build. Not sure if it's a sign of how far my skills have come since then, or just how bad I truly was back then. Perhaps both

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Or, it could be neither. However, I find it's probably the fisrt of the two, moreso than the latter. As, really, both things say the same thing. If you were bad then as you said... well... ceratinly you've improved. We're always imprving. Always.

    2. Sutoratosu


      Ironically though, it just so happens I've spent the past 2 hours also watching PBG play the LSD Emulator as I work...it troubles me that there may be a connection with the two events

  19. Surprise! Candela, Blanche, and Spark are all actually the antagonist of Pokemon Sun and Moon, which will feature a whopping 3 evil teams instead of 1 or 2. Calling it now...

    1. Swampellow


      They did say there was gonna be some connection between GO and S/M didn't they?

  20. Yup, I... deleted it. All of it. Of course, fucking great... all those notes on that System of Magic, down the drain because of my fucking delutions of grandeur and upscaling at the time. Well, guess I gotta start from scratch then...

  21. "Chummer"... that peice of street slang from Cyber Knights RPG that as far as I can tell holds the same linguistic value as Jim Sterling's "Chungus"... I think I might be using it a bit more often

    1. Sutoratosu


      Also yay, sites back up

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lol, yea. I'd iamgine. I like making up silly words myself or using them. I'd probably use Chungus but it's a bit hard to jsut use XD. Otherwise I love silly nothing words LOL>

  22. I'm afraid sign ups are currently closed at the moment, chummer. Sorry about that. But hey, you're free to read along if ya want.
  23. the final PC links will be added to SoA's OP Today. Expect the IC to go up sometime either tonight or sometime tomorrow.

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