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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Oh... thought you were gonna go with MGS shit for a minute there with giant machines piloted by sentient AI capable of experiencing human emotion (well, at least Peace Walker kinda was...) So, anyways, just as a theoretical- if Arya were to recall something like a nuke or bomb as it was seen a few hours before it was detonated, at the end of those few hours, would happen? Would it simply fade with a whimper, or go out with a bang? I'm not sorry about those.
  2. Well, I guess I'll ask the only question that makes sense to asks you... When was the first time you ever roleplayed/ When did Roleplaying become a major hobby of yours? (I don't know if both of those might or might not be directly tied to each other, so I just included both.)
  3. hmmm alright, alright, I see. Starting to get the big picture Now, about the longevity of the constructs- after they've been brought out of memory and into the present, will they persists until either A) Natalie looks at them or B.) Someone comes along and it makes contact with their bare skin, or does Arya have to actively remain focused on it to keep it from winking back out of existence?
  4. Your collective silence makes me think that none of you object to this Once a Week post requirement.

    1. Anstane
    2. Swampellow


      I mean, you did say only say something if we did object to it, did you not?

  5. You knew full well what you did young lady... alright, sounds clear enough... Knowing her, the whole remembering details part probably wouldn't be too hard... but how is this distance thing gonna be handled, is it a relative or exact thing? What I'm basically asking is if it's like in the ToAru Verse where for a power like teleportation you would have to actually calculate the distance/coordinates of the destination, or could you just use the basic surroundings as rough reference and wing it from there? TLDR; do vectors matter, or is it all based on perspective?
  6. Really lexi, really? Also, since you said that the Time Eye wasn't something as simple as using mere thought or pointing and shooting, I presume you'll tell me on here how exactly it's supposed to be activated
  7. TFW you actuallt want to sit down and write something for once, but can't because it will take too damn long because you fucked up your fingers and it's awkward as fuck.

    1. Sutoratosu


      I never before realized how much a few bandaids can throw off your WPM flow

    2. Commander


      I had to type an essay with one hand once because the other one was holding the ethernet cable. That was a pain.

    3. Swampellow


      tbh this is why we should all just learn to type with ours feet.

      I mean what?

  8. Will Donald Trump become president? Will Hillary finally get the power she's been thirsting for? Has Bernie gone completely senile with his endorsement of his former rival? Will Stratos Valgiri ever be able to find a fucking job without having to call in a favor and/or bribe someone during the interview? Stay tuned for the answers to those questions, and more on the [insert generic news outlet name here] Show!

    1. Dragon116


      I want to know about Snooki though.

    2. Pocky


      i can't wait for the ghost pence arc

    3. 5hift


      Did Melania Trump steal Michelle Obama's speech?

      Find out in exactly 2 seconds!

      She did.

  9. I named my weakass Raticate "Lemmiwinks"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azeria
    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User



    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      I'm also not sure how I feel about that

  10. Surprise, the SoA RP comes with a catch! But I feel it is one that is very justified, taking past experience into account...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shamitako


      Well, on the upside, ANKL post should be out this evening

    3. Sutoratosu


      oh thank jesus... female jesus

    4. Shamitako


      It would have been out sooner, but I had to work around Emberly

  11. If there was something I did not like, would I have approved it? Understand that I've looked at a bunch of these things over the past few days and still have to add links for half of them to the OP And, Typh is approved, which brings the player count to 12... I must close regular sign ups now, I'm afraid. Sorry to anyone who still has a WIP sheet or something, but hey... I did give fair warning that shit was filling up much quicker than I thought. Also, I think now would be the best time to lay down some very important ground rules... In this RP, I will be requiring a minimum post frequency. A great many RPs have died far from their fruition on here, and seeing as how the plot for this tale is not terribly complicated or drawn out, I'd like to see this one at least make it to the end game. As such, I will require players get something up at least once a week if they are involved in a interaction or plot development- this is too keep us moving along at a half decent clip without becoming stalled for months at a time in the case of people dragging their feet. A frequency of 3 or so days would be preferable, yes, but I know there are some out there with IRL responsibilities such as work or summer classes, etc that eat up a lot of time... but I don't think just asking 20 to 30 minutes a week to sit down and write something up so that we aren't all stuck waiting forever is too much to ask, especially after seeing what long stalls can do to an RP, multiple times over the years. Which brings us to the second ground rule: If a player disappears on me for more than a month without giving any prior notification or at least stopping in to let me know something is going on and they need to be bunnied for a bit, than I will kill the respective PC off and give the slot to another interested party. The issue with the original SoA RP was that I had a closed door Sign-ups rather than a revolving one- ergo, when people either resigned or vanished like Darvan did, there was no way to replace them and the RP slowly bled to death on the floor until I finally had to put it out of it's misery. This measure and the plot itself both account for this possibility and offers an easy solution- you are on a suicide mission to begin with, if need arises, it's entirely plausible that not everyone has to come back home in one piece or even at all. And as fucked up as the world is, there are plenty of individuals willing to step up and take over, just for a shot at making a better future; a little hope can be a powerful thing. So, with those two out of the way, I must now ask this: Any and all players who feel they can not meet these two basic requirements, please speak up now. I'd rather deal with it sooner than encountering issues down the line once we've started.
  12. is no one going to bring up how Bewear nigh automatically brings to mind another very memed out bear that has been prowling the internet since the days of old? No one?

