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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Ragnar

  1. Jesse, SBDS "...Although it would be more accurate to say we need to protect other people from Cana. So you´re the rest of Mr. Bargus´ team, right? Your sense of courtesy is quite interesting, breaking in an ally´s room undercover." "Actually, trespassing in your room is mine alone, i got carried away in searching for information that i disregard your privacy and invaded your room. I can assure you it won't happen again" Jesse said without even looking at Haze, not much of an apology coming from the sniper but hey, it's the best thing he can do. The angel continues to ponder and vividly gaze at the repaired wall, like he was deducting something. "Hold that thought, Raziel. I have an idea that might save us some time." He said and turns his attention to Haze. "Now about that restoration spell Cana use, how powerful is it? Can it restore something that's destroyed this earlier, like some where between in the afternoon. like a mystical glove per se"
  2. Dr.Strange was great had me trippin the entire movie.

  3. Roy So what did Roy learn from all of this? that he's a judgmental prick that zero trust in his potential allies. that he is very territorial when it comes to his personal space and threatens anyone who he perceives is a threat.Is he gonna be friendlier after this encounter with that flame girl? Well, HELL NO, he isn't. He's just getting started. Roy snorted whilst the flame girl left the room. "Good riddance" He muttered. "Wind, release" He whisper, commanding the gathered wind around his blade to disperse.The harness gale around his sword began to react and went flying out of his blade, A strong breeze flew outside the room, forcing the shut door to open from its sheer force, making a loud whooshing sound on its way out. It seems I gather too air much from that little banter. Roy sighed and begins to angrily sharpen his sword with a whetstone, from comfort off his bunk bed, thinking about on what Rame said about her flame cannot be extinguish by an ordinary breeze.
  4. Well, roleplaying unfriendly characters is pretty hard, you gotta start provoking and shit just to get some interaction. Rame handled that situation pretty nicely and didn't go south as i expected.
  5. Roy Wind, to my blade. Roy whisper as he felt this conversation is getting a little intense. "Gods, what the hell is with you people? First that fake bastard upfront gave me this shirt for no reason, now you're over here looking at me like I just pissed in your cereal or something, calling me a rabid stray, and yet in the same breath... you're also asking me to bunk with you...why? What the hell do you want from me?" "I don't know, just a gut feeling that you might do something crazy, like incinerate us all whilst we're asleep after that stunt you just pull. Just playing safe i suppose." Roy bluntly said as he kept his blade behind his back, constantly gathering and trapping the air inside his sword. Rame can feel the breeze was blowing behind Roy's backside as they talk. "Either way its your choice, but i'm keeping my eye on you and put your fires out when that happens" Roy said, still skeptical of the unhinged girl from the north.
  6. Jesse Oh, great the gangs is all here. Jesse rolled his eyes as his little mishap is starting to catch up to him. He could just turn invisible and simply walk away from all this but that would unethical of him being an angel and all. "Okay, calm down, first of all, let's just contain the situation shall we? that explosion you heard. it never happen, its already taken care of, it wasn't wasn't attack by some terrorist or something." He said, hesitated on what he's gonna say next. "that blast came from a rubber ball that Cana throw at me whilst we were playing a game dodgeball" Jesse paused for a moment, realizing how stupid that sounds. "Anyways you gotta believe me, this child can do crazy thing., Her magic and skillset is quite diverse which make her a priority in the upcoming meeting." He said. "Now what he doing here? Find anything useful that might help us track down his kind." Jesse said as he cocked his rifle and points it at the captive angel Raziel is dragging along with him.
