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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. He was around yesterday. I know because he posted in PLD's IC thread with a proposed plan that is utterly destined to fail given the situation and circumstances. Anyway, for those curious... this is the peice of Art I used as inspiration for the description of Arya's sketch... Now, granted, this simple image right here doesn't really do the description it inspired for her work justice by a looooooong shot, but eh... I thought I'd just put it up anyway
  2. Alright Alright Alriiiiight Happy b-day, to mah main boy NOTUUUUUUUUS! But nah, serious, hope you enjoy it man. Hopefully someday we can continue Under The Hill.
  3. Arya She didn't stop even when the Laylite commented or one of the other roommates climbed higher for a look. The last few strokes of the charcoal piece flowed across the page as easily as ink and her hands finally slowed their mad-yet-methodical motion. She brought the makeshift writing untensil away from the page at long last, twirling it between leftie's fingers as she looked over the finish product. It wasn't long until she finally looked up and realized the atmosphere in the room had changed, all but confirming that she had been completely oblivious to the world around her the entire time. "Huh...what?" She looked back and forth between Lilith and Esyllt, confusion obvious in her eyes "Why are you guys staring at me like that?" On the page meanwhile lay the sprawling, finished work she'd spent so much energy on. The entire page was coated in pure black, save for the central figure of the focus, the profile of a wolf with it's head arced towards the heavens and letting out a howl, each and every ruffle and strand of it's coat constituted of nothing the raw contrast between charcoal black and negative space the girl had intentionally left behind, even more contrast forming the wispy, stream of hot breath visible pouring out of it's mouth to the sky above in earnest as it hailed it's companions, tiny, glinting stars burning in the night sky all the while. Amazing... simply amazing. Those were the only words truly capable of doing the image justice. Though the methodology behind it's creation had been simple: merely filling the page with dark charcoal marks and leaving the area of center focus alone and going back later to fill it in bit by bit, the piece made something that was far greater than the sum of any of it's parts. The attention to detail, the perspective and the photo-realistic, nigh living fur and steaming breath, the subtle bristle and sway of the animal's coat as the night breeze graced it's surface.... were it not for the stick of charcoal she twirled in her hand, one would probably have had trouble even believing it was just a mere sketch, rather than the actual product of a camera's lenses. Perhaps the only thing even harder to believe then what it truly was though, was what it had been made with. Other, lesser artists would've surely needed several implements to bring a work like the one sitting in her lap all together, pencils of varying hardness and shade, proper smudging material to blend the contrasting spaces together for their shaded effect, a kneaded eraser to get rid of any mistakes without taking too much of a toll on the paper, etc... and yet, Arya had successfully executed it with naught a single tool at her disposal, one that by all accounts wasn't even that impressive; at a glance, the utensil in her hand appeared to be barely more than a stick quickly cooked over a fire and wrapped in white cloth to prevent the hands from turning black at the mere touch, a makeshift point worn from use at it's head.
  4. Titan was sent sliding back several feet by the impact of Hog's punch, though the rock type manage to survive the blow thanks to Brendan's quick instruction... still, the damage had stung fiercely... but the rock type still had some fight left in him. Unfortunately for the Roggenrola, Hog was still closing in, coming for another blow... but it paid to have one's friends watching out for you. As the Watchog wound up another haymaker, he went down to a single knee as Rascal swiped his heel out from beneath him, and in that same moment, he found himself being dragged away from his target by Gomez's vines... though the sudden change in the boss's positioning caused both Meena's and Loams attacks to miss entirely as he was literally pulled away right out from under the assault path. "Hoooooog..." the merekat snarled, his crimson peepers fixing on Gomez. As the grass type continued to pull him towards him, the normal type kicked flipped himselft, using his superior right to swing his body upright and grab hold of the vine, that golden glow around him burning even brighter as his eyes flared and snapped the growths with a great tug of might... using that savage strength to get the upperhand on the vine's wielder and send Gomez