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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Sully- (ask black Idol more questions) "Without...Divination Tech?" For the first time since he'd entered the car, the expression on his face as he stroked his goatee was something other annoyance or apathy. "So, you're telling me, he made a mech that presumably could not only match, but also far surpass one of us competitors, who are already using top dollar shit to begin with, without any Divination Tech, at all? Damn, maybe I was too quick to judge the Bear...If he's that smart though, it just makes shit worse... he's obviously capable of so much, but yet he just sits around doing... what, all day, pray tell? I mean c'mon, for Pride's sake, the field for Sloth's matches was fucking bare bones as you can get, made me think a bunch of prims had made it" which, all things considered, they probably had now that he thought on it. Still, cynical though he tried to be, he could not deny his interest. A man with enough will power and mental capacity that he conjured a creation equalling and surpassing modern tech...by meditating. "Maybe it's not quite as much bullshit as it first sounds though..." He muttered beneath his breath
  2. Things like Shiny Stone and such? Yes. Things that involve trade though, have been axed and instead changed to simple level up. This is because, Steelix creates a logical fallacy in this tradition given the fact that it already will naturally evolve into a Onix without human intervention if left alone long enough. And yes, I can see an argument about how the trade with Metal Coat might simply speed up a process that would take many years to just seconds, but still... it's a big hassle and I never really liked trade evolutions that much because it's just a marketing technique to give a reason for there to be two versions of games that are, honestly, largely the same in content and plot. So yeah... Stone based evolutions and such are a thing, but Trade/ held item ones aren't
  3. Ohh, look at that. Jesus helped me find the right words...

  4. He don't get it. He don't get it, just don't get it. Help me jesus, help me...

  5. Solomon - (Ask Black Idol a question) "Wait, wait, is that it?" The mechanic scoffed. Even this had been a let down... who would've known. It was a shame too, he almost felt a tinge of excitement welling up. Only for it to crash right back into the sea of boredom from whence it came. "That's the big secret to Godhood? That's what you called us up here for? Just happening to have a talent or inclination that develops to the point where it goes beyond what typical humans are capable of? Even something as asinine as literally being so lazy, that you can sleep through someone attacking you with everything they've got?"
  6. only real issue here is that HMs do not exist in SoA. I never really liked them as features in the games and they honestly make no sense at all outside of them given their just the developers way to keep you from getting to certain areas before your either A) strong enough to make it through or B.)supposed to trigger the scripted events there to keep the story moving at the intended timeline. Like really? Humans have to use a little CD-rom made out of spectracite just to teach a water type... to cross bodies of water? You see the logic fail there? Aside from that point though, everything else is more or less OK. Dat irony though... a pokemon who researched magic and the arcane arts, when those very things were just how humans replicated the abilities they themselves once had as pokemon, but lost over the course of evolution
  7. yeah well, get used to it. The dead trainer's Ace thing I mean, not the Assery part. It was honestly funnier when dobbs did it. But yeah, you guys will be meeting alot of individuals who just so happen to be the left over aces and team members for trainers who didn't make it. Hell, I hear there's even a certain ampharos hanging around Sky Pillar somewhere... why, whoever could he have belonged to? What about the Dragonite guarding the front gates? Or the Dusknoir responsible for maintaining the Graves?
  8. Assery is Approved. On a related note, look what I found flying around in battlegrounds.... who would've guessed he'd once more stand by Azauqyar's side? Stratos, Captain of the Guard Yes, it's shameless, but damn if I cared.
  9. OMFG... 10/10 Well, anyways, Clarice the Auto-Moderator Breloom is accepted. I like what you did with it, Hukuna, the backstory and personality fit almost as if she were a sentient being and not just an automation of server protocols set to act when certain rules have been broken. Bravo. Oh, yeah, and Yagami is accepted to. I was still a bit skeptical, but after seeing how well the backstory you made actually meshed with and explained the personality... I don't think I'll have much issue out of you. As for Affection Evolutions... in lue of there being no humans hearts for their souls to bond to and be transformed by, They will evolve only after reaching critical points in the character development. A moment in which their resolve is challenged but then proven, a moment of great loss, peril, underdog situations, etc all qualify- so long as they have an immediate and permanent impact on the character's psychological and mental state.
  10. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-401047898 I love my Clutchorus so damn much... so good when I manage to get the swap in. He's my backup win condition for a reason, afterall... http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-401343074 This guy tries to pull the prankster status barrage bullshit against me, but forfeits when I show him that it ain't gonna work today son. This is OU, not Randoms... my recently shit luck does not have as big a role to play in this tier.
  11. No, no... I'll give you the chance to prove yourself and put my doubts to rest. Though I think it is a bit iffy for just anyone to try to run it, I know that this personality type can actually make for a good character and create some very interesting scenarios if actually written well... so, for the sake of my own curiosity, I will allow it to stand here. If I notice a bump or two down the road, I'll just nudge ya back on track
  12. Now, to go and dig up more of my old Mon characters...