  7. Roy After unpacking his things and changing into something comfortable, Roy steps of his room only to find the students are mingling, making noises with their mouths and doing introductions with each others in the hallway."How cute, it seems they form a pack from that recent incident" Roy snorted, continuing to be this grouchy, aloof, angsty kid that avoids everyone else. The boy sighed and just before he walks towards the garden to sharpen his sword, he saw a familiar face walking along side the corridor. It was the craze arsonist with an overly size shirt that seems to belong to a boy. Roy gives her the stink eye as she walks pass him. "Hmpf, you look like a stray dog trying to find a place to stay. A very rabid one i might add seeing you almost incinerate most of the students in that field from earlier" He snorted. "You can stay in that room over there at end, its pretty much empty and none seems to claim it...Or.." Roy took pause and sighed. Can't believe i'm doing this. "You could stay at this room where i'm staying, Just keep your lumen to yourself and stay away from my stuff if you decided to do that." Roy crosses his arms and offered the girl some help the only method he knows how: by being confrontal and passive aggressive all the time.
  8. "This is where you will be spending your time. The facilities will be explained to you shortly. Whilst Locus, Tempus and myself clear up this incident, you are free to enter the dorms and converse among yourselves. The forests are dangerous. Do not. Leave this place." Roy What do they expect? they want them to fight and they simply got one. Fuck that lunatic arsonist for ruining everyone's experience. In fact, screw all of this. I'm going to the dorm to get some shut eye, get away as far as I could from this absurdity. Things around here are really going south and I'm not just talking about the place. Roy constantly nags in thoughts and simply wants to get away from all of this. Maybe the boy just misses his homeland Aquilo or maybe he's not used be being around with other people or perhaps even a mixture of both. Converse? yeah, right.. like that's gonna happen. As Roy continues to complain in his thoughts, He subconsciously activates his lumen without even noticing it. A silent draft began to halo and infused around his katana and appears to response to his anti-social behavior, Like it was agreeing with him and continues feed off Roy's dislike of others near him as it makes a subtle whooshing sound from the gathered air around him. "Huh?" Roy felt a breeze down his sword. The gathered wind immediately disperses the moment the boy notices it. "Strange.. I could have sworn I was using my lumen" Roy shrugs it off, never giving it a thought on what just happen. The boy sighed and simply went inside the cabin to get some rest and isolate himself from the other students.
  9. Roy Roy can't help but to winced as he witnessed the arrow makes its way to the arsonist's knee and later on, apprehended and was forcefully pinned to the ground. Hmm..So that's what you get for violating the rules in this school: you get crippled by that guy with an bow. welp, isn't that just swell? This is starting to look more like a prison than a school to me. Roy exhales air out his nose and has enough of this charade. "And it was getting to the good part, fucking waste of my time" He grumbled, and went pass through the crowd positioning himself at the back.
  10. Jesse "Riiiiight.. an explanation.. well..uhmm.. would you believe this whole mess started over a game of dodgeball?" Jesse said awkwardly with a silly smile, lowering his gun away as soon as Bargus and Haze came to the scene. "Anyways, My name is Jesse, and I'm just here doing my own investigation and before you call the cops, let me just say I'm one of the good guys just like my friend Bargus over there." He said while glancing at the wall, in disbelief on how quickly Cana restore it like it wasn't blasted to smithereens. "and you must be Haze, I heard stories about you," Jesse turns his attention to the man with a smirk on his face. "I suggest you don't leave that high mage unguarded, there are dangerous people out there and that noble child could be a primary target seeing how powerful she is. The fact that I easily infiltrated this room is a sign that you should upgrade your security and get more better guards." Jesse cockily said.
  11. Roy Roy's eyes widen and immediately turns into a squint after seeing the bright dangerous flames the girl is emitting from her side of the field. He was near ringside when the fire girl decided to turn her lumen up to 11 in an attempt to intentionally incinerate the pink haired boy or the whole competition for that matter with her amplified firestorm. The ponytailed boy was speechless. Roy promptly places his right hand at the hilt of his katana, silently gathering traces of the wind around his area, preparing to redirect this firestorm with his own lumen just in case the flames got near him from where he is standing. As long this spitfire girl's flames doesn't get to me, it's not my fucking problem. Roy snorted, showing his lack of empathy to those who are on the field and continues to watch the whole thing unfold.
