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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. Yup... and it's back again. What the fuck am I even doing anymore? Why am I still trying? It all feels fucking empty in the end...

  2. God, you folks in nations are really starting to get into character this time around...

  3. Apparently, I won't peak until sometime in my mid thirties to late forties... I don't know whether to be glad I'm at least not one those poor souls who do it in high school/ college and end up burnt out by that age range, or disappointed that with my luck I'll probably go beyond that and be fucking 50 or 60 by the time it happens

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      @Tomas, Ah, I see. But I'm a creature of habit and planning, I'm afraid. I like things that are abstract, but I like results just as much. Hence, I search for results everywhere.

      I cannot simply sit back and live each day individually- it's always felt... off to me in the past. They just all blur together, get muddy overtime, lose definition, and my mind can't help but wonder that all those blurred days I walked without some greater purpose behind me, were they for...

    3. Sutoratosu


      were they for nothing?

      I simply can't do it. I need a goal, something more than to just go through the motions, to just "Live". If I go too long without one, I find I get stuck, stagnated.

    4. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Ah well, to each his own I guess :)

  4. *Just got a book on wrritting fantasy and sci fi by Orson Scott Card and various other authors not to mention editors from Writer's Digest last night, immediately knows this shit is gonna be legit*

  5. -What you did best Your poetic language helps to paint a powerful scene, and it is obvious that meticulous detail has been put into every nook and cranny of the place. The setting feels like a living, breathing piece of scenery rather than a piece of still and static life, it immerses the reader in dripping fluidity, which does leagues of good for keeping their attention drawn to the narrative. Your formatting is kind to the eyes and does worlds of good making the piece far easier to read than if it had been jumbled into long paragraphs or lacked indentation or any line separation, as more than a few works I see nowaday unfortunately seem to be leaning more towards (It's unfortunate, that some don't realize that formatting is still an important part of a piece's narrative). In closing, you did quite the job of showing that there is some obvious- likely romantic -affection between the two main characters, through just the first person narration and what brief bits of dialogue there are as well as the body language. While we may not know terribly much about the characters in-depth personalities, motivations, etc, all the things that makes one humanized and relatable, that is alright; even great authors often need entire novel's worth of work in order to display such to an audience. But even so, the so fluid expressing of such a common emotion as love helps to alleviate the fact that, in truth, we have no idea going into the tale who these characters truly are or why we should care about them- their obvious love coupled with the care put into the language touches on an inner base human instinct, similar to the effect of Suspension of Disbelief- We as an audience want to care for the characters, even if at the present, we have no real logical reasoning why we should; just as we want to put our faith into a fictional realm and believe that, within the confines of the narrative at least, what is being told to us is true in some form, even if we no actual logical reasoning behind why we should put our faith into the world. -What you did terribly This is more personal opinion than anything else, but... the Unicorn which entered towards the ending section. While you may have succeeded in getting me as a reader to set aside my preliminary apathy and care for the characters, there wasn't enough present about the world itself to convince me that I should set aside my disbelief so completely as to not bat an eye at the overused trope of the Unicorn. IE- the exposition made me connect to the personas, but not the actual world itself. I was an outside observer, looking in on the cute banter of a young couple one moment, and a skeptic wondering where in gods holy name a unicorn of all creatures suddenly came from in this world I have been dropped into which holds little context or exposition for it's inner workings. That's the one and only thing I think you went wrong with in the piece- it feels like it is a scene plucked from the middle of novel or larger story. Now, if presented in chronological order in said novel, when I would've had born witness to ample exposition and groundwork in the beginning to familiarize myself with this world and accept the fact that yes, unicorns are present here, it's normal, there would have been no problem. But when the beast was dropped in like it was, coming at the call of the narrator, I as a reader felt as though the story had been immediately cheapened, and had gone from a scene of two star crossed lovers interacting to a page torn right from the annals of an old and cliched fairy tale book... especially when not only did the unicorn appear with little to no context they could exist here at all, but then started to even fly about as if it were a pegasus- a trait which, to my knowledge, is not commonly attributed to the traditional lore of a unicorn, and this in turn only made it feel like the story was further cheapened from what it had started out as. TLDR? It started out very good, but started to go down-hill for me as a reader when the Unicorn was brought in. Here's a short blurb from an original fantasy verse I'm currently working on- a very, very rough alpha draft of a prologue that thus far only Rose has seen. Like, it's literally almost the same as is originally written down in my prose journal (with a few grammatical edits made by Rose). Seriously, it is humanly impossible for me to impart upon you how utterly rough an idea this is- hence why I chose it instead of one of the countless RP posts I've made over the years. Yes, I know it's short, don't comment on how short it is, you're not doing me any favors by doing so. This is likely not going to be the final product, more an example to myself of the themes and tone I'm trying to set for the world and story, as well as the characters themselves and their dynamic.
  6. I look around the room as he says "it's up to your generation now", and I just know... we are well and truly fucked if these are the fools it's all riding all.