flying off his feet just as Apollo closed in through the air for his Scratch attack, letting go of the broken vines and as he reeled Gomez forward, setting the two allied combatants right on a collision course for each other for the second time in not even as many hours... but eh, at least this time, there was no fire involved... Despite the backfiring of the vine plot in the end though, it's overall objective had still worked. Rather than focusing on Titan's destruction, Hog' was too far from the Rock Type to keep wailing on him... but his wrath was now turned against them all, rather than simply directed at a single impudent source... oh yay, what joyous fun he had instore for them! But one thing was certain though, given how things had turned out... less than desirable on several other of the attacking fronts. The trainers had the advantage of raw numbers, yes, but unless they could learn to communicate with one another in the heat of battle, coordinate their offense and turn it from the haphazard, random series of blows it currently was into a flowing, sequential onslaught of organized teamwork... things were still gonna be very tough here.
  5. Alright, two major issues I got here with the revised post: 1. You basically leave no room for the other party to react whatsoever. Like none at all; basically just locked things into a insta-death no matter how you slice it. I have the six point Speed Bonus as well the Reflex Bonus, just like you do, and I've used neither of them yet in this entire fight. Did you notice at the end of all my attacking post, I always left the exact outcome of the attack vague- I only described the theoretical damage they would probably do given the situation if they hit their target; Not once did I ever actually autohit you or force you to take damage, because again, relatively speaking, it's a roughly equal playing field here in terms of mobility factor- both mechs have a heavy emphasis on the speed stat, so making an attack autohit in your post is nowhere near as easy to justify as a match such as between Sleeping Giant and LOLI_HUNTER, where one mech is focused on defensive capability and incredibly slow and sluggish and difficult to move fast enough to dodge, while the other focuses on speed and an all-out mixed offense. Which, in turn, brings me to the second major issue... 2. You pretty much just retconned everything I did in that previous post. Basically just took the specification and description I put into it and said "nah, that's wrong, this is how it actually went down" to better serve your own purposes, which uh... isn't very courteous etiquette wise bro. Especially that whole "Landing Lag" argument. That just makes no sense whatsoever to be honest, because during any Landing Lag that would be happening, that EMP and the Rail Spheres would be moving across the field right towards Tai... dodging is one thing, but how can you justify entirely bypassing the entire attack and moving closer to solomon fast enough to score an autohit during any "Landing Lag" that would occur as the attack spreads out, without the use of anything short the Teleporting perk rendered by the 6-point speed bonus (which you already used once in the fight trying to punch him earlier)? Now up until this point, I thought this fight had been kept pretty interesting thanks to the efforts of both sides- which, by the way, is what occurs when the parties involved are more concerned with writing something they can both be proud of in the end, than they are about simply winning because they don't want to lose. The original post you put up was, in my opinion, a far better and more interesting conclusion to all the effort that has been put in so far by both of us into this intricate and fierce dance between warriors than the one that exists now... because the one up now seems like it was only made to disregard and cast aside all that effort in a simple attempt to win no matter what.
  6. Revenant vs. Supernova No answer came from Revenant, though inside the metal prison, Sully screamed like a lunatic. "Hahaaha... yeah, Asmo. Where is he!?" "Shut up..." Asmo ceased the strikes as the enemy mech moved closer. They didn't seem to be doing much. And he was far more concerned with getting out of the way, again activating the Tesla Spheres and launching them out the attacks path, propelling themselves up through the air and off to the side, continuing the entire conversation as they retreated. "He's locked up at the moment... because his raw idiocy was about to sink us." "Sink us!? SINK US!? Asmo, he's not gonna sink us, he's gonna save us! C'mon, let me in, I'm a fairy come to bring ya victory! Don't you believe in fairies!?" "What the fuck are you even talking about? And no, I'm not doing it. You'll wreck us with the recklessness." There was a long pause. Then suddenly "So you don't believe in fairies... good, you're as smart as I made you to be. But here's another test: do you believe