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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. This is the era of the Rothschild, whether you choose to believe it or not. pass it on.

  2. Mom: Continues to bitch about what I said yesterday in regards to the small minority of my graduating class who were recognized for getting 4.0 GPAs. Dad: Instead of bitching or being passive agressive, takes me out with him on one of his under-the-table maintenance jobs and shows me not only the skills he learned by applying himself and actually trying, but also the accomplishments of his buddy who is landlord to 9 fucking houses and calls him up on jobs like this all the time when something...

    1. Sutoratosu


      Guess which method I learned more from. Being yelled and bitched at, or being shown through experience that my hatred for the system was no excuse to not try my best to better myself, regardless of what things may be like?

  3. If you're going to continue being a total bit cheaper about this fucking 4.0 GPA thing, then I don't want to be around you.

  4. There's nothing more satisfying than putting someone who talks smack back into their place by calling their bluff...

  5. Well, I just did it, made it official and put a bullet in the horses head. But I made sure it got a proper send off this time. I've had a lot of RPs fail, but I'm past the juvenile age of sulking in the face of shortcomings, and damn it, even though it didn't make much ground, this one deserved a proper send-off from me. I've let too many go ungracefully into the abyss to be forgotten.
    1. Felicity


      Damn, that was nearly a year old. Sorry to see it end Strat.

    2. Sutoratosu


      So am I, but that is the nature of all things. When I was younger and greener, I couldn't understand that, but now after so long, I finally do.

      like I said in the send off though, who knows? Maybe someday, after I understand it's world a bit more and it's people, I'll try to launch a new project.

    3. Sutoratosu


      But for now, may the world of Avalon rest (Yes, that is the name of the actual world/planet... and the island as well)

      May angels sing it to thy slumber

  6. After taking several weeks to think through the best course of action, and evaluating the current situation this RP is facing with it's lack of manpower and general resources, and certain plot points which have already been established to occur and cannot be changed in good conscious on my sacred honor as a writer, it is with a heavy heart that I do this. Sins of Avalon was born in July of 2015. Created from a dream of trying to fill in various ever present holes in the Canon Pokemon lore and world, the project; myself and all those who, for however briefly, served as players and helped me in my attempt to craft this story, attempted to not only revive, but reinvent what we felt had been lost over the course of the years as the Anime wound further and further and began to grow generally duller to many members of the elder fanbase. The grandeur and awe of our childhoods at such mysterious creatures capable of so much, the lessons of perseverance and willpower many of us learned from watching Ash's endeavours as he struggled- and at times admittedly failed miserably -to "be the very best, like no one ever was", yet kept trekking forward towards his dream nonetheless. And the bonds of friendship, camaraderie, and brotherhood that at times, proved powerful enough even to reverse the fate of death itself. Though we gave it a good run, in the end, we could not see this vision through to the end. But everyone gave it their best shot, and for that, I can not thank them enough. Hukuna Chimchain Exlink Hiss13 Adamance Ascendant Darvan Dobby the Elf The seven names listed above are those who, at one point or another, were vital contributors to this story. Though it is with a heavy heart that I see we must leave it unfinished, still in it's infancy, I must say, it was an honor roleplaying with each of you. I chose you 7 out of all the other applicants because I knew you were roleplayers and writers not just of great repute and competency within the community, but of great individual character as well. For some of you in that list, this wasn't your first time running about in a world of my creation and narration, and for that, I thank you even more for putting up with my occasional foolishness and slip ups over the years, as I slowly learned both how to better myself as a writer and as a host. In the worst of times, when I doubted myself the most, it was the knowledge that I knew individuals such as yourselves, not just fellow roleplayers, but people whom I could legitimately think of as my friends, that helped me to push past my own internal fears and try again, fail once more though I might. But, all things must come to an end someday. That is a simple fact of life, and I'm afraid now is the time for this story to end. But though this tale must come to a close, that does not spell doom for the world it was set in itself. Perhaps someday, after walking through it all, seeing the countries and people and places I molded out of the muddled chaos that followed the Data Loss incident of Auroral Starfall, I will try to start the project a new. But such things are matters for a different time, a different place, a different story. So in closing, I do officially declare the active Roleplay Pokemon: Sins of Avalon dead, on this day, the 3rd of June, at 8:39 pm UTC -4, just a little over a month shy of a full year since it's founding date on July 13, 2015. Thank you, and good night.
  7. Alright, mom, fine, fine. Shit on me for not graduating with a 4.0 GPA. Shit on me for not being recognized for anything and earning no rewards. Shit on me for not being more involved in this school. But ya know what? Why should I apply myself to a system designed to keep children ignorant of the issues going on around them that have existed for years? Why should I apply myself to a system designed to make workers, not thinkers? I didn't get a 4.0 because I didn't fucking feel like fe...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      Sometimes you gotta tell the system to go fuck itself.