  7. There is a very special place in the bowels of hell for Stall-running bastards...

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      No I'm leaving OU and the rest alone

      Make a new area for people that hate stall mons

    3. Sutoratosu


      ((That was more towards what Lexi last said than to you, Hukuna))

    4. Ironbound




      Discussion about stall.


  8. I just wrote and entire damn paper that was due today... not the first time I've come in with the Clutch for myself, nor the last. But for now... now I rest. Tomorrow, I must bring the Clutch again, on yet another project...

    1. Sutoratosu


      ((PS: Don't procrastinate unless you have the skills to back it up and save your ass when it comes right down to the wire. I only do it because most of the time the only way I feel really motivated to do something big is when the deadline is looming on the horizon and the pressure is on.))

    2. Flux



      I'll keep procrastinating until it fails me

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I usually -think- I am able to procrastinate and make my assignments last minute. doesnt always work.

  9. When I was a wee-lad growing up in what was left of America, a psychic told me that books would play an integral role in my future. At the time, I just scoffed and thought "Bullocks, what kind of lame fortune is this". Only now, after years and years of struggling to hone my skills in the field of fiction and deciding to pursue a career where I literally handle literature all day every day, have I finally realized just how true her vision was. Now... now I know how Cersei must've...

    1. Sutoratosu


      how cersei must've felt.

      Of course though, I'm a far better person than that scheming bitch ever has been or will be.

    2. Chevaleresse


      Books play important roles in everyone's lives, though

    3. Sutoratosu


      Not necessarily. Sure, most everyone is forced to read the occasional textbook or literary work for classes, but once they're out in the real world, there's nothing saying they HAVE to interact with books.

      Hell, I know quite a few people who don't care to leisure read, infact.

  10. Wanna like Hearthstone, really, I do, but jesus H christ the optimization issues it has... the thing is constantly lagging so damn much. It sucks alot of the fun out of even playing when you have to wait a good 5-10 seconds after each input before anything even happens.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      And I KNOW it is not my phone or my network or wifi. I've played far more graphically intense games on those things and they've run at decent FPS just fine... no reason why it shouldn't be able to run hearthstone just as well, unless it's a server side issue.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well, it's that and that it just isn't optimized well on mobile. Like, at all.

    4. Shamitako


      Why is Jesus's "middle name" ecchi?

  11. I am most obviously the 2♤ yeah, it really twas nice while it lasted, wasn't it? BTW: I'm fully expecting you to go out there and kick everyone's asses next season
  13. I'm a very meticulous man. Take it as you will. Some call it an obsessive weakness, but I call it an inherent strength.

  14. OMFG Yes jory, yes! 10/10! XD

  15. *Raises hand* Yeah, sure, I think it would be interesting to see the homeland... cue the utter bitterness and resentment that only an Expatriate can feel
  16. Being unemployed despite looking for jobs high and low is a lot more frustrating when you're fucking desperate. My patience is running out

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      hell, if this bullshit keeps up, I might just have to start doing temp/odd jobs myself. And I fucking loathe the idea of the latter... because there's nothing safer than doing work for total strangers who you know next to nothing about and have no reliable (or practical) way of digging around beforehand to see if they're trustworthy

    3. Sutoratosu


      Also, good for you @Cepheus.

      At least someone can get fucking employed...

    4. Cepheus


      if it hadn't for our Agency of work here in germany. they set me up with a speed-dating with that company... and there were like 30 other people... and half of them didn't even knew how to use google or Office... well it's not exactly my line of work, which I studied for... but that is what brought me on top of all of them who had approximate knowledge of what to do...

  17. TFW just figured out Skype is on Mobiles as well, not just PC

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Oh I'm always on DND by the way... cause notifications are annoying. SO that doesn't mean I'm away jsut as a note.

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      btw if you want mine for whichever ungodly reason its bibaboo.exe

    4. Sutoratosu


      alright, hukuna, noted.

      just added you, Bibs

  18. Babaaaam!! New Avi, even better than the last

    1. Sutoratosu


      And still in the going theme. Alright

  19. Sully "Uh-huh, that's the name, don't wear it out." He sounded about as enthusiastic about it as a child forced to watch paint dry on a wall... in the middle of a rain storm. As the chair stopped it's tipping and held there, perfectly balanced on only two legs like a bear taking watch, it became clear the glint in his eyes was nothing but the light of ennui. A shame, usually his pride lit like a star when people called him by that name, the one he had earned in the arena crushing his opponents dreams and tearing their mech's apart without mercy. The name he had proven he deserved time and time again; even against O beloved Sasha, the one person who mattered the most of all but still wasn't spared from the Monster's awakening. Yes, people feared the Monster, once they saw it's nature. They hated it, thought he was fucking crazy. Good, Solomon had always thought. Fear is an excellent weapon to have. Fear makes the foe hesitant, makes them falter. Hate complements fear. Hate opens the door to anger, and anger makes them sloppy, makes them easier to predict. Anger makes the battle easier to control, and if through his mere actions alone, he could wage enough psychological warfare to gain further control of the field, even if only for a few fleeting moments, then he would be satisfied. Mere fleeting moments were more than enough for sweet Ragnarok to drink her fill. "So, strider," He said, eyes still glinting with boredom "how'd your match go? You get someone interesting, or was it already over before it really began?"
  20. *sigh* It really is quite sad how some people don't realize it's perfectly possible to make a badass without having to turn them into a complete Edgelord as well in the process.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eternal Edge
    3. Sutoratosu


      Like, seriously though, if I fucking CUT myself just trying to read through your story, you have taken the Edge Factor too damn far.

