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Everything posted by Sutoratosu

  1. alright, so, long story short, I kinda held off on posting because I lost all the notes I wrote for Arya's transformation and wouldn't really have anything to work off of until I redrafted them... and something promptly came up that needed my attention, and I subsequently completely forget about all of this after it was done. But surprisingly, I found them just now and everything about this came rushing back... Question: Can hair color change as part of the transformation? And yes, there is a legitimate reason I ask that... it has to do with the White Wolf sketch she drew earlier.
  2. Well damn... that bitch killed Pyrrha.... she was my favorite... damn. It feels exactly like it did when Ned stark got the death penalty in game of thrones...

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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. starkidcosmo


      I would say you spoiled me but I kinda saw it coming anyways...

    3. Flux


      I don't watch RWBY (Assuming that's what you mean. I just Googled the name), but you might want to watch spoilers when posting something out in the open like this in the future.


    4. Flux


      There's always the RWBY thread to discuss it too, without fear of spoilering it for people.

  3. "One simply does not fuck with Lord Ryder, king of the fucking Gold Coast, slayer of the fucking Myrian Empire, without expecting to get burned in the end."

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    1. Sutoratosu


      "And I mean that LITERALLY, gentlemen. Just ask the Myrians, there's a fucking reason that the dessert is nothing but fused glass and stone now..."

    2. Maelstrom


      Ew, one piece.

  4. Or , you know...instead of all this convoluted non-sense of relying on some utterly uncertain, eccentric route as tying a giant balloon to one of your team members, you could just opt for the more sensible method of using literally anything that's capable of either flight or levitation to retrieve the out of reach object in question... or you could just get a psychic type to bring it down with telekinesis... but, you know what, naaaaah... who needs any of that? Just tie the balloon on that bad boy and pray to bird jesus everything turns out well...and your chosen attacker has a decent aim. What, landing? Who cares about the landing? but no, seriously... there are just so many other methods for this scenario that are far more controllable and less likely to end in disaster and/or the need to go and find a new team member to replace the now deceased one you heartlessly sent out to die amongst the stars, just like the early russian space program so yeah... why don't we just keep the balloons where they belong for now- on the battlefield.
  5. 2 things I've learned thus far: The green haired proffessor is either on same damn good coffee or a ton of crack, and Cardin is a fucking scum bag...

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    1. dragoniteborntacoz


      Oobleck voiced by joal hayman so hes going to be crazy in some way

    2. starkidcosmo


      im guessing coffee, unless he's drinking like... straight Ritalin or smth

  6. Mayanna’s group The Spinda at her side silently grinding his fangs as he eyed Matt, Maya gave it a moment of thought. Presumably, all of the options would be tackled as a group. But a tour... eh well, if they chose tour, they'd probably have to put up with the Rough Neck's bitching and whining the entire time about how boring he'd probably find it. yeah, like any of them wanted to hear that... "Well, my vote's for Knowledge, but what about the rest of you?" John suddenly chimed in. "True, we could do knowledge... it would probably be easier than a challenge," She mused "after all, It's not like the questions could be that bad, could they?" Just then however, the brief memory of how much trouble she'd had on the last exam flashed through. "On second thought... forget it, yes they can. And they probably will." She looked down at Folie. The bear was practically itching for violence, she could tell... as fucking annoying as this Matt guy was starting to get with the attitude, she had to hand it to him... he was one of the few people capable of making the normal type go from 0 to 60 just by opening his mouth... and that anger could prove useful depending on the challenge...and even if it didn't, she still had Titania. "I think Challenge would be the best course here." Her eyes lingered on the panda for a moment after she said it, until she turned them towards Mie and Emberly "What do you two think?"
  7. hmmm... alright, so the first interpretation I had was correct then, with the whole etiquette and stuff like "It's cool, just respect the existing personality and don't DEM shit"? and about the whole dropping them into scenes, that means we can use them to enter other people's scenes and interact with them as a proxy of sorts too then? not just for our own ones? sorry to ask so much. I just felt it best to get some clarity on the actual rules and stuff about this for everyone.
  8. Soooooo... how's that gonna work exactly? Cause you kinda just listed two contradictory methods in that explanation. The first 3 paragraphs make it seem as if any minor NPCs can be picked up and used at any time for a scene so long as they can A: somehow justify them being there and also B: justify that their actions are in-character in some way, in accordance of what is included about they're personality and how the original creator of the NPC intended that figure to act ((So, for example, if someone wanted to use Ajax for a scene, they couldn't have him like... voluntarily just blast Aurora with an onslaught of vicious insults behind her back and badmouth her because it would make no sense given the two have been good friends for like... the last few decades or so now, unless some serious shit has happened before hand to drive some sort of legit wedge between that relationship)) and that so long as these requirements are met, no one has to ask anyone about using them... pretty much so long as they don't bastardize the characterization of the NPC or try to abuse it as a Deus Ex Machina or some other bullshit, it's cool... but then the very last paragraph throws all that interpretation out the window for me because it seems to do a turn face heel when it explicitly mentions having to either ask Ivana IC or the general player base OOC for someone to take on the role of that NPC before someone can use it... So then the interpretation for me becomes, yes, you can use a minor pc if you can justify it and you don't need to ask, because they belong to everyone and are free to use but wait, before you do, you need to ask and get someone's permission and/or cooperation to use them. So yeah, just....very confused here. The explanation seems to be laying out two different systems for how this is to be executed by folks.
  9. "When a Whale and a Unicorn love each other very much... well, long story short kiddos: You get a Narwhal."

