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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Man, now that I think about it... I should probably try to get back to writing something soon... spend too long like this and I'll start to lose my edge again...

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Why I write a lot of bad shit noone ever sees XD Keep myself from getting dull. That stuff would never be put on here though.

    2. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      You don't have to lose me <3

    3. Shamitako


      ^^^My thoughts exactly

  2. Black Mage Charmander- You know he's fucking adorable

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Well, eh, even if he did, not like he'd suffer much harm anyway

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      I thought this said "Black Mango Charmander" at first

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'm sure he'd be fine Strat LOL. Just not very clothed anymore LOL>

  3. Ya know, just because a bunch of people involved in it were liars, thieves, and con artists, doesn't mean that the Metaphysics and the Esoterics should've been discarded and mocked into endless ridicule... just because it drew a bunch of fucking leeches who preyed upon the general mystique and unknown of the budding science didn't mean there was never anything actually there to begin with, only that those people were dicks and con artists and thieves doing what dicks and con artis...

    1. Sutoratosu


      are known to do.

      But of course, it will forever remain unknown if there ever was anything too it, because no one who wants to be taken seriously by anyone in the contemporary world will touch it... and so, we have the chaos we see now among those who are willing

    2. Sutoratosu


      Because you see, those con artist and thieves and dicks? They fucked things up rather well and proper, they did, spread lies through their work, made it so damn difficult to discern what had original basis in ancient folklore and accounts and what was just bullshit made to steal from bright-eyed suckers... hence, whatever improvement we may have gained from trying to study things that may just be beyond our typical understanding, stand lost to us forever... but perhaps it's better that way.

    3. Sutoratosu


      For, just because you don't understand something, doesn't mean it simply doesn't exist... perhaps it is not the universe that is falling apart, but your own skewed view of it? Perhaps you never understood the rules at all, but only *thought* you did. Perhaps there are exceptions to the rules you never conceived of... who knows? we certainly don't... because no one wants to know. No one cares to know.

  4. oh my god... what even is... XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      This fucking reminds me of Onision so much XD

    3. Sutoratosu


      @Lexi, exactly, that's the point. It takes a bunch of stuff thought of as "PC" and proceeds to mock the utter hell out of it... but it some how makes you stop and think about the occasional double standards or contradictions of logic therein, rather than making you feel outright offended or disgusted... I don't know how the fuck either of them do it (Well, Onision is a bit more obvious because he outright points out the contradictions and stuff, but this guy is straight savage...

    4. Sutoratosu


      Like, it's terrible, and it's so culturally ingrained that you're not supposed to laugh at shit like this... but something about it just makes ya feel like ya can anyway...

      It's a very weird type of comedy...

  5. Son of a bitch... just realized monday is the 4th of july. Like hell "I'll call you back monday", you won't even fucking be open! Yeah... yeah, that is the nail in this coffin. I'm done with you, moving on. Goodbye, ya deceitful bitch! Have a nice life, cause you sure as hell lost my potential!

    1. Sutoratosu


      And thus, with his middle digit raised on high, for all the world to bear witness, Captain Kirk gives the order to beam him up.

      And like Star Trek, the search resumed.

    2. Maelstrom


      It's a federal holiday, and they may actually be working if they don't work for the government in some way.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Still don't change the fact that I ain't fucking with them anymore

  6. I call the bitch up, and does she apologize for the bullshit from yesterday? Does she even fucking *acknowledge* that she straight stood me up, even though we agreed on this interview date over a damn week ago? Nah. She acts like she fucking doesn't even know me even though we've spoken over the phone 3 god damn times over not even as many weeks and I've told her my fucking name and last 4 digits of my social each time for her to look it up... you know what? Fuck this shit. You al...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      pick up. I'm done with you, and your god damn company. It's time I get myself involved with a Temp Agency and call this fucking 4-month long search what it has really been; a complete and total fucking failure

    3. Neo


      Remember what I told you. Get back on the grind and keep going. Don't waste energy like this

    4. Sutoratosu


      You're right... but damn if this shit hasn't pissed me off.

      But you're right. Hopefully a temp agency will help though, at least do more than me searching on my own has.