    4. Felicity


      I can't actually remember the last tie I had a papercut tbh

  21. So I hear there's a nation called Avalon now. Not sure if it's salt in my wounds I'm feeling, or just something else

  22. Still trying to find a damn job. The struggle is starting to get real, son...

    1. Sparky


      I know that feel

  23. Solomon No alcohol, no desire to speak further with his digital slave, and the start of the show was taking longer than he expected. Sully felt the boredom beginning to crush his poor, sober soul like a diver caught in a trench, somewhere deep in the ocean, screaming and flailing in an endless expanse of abyss knowing the fact that no one could hear their cries yet holding out hope they were wrong. How long was this thing going to take anyway? Then he saw it. The bit of movement, in his periphery just a few chairs away. With all the speed and quick reflex of a cat, his ember-amber eyes instantly snapped and focused on the anomaly as if sizing it up, like a predator does whilst stalking prey. It was dim in here, but nowhere near dark enough for him to need the goggles perched atop his head; his eyes did just fine making out the features of the girl cowering in her seat on their own. Muscles relaxed, the eyes lost their focus. This obvious introvert was no threat. Sully turned his attention back to the ceiling, again leaning back on the chair's hind legs out of boredom, just as he had before. It seemed like it was over... until he stopped the chair mid tilt and again gazed at her. "You're the one called 'Strider', aren't you?" There was no hostility, no macho aggression, no intimidation. It was just a simple question, as nonchalant as one could possibly be. Though there was something about the coloration of his eyes... the way they glinted in the dimness of this space. Whether it was mere reflection of the low light, or of some deeper machination in the mind laying beyond them, was hard to tell.
  24. Bunch of goddamned Minors and their piddly-ass kiddy drinks... It actually turned out a bit better than I thought. Go figure.
  25. Solomon- Attend Black Idols Concert (2 Points) "Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me?" He couldn't help but grip the bridge of his nose as he clenched both eyes, taking a single breath as he stood there before the bar. Food hadn't really interested him. Nor had checking up on Revenant; if anything was wrong, Asmo would've alerted him immediately. Wasn't even like those few scorch marks warranted much worrying anyway. The concert had seemed like the best deal out of all of them, he had thought. At least he could just sit in the backrow trying to get hammered, try to pass the few hours from now until they reached the next stop. Maybe even set a new personal record for how long he held out before he started to feel the buzz. "But of course.... there's no fucking alcohol anywhere... now that I think about it, how many of the others looked a bit young?" At least half, from the brief glances he'd stolen back at the Bear's Throne. Too many of em looked barely out of their teens, infact. "God damn it. You kids are killing me. 'Don't bring your flask,' Asmo said. 'You probably won't even need it,' Asmo said-" "You don't." The AI broke in. "You're wrong." "Fine, let's say you brought it then, and discovered that the bar is bare of anything intoxicating, just as it is now. A flask only holds so much. The way you drink, like the stuff is watered down to almost no AC percentage, it be gone before very long at all. What would you have done then? Either way, you'd still be liquor-less eventually. Trying to get drunk is a futile endeavor, regardless which path you had chosen." "But how could you be so sure they wouldn't have anything?" Sully's eyes narrowed in suspicion, though his lips remained pressed. No point looking crazy outside the battlefield, after all. Asmodeus was silent for a moment. Then as if the line of inquiry had never been posed: "Go find your seat Sully. It's going to start soon." Before he could say anything the AI fled his mind, just as quickly as he had swooped in. Sully could've called him back, of course. Asmodeus may have relatively free reign whenever he wasn't actively paying attention to it, but if his heart so willed it, the machine could easily become nothing more than a digital slave. Even when Asmo did things like take control of the suit or hell, even lock him out completely like the last match, it was only because that on some level, Sully always gave the illusion of choice. Because Sully didn't like to play the part of a slave master. Even mere illusions had their uses, however fleeting. He could hear the words of his father, even now after these years "You're too much like you're damn mother, kid...and here I had hoped you'd take after me instead." Indeed he was. Indeed he was...except he for one didn't intend to run out on his family someday. "Well, whatever," He sighed, heading for the very back row. "I guess I'll live. For now. Let's see how good this chick really is though. Black Idol, wasn't it? Isn't she the same one Sasha has gushed about a few times?"
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