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    1. Felicity


      Nooooo, everyone knows unicorns don't exist.

      Narwhalls are what happens when mama whale gets drilled.

    2. Cepheus


      and I thought Narwhals are Unicorns in disguise...

  10. Whatevs. Just remember all the cons about it... and how it's an incredibly situational item that is honestly just a waste of bag space because it's so damn easy to counter when you apply just a little dose of realism.
  11. First come, first serve. And just to clarify, it's a smoke ball. But just know that it's not a magical Dues Ex Machina if you take it. There are gonna be plenty of situations where no amount of smoke will save you. just as disclaimer: It's illegal to use during any trainer battle, whether official or casual- because it counts as cheating. Certain pokemon will not need their sight alone to function and thus will still be able to track you down (Or will be impossible to blind, ala abilities such as Keen Eye). Alot of pokemon actually... Also the smoke is incredibly easy to clear away with a strong enough breeze... so it fails on windy days. It honestly isn't as good as it is in the Games. More of just a pointless trinket here really. All in all it's incredibly situational and not even very good then. But, if someone wants it... think of it as a miniature fog machine. It creates fog, spews it out when activated, sucks it back in after a few minutes.
  12. "Routes of Hazzard!"- Everyone If either of the twins knew, they certainly weren't going to have the chance to show the humans. Almost immediately after Jason finished that very sentence, the sharp burst of an explosion resounded through the area, sounding so close that it was near deafening. At almost the same time, a thick shroud of smoke began crawling along the ground... before and even thicker shroud blanketed everyone and everything in a cloud of hazy, dull grey mist. All the trainers could see or hear was the bright, flashing lights periodically breaking up the fog and the occasional chatter of some kind of pokemon, the former of the two phenomena held an almost phantasmal, disorienting quality to them if one tried to look anywhere near them. It would have almost felt as if... they were being sucked in towards the glow... mesmerized, even... Something tugged hard on the Patrat Brendan cradled in his hand, the rat slipping out like butter as whatever it was towed him away unseen, back into the fog. Mio as well felt something similar jolt him not long after. If he looked down, he'd see that the patrat he was carrying was now gone as well. Before long the flashes ceased... giving way to a constant, dull light moving away from them in the distance. The smoke began to recede. The light grew smaller and smaller in the distance. From the way it was bobbing, whatever was making was hauling ass. When the gray cloud finally cleared, they could've seen what had made the veil. A small, crystalline sphere sat in the middle of the clearing, a strange opening in it's top filling with the gas of smoke as the stuff seemed to filter back into it's innards of its own accord, swirling within like oil dipped in water. It was obvious this was the work of some intelligent design. The smoke, the flashes, the missing rats... The light was small. And moving fast. But if they looked... they might've spotted just the slightest glimpse of what looked to be a hat, atop the crown of whatever the thing was. They'd have to move fast if they wanted to catch it though... that was for damn sure. If it had the hat... It probably had the food as well.
  13. I'll be updating once I get back from getting my sister. Smoke Ball, Go!!!!!!
  14. Aurora, 1st day of the 1st month, Year of Rebirth. Approximately 3:00PM She awoke to the skittering of paws and chattering of squeaks in the darkness. It wasn't uncommon for rats to occasionally waltz right into the den- and to their deaths -as they crawled through the underground looking for food. Not that she was particularly fond of the taste of rat; the things were filthy vermin, after all, and they were small, at that. The sustenance was pitiful compared to just about... anything significantly larger, honestly. But when you're hungry enough, you stop caring, so long as whatever you're wolfing down is edible and help fills the void. Something sniffed the air around her hand. She waved it off lazily, muttering, "Get out... Leave." with her eyes still shut, trying not to stray too far from the path of slumber even in her semi-conscious state. It was the rat's first and last warning. She had no desire for whatever paltry meal he might provide. The next one would come in the form of her hand clasping around him and snapping his little neck. The rat however, took the wave quite a bit differently. A quick, angered squeak filled the