"Well, Hong Kong is officially bust too. Good riddance, just another shithole of a place I now have an actual reason to never go near again" Seth muttered to himself in the night air, hands tucked into his pockets as he strolled. It felt good to walk a bit, try to clear his head. Especially after that fiasco a few days ago- who knew even westernized chinese mages could be so damn touchy about their precious "tradition"? Hell, and after all the trouble he'd gone through to explicitly avoid the mainlanders for that very reason, he still ends up making new enemies. "Typical. Just freaking typical; naive fools, just like the rest. I swear, after this place, I'm done with the eastern hemisphere... just screw it, I'll try the Americans next. The bastards have always been known for being a bit unconventional and ballsy- maybe someone will actually listen for once over there."
He almost stopped short as he detected the five signatures, before he actually caught sight of their owners rushing in the distance. "Please don't be a mediator, please don't be a mediator, please...ah fuck a duck." He didn't know why he had even bothered with quiet prayer. He could tell there was one among them from the moment he'd picked it up. It was official- yes, he indeed had to get involved now. Whatever... all of this going down right here even was. If his rep was this bad now when people thought he was either bonkers or just plain delusional, it certainly wouldn't improve if they found out he'd walked the other way after seeing a mediator about to get turned into kibel...
Not that he much valued something as fleeting as reputation much anymore at this point. But the incident certainly wouldn't help any attempted diplomacy in the future... He'd never really liked the little bastards too much though. From most of his past experiences with their lot, alot of them seemed to apparently think that, just because they were technically invaluable and were protected by terms of contract, they also had free license to be as big of a dick to anyone and anyone's mother as they so pleased. Those types had become more of an annoyance over the years than anything else, truth be told. Just like when some snobby rich kid starts talking smack and you want desperately to slap the very words out of their mouth, but can't, knowing that if you do they'll practically own your ass by the time the civil suit is over...though with mediators, this is no financial debt... you just become public enemy #1 among magic kind. Most mages wouldn't accept "Well, they were being a little arrogant shit so I just put em back in their place." as an acceptable excuse.
He closed his eyes, breathed a single sigh. Within the mere span of not even a full second, the power erupted from his mortal coal, surging around his body in a miniature storm as his feet touched off the sidewalk and he hung there in the air motionless, black, almost inkling lines projected their way down from his eyes and snaking across the entirety of their skin, though most of whatever patterns they might have formed on his body lay hidden beyond his the fluttering, tattered white scarf, heavy spun black shirt, dull silver blazer and matching trousers he wore, all of which remained virtually unchanged. He opened his eyes, revealing inhuman irises of verdant green, surrounded by a sea of pure black: scleras darker than sin itself.
Just as quickly as it began, the surge halted, the verdant green settling in a harsh aura around his form. He made no effort to mask his signature now, chances were that the mage and mediator alike could probably sense it... and probably the beasts as well. It would've been hard to believe they wouldn't, actually; as many times as Seth had been around the block over the years, even in his normal human form, the energy would've practically been a beacon when not actively suppressed. He reached out with a single hand, mocking up his fingers in the shape of a gun and taking aim at one of the darkened shapes soaring after what he knew to be the mediator. The energy seemed to almost swirl and entwine around the digit as a sphere formed at it's tip, quickly bursting outwards in a solid, radiant line of green that arced towards the flying creature, heading right for the main body, it's wielder's intent on nothing but tearing through the chimera.
"Hey, bub!" He called out telepathically to the magus he picked up on- there was a bit of annoyance that could've been sensed in the mental hailing. whoever this guy he sensed was, he was relatively new to this... Seth could tell from the bloke's signature. And the fact that those birds had apparently managed to somehow sneak up on the duo in the first place. "If that's your contract, you might want to do a better job staying vigilant!"