in...metal shells?" "No- wait... what? Come again." "DO. YOU. FUCKING. BELIEVE. IN. METAL SHELLS!?" "...dear gods." If he had eyes, they would've lit with recognition. "Of course, that's it..." In the heat of the situation, the rush of everything; restraining Sully, keeping away from the opponent... Asmodeus had somehow completely forgotten about the internal storage dock located in Revenant's shoulder pauldrons... and the three, fist-sized metallic spheres housed within each. Gods, how could he have been so stupid... of course, Sully was right. They were the answer here. The mech might not withstand entering that field of fire, but the spheres... they would do it with no problem. Hell, they both knew from experience the things were damn near indestructible, with their composition...they definitely hadn't been cheap to make, that much was certain, but damn, did they always get the job done when the Tesla Fields were behind them. Well...Looks like for all he was worth in their relationship, he still needed Solomon... just like the pilot did him. Solomon chuckled at the AIs recollection. "C'mon, buddy boy. Let's finish em!!! Go big or go home, all or nothing, fool!! If we get beaten here, it's not gonna be because we were too damn scared to pull out all the stops!! WRECK his shit, Asmo, WRECK IT HARD!!!" He needn't be told twice. Before they had even landed from the evasive maneuver, Revenant seamlessly put Ragnorok back into her sheath and reached up to it's right and left shoulders, arms crossing over the chest as a subtle click and hiss sounded. Twin spheres, gleaming like bright silver shot out of the open hatches in the armor, making landfall right into the waiting palms as black, armored feet hit the barren and scorched earth and not even a second afterwards, already winding up the finisher, arching backwards and assuming the stance of a professional pitcher. The sensors had a positive lock on the location, and without any hesitation, Revenant boosted the Tesla Spheres up to their absolute maximum capacity, the EM field around them growing far more powerful and larger as their electric hum grew ever louder and louder, like a droning cacophony of a thousand chirping birds taking flight at once, static and thunder again beginning to surround them. The power surging forth was so great the usually invisible forces at work took on visible form, appearing as a strange, shifting field of dark grey and arcing teal. Asmodeus could feel solomon's puzzlement at the odd increase in power output... and his realization as the man came to terms with what the AI was doing. Again, he started laughing in hysteria, though it was droned out easily by the sounds of the Tesla Field. "Yes, Asmo, YES! WRECK IT!!!! DESTROY HIM!" Twas all the approval he needed. He arced back both arms, and at the same moment, the Tesla Field bloomed with light, color, and sound as a miniature explosion sounded in the distance, the sphere expanding outwards in every single direction as a shockwave of raw and unbridled force accompanied it's eruption. Static hung heavy in the air, the thunderous gallop of lightning could be heard as it moved closer and closer, nearly at the speed of light itself as it shifted from phase E1, to E2, and finally into E3, the molecules in the air being stripped of their very electrons as the electromagnetic radiation pulsed out, said electrons now joining the immense wave of raw, high voltage and electromagnetic force, only increasing their already sizeable potency as they came surging right for Tai's mech. But the Full-fledged EMP, even in all it's furious, frenzied glory, was not the only component of their assault. There too were the twin, gleaming spheres, leaving the Revenant's hands in the exact same moment as the EMP's birth. The pitching throw that would send them flying was only amplified by the gargantuan magnetic forces at work, turning the two inert objects into projectiles of nigh mass destruction as they speed off, far too fast to track with the naked eye just like Solomon's sword strike had been, but packing Kinetic force even greater than a Railgun's behind them as the zoomed out with an audible boom, curving trajectories riding the wave like kids on a roller coaster... their targets being none other than the chest and helm of Tai's mech, one aiming for just below the exposed core of flames, while the other arcing straight for inbetween the eyes...if they hit the already damaged fighter... they would surely make the damage done by Ragnarok look like child's play in comparison; there would be no getting up, no continuing... no, unlike Ragnarok's stroke, the twin projectiles packed the power to absolutely obliterate, not simply cause heavy destruction.
  7. update coming tomorrow. Will likely only take one or two more after that until we're finally done.
  8. I never thought I'd find a suitable face claim for her, but oh how wrong I have been proven with this new avi...

