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Mortally Divine

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5 Fledgling


About Mortally Divine

  • Birthday 11/05/1915

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    Reborn City
  • Interests
    I like knowledge, but only because it is power

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  1. @Zero1Six I've got Dragonite / Goodra / Noivern / Turtonator / Garchomp / Hydregion / Tyrantrum / Haxorus / Flygon / Dragalge . I think that's all so far, and some that aren't in there just yet. So just send whatever I'll sit and wait for a request. (Name: Mortally Divine)
  2. I don't mind what I get in return, just giving stuff away. Move boosting items like a dragon plate if you have one to spare would be pretty neat. Lemme know when you're ready to trade, I'm gonna be leveling up mons for the next few hours
  3. So I'm on a dragon monotype run, meaning that I can't use any of the shinies I catch. I'd rather just give em away to make other people happy to use them These are wild caught, so IVs vary wildly. But hey, they're shiny :D. https://gyazo.com/ac21a81ed55c192cea61317dcedfddf9 Anything here is free. First come first serve.
  4. Alright, im waiting for a trade request. I'm assuming its the user I registered with, which is Mortally Divine. I've got something special for ya
  5. I dont care about any of that I'll wait for a trade, name is Mortally Divine in game @Zero1Six is there anything specific you wanted?
  6. Looking for a Turtonator for my monotype dragon run. Willing to part with anything in this box, bottom ones are shiny. https://gyazo.com/1d5ed9b7daf7152f1186ccd8c9484ab5
  7. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18256 I think this is the thread you are looking for
  8. If you feel like RNG is bending you over the table and having it's way with you, it probably is. I can't tell you how many times I've been down to 1 pokemon against 1 pokemon on a tough gym battle, just to have an attack miss, or something else like that. A lot of fights take many attempts to beat, so if you feel like you have a solid strategy, keep trying it (Spent ~3 hours JUST fighting Bug Gym with a mono dragon team, and spend 5-6 hours trying to beat Fighting Gym with a mono steel team.)
  9. So leave whatever is paralyzed alive for the entire fight? Also, Masquerain is first out which cuts Fraxure's attack... so I'd have to use two dragon dances Managed to beat shelly, not sure if I got lucky or what. Started with dragonair and a noibat that I randomly caught (shiny) just as a throwaway to avoid the intimidate on fraxure. paralyze stopped illumise's first move, and masquerain used energy ball on the noibat. IDK why, but noibat got off an air cutter. Dragonair paralyzed masquerain, and both of them lost their turn, and took another air cutter. Dragonair hits illumise with dragon rage, illumise uses bug bite, noibat lives with 1 hp, then dies to icy wind from masquerain. Dragonair uses another dragon rage on illumise, but it got healed. Meanwhile, the newly sent out fraxure uses dragon dance. Masquerain loses turn to paralyze. Fraxure begins sweeping, being healed by dragonair. Fraxure ended up being 1 shot, but she was down to a paralyzed masqeurain + bugsy. I double heal dragonair, she drops dragonair to 5/8ths and kills noibat #2. dragonair uses thunder wave to paralyze bugsy, she drops deino to 1 hp and almost kills dragonair. I dragon rage them to death as she loses her final turns to paralyzation. My god RNG finally played in my favor.. I feel so relieved xd
  10. MONOTYPE DRAGON RUN My Team: Dragonair (34) No Item Shed Skin Nature: Timid Dragon Rage Dragon Tail Thunder Wave Twister Deino (34) No Item Hustle Nature: Docile Crunch Dragon Rage Dragon Pulse Headbutt Fraxure (35) No Item Unnerve Nature: Lax Dragon Dance Dragon Claw Slash Assurance Goomy (32) No Item Gooey Nature: Careful Dragon Breath Rain Dance Bubble Body Slam Noibat (33) No Item Infiltrator Screech Supersonic Air Cutter Bite Man. I've been stuck. So. Damn. Hard. This is like trying to run monosteel into kiki, except this time I dont have an empoleon to carry me, and it's a double battle that spams dazzling gleam + icy wind. I really wanna die. I have no idea what I'm doing at this point. Fraxure can 1 shot everyone except heather and wormadam with a dragon dance + dragon claw. Fraxure dies in 2 hits to anything. Fraxure outspeeds everyone with a dragon dance Dragonair outspeeds everyone until he gets hit by icy wind. Goomy is legit useless, been using her to paralyze via dragon breath, Otherwise she does no damage. Decent tank though, could possibly use as a potion bot? Deino dies in 1 hit. Noibat dies in 1 hit if they use icy wind or rock slide (anortih) or anything from Heather.
  11. Going to silently cry because of the lack of a skarmory :'(
  12. Hey, this is a fresh save, but I would like to do a dragon monotype run. I was thinking dratini + goomy + deino for starters? And I don't know if it's possible, but make the mystery egg be an axew? Or just put an axew in the PC and I wont use it until the egg hatches? Your call I was thinking those three starters because goomy is really weak early, so I think he'd be alright, dratini is a solid pokemon, and deino would mainly be for later since he is unobtainable, but I would somewhat need him for a well rounded team. I'd really appreciate it Game.rxdata
  13. Not getting beldum... good thing my steel monotype run already has it I'm really just hoping for a damn skarmory, especially if we have to use fly.
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