  12. Jesse Jesse was stunned and was too fazed to catch the ball thrown at him by Cana after the wall exploded. He just stood there with a dumbfounded look on his face, jaws drop to the floor while gazing at the massive hole in the wall. I thought this game was called dodgeball not dodgebomb. Catch it she says, Is she trying to make me turn into my ethereal form permanently with that exploding orb? He thought to himself and continues to look at the huge crater. This is definitely a dodgeball game gone horribly wrong. "Well. you got me, Lady Cana. Apperently, Dodgeball and conjuring exploding orbs isn't my thing." Jesse sighed, trying to figure out how he's gonna fix this whole mess and tries to maintain order in this chaotic situation he is in.The angel walks around the room despite this thick rubble on the floor and grabs one of the bodyguard's crude rifle. "Now how about we go on an adventure instead and play a little game called: Let's go find the others before we're wrongfully labeled as bombing terrorist by Marblegate. The objectives of the game are simple really, just come with me and let's go find your guardian, Haze inside this hotel and avoid being seen by anyone we don't know along the way. think of it as Hide and seek and we're the ones who are hiding." Jesse said as he hops across the huge hole in the wall and the secures the corridor with a rifle at hand. "so are you coming or are you gonna clean up this whole mess by yourself? cause I sure ain't." The sniper said to the troublesome mage.
  13. Jesse Yikes! If I know any better, I say that ball is enchanted by her magic, talk about taking this game to the extreme. Jesse quickly scans the fast pitch ball in mid-air with his otherworldly vision the very second Cana hurls the glowing orb at him. He winced and has to think fast or else that ball is gonna nail him flat on his face. The angel reacted upon instinct and did a fancy somersault to the side, to avoid the orb towards him. The ball almost hit Jesse, but with some luck and grace, the sniper barely escapes the impact and landed on his feet, unscathed and gives a Cana an arrogant smirk like he was proud to dodge that incoming orb. "Usually, I don't like being the target, but not bad for your first try." The sniper said to the child, silently panting for air and was forced to do some actual effort, even tho they were just playing.
  14. Roy Roy can't help but snort out a chuckle after witnessing the other participants winced in pain and getting hurt during this rigorous tryouts. Perhaps he's a sociopath in the making or he's just simply entertained by the innovative ways the participants are displaying to hurt one another with their lumen. Either way, he does find this whole situation somehow amusing especially that competitive flame girl who's really putting quite an effort in this mock battle. Well, this is turning to be quite a lovely show, if I know any better, i say they're all trying to make a name for themselves, trying to make the cut in Mrs.Sylva's A-team. Well can't blame them for doing that, gotta establish some dominance if you want to make it big in this so-called school of the gifted, the way I see, it's every man for himself around here, just like in Aquilo. and I wouldn't have it any other way. Roy snorted once more, looking grouchy as ever.
  15. Jesse "My, the number of oddities you pull keeps stacking up and you're like what? seven or something?" Jesse said a bit surprised as he looks at Cana. Not a moment after, He breaks away from her stare and remembers not to prolong his eye contact with her for too long, seeing this spell-enchanted child can do crazy things with those big round eyes. "Fine, if that's what you want," The angel shrugs and reluctantly grants Cana's request. To be honest, Jesse wasn't expecting a game like this, but hey, he has to do whatever it's necessary to keep this girl contain inside her room while the others get back. Hmm.. I wonder what the others are doing while I'm stuck here babysitting for the night. He mentally asks himself and sighed, positioning himself at the other side of the room. "Okay, show me what you got" Jesse said with a cocky smirk as he stands behind a wall, inviting Cana to throw the ball at him.