  9. I swear to god, these character's dynamics are like Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde...

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I mean It's good to have a foil that you're stuck with, cause it's really interesting dynamic.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Even fi you don't have an answer for why on earth they'd stay around that person ever. Cause that's not important.XD

  10. Revenant vs. Supernova Sane men would've run. Sane men would've dodged, turned tail and try to save their hides. But the fool piloting the samurai of blood and night was, at least at the moment, anything but a sane man. "OH, big boy wanna play!?" Came the demented call in that same inhuman crackling. He lowered himself into a wide stance, feet spread out as he brought both arms up, Ragnorok siting horizontally beside his helm as he glared defiantly at the oncoming challenger. The heat grew greater and greater as the Rocket powered man approached, but Solomon ignored the readings, his rabid, manic thoughts instead on the Tesla Spheres as a cloak of static began to crackle and pop around himself and ragnorok. Asmodeus was screaming inside his skull as the dire threat grew closer by the second... "Sully, you Gods Damn fool! MOVE, NOW!!!" The human didn't respond. If Asmo had a jaw and teeth to grind, he'd be doing it like a sander belt in that moment. The lunatic was to fixed on the other fighter to bother listening. Infact... if he didn't know any better... it almost felt as though he was about to launch himself right at... oh hell no. "Gah... FUCK! You leave me no choice!" With that single last curse, the AI leapt into action as he generated the long string of Override prompt and locked Solomon's mind out of the system before the crazy bastard could make the disastrous pouncing leap that could damn sure cost them the whole match, taking full control of the armored suit as he revved the Tesla Spheres for everything they were worth and launched the Revenant backwards diagonally, away from the oncoming thermal storm and landing them a good few dozens of meters away. Sully shouted a myriad of obscenities and curses at him all the while, but Asmodeus ignored the storm of insults from his ungrateful maker. The heat signature... was off the charts. There was no way in hell they would win if Solomon had been allowed to rush in and try to issue a final blow like he just had. Infact, as far as Asmodeus was concerned, they were staying as far from the damn thing as possible; with readings arcing that high, nothing good would come from it. Even if the other mech had some type of reason for all that heat... it still surely had to have it's maximum capacity for Tolerance, and as fast the temperature was sky rocketing... In terms of physical distance, they could force them back, hold them at bay with the fields, that much Asmo was certain of. But even then, with that radius of raw, unbridled hellfire, Things would still be an utter catastrophe if they got close, even if the enemy fighter couldn't actually touch them. There was no doubt about it. Right now, they had to play Cosmic Keep Away as best they could. With his war plans drawn and his maker restrained, the AI took advantage of the electric cloak Sully had seen fit to generate in his psychosis, channeling every last ounce of Voltage present away from the Mech's main body and into Ragnarok herself. He made a stroke. And another. And another. And he keep going, faster and faster, Electromagnetic shockwave after shockwave again leaping off of her gleaming red face and spreading out across the field towards Supernova, just as fast and numerous as they had been the last time, the AI keeping a close eye on the enemy's distance and movement all the while. He didn't know how much the waves would do, didn't know how effective they would be compared to the last bout... but he didn't care. They needed something to keep the raging inferno occupied, keep it away, and aside from running away or using a full fledged EMP burst, this was the only option they had... but he wasn't about to waste that latter option, not here, not now... not unless they absolutely had no other way.
  11. I originally wanted his alias to be Jack the Ripper for a reason... now you see it.