    1. Azeria


      the return of nemo????

    2. Sutoratosu


      Nemo has already had his return in Luminous Dawn... Nah, it's probably gonna be... the return... of the Iron Angel.

  13. The question is moot because Revives are a form of medicine, and the vast majority of Pokemon-related medicine in SoA is derived from berries, roots, flowers, etc that can be found in nature, not spectracite. Revives were basically just leftover bits of Revival Herbs chopped up and mixed with other ingredients in a concentrated form to give them some use. I'm not even going to bother answering your question on Rare Candies because the key word there is "Rare", and given there are no humans around to produce them and whatever ones are left have likely already been gobbled up a long time ago... it doesn't really matter, because you'll never find one. @Yagami... seems alright enough thust, though I'm not too sure how I feel about letting that personality slide in the hands of a yet unproven RPer, so... ya best not screw it up, boyo. I'll let it in, provided you can create a half-decent personal history to finish the application, but you'll be watched very closely for some time- there are all too many ways an inexperienced player can turn a persona like that into a complete mess. I've seen it too many times before, infact. @Jory- boda bing boda bang, you're approved.
  14. A Pidgeott named Jesus, a Druddigon named Draidon, A Salamence named Stratos... A shiny Rhyperior and a certain Sky Lord...

    1. YinYang9705


      Walk into a bar?

    2. Notus


      Damn Strat, stop changing names, I´ve been looking for you XD kkkk

    3. K_H


      Wait, when did you play as the Pidgeot?

  15. Just don't make a perfect/semi-perfect moveset on a weak/ un-evolved mon and you should be fine. What I'm looking for is that there's still some room for development at some point So, for example... if you made a level 10 Charmander with Fire Blast, HP Grass/ Thunder Punch, Dragon Pulse, and Iron Tail... I would reject that immediately. A level 55 Charizard with a similar moveset consisting of something like Fire Blast, Thunder Punch, Dragon claw, and Air Slash though... I will likely be more accommodating towards
  16. Eh, I don't see why not. It's not really that hard to find loot on a human corpse or merchandise on a long abandoned shop shelf or something...especially for as common a TM as Something like Sunny Day also, the accepted pcs have been added to the OP
  17. Hmmm, swadloon eh? Not something I expected anyone to run with, but, I'm kinda interested to see what you'll make of her... especially knowing you and all
  18. I meant what I meant. If you make a rainbow scaled magikarp with eyes that shine like the gold of the sun itself, I will reject that and tell you to try again. However, that said, I am willing to accept very slight variations that have reasons pointed to in backstory or by the physical state of the character. Such as a Stoutland whose coat has started to go gray at the edges due to age, or a Druddigon whose eyes are slate grey/ white due to blindness resulting from an old combat injury, etc. I just didn't want folks to pull crap like that Magikarp above. And yes, I did see this happen before- not with a rainbow magikarp, but close enough- in the old PMD RP on here... some bloke wanted to make a black/violet ninetales or something... I don't even know. then it looks fine. I trust you will not screw this Bruce Wayne Look-alike up.
  19. No. Infact, I already answered this exact question in the OP about how oddly colored mons will not be accepted. Too much of a hassle with people making rainbow magikarps and that type of crap... plus, making your character unique through coloration is the easy way out. I'd rather you guys do it through personality and whatever apparel you choose to sport. @Exlink, nothing screams for immediate rejection, but I would appreciate it if you added a bit on the personality and the whole "Still grieving but trying to hide it" thing... perhaps be more specific. All I'm getting right now is that he's a happy go-lucky coward who, when alone and with no one to put on an act for, spends many a night crying over his parent's death just like a young bruce wayne... actually, if that's the epitomy of what you're going for, nevermind, you don't have to add anything, I get it. Nice little easter egg, btw...
  20. Only one small issue mate... nowhere in the backstory does it mention how xe got to Sky Pillar and joined Azauqyar's enclave. Everything else is more or less fine though. Don't expect to go cyber-hoping from place to place too much here though. The backstory bits are fine since, well, a P-center and the silph building are both likely to have backup generators to last for a while... but it's been nearly 30 years, so... unless the shadows haven't wrecked it and there's an electric type powering the whole system, you're unlikely to find a working computer network still intact
  21. OMFG Lexi...XD But nah, seriously...please tell me this is just some type of bad joke and you have the real God of Lust hidden away somewhere in a cave...
  22. Lols, nah. I've got other plans for darkrai... The Shade is something far worse... it's not like I've already given away several very obvious spoilers or anything...
  23. Yeah, saw you going on about that in the past and figured I might as well go ahead and do it right then and there since I was posting in the topic anyway... Also, as a general note, Players will be responsible for maintaining their own sheet. I will keep a master's log for my own on-the-fly reference, but it's on you guys to handle your own affairs.
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