  16. Jesse "I see," Jesse said as his inquiry in finding any leads with Cana comes to a dead end. Well, I got nothing, all I know is: this little girl is quite a troublemaker and her skill as a mage is far too advanced considering how young she is, the only possible lead I got is her school starts in two days, something is bound to occur within that period and not enough information to prevent an incident from happening. Jesse thought to himself and sighed. The sniper's eyes briefly glow whites as his vision penetrates through the wall as he peeks at the other room to see how Bargus is doing, only to find out the place was empty. Bargus and Haze probably left off or something while he was spending his time talking with Cana. "Well then, It seems your bodyguard Haze left you along with my demon friend, Bargus in the other room. I suppose I should keep you company while your three bodyguards slack off in their jobs" Jesse said as he shifted his eyes to the three grown man pass out on the floor. "So, What should we play while we wait for them?" Jesse asked Cana as he tries to keep her busy and accidentally becomes this girl's babysitter for the night. I mean he can't just leave this troublesome child here alone, unguarded without any supervision or anything and besides, that's what angels were built to do right? it's their duty watch over something and protect them where no one else would.
  17. Arthur Arthur observes as the strange fiasco unfolds inside the bar, as some of the pokes fear the mere mention of this Tyranitar's name and some shady Gengar appears out of nowhere and seems to know something about where folie is. Well that's a start. The rugged turtle thought to himself and is quite reluctant to whether or not to trust this mysterious loony that appears out of the shadows and was, later on, kick out of the club for his unwanted solicitation. But hey, desperate times, right? So these three fighting pokes didn't stand a chance against this Mac fellow huh? well that one tough son of a bitch, Maybe they didn't think through and charge in like a blind Tauros or something, that hell chicken could at least use some will-o'-wisp to slow that big fellow down. Well at least I know what I'm dealing with right now and I desperately need more allies to guarantee this mission's success and my life for that matter. Those two old coots back at the beach better built me a monument or something if I ever get their stuff back from this crazy mission. Arthur thought to himself. "So you're saying I should just give up and live in this city in fear knowing that there's a tyrant throwing its weight around here. not what I'm expecting for fighting Pokemon to say. Do you even hear yourself? Am I even talking to a fighting Pokemon anymore?" Arthur got a little frustrated and slams the counter with his stubby arms as he looks at Sully. "Look I'm sorry, i didn't mean to be rude." He heavily sighed and slowly calms down in front of everyone. "I understand that Tyranitar must did a number on you guys, both physically and mentally to the point that you choose not change how things work around here anymore," he said. "But my mind is set, I'm still continuing my crazy crusade in recruiting allies and hunting down this Mac fellow and get my friend's stuff back and perhaps get your diginity as well, if I'm lucky enough to be alive in my quest." The stubborn seafarer said. "So, Who was that purple ghost anyways? maybe he knows something where Folie and the other street lords are, and where can I find him? maybe he's crazy enough to join my crazy crusade." Arthur asked.
  18. Jesse Jesse sits there quietly and remains calm as Cana went on a rant. Sure this girl can take down three ordinary bodyguards in one go but what if someone par with her talents? or even some mugger with the same mystical glove attack her? this child has a larger bullseye on her back than I though seeing how impulsive she is. I better keep an eye on her just in case that happens. The sharpshooter makes a mental note in his mind. "My, what a rebellious lady you are, choosing violence and what not." He said with a smile. "How about we calm down and tell me all about it. Where exactly is Haze forcing you to study? and while on the subject, Got any enemies or someone in particular who dislikes you ever since you come here in this city?" Jesse asked Cana, in search of any possible suspect seeing she could be a potential victim.