silence. Fangs plunged down on her hand with force like a vice grip... or at least, they tried to. The force of the vermin's strike came back to bite in the ass when the twin, razor honed fangs snapped like twigs against the glossy dark armor. Blood dripped from it's gums, the beast recoiling in shock and horror as it's eye's transfixed on the pearly white sabers lying broken on the stones. Aurora gave a sigh. Fast as lightning, her hand shot out. No more of the groggy bit of mercy from earlier. No more opportunity for escape. This was the motion of an apex predator. A being born to kill and destroy, to subvert the natural order and install a new one. The rat had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Her fingers clasped around his fur like vice grips, enameled clamps of black steel as she tried to curl them around the circumference of the... they wouldn't reach. Her fingers... could not curl around the entirety of this vermin's neck. That was enough. She opened her eyes now... the time for sleep was over. She finally took a good long look at what the everloving hell she held captive in her grip. Her eye's widened at the sight. "My... you're quite the freak, aren't you?" She was already reaching for her spear behind her as she spoke. The furry, nude tailed beast she had pinned was easily at least the size of Sylvi in her beast form. Which made her think for a moment... "Speak your business here." The rat's only response was a horrified, frantic bit of screeching as tried to free itself from her grasp, gnawing on her forearm with what was left of it's fangs and flailing with all it's might, hoping he could overcome the might bearing down on the scruff of his neck. The thing's crimson, beady eyes looked up and met her own. And in that moment, she saw it. This wasn't a Were-being. There was no intelligence in those twin red orbs. Only a fear that ran as ancient and primal as time itself. The fear of imminent death. Oh the things she could've done to that freak of nature... her mind practically raced wild and free with the possibilities. But... what would've been the point? It's not it was capable of complex thought, not like it was sentient. Torturing animals seldom yielded the same level of entertainment the humans or other beings gave. Animals didn't usually shit and piss themselves, or beg and scream for their gods to swoop in and save them with some miracle. And they also didn't try to bargain with her out of desperation or fire back with some witty yet halfbaked quip or insult as they died slowly... they just squealed and squealed like pigs. It was more annoying than anything else, really... and already, she could feel her nerves beginning to fray from the constant onslaught of noise coming from the rodent. "Time to shut you up." She gave a snap of her wrist, throwing the Dire Rat's head back and exposing his neck, fangs sliding effortless into place as she stretched her mouth wide, pearly razors surging towards the exposed fur and flesh. Until the rat managed to take advantage of the position and death-rolled away to the side... avoiding the bite and breaking her grip in the same motion as Aurora found her self chomping down on naught but empty air. He didn't manage to escape the leg that lashed out and slashed a thick gouge in his side, sending fur flying and blood spilling from his hind leg. Though it seemed not to slow down the beast as he bolted not even a moment later, hauling ass out of the chamber like his depended on it. The huntress ground her teeth in silence as he disappeared around the corner, still sprinkling the stone floors with his droplets of ruby. Her eyes could've practically burned holes in the scampering little bastard, as hard as they glowed in the darkness. "Oh no... run all you like, you're not getting away. Not with that trail, and not when you smell worse than sin." She grabbed the pearly, white cylinder behind her, feeling the carved characters against the hardened surface of her palm as she tucked into her waist swath. Most beings would never have even thought it to be a spear of any sort unless they'd fought an Arachni acolyte in direct combat. And unless they were either foolish, or powerful, enough to think they could legitimately emerge alive, that was an altercation most would've chosen to avoid if possible. Without another word, she started after the wounded rodent.
  15. nevermind, just forget that last status. The issue was actually very easy to resolve once I contacted Customer Support

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    1. Raindrop Valkyrie
    2. Commander


      ...Customer Support managed to actually fix something. What is this sorcery?

  16. Please do understand if my post take a bit over the next few days, things have gone awry with my internet router. I am typing this from mobile right now.

