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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. Here's a simple suggestion, should it be deemed necessary. Make a short, cute lil' thread in the Troubleshooting sub-forum referring to how to attach your save file. It'd be a copy + paste of Jericho's guide, but that should speed up the rate at which users can get their save files fixed, since they can include it in their OP. Additionally, it could expand to include how to file a Troubleshooting request. Ideally, it would inform users to include pictures, snippets of code when the game crashes, and, the point of it all, how to include their save file.
  2. Sometimes, you just gotta dedicate a minute or four to lazying it up and listening to a great song.
  3. Them shiny anime eyes tho. Sounds like you've got a plan and the means to carry it out. Good luck! Out of curiosity, who will be creating or from whom will you be obtaining the soundtrack? what is this reading that i do not do
  4. ...did you look through the music on my phone NCS always has something special (◡‿◡✿)
  5. Edited. The problem with Cal's Blazer is that the odd one out (the light blue one) lacks an apostrophe in Cal's. It's listed as "Cals Blazer". So yes, it should be merged with the others. Well, different items are restocked a different times. Check the next time they're restocked. If you think they need to be restocked more frequently, then say so again in this thread. With the increase in active members, it may be time to reevaluate the supply of these items.
  6. It's... always.... Well, I can understand. It was only accessible from the Birthdays Tab. And even then, not many people knew there was a calendar.
  7. We should use the calendar. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?app=calendar
  8. (Avogadro's Number-1)/10 Red's neat, but could be better cropped to exclude the white area.
  9. Haven't heard this one in a while...
  10. Welcome! Enjoy your time here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmRd-Qxom2I
  11. Disliek Personally, I think ear flaps are the best way to kill anything/anyone. Besides, it evolved from a sock. @Mikzal I remember you asking for blonde-haired characters a while back. This is Alibaba from Magi:
  12. If they didn't look as cool, that would be a bad thing. So long as you keep your character sprite constrained to the correct dimensions and have sprites for walking, running, cycling, surfing, diving, Tauros-riding, battling, and any future character sprite changes or additions, then you should be set. And even then, back up your save in case some abnormal event occurs.
  13. This is Reborn- you are not in Kansas anymore.
  14. Kuna x Zeph Well, I'll be dead soon. Also, since Vinny's back, can we ship him?
  15. WHERE WHAT HOW I humbly accept this offering. Do you know who made it so I can give credit?
  16. GOTTA JAZZ FAST I'm willing to bet someone misread that.
  17. Did you know IBM sold computing devices to the Nazi Regime during World War 2? . . . . . . . . . . whats ur fav colr
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