    3. Bearadactyl


      And, sometimes you have to tell the Powers That Be to go fuck themselves as well.

    4. Sutoratosu


      Thank god someone else around here understands my hatred...

  8. I'm starting to like Comp again... http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-381414910

    1. Ironbound


      It'll wear off quickly enough, don't worry. Nice job, though.

  9. Alright, we had a good run, but I'm calling it. Sins of Avalon, Time of death: June 3, 2016.

    1. Sutoratosu


      The Anthologies thread will live on and become active again following this, however. But yeah, the RP is done. We just don't have the resources anymore.

  10. Guys. I'm a freaking idiot. Went back to the sight after rethinking and seeing a few photos and finally found the Cache :D

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. Good job man~

  11. Oh my god Empoleon was the fucking MVP of the match yet again XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      This team is fucking terrible, but damn, is it fun for shits and giggles...

    3. Sutoratosu


      And yes, I realize the irony that the emperor penguin I'm becoming more fond of by the moment is a Stallmon.

      But ya know what, I was being a bit too damn high and mighty when I discounted Stallers earlier...

      I apologize.

    4. Samalet


      The real MVP in that battle was Nosepass haha

  12. Don't give jory any future ideas. Afterall, rattatas aren't the only things that can run that evil little strategy...
  13. Well, just got back from the Geocache. I'm afraid that one might've been bust. Didn't find it (despite my both my phone and gps leading me right to the coordinates and a half hour of searching the area to see where it could've been hidden)... I suspect the recent contruction going on across the street may have had something to do with it though... that whole general area around where the chache was pinged has been in development for a good year or two now, afterall...

    1. Sutoratosu


      Interstingly enough though, someone found it only 5 days ago... so I don't know. Messaged the original placer with a picture just to make sure I was even in the right place.

      But eh, it was fun... even if it was a fruitless search.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Oh yea, Geocashing always was preeeetty sweet. I never did a lot of it but it was always a pretty great time even if it jsut escaped you that day lol.

    3. mde2001


      I loved geocaching, but eventually I gave up on it, as I was having to get driven for like 20 minutes each way to find a cache in 10 seconds.

  14. I'm going Geo Cacheing. Let's see how this works...

    1. dragoniteborntacoz


      ive done that before

      its a pretty neat activity

  15. IKR? XD But I use my own sweeper manaphy in my balanced team and know exactly how high that x4 sp.attack is. That empoleon was max health and Sp.Def... specially bulky as fuck with beneficial nature; I had a feeling it could live. EDIT: Well... damn. as it turns out, I had forgotten to change the nature from the last few test matches. That thing survived on pure EVs alone, even better XD Edit 2: And once again the Emperor Penguin brings home the win! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-381219204 Edit 3: But what's this? It seems Clutchorus is thirsting to prove himself! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-381223635 Yes, SLAY! SLAY!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-381228373
  16. Now, I'll be the first guy to admit that this team definitely isn't terribly good, given it's a sword-theme team based off a character... http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-381084227 but damn, that M-Gallade sweep just now was satisfying. Talk about a clutch. And oh how much I love Choice Scarf Ditto. Useful as both a scout and a Sweep Stealer... http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-381091602
  17. Been a long while since I last heard your name around these parts, those few weeks last year not included. I don't recall us ever actually meeting or really talking back when you were mod, but regardless you seemed like a pretty cool bloke from what folks said about you and what I saw. So welcome back to Reborn, friend. Maybe this time you can stay a bit longer here in the madhouse.
  18. dear god. This is the final academic day until graduation. It might be another week before it's official, but hot damn, as it is now... I'm free. Finally free, after 12 years a slave to this inherently broken system. This must be what my ancestors felt, all those years ago...

