[8:22:51 PM] Vinny: All right, just need to... [8:22:55 PM] Vinny: that's not na AtokNiiro drawing [8:23:08 PM] Vinny: yeah i know it's from mael [8:23:09 PM] Arkhidon: Mael changed my avi [8:23:13 PM] Arkhidon: . [8:23:17 PM] Arkhidon: Sharp as a tack [8:23:25 PM] Arkhidon: A tack sharpened by a grindstone. [8:23:34 PM] Arkhidon: Further sharpened by The Real Edge of Glory. [8:23:39 PM] Vinny: Oh shit [8:23:43 PM] Vinny: Not the real edge of glory [8:23:48 PM] Vinny: holy sh-- [8:24:04 PM] Vinny: "With the edge of glory, you can cut through the perception of time" [8:24:09 PM] Arkhidon: "But with an Edge of Glory-enhanced weapon, you could cut through the perception of time"
We bros now.