  12. Revenant vs. Supernova Revenant halted his withering onslaught as the heat signature on his vision suddenly vanished. The storm of electric arcs and thunder-like resonance gradually died down as Ragnarok lost her bloody glow and the power returned to Tesla Sphere's from whence they had come. "That's right... take the bait. I know you got hit, might not have taken out the rockets like I wanted... damn stone age tech... but I know I at-least took out something in your gear..." Just then, the signature reappeared... not behind him like he had expected... but directly infront. "Solomon!" Asmo's shouting voice came at the same moment as Supernova launched that haymaker, the rockets flaring as the incoming blow was boosted. But Solomon only smirked. This guy hadn't even considered trying to go for a back attack, had he? No... he couldn't have, not with how quickly he had come in guns blazing. He was ballsy. Sully would give him that much. It was just too bad that at close range, anything metallic in nature was at his virtual mercy. With a mere stroke of reactive impulse, the Tesla Spheres awoke to their master's calling, an intense burst of electromagnetic force blasting forward as a Repulsion field in front of Revenant, and Ragnorok came up in that same instance as the rocket-propelled blow drastically slowed momentum, metal straining against the raw magnetic propulsion working against it. Crimson blade met the attack for just an instant as he blocked the strike, before not even a split second later the repulsion field changed it's direction, it's invisible forces seizing the fist as it touched the lady sword, flinging it outwards with to the side with incredibly violent force in an attempt to throw the other combatant off balance. Solomon wasted no time, using the motion from the block to launch a counter. Ragnarok, just as it had at the beginning of the match when he had demonstrated it's raw cutting power, came slicing down through the air in a motion too fast for the naked eye to track as the Tesla Spheres amplified his movement, their alternating fields surrounding the blade and launching the strike with kinetic force and speed rivaling that of a railgun's output.... Except this time, rather than just a few heads of grass, the intended victim of the stroke was none other than the chestpiece of Supernova... the largest and easiest area to target on the enemy mech. Though probably not quite powerful enough to end this fight in one single blow, still, if it hit against such a lightly armored foe as this one, the damage... would still likely be more than just severe. Solomon could already feel himself going giddy at the mere thought of the raw devastation he was about to unleash, as his smirk evolved into a shit eating grin spreading ear to ear. "Hahaha..." Came a strange crackle from the black-armored devil, it's voice distorted and twisted as it passed the audio filtration system behind that Crimson Visor, barely even sounding human at all as it's manic, hideous cackling increased in both speed and volume "AhahahahaahhehehehhahahaahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH!" "Solomon, get a hold of your-...shit." Asmodeus gave an in-audible sigh as the man just kept up his insane bout of hysterical, malicious laughter. There was no reaching the fool, when he got into that frenzied, half-mad persona of his that was hellbent on tearing apart whatever stood before him. The AI didn't know why he had even bothered trying in the first place, typically when the Revenant side of the man came out, all he could do was be the extra set of eyes and ears on the field, keep watch while the pilot lost his damn mind and try to assert his Override Protocols to intervene if needed...which typically meant that while Sully went fucking bonkers on the offensive, Asmo had to man their defenses himself and make sure they didn't get obliterated by whatever counter strike the foe may try to launch...as much as he disliked the arrangement though, the system had undeniably done well for them since the very beginning of their career... "Here you go again, just like you always do. See, this is precisely why you need me...I keep the balance, keep your frenzied madness in the heat of the fight from being your downfall. and instead I help make it our greatest strength. It's not an easy job you know, Sully. The occasional thank you would be appreciated..." Even as he thought it though, he knew he'd likely never get that thank you. Such was the life of an artificial being created to do nothing more than serve, he guessed...
  13. Ya know, you can sit here and plan and plan for the damn thing all you want, lay out the world, the people, the powers that be... and you can craft some intricate little web that becomes so entangled that by the time you actually get the courage to start writing it all up, you're so damn lost in your own work it's impossible... or you can just take Shia Lebeouf's advice and just say Fuck it, you'll do it live.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I prefer it honestly... hence why I only ever write in that sorta a style. It makes keeping things consistant a bit tough but... I manage it XD>

    3. rustytengo


      hmm that sounds like what i do all the time.

  14. And the Pres has cancelled the Otaku club for the second time... wtf?

    1. Bearadactyl


      Sacrifice him in the name of the dark lord Cthulhu? In the name of your waifu? Just for the principle?