    1. Spineblade


      Just take your time to relax from it all. It's over.

  19. I can duplicate literally anything I can think of with perfect accuracy, so long as it actually exists (or has existed) already in the world: Be they cells, animals, people, inanimate objects, etc. and can make said duplicates appear literally anywhere within a hundred foot radius of myself... including inside of people, walls, etc. The ability grants me innate regenerative traits that render all but one form of death ineffective... My one true weakness however is whispering my True Name while plunging a ceremonial dagger into the heart of a lamb on a satanic alter on the night of a new moon, whilst a chorus of at least 33 Gregorian monks chant the inverted True Name of the Abrahamic God and his seven Arch Angels in perfect unison in the background. Trying to use a recording or a choir impersonating monks will fail; they must be real and they must be physically present. Preforming the dark ritual correctly however, will result in my immediate death via spontaneous human combustion/ Vaporization, regardless of where I am at the time. ^^^Yeah, good luck getting all of this shit together. You'll never fucking kill me... never.
  20. So, gamefreak, real talk for a moment *Takes off his glasses and grips the bridge of his nose* How. The Fuck. Do you people explain making a legendary that is presumably the embodiment of the sun itself, and NOT fucking make it a fire type? And what about the moon bat thing? All the fucking fairy type moves that are related to the moon and lunar light, and... it's psychic/ghost. Fuck this, I'm done caring, tried to hope out some faith, but it's obvious this is a waste of mah time...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. zimvader42


      The sun is partially made of light metals, but in all honestly, all I can relate steel type with the sun is its huge magnetic field. Reason why I expected electric solgaleo, but oh well...

      Also, keep in mind, Espeon is the sun pokemon and is a psychic. Maybe they followed that logic.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I mean you've jsut decided it is as such. So...

    4. Samalet


      Yeah, Psychic has been the type of celestial bodies since fucking forever.

      I'm honeslty glad that it's not a fairy type, because I can't stand how they made it the "moon type" even though psychic and dark already had that role.

  21. Yet another balanced battle... http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-380976574 I still don't know whether it was a miss click or just derp when the guy went for Fire Punch instead of Mach Punch... http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-380979096 Got some sick epic dodges from Ditto. And Levitate tis a wonderful thing.
  22. Your uh... your image seems to be a tad...broken(At least, on my screen it is). Might wanna fix that, buddy.
  23. Oh Wilson, you poor, unwitting fool. I'd say I felt sorry for you, but... treason is still treason, I'm afraid. Admitting later down the line that you've made a terrible mistake does not absolve you of blame for this mess.

    1. Sutoratosu


      I would still see you hang alongside everyone else who conspired that fateful December's eve...

    2. Monochrome_Complex


      what are you talking about?

  24. If you are among the soulless bastards who write solely for the sake and prospect of financial gain, than you are writing for the wrong fucking reason.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. zimvader42


      .... the cow the ones at fault, or the general public that keeps buying the same milk?

      Mind you, I'm not defending any point of view here, just raising the question for debate.

    3. Ironbound


      This looks like a nice thing to bring up in that one place in the Trainer's Journal where there is space for large debates. Shameless advertising? Maybe. But I like to watch and participate in conversations, and a status feed just isn't big enough, don't you thing?

    4. Commander


      My thoughts on this are a little...unusual, but way too long for merely being placed in a status. I have to disagree on you here Strat.

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