  19. Jesse, Cana's tea party As Cana begins to explain, Jesse felt the Aquilla's sharp talons pinching deep on his shoulder. He winced, almost cussing in front of the child from the pain. Jesse bites his lips and casually tries to shrugs it off. 'What the hell is your problem?' He said by the looks of his eyes, briefly glaring at the moody bird with an annoyed expression on his face. The boy is still clueless about on what's upsetting this feather beast or its gender for that matter. All Jesse knows is, it responds whenever she dislikes something he does. Jesse then quickly turns his attention to Cana with a smile and a nod,as if nothing happen, trying to hide this little conflict between him and the eagle. "Oh, and this city stinks! Everyone treats me as a little kid. There´s all those adults acting like they know it all, and Mr. Haze doesn´t let me play on the streets. I´m here just for watching classes after all..." "I'm sure he's only doing it for your safety, seeing he's entitled on guarding the best mage in the world" He said to Cana, riding along on what the girl said from earlier. "and for a good reason too, Not everyone in the city of angels is a saint you know." He said Best mage huh? Noted. but not convinced. Jesse thought to himself as he pretends to take a sip in his cup. But even so, She is still a high priority target for the criminals out there. seeing she comes in this city with a buttload of bodyguards like some famous person or something. Im sure there's a reason why there's a tight security around her. "so, what's a high wizard such as yourself doing in marblegate anyways? surely you must have a tight schedule and a lot of responsibilities on upholding that prestigious title"
  20. Arthur, Some Machamp "I think you got it all wrong, I ain't no snitch, I'm only doing this because a fat Tyranitar named Mac took my elderly friend's stuff and hid it somewhere in his lair. If this was the orange isles that Armored poke is asking for a butt whooping." Arthur said to the Machamp, pounding his knuckles together. "My name's Arthur, a seafarer from the orange isles and the reason why I need them is for insurance to make sure i get my friend's stuff back safely and perhaps serve some street justice along the way." He said "you're a business man, right? perhaps we could work something out in helping me finding them."
  21. Jesse, Cana's playroom. Tea time bitches. Jesse shrugs and decided to throw away his maturity out the window, and plays with Cana in her little tea party as her guest (roleplayception), showing a bit of his sensitive side to the lonely child. "Thank you Directress Cana, you're too kind to invite me here." The angel courtly bows at the child and takes his place on the ground alongside with her dolls."Oh, right, where are my manners, I suppose I should introduce myself to such a lovely lady" He started. "My name is Jesse,the angel of stillness, the saint of killers, A lethal guardian angel who shoots bad people from afar to protect the good ones for a living and I'll be your lovely guest at this evening." The sniper honestly describes himself to Cana, cause what the heck, she's a child. "And this is Mr....uhm..Eagle, It belongs to a friend of mine." Jesse said and briefly looks at he bird on shoulder giving it the look to play along. "So, if you don't mind me asking, how did earn that prestigious title and how was your day in Marblegate so far, m'lady?" Jesse curiously asked while he leans his ridiculously small plastic cup in his hand towards Cana, suggesting to pour some imaginary tea in it.
  22. Jesse, Cana's Playroom with her bodyguards pass out on the floor "Sounds fun, but I'm afraid I have to decline..." Jesse reveals his visible self in front of the girl, utterly confused as the three guards went down and fall asleep in an instant. hypnosis perhaps? Jesse questions himself. "How about we play a different game instead, something that doesn't involve your eyes and somewhat relaxing..." Jesse kindly asked the child with a warm smile. "Like, uhm.. tell me something about yourself over a tea party, yeah a tea party..." Jesse snaps his fingers and gains an idea. "We could share stories and such. I'm sure you're pretty lonely here having to deal with your stuck up bodyguards all the time" Jesse said, wandering around her room and started to set up her tea party playset in front of her, gathering her stuff toys around the miniature table, stooping to the child's level of understanding to get some information. "There, all set.. you can play the host," He said crossing his arms. "Well, aren't you gonna invite your guest and introduce yourself?" Jesse asked the girl nicely.
  23. Roy Screw this, I don't need some glorified tryouts to prove my worth.I'm ready as I'll ever be in this upcoming war you speak off, I was raised in the cold unforgiving tundra for crying out loud. I don't need to spar with some amateur or some rich guy's son or daughter who barely get their hands dirty. I mean look at them, they seem unprepared, asking questions and such, distraught about the announcement, such a waste of my time. Roy muttered to himself and clenches his fist tightly, displaying so much bitterness and rage that he might even cut himself from all of these edges he's emitting.The ponytailed boy snorted with an annoyed look his face and shifted his eyes towards the incoming fight. Roy decided to humor himself on what kind of absurd show these two participants will display.
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