  15. Ah... I see. So it's basically sci-fantasy here then. Damn... just when I thought I was finally starting to get this physics thing down... So... about the gods though, this whole thing is a suicide mission regardless of who ends up as the champion then, isn't it? Assuming the god of nil is on part with the true seven...
  16. Well reading through all the character sheets and everything, I honestly saw a bit of subtle brilliance in the concept of the fireshield. When one thinks about for a moment... a large degree of "energy based" attacks here seem to be constituted of either lasers, plasma weaponry, or electric blasts. There is a big common denominater with all 3 of those... heat factor plays a very large part in the actual damage they cause (well at least it does more so for lasers and plasma, given lasers harm via basically cutting through something with heat, and plasma is just superheated gases, but heat factor still plays some part in the damage caused by electric shocks due to resistance... just not as big a part as the other two) So... In concept, at least as far as I can interpret... it makes perfect sense that the heat shield provides great defense against energy weapons like lasers, plasma, and to a lesser extent electric shock, because of cause and effect really. It ups the resistance of tail mech to heat... and such weapons (at least plasma and lasers...electric does inflict heat damage like I said, but it's damage tends to be a bit more complex than just burning things up...) rely heavily on heat in order to be effective. But yeah... as for defense against electromagnetism... while it is technically energy, I'm not too sure on how justifiable it is... given the concept
  17. A true, full fledged EMP generated by a high altitude nuclear explosion travels at about the speed of light at E1 and E2 levels, or the first and second phases of it's propagation, by E3, the final stage in which the actual heave in the magnetosphere occurs, it propagates at about the Alfven Speed of that medium. Which is very complicated so I'm not going to bother calculating the formula because it's honestly beyond me. But these as stated aren't True EMPs. And even if they were, Solomon can't create Full scale, nuclear detonation level EMPs that could effect entire countries, only smaller scale ones affecting the area within his general vicinity, so... Their basically High Voltage electrical arcs manipulated by heavy magnetism into the form of slash-like waves. The true component of the attack thus is not the Electricity, but rather the Electromagnetic waves manipulating them into their shape, just the same if Solomon had just used a blast of high voltage instead of sending them in shockwaves. For the sake of simplicity, (and given the fact they aren't true EMPs), I'd just say that with the electric arc component, once generated and sent out, they travel at roughly the same speed as Lightning, maybe a bit below. This isn't just one or two waves Sully is sending out though; it's an ongoing onslaught targeting the entire section of field before him; while the individual electrical arc component of the assault wouldn't do much by itself, that doesn't doesn't change the fact that there's still a crap ton of gathered Electromagnetic energy present. And computers tend to absolutely hate being exposed to high levels of electromagnetism... So uh... unless the Fire Shield can somehow completely and utterly block out electromagnetic radiation (Which I don't see any justifiable way the ability could possibly provide that level of absolute protection... I mean... the Fire Shield is basically just a layer of thermal energy that covers the mech afterall, isn't it?), there should still be some degree of interference induced if he is caught within the storm, just from the sheer level present.
  18. http://andynemo.tumblr.com/post/64969840037/oh-my-god-it-all-makes-so-much-sense-now It uh... it...actually does make a strange type of sense, now that I think about it. Well damn... first ya kill Gary's Raticate, crush his dreams of being the champion right before his very eyes, and rob him of his grandfather's love and approval...but nope, that's not enough. Now, it seems you're also the actual villain of FR/LG...
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cepheus


      that's what I was always saying, back in two or three different topics concerning "the most evil of the organizations"

    3. starkidcosmo


      I thought Jesse and James's version of the motto was incorrect though? Butch and Cassidy had a different speech that was a little more, uh, threatening.

    4. dragoniteborntacoz


      is a Psychic type so he’s resistant to ghosts. Giovanni knew he needed the Silph Scope so he can see the ghosts and capture one to defeat Mewtwo.

      that contradicted itself

  19. Asmodeus Software... never before had I considered making an AI based off a demonic entity... but eh, it fits the theme I got going on...

    1. Felicity


      So, you've got an AI, which tend to have super strong connotations of order and routines, considering that's what they need to do anything, and a demon, one eof the big bois, who are renowned for generally corrupting and oppose the forces of creation by taking advatage of the universes entropy. Aight.

    2. Sutoratosu


      ((Well, it's just named after the demon is all, since the character he serves is named Solomon... get the reference there? The actual AI itself actually acts in nearly the exact opposite way the true Asmodeus though...))