  7. I am just so fucking done now. Job search gets fucked to shit, personal life is well on the way to getting fucked to shit, college is probably gonna be a total bitch to deal with, further compounded by the fact I'm fucking broke because none of these motherfuckers around here will apparently even look at a black man for an entry-level position, every time I log onto here, the shit I hear is going on and catch glimpses of don't really help the fucking mood like they used to... just fuc...

  8. Just bought a mega ring off of Amazon... saw this one guy in mah gov class back when I was still a prison to the PS system who had one; always wondered where he got it since I never saw anything like it in stores... turns out they're only available in japan

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      I don't think the two are connected, tbh.

      And plus, from what I here, Pokemon Go is only gonna include gen 1 mons, so my hopes for something like mega evolution being worked in ain't too high... and there are other rumors floating about the game as well... ones that don't bode well for the public release

    3. Zetaark


      I recall hearing that gen 1 mons were just going to be the first released. Other gens are supposedly going to be available later

    4. Sutoratosu


      Well, either way, it won't matter for the mega ring. Seems they aren't very keen on exporting them to retail outlets in other countries anytime soon... the only way for a foreigner to get one is through online vendors at the moment.

  9. Rampardos! The prehistoric mon famous for quitel literally wrecking shit with it's skull... and yet, it doesn't get Rock Head as an ability.

    1. Flux


      Makes me so sad. That Head Smash would be something.

  10. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/randombattle-391038602 So yeah, classic example of a dick opponent who will begin to insult you the moment you turn your luck around or a critical shot doesn't go their way. Honestly though, seeing the guy get mad was kinda amusing... like, this poor guy must not realize, Stratos Valgiri gives no fucks about what petty fools think of him.
  11. Good god there's so much fucking history in Legends... like damn, never thought people from old EU actually went to trouble of creating lore dating back to hundreds of thousands of years before the republic... which, seeing all that work, and knowing what ultimately happened to it, makes me salty all over again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swampellow


      sometimes im ok with it, because like, now chewy is alive, but the tradeoff for that wasn't great either. The old repbulic stuff is great though, and is personally my favorite stuff from the eu. Some of the OR stuff is also slightly canon due to the animated SW series tho, which is nice, like Bane.

    3. Shamitako


      Oh yeah, the old EU was fucking massive

      It wasn't perfect but there was so much content and just, poof

    4. Sutoratosu


      Poof... into the abyss it went. So many thousands of written pages, so many books, so many moves, comics, a shit ton of lore that had been building up since the mid 1970s... all gone, just like that... ;-;

  12. Yo! anyone on here who has played KotOR and noticed this weird, almost ominous, short bout of what seems to be a man's laughter occasionally playing in the background? I'm playing the android version, currently on Tatooine... I've heard it in the past before, thought nothing of it... now it's playing quite frequently though, as I'm actively listening for it...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Anvilicious


      You know what, I only played that game for about 5-6 hours about a year ago. And I can actually remember that happening too, in various locations. I can remember thinking I mustve just been imagining it, because why would that be a part of the ambient noise.

    3. Sutoratosu


      exactly bro. I've heard it in other places too, just like you, but it seems to be most easily noticeable when standing around doing nothing on Tatooine... probably because there seems to be less background noise than other areas. I googled it and got nothing though... it's all very strange.

    4. Swampellow


      From what I can remember there isn't any significance to it, so I honestly could not tell you; but yeah, creepy.

  13. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/randombattle-390419165 I admit, for a while there, I thought I might have been screwed. Who knew Ninjask could be such a clutch staller though? Shout outs to the opponent though. At least he acted with some sportsmanship and decency, refrained from being a total ass like others would've.
  14. Ahhh, dobby mah boy, ya shouldn't have. Look at that beautiful thing, brings a tear to my eye just thinking about eating it. Thanks for the thread, mate Ah yes... Surge, those were the days, I tell ya. Damn was it fun playing him, we may not have gotten very far into SS, but at least I got to take him for a spin on the forums for a while. thanks bibs. Who knows though, maybe someday I'll call Surge up again to see if he wants to visit...I pissed him off last time, but I'm sure He's gotten over it by now. It's been like... over a year or something, right? Thanks ya'll. Means alot, really does.
  15. Aaaaaaaand it's storming incredibly hard... on my 18th birthday. Like, tropical depression hard. Yup, this is definitely a nice omen for such a milestone. Nothing says adult/college life is gonna work out just fine for ya than a bout of intense rain, wind, thunder and lightning. Hahahahhahah... Fuck My Life.