    1. Sutoratosu


      I mean, I'm just saying... I don't where they got inspiration, but uh... there is a visual comparison that can easily be made...

    2. Sutoratosu


      But uh... seeing as how many people misinterpret said other bear's original meaning, I think either way, Nintendo may have fucked up just a little with the design choice... just a little. Like surely, someone else out there alot worse informed and read than myself is going to notice too...and they will start some serious shit over it.

    3. Swampellow


      Oh no, a lot of people have noticed the similarities, at least the bear isn't brown amirite?

  13. I'm so broke that I can't afford to give any fucks about Gen 7...

  14. Who says I didn't? Shadows aren't the full extent of what's lurking in the dark... @Typh- There's a bit of an Issue in the Backstory with the whole "Pokemon discovering the island and developing it before humans even existed" thing. Given that Humans were the first ones to reach true sentience and Mons followed only afterwards as they evolved away from their prehistoric forms, really doesn't work out like that. That said though, it Has been 27 years since humans vanished, so it wouldn't be unfeasible for some settlement or survivors to have formed... they just can't pull a Christopher Columbus situation where they take the credit for discovering an island that was most likely already developed by humans long before the end of the world and had intact ruins proving it. Basically any communities formed would have to be composed of Survivors who came together for safety in numbers, no illuminati conspiracy whatnot @Shadow- eh, approved.
  15. Sutoratosu


    I'd like to point out the fact that even if you do somehow aquire a Ring through whatever dubious means might be used to do so, the actual mechanic of being able to Mega Evolve a pokemon holding it's Species corresponding Mega Stone are not implemented into the game as of Ep15... ergo, you can have all the needed items, but it doesn't matter- the option to do it will never appear in battle Don't ask me how know this, because I plead the fifth... just take my word for it and wait for Ame and Dev team to finally implement it... I'm sure it will be worth the wait
  16. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-401756801 even pushed to our limits, we still prevail... The Dragon-Steel-Fairy Core is as solid as it's reputation
    1. Sutoratosu


      Of course, it helps alot when you have a priority-killer in Talonflame, a back-up win condition in Focus Sash-DDance Haxorus, A toxic staller in Empoleon, a hazard setter and, as you see in the playback, back-up staller in Skarmory, and lastly standard Win Condition in Mega-Sdance Garchomp...

      Not to mention both a phaser and cleric in Unaware Heal-Bell Clefable

    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Then, how about you post your core here! :D

      It will help a lot of people! :Dhttp://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21086

  17. If I were to create a Pangoro and name him "Jim Sterling"... would half of you even realize the meaning behind such an action?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aurorix


      trying to think of a pokemon "Pogs for Boglins" :T

    3. Felicity


      I get it. I don't think it fits too well, one of the other justice mons would be better but hey ho