  20. Revenant vs Supernova "Rockets, huh? Talk about low tech." The Revenant ducked and combat rolled out of the way of the oncoming blasts with ease as Solomon pondered the readouts. He didn't even have to use the Tesla fields for this one, the units natural grace and agility were far more than enough. "What the hell is up with this rising heat rating though? The fools gonna blow like a radiator..." "Oh good, I was just about to point it out myself. It's a rather peculiar build, isn't it? But I think those fire blasts he keeps trying to send are a dead give away-" "There's a reason behind the heat sig." Sully finished the thought for the machine. "If he's gotten to the point where he's fighting us now, then the heating definitely can't be the result of a design defect or oversight, he'd never get far enough if it was... which means..." "Exactly...you may have to cut this tango short. I'd rather not sit and wait to see what he's got cooking..." That was met by an audible grunt from Sully. "Oh come on, Asmo, you scared, bruh? Thought I made you braver than that." "It's not fear, it's prudence. Gods know where the hell you'd be without a perfect foil to balance out your tactics..." He came up from the roll just as the exchange finished. The entire conversation had taken less than a moment... just one of the perks of letting an AI have direct access to your thought impulses. But for all their near instantaneous banter, he knew Asmo was right... but they had their own bag of tricks too, didn't they? He dodged yet another burst of flame, this time flipping backwards into the air, Ragnorak beginning the crackle and pop as electricity visibly coursed up and down her length, setting her blade alight in the same blood red glow as her wielder. He gripped her with both hands, the thunderous roar of electricity seeming to only intensify as he did so. "Watch my six, SMD build, after all. If he uses that speed factor to warp and come from above or behind... Ragnarok is in your hands... either cut him down or use the Tesla Field to force him back." "Already watching it..." No sooner than his feet had once again touched the barren earth was he in motion, body twisting and spinning as he made stroke after frenzied stroke, a miniature storm raging about his body, Ragnarok's cloak of lightning leaping off of her face with thunderous herald and surging outwards over the field before Revenant with every motion, a shockwave of raw electric energy and magnetism, setting off a barrage of electro-magnetic anomalies one after another. It almost seemed as if he was dancing with the blade as he moved that body, beautiful flashes of teal and black and crimson in flowing collage of vigor and motion. The blade work was both a work of art and display of carnal ferocity... grace and brutality, clashing together into one strange marriage. Armor wasn't his concern here. He couldn't have cared less what the shockwaves did in terms of damage, That was what the pretty little lady swinging wildly in his arms right now was for. No, what he cared about right now were the electrical systems lying beneath the armor. Even if this bloke here thought he was Rocket Man, there still had to be some type of control system, some way for him to trigger the devices when to fire and when to disengage... just like there had to be a system for him to control those flame cannons on his chest. While these shockwaves may not be powerful enough for a full and total shutdown like one of the Tesla Spheres true, full fledged EMPs, they would still do a number on those systems, interfere with their base functioning and glitch them out, force the fool to either sit and wait the short while it would take them to hammer the problems out on their, or take things into his own hands and try to manually reset them; either way, it would buy time... time Revenant could use to close in and end it... just like against any other opponent from the past.
  21. Arya She kept working, didn't even look up or give the slightest bit of acknowledgement. One could question whether she'd even heard Esyllt at all, as her hands seemed to move on their own, eyes tracking every line, every stroke of black that bloomed on that small field of white. The charcoal swapped hands every once in a while, in the right for a few moments, then the left, then right back, the transition nearly seamless as she actually incorporated the hand offs into the work's completion. She was ambidextrous, but there was no favored hand, not when it came to her art. Both had their places, right was the strong one, the bold one who made long, broad, yet elegant strokes across the page without fear of reprisal or mistake. Left meanwhile was the perfectionist, the one who made the far smaller, more intricate detailing and line work a reality, the one who followed up behind the right, cleaned up the excess, reclaimed the wasted work and effort and brought it all back into line with everything else. Right laid the groundwork, created the bigger picture, formed creations out of the abyss of muddled chaos and nothingness. Left filled those creations with life and depth. "Just a bit more... it's almost right." The air of focus around her was almost intense.
  22. Congrats on 6K man. Damn it's been a long time... hell, I've known you for just about the majority of my time here, come to think of it. God, I can still recall how I was back then, even before I met you... makes me cringe a bit, thinking about it. But in a good way. Anyways, here's to the future, I guess. May the trials and tribulations of today, prove to be nothing more than anecdotes to be regaled to the youth of tomorrow.
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