    1. laggless01


      Just think about Russia's Eurosong exhibit of this year. Might help.

  16. you know what? fuck you. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, and ah lastly, fuck you. If you don't want me for the job, don't play with me, don't beat around the fucking bush... and DEFINITELY don't fucking tell me some shit about "I'll call you back next week about that interview" and never fucking call back. If you don't fucking want me, FUCKING SAY IT, CRAVEN. because this shit, where I'm waiting by the phone just waiting for nothing? That ain't cool... mo...

  17. They said they would call back about whether the interview time was doable last week. Yesterday was the day I suggested for the time, they never called back. And they still haven't called back. Neither of them. So much for "Next week" bunch of bollocks...

    1. Sutoratosu


      I'm getting tired of this job search man. It would be simpler to just say fuck it and start leading a double life as a drug dealer, but the legal ramifications if/when captured and the fact that I know nothing about drugs because I've never partaken of any, make even that option unachievable to me.


    2. SilverJakler


      I too know these feels. Finding a job is ridiculously tedious these days.

  18. only 2 more days. Yet I feel no joy. No nothing.

  19. not gonna lie, thought I was well and truly fucked on this one: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-battlefactory-61012 those bots have gotten good.

  20. *throws out Shedninja as Zygard is busy sweeping* Guy goes "Ah shiiiiit" and proceeds to just forfeit the match right then and there XD

  21. “Men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire.” ― Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      “No passion is stronger in the breast of a man than the desire to make others believe as he believes. Nothing so cuts at the root of his happiness and fills him with rage as the sense that another rates low what he prizes high.”

      ― Virginia Woolf, Orlando

    3. Sutoratosu


      “We think we know what we are doing. We have always thought so.”

      ― Michael Crichton, Prey

    4. Sutoratosu


      getting the fucking picture yet?

  22. screw it, you've got my attention. I'm hopping on too. I can't say I have any pity for you though... you really did bring this on yourself, afterall.
  23. Acknowledging your true self is the first step down the path. Accepting it is the final step. Only through the path can you attain real power. Betraying the path is the same as betraying your true self. And Betrayal of the true self spells a fate worse than death.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      But, they are two philosophical arms that are part of the same tree. They are two sides of the same coin, but they both ask this..."What would this form of power do to humanity and to what magnitude would it effect it?". They might appraoch this in different ways or, the piece not not appraoch this at all, but it is latentily part of the two themes despite how little the work actually touches on it.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      They are siblings more or less. They might be very different on the surface, in personality... etc... but deep down they share a common root. ANd this root binds them together. They are different, separate. And yet... one in the same.

    4. Ironbound


      You know, these things make a jolly good discussion. There is a place for that, where it can last longer than a status thread, just saying.

  24. Why do I fucking play at this shit anymore? Why do I fucking pretend I care? Why do I fucking bother? Fuck all of it. Just, just... fuck it. I'm done. I'm not gonna jump through fucking hoops.

    1. Felicity


      Sheer spite. Fuck the hoops, you jump through them so easily they may as well not exist.

    2. Sutoratosu


      But is it worth the fucking hoops, at the end? that is the real question. Why exert myself, spend years shedding blood, sweat, and tears studying and working if the resulting pay off won't even justify the effort put in?

    3. Felicity


      You can't even see where the hoops will lead you mate. Persistence or patience, either virtue has a role to play here.

  25. There's a damn good reason I want to get away from the south... it sucks down here.

    1. Shadow Roxas

      Shadow Roxas


    2. Sutoratosu


      IFKR?! Like god damn, one some days it can be fucking 95 degrees even standing in the shade!

      But I hear the north is cold.. Cold I can deal with. When you're cold, you just gotta add layers- can't do much when your hot after you've finished stripping to your skimmies though... unless you got air conditioning.

    3. Shadow Roxas

      Shadow Roxas


      and after it fuckin' rains is the worst! All the humidity doesn't make shit better y'know? I can handle semi-warm weather and i can handle cold weather to a degree but this shit's ridiculous

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