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  17. I'm in this shit till the end. I've felt that way since day one of the old run until the final day. And I've felt the exact same ever since day one of this run too. I think my answer here goes without saying.
  18. Seth "Well, Hong Kong is officially bust too. Good riddance, just another shithole of a place I now have an actual reason to never go near again" Seth muttered to himself in the night air, hands tucked into his pockets as he strolled. It felt good to walk a bit, try to clear his head. Especially after that fiasco a few days ago- who knew even westernized chinese mages could be so damn touchy about their precious "tradition"? Hell, and after all the trouble he'd gone through to explicitly avoid the mainlanders for that very reason, he still ends up making new enemies. "Typical. Just freaking typical; naive fools, just like the rest. I swear, after this place, I'm done with the eastern hemisphere... just screw it, I'll try the Americans next. The bastards have always been known for being a bit unconventional and ballsy- maybe someone will actually listen for once over there." He almost stopped short as he detected the five signatures, before he actually caught sight of their owners rushing in the distance. "Please don't be a mediator, please don't be a mediator, please...ah fuck a duck." He didn't know why he had even bothered with quiet prayer. He could tell there was one among them from the moment he'd picked it up. It was official- yes, he indeed had to get involved now. Whatever... all of this going down right here even was. If his rep was this bad now when people thought he was either bonkers or just plain delusional, it certainly wouldn't improve if they found out he'd walked the other way after seeing a mediator about to get turned into kibel... Not that he much valued something as fleeting as reputation much anymore at this point. But the incident certainly wouldn't help any attempted diplomacy in the future... He'd never really liked the little bastards too much though. From most of his past experiences with their lot, alot of them seemed to apparently think that, just because they were technically invaluable and were protected by terms of contract, they also had free license to be as big of a dick to anyone and anyone's mother as they so pleased. Those types had become more of an annoyance over the years than anything else, truth be told. Just like when some snobby rich kid starts talking smack and you want desperately to slap the very words out of their mouth, but can't, knowing that if you do they'll practically own your ass by the time the civil suit is over...though with mediators, this is no financial debt... you just become public enemy #1 among magic kind. Most mages wouldn't accept "Well, they were being a little arrogant shit so I just put em back in their place." as an acceptable excuse. He closed his eyes, breathed a single sigh. Within the mere span of not even a full second, the power erupted from his mortal coal, surging around his body in a miniature storm as his feet touched off the sidewalk and he hung there in the air motionless, black, almost inkling lines projected their way down from his eyes and snaking across the entirety of their skin, though most of whatever patterns they might have formed on his body lay hidden beyond his the fluttering, tattered white scarf, heavy spun black shirt, dull silver blazer and matching trousers he wore, all of which remained virtually unchanged. He opened his eyes, revealing inhuman irises of verdant green, surrounded by a sea of pure black: scleras darker than sin itself. Just as quickly as it began, the surge halted, the verdant green settling in a harsh aura around his form. He made no effort to mask his signature now, chances were that the mage and mediator alike could probably sense it... and probably the beasts as well. It would've been hard to believe they wouldn't, actually; as many times as Seth had been around the block over the years, even in his normal human form, the energy would've practically been a beacon when not actively suppressed. He reached out with a single hand, mocking up his fingers in the shape of a gun and taking aim at one of the darkened shapes soaring after what he knew to be the mediator. The energy seemed to almost swirl and entwine around the digit as a sphere formed at it's tip, quickly bursting outwards in a solid, radiant line of green that arced towards the flying creature, heading right for the main body, it's wielder's intent on nothing but tearing through the chimera. "Hey, bub!" He called out telepathically to the magus he picked up on- there was a bit of annoyance that could've been sensed in the mental hailing. whoever this guy he sensed was, he was relatively new to this... Seth could tell from the bloke's signature. And the fact that those birds had apparently managed to somehow sneak up on the duo in the first place. "If that's your contract, you might want to do a better job staying vigilant!"
  19. *Wants to fight a Mix and Mega matches to pass the time, goes onto smogon's main server, can't find the tier option under battle search even though he knows for absolute certain it was always there before*

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  20. "To choose what is protocol, what is standard, or to choose what is right, what is just... To be lawful, or to be good. Those, my friend, are the only questions that matter here. I cannot make the choice here; you must do that yourself."

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  21. "To choose what if protocol, what is standard, or to choose what is right, what is just... To be lawful, or to be good. Those, my friend, are the only questions that matter here. I cannot make the choice here; you must do that yourself."

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  22. Let me worry about that. This situation ain't anything new to me; I've run things where people have resigned before or just gone outright missing from the goddamn face of the earth never to be heard from again, have us all wondering what the hell ever happened to em, if they're still alive and well, even... And that latter scenario has happened more than I care to think about now... I've known quite a few RPers from this place overtime who just up and vanished and to this day I, nor probably anyone else, has any real inkling what happened to them. point is, don't worry bout it. I'll handle it.
  23. *Is currently considering watching RWBY...has no real idea what to expect*

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    1. Drymus


      Just watch it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

  24. well, like I said, we're ending this segment as a whole and moving onto the boss fight of the chapter, so you don't have much to worry about in terms of confusion anymore. As far as I know the last post you made that still exists placed you with Jack in relatively the same general area everyone else has gathered in... so maybe post with Nikki emerging through the brambles into the little clearing where jacob and Brendan and mio and Alecks are if ya want.
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