    4. Grizzlybrand


      Chungus would be a good name too

  18. @Swamp: Air Cutter will do fine When the Church of Arceus gained Intel after Giovanni unleashed him the first time, they classified it as a False-Deity capable of rivaling the likes of Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyruem- whom were Arch Angels directly under Arceus and not technically full gods themselves, thus not included anywhere in the pantheon, but still powerful enough to theoretically rival and/or surpass any of his children were it to come to blows, such as Ho-oh, Lugia, Palkia, etc... which is because they were tasked with enforcing God's will, both on earth and among his children, each of them weilding the raw power of a single concept such as Truth, Idealism, and Void or Wuji. Ergo, Mewtwo from day one was classified as being as powerful as a full fledged god and given an Execution Priority Level higher than even Giovanni himself who had created the monstrosity and quite probably could've had more like it in the works. Things grew so dire that the Top Brass of the Kanto Armed Forces, under pressure from the Kantonian Head of State who himself was under pressure from the Church, were even willing to resort to using an Azoth-Nucleic Bomb to destroy the sevii islands (and all those troops present) but also kill Mewtwo in the process... So much pressure infact, that the deaths of their own men and citizens would be deemed to be "Acceptable Losses" in the face of the victory that would be attained... and the lives that would be lost if they didn't act and allowed the war to rage further (*Cough* Remind you of any bombings that took place in a land which Kanto was culturally and geologically based off? *Cough*) Until... The greatest Dream Team in all of Kanto got shit down without having to kill thousands of service men and women and destroy many more civilians. Surge left the military and vowed to never enter the killing field again though, after that little incident. It was a rather...polarizing decision at the time and in the years following. Even affected the next election in the region... but Geopolitics aren't important anymore... nor are the massive spoilers I am dropping for Surge of Vermillion
  19. A bit too late to be sharing that with us, don't you think?
  20. Oh, good then, I read the cue correctly, yay. I have redeemed myself for fucking up with Mayanna during the Ymora Revival, at long last.
  21. Change out Sky Attack for a weaker move. Aside from that, everything else is fine. Commander, you of all people should know by now it's never a good idea to give Hosts new ideas to torture people with... But nah, I'm not the type to go ret-conning other people's old PCs from long dead RPs. Only my own. I'm very touchy when it comes to intellectual property and that sort of thing. Mewtwo? Let me tell you about mewtwo- Mewtwo is the center of just about everything that involved Lt.Surge in the old world of SoA. During the Heresy Conflicts approximately 42 years ago, Giovanni created a false god to use a weapon of mass destruction in his war to seize power from the church- that False God being... you guessed it. Mewtwo Long Story short, Surge and his lone surviving partner killed the original Mewtwo during the Battle of the Sevii Islands at the end of the war. Hence why he was proclaimed as a war hero and put on a pedestal within the SoA universe. But wait, there's more- there wasn't just one Mewtwo. There were TWO! when a certain someone brought him back to life (or rather, made a clone of him with the same soul and memories) many years after the war and surge becoming a gym leader, guess who got to the bottom of things and killed Mewtwo, again, before another war could start... you guessed it- This glorious bastard right here... -And a couple of Vermillion City Police Officers, but they weren't that important... So, needless to say, the chances of you fighting a Mewtwo are slim and none... because if a third one somehow shows up, well... Surge may be dead along with the rest of humanity, but do you know who isn't? You guys...realize how bad it is to give me ideas, right? Like really, for the newer folks it's understandable, but for those among the Old Blood around here, you guys should know better than to give a host live ammunition... -------------------- @Kenny- The only real issue is the Cape under the description. There's a logic fallacy there- you say his back flames are constantly active, ergo any type of overcoat/cape/cloak etc. should be engulfed by them fairly quickly unless they're flame retardant... which it obviously isn't given you mentioned it being singed- implying that at some point in time, it was indeed partially consumed by flames. Change it to a scarf or something less likely to be caught and it should fix the hole. Aside from that, everything else is decent enough for me to give it a pass @Grizzly- Very interesting. You are approved. and here- http://thousandroads.net/misc/metronome I will expect you to use this for any Metronoming you do during the RP... of course, this all based completely on the honor system, and if you don't, I've no way of knowing aside from when I notice if the moves you draw are consistently a bit too perfect for the situation at hand... anyways, for those who have WIP sheets still and have yet to finish- I suggest you hurry it up. Slots are filling in faster than I expecting... We'll reach the max capacity very soon, if I'm not mistaken...with these 3 new additions (as soon as Kenny and Swamp get those changes I requested done), brings us to 10. My optimal number is 12- I'm sure some smart RPer out there can guess why with a bit of simple math My absolute stretch limit is 14 (Which is only invoked for people who expressed interest and reached out directly to me before the OOC was even up due to them having IRL time constraints and duties that would keep them busy during the normal sign-up phase)
  22. If I were to do an AMA...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aurorix


      Do you prefer flower or corn tortillas for your tacos?

    3. Sutoratosu


      Corn happens to give me issues with the Metaformin... but then again, flour occasionally does too, so... I guess I might as well just pick my poison and be done with it.

    4. Aurorix


      Coke or Dr. Pepper? I didn't add pepsi kuz then I'd have to make a pepsi man joke... wait... crap

  23. Oh look at all these response posts I've made- two in one day, now that's something. Reminds of the good all days when I got to do this shit all the time and actually had RPs to catch up on that there was so much to write.

    1. Aurorix


      Maybe the old days are closer than we think ;3

    2. Sutoratosu


      yes, well, here's to hoping I guess.

  24. So, I got like, no fucking clue what Divination Tech encompasses other than it is obviously what is used to craft modern Mechs, but... seeing as how Solomon has spent his whole life working on mechs among other pieces of more conventional machinery... I figured this reveal from Black Idol should be a big fucking deal to him and go a long way towards making him reconsider his initial veiw of sleeping bear TL;DR- yes, this latest response is basically me talking out of my ass and bluffing with background knowledge I don't have... but with good reason.
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